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Examining the P-ISSN : 2527-3310

Nutrition Levels...
E-ISSN : 2548-5741 Jurnal AcTion: Aceh Nutrition Journal, Nopember 2019 (4)2: 89-98
(Kajian status gizi dan permasalahan stunting pada anak balita di Indonesia)
Fitri Yani Arbie1, Rahma Labatjo2*

Nutrition Department, Gorontalo Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health, Indonesia. Jln. Taman Pendidikan No.36,
Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Nutrition Department, Gorontalo Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health, Indonesia. Jln. Taman Pendidikan No.36,
Gorontalo, Indonesia.

Received: 8/11/2018 Accepted: 2/10/2019 Published online: 25/11/2019

ABSTRACT Indonesia. Alasan utama dibalik meningkatnya masalah

stunting di pada anak-anak adalah asupan gizi yang
Stunting is recognised as a critical issue in the tidak memadai, rendahnya pendidikan orang tua dan
developing countries like Indonesia that arises due to lingkungan yang kurang higienis. Kesimpulan, alasan
nutritional deficiencies. The present research paper is utama banyak stunting ditemukan karena rendahnya
aimed at examining the problem of stunting among the tingkat pemberian nutrisi yang tepat untuk anak-anak
Indonesian children of age group 0 to 5 years. Methods, 0-5 tahun di Indonesia. Saran, nutrisi yang tepat harus
qualitative study with interpretivism philosophy and diberikan kepada anak-anak Indonesia supaya
descriptive research design. Data analysing is using permasalahan stunting teratasi, selain itu masyarakat
meta-analysis method. Results, the level of nutrition di pedesaan dan berpenghasilan rendah harus
among the children belonging to poor and rural families diberikan pendidikan yang layak, pekerjaan dan
is lower as compared to the children belonging to urban dukungan ekonomi yang memadai.
and rich families in Indonesia. The key reasons behind
increasing rate of stunting problem among the children Kata kunci: Status gizi balita, masalah gizi, negara
are insufficient nutrition level, low paternal education berkembang, stunting
and less hygienic living conditions. Conclusions, the
major reason for stunting is found to be the low level of
proper nutrition provision to the children of 0-5 years
within Indonesia. It is proposed that proper nutrition INTROUCTION
should be provided to the Indonesian children and for
this purpose, the rural and low-income families should Nutrition is an essential aspect that results
be provided with proper education, employment and in the enhancement of the quality of life of the
financial support.
children. Nutrition also determines the well-
Keywords: Children nutrition, developing country, being and psychosocial stimulus. Nutrition
nutrition problem, stunting levels and psychosocial stimulus are highly
dependent on the parenting process. The efficacy
ABSTRAK of parenting determines the child development
Stunting harus diakui sebagai masalah kritis pada levels, eating habits together with the
negara berkembang seperti Indonesia yang muncul psychosocial stimulation. Stunting is recognised
akibat kekurangan gizi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk as a critical issue in the developing countries like
meneliti masalah stunting pada anak-anak Indonesia Indonesia that arises due to nutritional
dari kelompok umur 0 hingga 5 tahun. Metode, deficiencies. Stunting can be understood as the
penelitian kualitatif dengan filosofi interpretivisme dan
desain penelitian deskriptif. Analisis data height-for-age, which is defined under the
menggunakan metode meta-analisis. Hasil penelitian standards of the World Health Organisation. It is
menemukan, status gizi pada anak-anak dari keluarga a z-score and is identified to exist below -2.0.1,2
miskin dan pedesaan lebih rendah dibandingkan In regard to this, the current research work is
dengan anak-anak dari keluarga perkotaan dan kaya di planned in order to examine the stunting problem
Corresponding author:

Jurnal AcTion, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Nopember 2019 89

Fitri Yani Arbie & Rahma Labatjo

and nutrition levels of children in Indonesia. level of 5 years. The current research is
Indonesian children that are specifically under significant in terms of identifying the concept of
the age of 5 years who face nutritional and stunting and the reasons behind the development
stunting problems are being examined with the of stunting problem in the tender ages.
help of this study.2 Moreover, the current study is helpful in
Since many years, the nutrition-oriented determining the nutrition and the stunting
issues are identified to rise from the diet habits problem among the children below the age of 5
of the children living in developing countries like years. The previous research works are
Indonesia. Significant inadequacies in the specifically carried out on an individual basis
dietary patterns of the individuals comprise of either specifically on the nutritional deficiency
dietary diversity. Dietary diversity involves or the problem of stunting. However, the current
plant-based sources of food. However, there research work is successful in understanding the
exists a limited consumption of vegetables and stunting problem in the light of nutritional
fruits. In support of this, it can be described that inadequacies. The current study encourages the
from the year 1947 to 2002, the quality of diet researchers to identify strategies for reducing
and dietary diversity are identified to malnutrition and stunting among the children
transform.3,4 The trend in the availability of the who are in their developing phases.
dietary energy has also risen in the defined years.
About 7 years ago, in the year 2011, about 26%
of the children were below the age of 5 years and METHODS
were identified to suffer from the problem of Philosophy is regarded as an assistive
stunting.5,6 Therefore, from the previous belief through which the technique to retrieve
research works, it is evident that the nutritional
useful information can be fetched and analysed.
and stunting issues are existent in developing It is associated with the nature, sources and
countries and are required to be mitigated by the formulation of the required beliefs for addressing
application of appropriate strategies. the questions of the research in an efficient
The research is purposed to investigate and manner. Interpretivism and positivism are
examine the levels of nutrition and problems identified as two most essentially utilised
associated with stunting in the children of categories of research philosophy. Interpretivism
Indonesia. The children who are under the age of philosophy is based on the concept of idealism.
5 years are primarily examined in the research It also assists in combine the interests of the
work. Based on this aim, the objectives of the individuals in the research work.7 Different from
study are outlined as defining and analysing the this, positivism philosophy assist in considering
concept of stunting problem as well as the
the perceptions of the external world. These
current nutrition level of Indonesian children; aspects are verified with the aid of numerical,
evaluating the underline reasons for stunting investigational, and observational techniques.
problem among children in Indonesia;
Interpretivism philosophy is applied in the
examining the extent to which the children under research study with the alignment of the outlined
five are suffering from stunting; proposing aim and objectives.
strategies to reduce stunting problem. The reason for applying interpretivism
In accordance with the aim and objectives philosophy is that this philosophy assists in
of the study, the question of this research is obtaining subjective interpretations from the real
framed as, “How the issues like stunting and world regarding the malnutrition levels and
nutrition have affected the growth and stunting problems among the Indonesian
development of the children who are below the children of less than 5 years of age.8
age of 5 years in Indonesia?” Furthermore, interpretivism philosophy also
The research work examines the role of assists in the consolidation of existing
nutrition in the growth of the children and also information for conduction of the in-depth
helps to understand the ill effects of the stunting qualitative analysis for offering justification to
in the children who have not crossed the age

90 Jurnal AcTion, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Nopember 2019

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the research question which was not obtained and large information on stunting problem is
through positivism. also retrieved.
Research design assists in the Research approach assists in the selection
formulation of a descriptive framework, which of a logical way to offer a logical rationale for
is in alliance with the distinct research acquiring the relevant data on the research
variables. Choosing an appropriate research subject. The approach in research is categorised
design is essential for the research, as it assists into two main aspects such as the inductive and
in the collection and comprehension of the deductive approach.10 Inductive approach is
broad range of data for appropriately testing applied for the generation of new ideas and
the research question. There are two classes of concepts. However, the deductive approach
research designs that are termed as exploratory offers generalisation to the research outcomes. It
and descriptive. Exploratory design allows allows gathering data from generalised to a
retrieving a clear perception on the developed specific direction with the help of hypothesis.
research problem. Different from this, In terms of this research, inductive
descriptive design assists in extending the approach is applied for the formulation of the
prevalent knowledge by defining the context of unexamined conclusion in accordance with the
the research and filling the identified gaps. 9 In relevant information regarding the stunting
alliance with this qualitative study, descriptive problem and nutrition levels of Indonesian
research design is regarded to be appropriate infants.11 Together with this, the inductive
for appropriate examining the nutrition intake approach is helpful in offering a supportive base
and extent of stunting problem that is faced by to the observational and theoretic studies. A
the Indonesian children, specifically who are detailed insight into the stunting problem of
aged less than 5 years. Correct, real and Indonesian children is also possible with the
organised data is acquired through this design application of this study.

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Criteria Description
Time-frame Under this particular criteria, articles which were published mainly in the
previous 10 years had been selected for evaluating the stunting problem among
children of year 0-5 in Indonesia. Further, articles published before 10 years
were excluded because of comprising outdated data.
Keywords For the present paper, only those articles have been included that involves
specific keywords which are stunting problem, nutrition level and urban and
rural families, Indonesia. It is because the articles with these keywords were
supportive towards fulfilling undertaken research purpose.
Studies' Another crucial criteria for selecting articles was the alignment of them with the
Objectives specific research objectives as well as aim. Particularly those articles were
chosen that are appropriate in line with the present research based objectives and
aim, for fulfilling them. The articles which comprised vague data had been

In the present research, the secondary children specifically in Indonesia. The

method has been adopted for collecting data. rationale behind employing this method for the
For this purpose, journals, books and research research was that it supported in collecting the
papers have been reviewed in order to obtained significant array of relevant qualitative
information regarding stunting problem and information that was proved to be useful for
the association of it with the nutrition level of addressing the undertaken research problem.12

Jurnal AcTion, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Nopember 2019 91

Fitri Yani Arbie & Rahma Labatjo

Further, the authentic and wider prospects irrelevance, 4 articles have further been
about the causes of stunting and the extent to removed in the final eligibility decision.
which the Indonesian children are suffering Lastly, 6 articles have been approved and
from this problem could be obtained with the selected to get reviewed for present undertaken
support of relevant literature utilised for research.
collecting secondary information for this The method which is helpful in
research. synthesising comprehensive data collected
The criteria of exclusion as well as from varied journals, as well as articles for
inclusion are the crucial aspects for selecting addressing question framed for the research, is
appropriate data sources that are essential for determined under this section. 13 For the present
obtaining research subject relevant paper, meta-analysis has been utilised in order
information. In this research's context, for to analyse or synthesis the data collected from
examining nutrition level as well as the secondary literature sources. It is the rigorous
problem of stunting among the children of method of qualitative information analysis as it
Indonesia, proper criteria of literature sources' facilitates in-depth as well as encompassing
inclusion and exclusion is determined as details regarding the subject undertaken for the
follows. research paper.12 In the utilisation of this
Prisma Chart: This chart represents the particular method, relevant themes have been
total number of records identified in the developed considering the objectives of the
database search results that was 15. After research. On the basis of specifically framed
elimination of records which were duplicated, themes, a proper study has been conducted
the number of remaining records was 12. With with the utilisation of selected research articles
2 articles' exclusion, 10 articles have remained and obtained data findings for reaching logical
after the screening process. Finally, finding and sensible outcomes.

Records identified through Additional records identified

database searching through other sources
(n = 11) (n = 4)

Records after duplicates

(n = 12)

Records screened
(n = 12)

Full-text articles assessed

for eligibility
(n = 10)

Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
(n = 6)

Studies included in
quantitative synthesis
(n = 6)

92 Figure 1. Prisma flow diagram

Jurnal AcTion, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Nopember 2019
Examining the Nutrition Levels...

as well as minimise time consumption in sorting

the adopted articles that supported in retrieving
data on stunting problem among the Indonesian
For carrying out proper research on stunting children.
problem and level of nutrition among Indonesian
children, a proper and well-determined strategy
for searching terms have been utilised. The RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
strategy emphasises potentially on specific as
well as precise search keywords and terms for The data for present paper is analysed
searching data regarding the subject of the using meta-analysis method under which in-
research. These keywords or search terms refer depth details of selected articles have been
to specific element regarding search strategy explored involving researcher's name, title, the
which has the vital role for obtaining useful or purpose of the study, selected method, journal
relevant information from existing literature name as well as outcomes. Under different
sources. themes, the appropriate articles have been
For this paper, the utilised search terms are described that are relevant for fulfilling the
nutrition level, stunting problem as well as objectives based on which the themes are
Indonesian children. Such specific terms developed.
supported in facilitating appropriate information

Table 2. Result of meta-analysis

Author Setting Design/Method of Study Outcome

Mahmudiono, Rural and Logistics regression methods and The results represented that population of Indonesia
Sumarmi and Urban Setting models must keep the emphasis on proper child diet
Rosenkranz involving nutrients such as meat, dairy products as
(2016)3 well as poultry as such type can prevent the issue of
stunting among children of 0-5 years.
Aryastami et al. Indonesian Multivariate as well as bivariate Infants who have history regarding neonatal type
(2017)14 families logistic regression. illness have been exposed to the risk of stunting 1,23
cross-section study times more than the infants without such history.
Further, poor and low birth weight children were
more supposed to get stunted than children who
belong to rich families and having heavy birth
Semba et al. Urban as well Survey/cross sectional study The fortified noodles, as well as milk's
(2011)15 as Rural areas consumption, is directly connected with stunting's
of Indonesia minimised odds among children potentially of
Semba et al. Rural and Multivariate logistic regression model The outcomes of the study reflect that about 33,2 %
(2008)16 Urban Setting of the families in Indonesia and the 50,7% of
families in Bangladesh suffered from the problems
of stunting. The proper parental education levels can
reduce stunting levels among the children below 5
years in Indonesia and Bangladesh.
Best et al. Urban as well Univariate as well as multivariate The study reveals that about 73,7 % paternal
(2008)17 as Rural Setting logistic regression framework smoking prevailed in Indonesia. The findings
describe that paternal smoking is the primary cause
of stunting among the Indonesian children. The
ratios of underweight and stunting were 29,4 per
cent and 31.4 per cent respectively. The levels of
extremely underweight and stunting children were
respectively 5,2% and 9,1%.

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Lee (2008)18 Indonesia Multilevel logistic regression models The outcomes of the study describe that community
based families services are responsible for bringing about 20% of
deviation in the stunting levels of the children. The
study reflects that the children residing in the
communities were getting the drinking water from
the water sources like pumps and there was the
unavailability of the sewer. These children are 1,31
are more probable to suffer from stunting than the
children who have better drinking water and
sanitation facilities. The outcomes lay stress over
the significance of clean and hygienic living
conditions. It is suggested that public health
programs should focus on enhancing the access to
purified drinking water and clean sewerage.

Table 3. Theme 1: Analysing concept of stunting problem and present nutrition level
among Indonesia children (0-5 years)

Authors/Year Title of the Article Strengths Weakness

Mahmudiono, “Household dietary The study effectively explored and There was the cross-sectional study
Sumarmi and diversity and child defined the stunting's concept and conducted in this research which fails in
Rosenkranz stunting in East Java, utilised Logistics regression method for inferring the casual or informal
(2016)3 Indonesia” identifying current nutrition level of relationship between nutrition level and
infants of Indonesia for attaining stunting problem.
objectives of the present paper.
Aryastami et al. “Low birth weight was The bivariate regression helped in The study is less focused on proposing
(2017)14 the most dominant obtaining the level of nutrition and interventions for improving feeding
predictor associated accordingly its impact on small children practices for children to prevent the
with stunting among of Indonesia that supported in issues of stunting.
children aged” addressing the present undertaken
objectives for the research paper.
Semba et al. “Consumption of The study determined effectively, the The study has been limited as it is
(2011)15 micronutrient-fortified level of fortified nutrition among focused only on 6 to approximately 59
milk and noodles is Indonesian children as well as the months' children. However, the present
associated with lower risk probability of stunting among children paper was also focused on – to 5 years
of stunting in preschool- who consume and who do not consume children which makes this article useful
aged children in this nutrition for attaining present for the present study.
Indonesia” paper's objectives.

Table 4. Theme 2: Analysing the reasons and the extent of the stunting problem and
malnutrition among the children (0-5 years)

Authors/Year Title of the Article Strengths Weakness

Semba et al. “Effect of parental The cross-sectional study was effective The research was conducted with an
(2008)16 formal education on risk in the describing the reasons that extensive sample population which
of child stunting in fostered the growth of stunting problem consumed a substantial amount of time.
Indonesia and among the Indonesian children lying in Moreover, the study applies complex
Bangladesh: a cross- the age group below 5 years. The study multivariate regression analysis for
sectional study” also established interrelation between analysing the population groups of
the educational levels of parents and Indonesia and Bangladesh which are
nutrition levels of children. It is carried complicated to be applied.
out in the context of two countries like
Indonesia and Bangladesh.
Lee (2008)18 “The effect of community The multilevel regression assisted in The study does not offer any new
water and sanitation determining that the sanitation and strategies and methods to enhance the
characteristics on stunted community water supplies are the main sanitation and offering pure drinking
growth among children in factors that enhanced the stunting water to the children in Indonesia.
Indonesia” problems among Indonesian children.

94 Jurnal AcTion, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Nopember 2019

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Best et al. “Paternal smoking and The study describes the scenario of The expanse of the study is restricted as
(2008)17 increased risk of child paternal smoking and also describes it is focused on determining the ill-
malnutrition among details regarding the risk of under- effects of paternal smoking on the
families in rural nutrition among Indonesian children children and its role in enhancing
Indonesia” which further result in stunting. stunting problem.

According to Aryastami et al.14 stunting adopted a survey with 222,250 rural families as
refers to the extremely prevalent problem well as 79940 urban families of Indonesia for
among the young children that is concerned assessing nutrition level of up to 5 years
with the high level of mortality as well as children of urban and rural Indonesian families.
morbidity. Stunting among children of year 0-5 The outcomes of the study revealed that 34% of
is observed to be common as a malnutrition rural families' children used to consume
chronic type problem. Stunting is mainly fortified milk as a means of nutrition. Further,
associated with some internal factors such as 42.4% children of urban families used to
maternal health and well-being as well as consume this milk. The outcomes of this study
external factors, for instance, community's reflected if the rural, as well as urban families
socio-economics, feeding practices, nutrition of Indonesia, feed their children with fortified
level and illness. The study adopted the method milk properly in the early age, the problem of
of retrieving data from existing Indonesian stunting is less supposed to be seen among
health survey that was conducted with 3024 them. However, the study lacks in identifying
children of age group 12 to 23 months and the level of breast milk feeding as nutrition for
revealed that the stunting problem's concept is analysing its association with the stunning
directly linked to the level of nutrition, feeding problem. The gap is overcome by another study
practices and birth time weight of the children. by Aryastami et al..14 This study took the
Another cross-section study of support of a recent survey of Indonesian basic
Mahmudiono et al. have been carried out in 8 health with approximately 3024 children and
different Indonesian districts that provided provided results that only 19.7% of overall
relation between child stunting as well as Indonesian babies have experienced exclusive
dietary diversity that improper diet and lack of type breastfeeding. Thus, this is another
nutrition such as protein and calcium tend to essential issue related to low nutrition level
increase the possibility of stunting among the resulting in the growth rate of stunting problem
young children of age 0 to 5 years old. The among Indonesian children. Further, the study
study further revealed that stunting is a clear also represented that children born with low
indication that an infant or child is not able to weight are approximately 1.74 times higher
thrive. The problem of stunting is concerned probability of getting stunted as compared to the
directly with diminished brain ability, children who have taken birth with normal
underdeveloped mind, long-lasting noxious expected weight.14
results such as poor learning ability as well as In the perspectives of Semba et al., it can
inadequate performance in school. The study be understood that chronic intake of the low
also explored with supported findings that quality of diet is amongst the major reasons
stunting in childhood further results in chronic behind child stunting. Other reasons for
diseases that are related to nutrition, for stunting problem are high morbidity,
instance, hypertension, diabetes as well as environmental issues, and infectious diseases.
obesity. The findings from the study reflect that the
One of the studies of Semba et al.15 education levels of the parents are highly
determined that due to poor nutrition level, the effective in safeguarding the health and
linear growth of children tends to get hampered nutritional levels of their children in
that is known as stunting problem. The study

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Fitri Yani Arbie & Rahma Labatjo

comparison to the guardians who are less regions. This study describes that Indonesian
educated.16 children faced about 33.2% of stunting
In contrary to it, the former study by Best problem. The study also reflects that an
et al., has also described that high paternal increment was identified in child stunting with
smoking levels such as the 73.7% are a potential the increment in ages of both the mother and the
determinant of stunting and malnutrition. The child. The NSS programme also described that
findings are gathered from the sample of 438, the level of child stunting relied on the
336 families in Indonesia by means of educational levels of the parents. In the
Indonesian Nutritional Surveillance System developing countries like Indonesia and
(NSS). The study reflects that paternal smoking Bangladesh, the areas where high maternal
is more potential and conformable reason for educational levels were observed the level of
malnutrition and child stunting.17 child stunting was identified to be reduced. 16
Different from this, the study carried out However, in the regions where child
by Semba et al.16, is primarily focussed on stunting was high, the educational levels of the
analysing the impact of the parents’ education parents were identified to reduce. Therefore,
level over stunting in children aged below 5 there exists an interrelationship between the
years. The study incorporates an observational educational levels of the parents and the
method like surveillance programme termed as stunting levels of the children. With the help of
NSS, as an effective tool for gathering this study, it is evident that formal education
information related to growth levels of the levels were identified to exist at a degraded
children, education levels of parents and their level. Educational levels were degraded to 4.4%
socio-economic state. About 590, 570 and 5%.16 In contrast to the studies of Lee in
Indonesian households and 395, 122 2008 and Best et al. in 2008, the study carried
Bangladeshi households were observed during out by Semba et al. (2008) is quite advanced and
the research. However, the observation method has incorporated a comparatively larger sample
was highly time-consuming due to the size. The surveillance programmes incorporated
involvement of an immensely large population. in the study are highly efficient in the
A large number of families provided useful data generation of relative views regarding the state
but a sufficient amount of time was required to of stunting problems in Indonesian children.16,17
accomplish the study.
Therefore, different from the above, the
study of Lee in 2008 applied a survey method
for identifying the reasons for stunting among CONCLUSION
the Indonesian children, aged less than 5 years. It is concluded by analysing the data
The application of a longitudinal survey termed findings that stunting is a common issue among
as Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) the children of year 0-5 years who are
executed in the year 1997 and 2000 was carried malnutrition. The stunting problem has been
out with a sample size of 4,129 children below understood as the failure of children in thriving
the age of 10 years. Statistical analysis was which is resultant of the improper development
incorporated for analysing the obtained data of the brain. The stunting problem develops
with the application of the model named as various symptoms among the children such as
multilevel logistic regression.18 Findings reveal inadequate capabilities of learning, poor mental
that stunting is dependent on the sanitation and and brain abilities as well as harmful results
community water facilities. The study throughout the life of children such as improper
conducted by Semba et al. utilises an growth. In specific to the Indonesian region, the
observational surveillance method, to retrieve problem of stunting has been observed as the
useful information from about 590,570 most prominent among children of 0-5 years age
households in Indonesia. This study is capable group.
of obtaining the proper knowledge regarding It was observed that there are the different
the levels of child stunting in the Indonesian level of nutrition among rural as well as urban

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98 Jurnal AcTion, Volume 4, Nomor 2, Nopember 2019

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