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GENERAL INDEX_________________________________________________________1
1. TOPIC_________________________________________________________________1
1.1. Space Delimitation_________________________________________________________1
1.2. Temporary Delimitation_________________________________________________________1
2. Title__________________________________________________________________1
3. Introduction____________________________________________________________1
4. Review of the literature and state of the art__________________________________4
5. Justificatión____________________________________________________________5
5.1. Theoretical Justification_____________________________________________________5
5.1.1. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages________________________6
5.2. Methodological justification__________________________________________________9
5.4. Social justification_________________________________________________________11
6. Problem______________________________________________________________12
7. problem Statement_____________________________________________________14
8. Hypothesis____________________________________________________________14
8.1. Variable Identification_____________________________________________________14
8.1.1. Independent Variable___________________________________________________14
Communicative approach in learning English through deductive and inductive procedures in
8.1.2. Dependent Variable_______________________________________________________14
8.2. Operationalization of variables______________________________________________15
Table 1: Operationalization of variables_______________________________________________15
9. Objetives_____________________________________________________________16
9.1. General Objective_________________________________________________________16
9.2. Specific objectives_________________________________________________________16
10. Methodology._______________________________________________________16
10.1. The Type of Research______________________________________________________18
10.2. The Research Approach____________________________________________________18
10.2.1. Quantitative investigation______________________________________________18
10.2.2. Qualitative research__________________________________________________18
10.2.3. Research Methods___________________________________________________19 The Inductive Method_________________________________________________19 Deductive method____________________________________________________19
10.2.4. Research techniques and tools____________________________________________19 Interview___________________________________________________________19 The observation_____________________________________________________20
10.3.4. Bibliographical sources____________________________________________________20
10.4. Universe or reference population_______________________________________________21
10.4.1. Universe_______________________________________________________________21
10.4.2. Sampling population_____________________________________________________21
11. bibliography_________________________________________________________22


Table 1: Operationalization of variables_________________________________________15

Table 2: Methodological design________________________________________________17


1.1. Space Delimitation

The present investigation will be carried out in the Department of La Paz.

Murillo Province, in “El Alto city”, in the Educational Unit “The Strongest” of
District 1, in Bolivia located in the Zone San Juan Rio Seco.

1.2. Temporary Delimitation

Research that is addressed during the first semester of the 2020, which will
reflect an overview of the current status of the investigation object.

1.3. Thematic Delimitation

The theme that this research will approach has a communicative focus in
teaching and learning to improve language skills in learning English through
deductive and inductive procedures focused on grammar in children 10 to 12
years of age.


“Influence of the communicative approach to optimize language skills in

learning English through deductive procedures such as grammar
inductive in children 10 to 12 years of age.

Case Study Educational Unit “The Strongest”


The Educational Unit “The Strongest”, founded on October 16, 1985. With the
Vision of: “To be the Model Educational Unit of the El Alto 1 District and the
Plurinational State of Bolivia, that offers an educational service of quality and
excellence effectively and Administrative and pedagogical efficiency based on
contextualized, productive, innovative and technological educational policies,
with competitive human resources that guarantee the integral formation of
critical, thoughtful, creative, researchers and entrepreneurs students capable of
transforming and responding to expectations of the community with the

application of the Productive Community Educational Model, based on a
practical-theoretical-evaluative and productive relationship from life and for life ”.

The Educational Unit "The Strongest", has among its members children from 8
to 12 years of age who receive in initial education as integral support which has
been introduced in these educational skills in the teaching of the English
language, which denotes weaknesses in its teaching and learning process,
because it contains conservative pedagogies, which make it difficult to study
knowledge in the English language.

At present time, the significant technological advance due to a globalized

society, it is essential that there is mastery of the English language in order to
be able to communicate with the world, that is where the importance of learning
the English language lies.

In the same way, in the schools they have included the English language as a
subject, this compulsory subject can lead students to motivation and active
participation in the language and significant in time, depending on the situations
and methodologies applied in the teaching of English , at the same time where
students can use the language.

The importance of approaching the knowledge of different processes lies in the

desire to achieve a successful learning, while the child achieves by means of
methods to learn a foreign language very easily and effectively.

This process of teaching and learning a foreign language can become

complicated because the learning process can intervene factors of various
kinds, such as motivation, attitude, incorrect methodology, among other factors,
through which they determine the learning of anew language.

In the light of the learning practices of different methodologies, the right option
for teaching and learning a precise grammar and communication structure is
sought. Teaching - learning a language within a formal context is seldom
exempt from the use of any grammatical analysis, no matter how small, while
the teacher makes choices regarding the forms presented by the language,

such Elections cannot be supported without a grammatical analysis. (Vigner,

Vigner explains that “the classroom should accelerate and favor this
appropriation of a language, through techniques that should not be limited to the
transposition of what can be the natural learning of a language. This means
that, not only is it necessary to supervise the organization of the teaching
contents, but it must also be sought that the classroom allows the acquisition of
a well-developed grammar knowledge through which the student will have the
faculty to combine The different elements of the language. The above in order
that the communication is not exposed to ambiguities, inaccuracies,
misunderstandings to which the use of a misused code may result ” (Vigner,

This paper presents the communicative approach that addresses functional and
useful criteria for students, this approach for communicative purposes will lead
students to reach a communicative competence and grammar is essential for
this objective.

Communication and grammar are not contradictory, but convergent terms, both
are part of the language learning process, and communicative approaches use
both deductive and inductive procedures for teaching and learning. The
grammar in communicative approaches evolves every day. It has advanced
from grammatical correction to communicative effectiveness, from structural
exercise and closed to communicative activities, and from attention to forms to
their use. It should be borne in mind that the presentation of grammar rules in
English classes, regardless of the procedure adopted, must pay attention to
profitability, which greatly facilitates generalization, transfer to other situations
and allows self-correction. (Moreno, 1999: 25) In this way it is intended to
observe the type of instruction that would best suit children of a certain age
regarding the learning of certain grammatical and communicational structures.

Given this context, this work attempts to account for the pending task in the
initial training of teaching English as an indispensable foreign language with an
emphasis on teaching children aged 10 to 12 years.


In an investigation carried out by Martínez, he expresses that the

communicative approach and the teaching of foreign languages has the
objective of providing the student with the resources of expression,
understanding and reflection on the communicative linguistic uses so that they
allow him to properly use the various codes available in varied situations and
contexts. He also stated that to achieve a level of sociolinguistic competence,
not only are the skills and abilities used to put linguistic competence into
operation, the possibility of exchanging interaction with speakers of other
cultures with certain levels of formality, acceptance and respect towards the
alien, which includes some sense in the use, exchange and implications that the
interaction between cultures within the cooperative learning groups entail. He
also suggested that the methods and approaches in teaching delenguas,
although they are part of a fairly studied field, it is still necessary to deepen
them, especially in relation to the types of methods most used as a foreign
language, to ensure that Students develop learning skills that guide them to
acquire useful knowledge to a society in constant change and development.
(Martinez, 2009:98)

The communicative approach arose in the 70s as a result of a change in the

perspective of language teaching, the structuralist model is abandoned to focus
on the idea that language is not only an object of knowledge, but an instrument
of communication. It is from that that the idea is based that knowing a language
does not imply knowing the rules that govern the communicative process, but
being able to use any resource or strategy that serves to facilitate the act of
communication, which is why Grammar knowledge goes to the background, but
still important. At the same time, emphasis is placed not only on the
grammatically correct, but also on the adequacy of the statements of the

language and the communicative context, which in order to speak a new
language is only knowing what to say, how to say it in each context.

This approach is a methodological current consistent with the changes in the

language sciences, which passes the concept of language as a system of rules
and focuses on communication, in which it gives maximum importance to
interaction as a central part of the language, this For communicative use in
various real situations, formal knowledge of the language is taken into account.

Similarly, the communicative approach suggests that communicative situations

have a meaning and that the student feels the need to use the language in
order to achieve something. In this way, it is attempted that the communicative
situations with which one works are close to the reality of the students and their
needs. It is about teaching to communicate based on the needs raised by the
students. From that moment, the language classes are dedicated to repeating
sentences and grammatical structures through exercises after receiving the
explanation of the corresponding rules, it begins to make communicative
spaces in which the important thing is not so much how to say but to
communicate. (Matellanes, 2003:12)


4.1. Theoretical Justification

In this area that web develop, English is a language that is currently in all areas
of communication worldwide. It is used at the political, commercial, technical,
academic and scientific level; In this way, both knowledge and its use facilitate
global relations between different cultures and countries. The management of
the English language makes it easier to find employment and thus be able to
apply for better positions in different work areas. Having the knowledge and
management of this language, provides the person with tools to develop in
different areas, especially in the technological area. Being better prepared, it is
presented more efficiently in today's world. At the same time one of the
important aspects to speak and write a language is the use of vocabulary and
the knowledge and management of the structures on which it develops. Having

a developed and well-founded vocabulary, allows the person a better
performance in the oral and written area.

In this way, “The domain that a speaker shows with respect to the vocabulary
that he manages in his expressions, is one of the best indicators of the level of
learning and mastery with which a person manages another language of use”
(Mineduc, 2007:131)

The goal of communication in the second or third language is for the student to
develop communicative competence; To achieve this competence, students
must develop the ability to understand and produce English in written and
spoken ways in communicative ways that are accurate and appropriate. The
communicative competence refers to the student communicating with others,
although in a rudimentary way at the beginning, and increasing as time goes by;
But, this can only be done when the student has some ability to understand and
reproduce the language, although minimal, but adequate (Gebhard, 2006:63)

Therefore, implement appropriate strategies for English language learning,

emphasizing grammar vocabulary and structure, which is of utmost importance;
The teacher will elaborate on these two aspects a scaffolding that will support to
optimize both his teaching and learning.

4.1.1. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

In the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) it is

said that it is essential to develop an intercultural awareness in which "the
relationship between the world of origin and the world of the community under
study enriches a broader culture that entails the mother tongue and the second
language, placing them both in their contexts".

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,

we rely on the A1 reference teaching for children from 10 to 12 years old, such
reference and scope are detailed below:


Creative writing

The child is able to write simple sentences and sentences about himself and
imaginary people, where he lives and what is such a thing.

Written expression in general

The chlidren can write simple and isolated phrases and sentences.

Notes, messages

Write numbers and dates, your name, nationality, address, age, date of birth.


Interview and be interviewed

Respond in an interview to simple and direct questions about personal data, if

you speak very slowly and clearly without idioms or phrases.

Exchange information

It includes questions and instructions that are formulated slowly and carefully,
and includes brief and simple instructions. Ask and answer simple questions,
make simple statements on issues of immediate or very daily need. It is able to
make temporary indications by means of phrases such as, week, months, days.

Interact to obtain goods and services

The child is able to ask someone for something, and vice versa. It works well
with numbers.

Collaborate to reach a goal

Understand questions and instructions if you speak slowly and carefully, and
understand brief and simple instructions on how to go to a place. Is able to ask
someone for something basic.



It presents and uses greetings and basic farewell expressions. The child can
understand the concrete simple directed daily expressions whenever the
speaker collaborates by addressing him with a clear and slow speech, and
repeats what he does not understand.

Understand a native partner

It understands simple and daily directed directed expressions whenever the

interlocutor collaborates by addressing the child with a clear and slow speech,
and repeats what he does not understand. Understands questions and
instructions directed to the child clearly and slowly understands simple and brief

Oral interaction in general

Participate in conversations in a simple way, but communication depends

entirely on slower repetitions, reformulations and rectifications. He knows how
to ask and answer simple questions, make simple statements and answer the
statements made in areas of immediate need or on very daily topics.

Public speaking

Is able to read something short and basic and previously rehearsed

Sustained monologue:

Description of things learned on cards with design. Oral expression in general: It

can be expressed with simple and isolated phrases.


Read instructions

Understand written directions if they are short and simple (for example, read
instructions on how to do an exercise, as they say, read, respond.

Recognize very basic names, words and phrases that appear on cards and in
the most common situations.

Read correspondence: It includes short and simple messages on cards.

Reading Comprehension in General

The child is able to understand very short and simple texts, reading sentence
by sentence, capturing basic and current names, words and phrases, and
rereading when he needs it.


Listening comprehension in general

It includes words that are very slow, that are articulated carefully and with
sufficient pauses to assimilate the meaning.

4.2. Methodological justification

The first step in the history of mankind is the emergence of natural languages.
After thousands of years, some grammarians undertake the commendable but
naive task of schematizing the complex linguistic system in a list of concepts,
definitions and rules. The purpose of the grammarian is an utopia: language is a
three-dimensional reality and the grammarian's sketch is doomed to the two-
dimensional plane. (Bolitho, 1998:4)

By natural grammar we simply understand what we natives use in real

communication situations. On the contrary, we describe as artificial that other
forced grammar that appears in grammars, dictionaries, textbooks. (Besse,

According to Besse, he believes that it is preferable that at the initial levels

students begin by learning to use the language, and at a later stage, if they wish
or need it, they undertake a study of formal morphological, syntactic,
phonological systems. However, this does not preclude that from the initial
levels the teacher duly attends to any questions directed by the students. Our

proposal is to satisfy the curiosity of the learners, but not create a need where
there is none. We also think it is right that from the earliest stages the students
have at their disposal in an appendix of the textbook, in a separate booklet of
the reference material on problematic grammatical aspects. (Besse, 1984:29).

4.3. Methodological justification

Learning English as a second language is an almost indispensable requirement

in any academic, commercial or professional environment and millions of
people use it daily, even if it is not their native language. International business,
science, technology or research are areas dominated by this language so that if
one cannot cope with this language, it is left out of the latest advances..

Based on the fact that learning is not linear, but cyclic, rather, spiraling, we
believe that teaching will be all the more effective the more it respects that
characteristic, the spiral: begin by presenting simple contents and periodically
review them, but expanding little little by little the information presented in the
initial phase; in each review new data is added, relating them to those already
learned. This is how the learner is allowed to gradually weave an increasingly
rich and complex network of information. This is what we understand by
meaningful learning, so different from mere memorization of isolated data.
Meaningful learning leads to the development of communicative competence.
Memorization, on the other hand, only allows good short-term results, so
communicative practice is important in order to develop language skills. In this
sense, Gomez proposes not to guide the teaching of grammar "towards the
accumulation of explicit knowledge" (Gómez,1999: 82-83)

4.4. Social justification

The communicative approach is a strategy that seeks, through its

contextualized linguistic activities, to develop both productive (speaking) and
receptive (listening) capacity during dialogue, in any dialogue posture in the
social sphere.

The process of obtaining a second language is usually repetitive, tired and
boring, it is focused on teaching vocabulary through classes lacking creativity,
working with little meaningful tasks, a situation that has created an image of
monotony in the learners, the results are counterproductive, what has
stereotyped the experience of acquiring the language as complicated, difficult
and unfavorable.

According to Locke, in the river of questions and reflections that has traveled in
the minds of the students, it ends, curiously, in an old idea, which, among
others, was raised, much has changed the world, communications and
technology since then: language labs, Internet, multimedia, etc. And yet, the
following words of Locke, who have not lost even one iota of validity: "I grant
that the grammar of a language must be carefully studied on some occasions,
but only by adults, when it comes to achieving a critical understanding of the
same, which is nothing but that of professional scholars, the method of learning
a language through conversation is not only sufficient, but must be preferred as
the most effective, grammar is not necessary. grammar must be taught, it
should be taught to those who already speak the language". (Sánchez Pérez,

For Marrero who carried out the thesis entitled: Towards the development of the
ability of written expression and its didactic implications in the language
acquisition process, this with the objective of demonstrating through a
descriptive and correlational study the situation of the progression in the writing
of written texts and the variables that influence this activity during the language
learning teaching process, carried out at the University of Granada with a
sample of 209 students. He concluded: that the communicative approach in the
teaching of foreign languages has shown greater acceptance in recent years
among professionals and researchers. Within the recommendations he
suggested studying a wide range of strategies, the effectiveness of each one
and analyzing the most useful for each group.


The author Vila maintains that “from a universal human aspect the language is
a means of overcoming and spiritual affirmation, since it is an end in itself, since
it empowers the individual for a greater contribution to the society in which he
lives through the development of their critical comparative capabilities, from
greater knowledge, and the consequent style of their creative potential ”(Vila,
1993: 7).

In this way, the teaching of a foreign language has as its fundamental purpose
the use in an efficient way, in the area that the student who executes it
develops, however, the teaching methodology can show success or failure in
learning. As a result, it is observed that students, after having studied English in
a basic and diversified way, demonstrate that they have not acquired the
knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to understand, read, express
themselves and write functional communicative messages in English. This
learning based on the composition and memorization of structural patterns does
not guarantee that the student can make use of the knowledge acquired to
express their ideas and needs at a given time.

In that context, Sanchez and Fernandez affirm that the teaching is not in
accordance with the real needs of the context, in which these professionals will
fulfill their functions. There is a separation between the knowledge received in
school, the result of a traditional education, evidently behavioral, focused on the
observation and quantification of knowledge, and the real needs and challenges
to face in the face of an increasingly demanding and competitive reality, which
requires its members increasingly high levels of specialization and more global
training that is linked to the social context. (Sanchez, Fernandez, 1996: 68)

The assimilation of a new language, results in demanding from the school a

teaching methodology that must take into account, not only the didactic options,
but also the age, the disposition for the study, the belonging and coherent
correspondence of the plans and programs, at the same time the motivation
and approaches that the teacher uses in the teaching and learning process of

the English language, as a foreign language, so that the student can express
himself orally as written.

At the same time, in Loaiza's experience as an English language learner and as

an observer of English teaching in schools, she has seen the lack of lesson
planning reflected in the focus on similar grammar topics in her classes. As an
example, it is not uncommon to see English classes at primary and secondary
level where teachers focus only on teaching students the verb to be, and yet, at
the end of school, students have not learned to put together grammatically
precise sentences. using this verb These typical results of the unplanned and
unstructured lessons are the lack of motivation on the part of the students and
in themselves, the lack of learning of English. The shortage of quality English
teaching in schools has profound consequences for students' attitudes and
motivation towards learning English when they arrive at university. In her
experience also as a professor of English at the university level, Loaiza has
perceived the negative attitudes of students towards learning English, which
she interprets as a consequence of her history with the lack of quality English
teaching at school when they were kids.

Thus, an approach must be developed that contains a large number of effective

practices to develop the language in students and can depend on their learning
methods for a good grasp of the language and thus can be expressed in
another language without any problem when leaving the school.


¿What influence will the communicative approach have through deductive and
inductive procedures to improve grammatical and communicational linguistic
skills in learning English for children aged 10 to 12 respectively?


With the communicative approach through deductive as inductive procedures, it

produces better learning outcomes and grammatical and communicative
language skills in children 10 to 12 years old in the English language.

7.1. Variable Identification

7.1.1. Independent Variable

Communicative approach in learning English through deductive and inductive

procedures in grammar

8.1.2. Dependent Variable

Language skills in learning English in children 10 to 12 years old.

7.2. Operationalization of variables

Table 1: Operationalization of variables

Source: It is based on the Common European Framework


8.1. General Objective

Implement the communicative approach have through deductive and inductive

procedures to improve grammatical and communicational linguistic skills in
learning English for children aged 10 to 12 respectively

8.2. Specific objectives

• Conceptualize the communicative approach through deductive and inductive

methods for English language learning.

• Diagnose the grammatical and communicational learning barriers of the

English language in children between 10 and 12 years of age

• Implement tools through deductive and inductive procedures for grammatical

learning of the English language.

• Evaluate through pre test and post test the teaching of the English language
with the methodology and communicative approach.


The methodological design in a research allows us to systematize and direct the

collection and analysis of the new scientific knowledge that we want to build,
through the approach, type of research with the scientific logic that allows the
theoretical and empirical methods that will verify, compare, analyze all research
procedures (Hernández, et al, 2008: 15).

The methodological design based on the theoretical foundation is described

below in Table Nº 2, which defines the design of this proposed research.

Table 2: Methodological design


Conceptualize the Bibliographic Bibliographic collection

communicative information will be Methodological of primary and
approach through collected. design secondary sources of
deductive and deductive and inductive
inductive methods for methods for English
English language language learning

Diagnose the It will analyze the Collection of information

grammatical and social The socialization through observation
communicational environment of theory. surveys, interviews, pre-
learning barriers of the phenomenon test and post-test
the English language of study and the evaluations.
in boys and girls from social relationship
10 to 12 years of age that promotes it.

Implement tools Theory of the Application of practical

through deductive The effectiveness communicative theoretical designs in
and inductive of deductive and approach the teaching-learning
procedures for inductive methods through process with the
grammatical learning in learning deductive deductive and inductive
of the English English will be procedures as methodological
language. analyzed. inductive. approach

Evaluate through pre The performance Theory of

test and post test the of the proposed academic Assessment test Pre
teaching of the instruments for performance test and post test of
English language teaching the evaluation 100% language
with the methodology English language proficiency
and communicative will be evaluated
Source: It is based on the Common European Framework

9.1. The Type of Research

This research is explanatory, semi-experimental, longitudinal or cross-sectional

and propositive.

9.2. The Research Approach

The research approach is directly related to a mixed qualitative and quantitative


9.2.1. Quantitative investigation

The qualitative approach refers to measurable, quantifiable and measurable

data based on a homogeneous range of variables that describes nature, with
the objective of observing the behavior of said variable so that it is measured or
quantified, in order to analyze and reveal which are the main characteristics of
some study phenomenon.

In this way, the qualitative focus is on the diagnosis, pre-test and post-test of
the present investigation, verifying the quality of the teaching process - learning
of the English language based on the conditioning of the scientific methods
adopted as they are the deductive method and inductive.

9.2.2. Qualitative research

These data are linked to the theoretical, empirically proven doctrinal foundation
that governs previously systematized rules, because it is interpretive that
analyzes written, listening, grammatical language among others, allows new
knowledge to be built based on the applied theory by resorting to the
“multimethod” that it studies The conceptual definitions.

The theoretical foundation of the English language is based on grammatical and

phonetic rules that give it the exclusive formalities of this language, which
represents in our research the fundamental basis of qualitative data

9.2.3. Research Methods

Two fundamental scientific methods will be used in the development of the

present investigation, which will then be defined as the inductive method and
the deductive method, conceptually.

18 The Inductive Method

This scientific method that draws general conclusions from particular premises,
through observation or other information gathering techniques that are
synthesized in logical or rational conclusions, but nevertheless, this does not
guarantee the truth of the facts described or that the conclusion is true, because
the practice and the continuous evaluation of the results allows to verify that the
premise or axiom is true or rejected (Mayer, 1998: 2).

In this research work, this inductive method will allow us to apply the
methodology described with the use of quantitative data to develop the
diagnosis of pre-test and post-test through observed evaluations. Deductive method

It is a reasoning strategy used to draw particular logical conclusions from a

series of general premises or principles or general conclusions of the theory or
laws that govern it in general (Hernández, 2008: 17)

In this sense, it is a thought process that goes from the general (laws or
principles) to the particular (phenomena or concrete facts), which bases the
grammatical and phonetic laws established in the English language.

9.2.4. Research techniques and tools Interview

The analyst, when investigating and collecting data from primary sources as
specialists in a given subject, can resort to open or closed interviews, previously
structured, with an objective relationship with the phenomenon being
investigated, allowing him to obtain answers to the questions that reveal the
true nature of the phenomenon under investigation (Ibídem). The observation

The observation of data should give a neutral role to the researcher who
collects the data, so as not to contaminate and influence its collection, which

must reflect the reality, if an influence directed by the researcher, through the
respondents, or assessments in some knowledge that the study population has,
to establish capacity and veracity of the data collected so that the collected
observations have scientific validity.

10.3.4. Bibliographical sources

The sources of this bibliographic information will be collected that are primary
and secondary sources, in teaching methodologies and pedagogies of English
language learning through two scientific methods such as the deductive and
inductive method.

Assessment of knowledge of English with an initial exam and subsequent


With pre-test and post-test evaluation, the academic results of the teaching-
learning process can be evaluated, using the deductive and inductive methods
in the development of new knowledge of English embodied and exposed by the
facilitator to the students.

This evaluated knowledge of English will allow to verify the results obtained and
critically analyze the benefits or disadvantages when using them in the teaching
- learning of the English language, verifying the independence of variables
through a Chi-square distribution, and the verification of results for small
samples through a “t-student” distribution for two small samples with a 95%
confidence level.

10.4. Universe or reference population

10.4.1. Universe

The study population will include the children of The Educational Unit "The

10.4.2. Sampling population

Most researchers have temporary, monetary and labor limitations and, thanks to
them, it is almost impossible to take a random sample of the entire population.
Generally, it is necessary to use another sampling technique, the non-
probabilistic sampling technique.

Unlike probabilistic sampling, the non-probabilistic sample is not a product of a

random selection process. The subjects in a non-probabilistic sample are
generally selected based on their accessibility or at the personal and intentional
criteria of the researcher.

The disadvantage of the non-probabilistic sampling method is that no evidence

is taken from an unknown portion of the population. This implies that the sample
can represent the entire population accurately or not. Therefore, the results of
the investigation will only be particular in the case of study that cannot be used
in generalizations with respect to the entire population.


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MORÁN, L. F. (2015). Programa de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés,

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RODRÍGUEZ, F. (2007). Competencias comunicativas, aprendizaje y
enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales: un enfoque lúdico.

ROMERO, Martha Patricia. 2010. La Rotta The Teaching of English through

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Methodological Proposal Presented.

SÁNCHEZ, A. y Fernandez R. (1996). Los métodos en la enseñanza de

idiomas. Evolución histórica y análisis didáctico

VARGAS, A. (2000). Estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Ciudad Real, España

VIGNER, G. (2004). Understood: dificultades de aprendizaje y atención. New


VILA, J (1993) Una vía de aplicación de la teoría de la actividad a la enseñanza

de lenguas extranjeras

Gantt schedule

Schedule of activities
ACTIVITY DATE DATE 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3

Analysis and diagnosis in the

educational unit "The
Strongest" 15-Feb 29-Feb                              

Development of the Practical 21

Framework 20-Mar 10-Mar                              

Development of conclusions and 13

Recommendations 06-Mar 19-Mar                              

Private defense 22-Mar 04-Apr                              
Final draft correction 05-Apr 14-Apr                              
Deliver corrected errors 15-Apr 11-Apr                              

Final Defense 25
12-Abr 22-May                              


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