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Name of Learner: Chelcea P. Estrabela. Mrs.

Lovlie Manaay
Grade & Section: 8- Argon 4/27/21

Activity: PETA# 2. MODES OF TRANSMISSION. (20 points)

Direction: Watch the video posted in your classroom. Copy and answer the table below.

A. What are the two kinds of transmission?

1. Indirect 2. Dirrect Contact


B. What are the different modes of transmission?

3 Person to person contact. 6. Mother to unborn child

4. Droplet spread 7. Airborne Transmission

5. Insects Bite 8. Animal to person contact

C. What are some of the examples of communicable diseases.

9. HIV 13. Chikenpox
10. Hepatitis 14. Cholera
11. Ebola 15 Dengue
12. Covid-19 16. Tubercolosis


D. diseases prevention

17. Consulting to a Doctor if you feel something that is not good.

18. Body cleansing everytime we go home.
19. Sanitizing objects used outdoor.
20. Stay at home, if you have nothing to do important outside,


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