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A 5-6 years ago, you may not heard about e-learning from people around you. It is a possibility that
people had some idea about e-learning but they were not so comfortable to pursue it. Some have a
thought that E-learning is not so impactful. Today, everyone is fond of it. E-learning now a part of
everyone’s life. No matter you are a student/learner or you are a professional, everyone is open to learn
anything from best universities by seated at home. No matter you going to utilize that learning as a
professional point of you only, there are lots of options you can explore as a hobby. In online learning
people involve themselves so much after the pandemic. Co-vid 19 bound everone to stay at home and
stay safe. People transform themselves as a Online learners and now this is a part of life. Even non
professional women and kids are aggressively learning on various platforms available in market.

The paper explores the surge in activity of massive open online classes
(MOOCs) a comparative study of platforms like udemy, coursera, udacity & edx for

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