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REG NO: 20202MDM0016






1) What is your gender?

a) Male
b) Female
c) Others

2) What is your age group?

a) 18-25
b) 25-30
c) 30-40
d) Above 40

3) Do you think the roles played by advertising agencies effect organizations positively, in terms of
increasing the sales of their goods and services?

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral

4) Has your company encountered any disagreement with clients?

a) Yes
b) No

5) What advertising media does your company adopt to make the product of clients known to the public?

a) banners (flex)
b) Television
c) Newspaper
d) Magazine.
6) What do you think motivate client to seek the assistance of advertising agencies

a) Increase in volume of sales

b) Gaining market share
c) Create awareness of his product
d) To create market for his product

7) What is the present stage of your last clients in its product life cycle?

a) Introductory Stage
b) Growth Stage
c) Maturity Stage
d) Decline Stage

How do you plan to execute digital marketing differently than our curren

8) What are the recommendations of clients towards the advertising agencies?

a) Good
b) Poor
c) Fair

9) Do client always employ the assistance of your company as an advertising agency

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral

10) Is the agency a one-stop-shop for all of your marketing needs or does it specialize in one area?

11) Do clients always make you the agency responsible when carry out your work.

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral
12) Do clients always make you the agency responsible when carry out your work.

a) YES
b) NO
c) Maybe

13) Do you think the advertising agencies contribution made to an organization relevant in the firm
development and growth

a) YES
b) NO
c) Maybe

14) Does the account team that will be working on your account fit with your company’s culture?

15) How will the agency measure the success and ROI of the marketing budget?

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