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Department of Education

Region VI- Western Visayas

Division of Antique
Bitadton National High School
Bitadton, Culasi, Antique
SHS Midterm Examination in Grade 11-Earth and Life Sciences
First Semester
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the best answer from the choices given below.
Write only the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.
Multiple Choice:
1. ____________ is a theory which states that about 14 billion years ago all of the contents of
the universe gathered under extreme pressure, temperature, and density into a tiny spot and
a. Cosmology c.  Universal expansion
b. The big bang theory d.  The big crunch theory
2. The study of the entire universe.
a. Cosmology b. geology c. Cosmetology d. Meteorology
3. This theory states that the universe has always been the same and will continue to be the
same forever.
a. Big Bang Theory c. Steady- state Theory
b. Oscillating Universe Theory d. Creationist Theory
4. This theory suggests that the universe expanded from a small ball and is still expanding.
a. Big Bang Theory c. Steady- state Theory
b. Oscillating Universe Theory d. Creationist Theory
5. What is the correct order of the planets in the Solar System, starting closest to the Sun?
a. Mars, Mercury, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
b. Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
d. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
6. Which of the following planets is not a gas giant?
a. Jupiter c. Mercury
b. Neptune d. Uranus
7. Why are none of the outer planets likely to support life similar to that of Earth?
a. They are all too large to support life.
b. Living things cannot survive on a planet that does not have regular seasons
c. They are so far from the sun that there is not enough solar radiation to support life.
d. The outer planets are so large that their tidal effects on one another are too strong to
allow life to develop.
8. The Sun contributes to photosynthesis by providing plants with -
a. oxygen atoms. c. chemical energy
b. gravitational force. d. radiant energy
9. Which of the following characteristics of the planet, Earth, is essential to the survival of
every living organism?
a. Earth has abundant available water.
b. Earth orbits the Sun once every 365 days.
c. Earth has just one orbiting moon.
d. Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours
10. What is subsystem of the earth that consists of all living things?
a. hydrosphere b. atmosphere c. geosphere d. biosphere
For items 11- 13. Refer the illustration below.

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11. The mantle is about 2,900 km thick and is warm and soft enough to flow. Which layer in is
the mantle?
a. A b. B c. C d. D
12. The lithosphere includes the crust and the upper mantle. Which layer in is the lithosphere?
a. A b. B c. C d. D
13. The outer core is made of iron and is liquid. Which layer in is the outer core?
a. A b. B c. C d. D
14. Which layer is made up of liquid iron?
a. crust b. inner core c. outer core d. mantle
15. All of the following elements are commonly found in Earth’s crust EXCEPT
a. iron b. silicon c. oxygen d. calcium
16. Complete this sentence: As you go deeper inside the Earth ____________________.
a. the temperature increases, but the pressure decreases
b. the temperature stays the same, but the pressure increases
c. it gets hotter, materials get denser and pressure increases
d. it gets cooler, drier, and easier to travel
17. Which of these is an element commonly found in solid form within Earth’s crust?
a. bronze b. steel c. nitrogen d. copper
18. What are the two main types of crust?
a. continental and oceanic c. thick and thin
b. lithosphere and asthenosphere d. solid and liquid
19. As you move from the surface of Earth to the inner core, what happens to the density of the
materials of each
a. Density increases c. Density stays the same
b. Density decreases d. Density increases, then decreases
20. Which of the following statements is NOT true about continental crust?
a. If forms the continents.
b. It is up to 100km thick.
c. It is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust.
d. It can be found beneath the ocean.
21. Which of the following statements about the Moho is false?
a. seismic waves speed up as they pass across the Moho heading downward
b. the Moho separates denser rocks below from less dense rocks above
c. the Moho separates the crust from the mantle
d. the Moho marks the top of a partially molten layer
22. Normal fault takes place when crust is .
a. pushed towards b. pulled apart c. vibrated d. expanded
23. Are bends in rocks without breaking.
a. fault b. eye c. folds d. eye wall
24. Identify the illustration on the side.
a. fault
b. sycline
c. anticline
d. outer fold
25. Identify the illustration on the side:
a. fault
b. sycline
c. anticline
d. outer fold
26. It is an idea that continents have moved slowly to their current positions due to convection
currents in the mantel.
a. Continental Drift Theory c. Plate Tectonic Theory
b. Sea floor spreading Theory d. None of these
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27. In geological studies, a fault in the earth's surface in which the hanging wall has
moved UP relative to the footwall is termed:
a. over thrust fault c. strike- slip fault
b. reverse fault d. tear fault
28. In studies of the surface of the earth, a reverse fault having a dip between 10 and 45
degrees is known as a:
a. thrust fault c. strike-slip fault
b. normal fault d. reverse fault
29. theory that Earth’s crust and part of the upper mantle are broken into sections called
a. Continental Drift Theory c. Plate Tectonic Theory
b. Sea floor spreading Theory d. None of these
30. The following are the types of forces EXCEPT
a. Shear b. Tension c. Compression d. Tear
31. is the pulling apart of the earth’s crust. Divergent boundary.
a. Shear b. Tension c. Compression d. Tear
32. pushes rocks side by side in opposite directions. Transform boundary
a. Shear b. Tension c. Compression d. Tear
33. During which period, in the earth's history, did MOST dinosaurs become extinct?
a. Carboniferous b. Cretaceous c. Quaternary d. Triassic
34. The disappearance of the dinosaurs also marks the end of which geological era?
a. Precambrian c. Mesozoic
b. Cambrian d. Cenozoic
35. On the Phanerozoic Time Scale, which of the following
geologic periods occurred approximately 395 to 430 million years ago? Is it:
a. Jurassic c. Carboniferous
b. Permian d. Silurian
36. On the Phanerozoic time scale, which of the following
geologic periods occurred approximately 500 to 570 million years ago? Is it:
a. Cambrian c. Carboniferous
b. Ordovician d. Silurian
37. What is a fossil?
a. any dead organism
b. the preserved remains or traces of an organism
c. a perfect copy of a rock
d. an unusual type of rock
38. Of the following four geologic periods, which is the oldest?
a. Devonian c. Jurassic
b. Permian d. Silurian
39. The Miocene, Eocene and Paleocene epoches belong to what geologic period on the
Phanerozoic Time Scale? Is it the:
a. Devonian c. Tertiary
b. Permian d. Triassic
40. The geologic time scale is a record of
a. the thickness of sedimentary rock layers.
b. the rate of fossil formation.
c. the life forms and geologic events in Earth’s history.
d. the time since the evolution of dinosaurs.
For items 41-47.Tell if the statements are true or false by writing the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet.
A- True B- False C- Both a and b , D- none of these
41. The word "metamorphic" means to have been changed.
42. All rocks on earth do not have minerals.
43. An example of a sedimentary rock is sandstone.
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44. Water is a mineral.
45. Minerals are made up of organic solids.
46. Talc is the softest mineral.
47. Diamond is not the hardest mineral
48. Does every rock go through the complete cycle?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of these
49. If a rock were formed from molten magma, what type of rock is it?
a. Igneous c. Metamorphic
b. Sedimentary d. none of the above
For items 50- 54.
A. Rocks B. Sedimentary Rocks C. Metamorphic Rocks
D Minerals E. Igneous Rocks
50. Composed of minerals and other substances, may contain skeletons of dead marine animals
51. Changed from their original form into something very different
52. Formed from magma underground
53. Made up of the same substance and was never alive
54. Made from bits of rock that have been pressed together.
55. The point where movement occurred which triggered the earthquake is the _______ .
a. dip b. epicenter c. focus d. strike
56. Which of the following can be triggered by an earthquake?
a. tsunami c. a landslide
b. intense ground shaking d. all of these
57. Which of the following is an example of the domino effect?
a. a landslide caused by a sudden precipitation event
b. an increase in the cost of gasoline that causes people to drive less
c. global warming that causes more rapid melting of Arctic sea ice that results in
further sea ice melting
d. when a feature looks the same across a wide range of scales
58. What kind of natural hazards are not normally insurable?
a. earthquakes c. landslides
b. volcanoes d. floods
59. Some scientists think tornadoes form due to:
a. winds on the ground spinning fast enough to travel vertically upward to the
thunderstorm cloud
b. warm air sinking and causing more rain to fall
c. cool air rising and causing a thunderstorm cloud to spin
d. varying wind speeds at different altitudes in a thunderstorm cloud
60. A hazard:
a. is a potentially damaging physical event, phenomenon, or human
b. may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage,
c. may generate social and economic disruption or environmental
d. all of the above

Good Luck and God Bless!

Prepared by:

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Answer key:
1.B 26.A 51.E
2.A 27.B 52.A
3.C 28.A 53.B
4.B 29.C 54.B
5.D 30.D 55.C
6.C 31.B 56.D
7.B 32.C 57.C
8.D 33.B 58.C
9.A 34.C 59.A
10.D 35.D 60.D
11.B 36.A
12.A 37.B
13.C 38.D
14.C 39.C
15.D 40.C
16.C 41.A
17.D 42.B
18.A 43.A
19.A 44.A
20.D 45.A
21.D 46.A
22.B 47.B
23.C 48.A
24.B 49.A
25.A 50.C

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