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Republic of the Philippines I Division of Taguig and Pateros

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.
# 317 M.L.Q. St., Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

Junior High School

Students Performance Task in Mapeh 7 (Core Subject)
Grade Level: Grade 7 Author(s): Lilia G. Vengco and Teresita F. Religioso
Book Title:For Today’s Learner Mapeh Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Subject Teacher: Ms. Baberly C. Clariño

Performance Task Guidelines Rubric(s)

Activity 1: Formative Art Activity (Inspired Northern Luzon)
Classroom Activities
Performance Indicators
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neatness The drawing must clear and creative expression.
As the students acquire knowledge on these Northern Luzon’s folk art motifs, let them try Creativity Drawing include many unique ideas and creative use of
practicing drawings skills.
Visual Presentation Creative use of color, pictures, graphics, and text. Size and
layering are purposeful and add to the overall quality.
- 4 x4 black or dark felt paper
Craftsmanship/skill/consistency Beautiful and patiently done; it was as good as hard work
- Oil pastels (different colors) could make it.
- Pictures or real ethnic textiles samples from Northern Luzon. Effort and Relevance Complete with substantial evidence of effort, beyond what
was required. The artworks must relay to their model.
1. Gather some pictures or real objects of Northern Luzon inspired textile.
2. Observes their colors and linear patterns
3. Choose the one that strikes their attention the most
4. Use it as their model
5. Draw the variety of design based on their chosen picture
6. Create their own design based on their chosen color
7. Overlap lines, shapes, colors, and varied patterns.

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

Activity 2: Arnis ( 12 Striking Techniques)
Gym/Outdoor Activities
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
Grip 15% Arnis is held firmly and properly at all times.
PROCEDURES: Posture and Stances 15% Maintains proper body position and stances in
1. After learning arnis, students will be perform the 12 striking techniques, 6 defense and Form/Anyo. striking and blocking at all times.
2. Let the students execute the 10 minutes warm-up and exercise before they perform the 12 striking Timing and Balance 10% Balance advanced in executing the strikes.
Accuracy 10% Strikes are executed with correct speed, power and
3. Bring out their own stick.
4. The teacher facilitate the students performance. timing.

Activity 3: Common Mental Disorder and Management

Classroom Activities
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content (Comprehensive & Integrated) 15% It has all needed elements and aspects with
Procedures: additional information.
1. Divide the class into five teams and provide each with pictures and articles of the Organization and Presentation(Clear and Logical) Well-organized, clear, and logically presented.
ff. 20%
Team 1: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Group Cooperation 15% Each members participates to their group actively.
Team 2: Bipolar Disorder
Team 3: Schizophrenia
Team 4: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Team 5: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
2. The teams are provided with the ff. chart to fill-up
Mental Disorder Signs and Symptoms Prevention and Care Other Information
Bipolar Disorder
3. After each team has completed the needed info. A representative from the team
shares with the class info. And the rest of the class completes their own chart.

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School


Republic of the Philippines I Division of Taguig and Pateros

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.
# 317 M.L.Q. St., Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

Junior High School

Students Performance Task in Mapeh 7 (Core Subject)
Grade Level: Grade 7 Author(s): Lilia G. Vengco and Teresita F. Religioso
Book Title:For Today’s Learner Mapeh Quarter: 4th Quarter
Subject Teacher: Ms. Baberly C. Clariño

Performance Task Guidelines Rubric(s)

Activity 1 : PINASAYA
Classroom Activities
Rhythm 30% TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
Rhythms were accurately played by the student with basic percussion instrument,
with not pauses or hesitation.
Choreography 30% Students choreography was specific and creative helped illustrate who their
Procedures:character was and helped tell the story.
Originality 20% - In the forthis coming
unique, does not lookyou are others
like the designated as the event
show creativity organizer.
that works, it is not
- Youjust
to provide a short
but exciting andtheatrical
fresh. play to the presented at the cultural Center of the
Behaviour20% Students cooperate and always uses polite words with others and helps where
- Theneeded.
presentation is a 10 minutes bodabil that will showcase the musicality and
creativity of the performers.
- The play will be assessed by the teacher.

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

Performance Task Guidelines Rubric(s)
Activity 2: Festival Costumes

Classroom Activities
TIME: 2 Meetings/Days Creativity 20% The student explored several choices before selecting one,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- generated many ideas, tried unusual combinations or
Procedures: changes, use problem solving skills.
Visual Presentation 20% Creative use of color, pictures, graphics, and text. Size and
1. Let the students creates their own design of festival costumes. layering are purposeful and add to the overall quality
- Pahiyas, Stacruzan, Flores De Mayo, Craftsmanship 20% Beautiful and patiently done; it was as good as hard work
- Ati-Atihan, Moriones Festival could make it
Oral Presentation 20% Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, proper voice,
2. Prepared the ff. materials projection, appropriate language, and clear delivery
- Barbie, Pre-loved clothes, Effort and Perseverance 20% The artwork was continued until it was complete as student
- and anything that you can use in your artworks could make it; give it effort far beyond that required
3. Present the artwork in-front of the class

Activity 3: Fundamental Positions of Arms and Feet Position

Classroom/Outdoor Activities CRITERIA

TIME: 1 Meetings/Days Formation 30% Demonstrates clearly the correct dance
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- formation and helps others with only an
Procedures: occasional hint from the teacher.
Sequence of steps 40% Is in a leading role and clearly demonstrates the
1. Discuss the mechanics of the positions to guide the students with the correct body mechanics, correct dance sequence.
body alignment, and posture.
Work Ethnic 30% Totally motivated to participate indance. Is
2. A selection of “student demonstrators” may be assigned to each station. Five student at a time will
pass through each station with the focus on the body mechanics of the students demonstrator. always focused and on task. In fact, encourages
3. The group will do peer correction on the mechanics of the position. others to remain on task
4. When the position in each station has been aligned and synchronized by the members of the
group, the group may now move on to the next station.

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

Prepared by: Ms. Baberly C. Clarino

Approved and Noted by:

Ms. Rachel Ann Cerillano Mr. Ronel T. Borbon

Head Teacher, JHS Vice Principal

Mr. Alexander N. Ignacio ` Ms. Lillan S. Roldan Ph.D.

School Principal School Directress

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

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