Junior High School: Students Performance Task in Mapeh 9 (Core Subject)

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Republic of the Philippines I Division of Taguig and Pateros

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.
# 317 M.L.Q. St., Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

Junior High School

Students Performance Task in Mapeh 9 (Core Subject)
Grade Level: Grade 9 Author(s): Lilia G. Vengco and Teresita F. Religioso
Book Title:For Today’s Learner Mapeh Quarter: 1st Quarter
Subject Teacher: Ms. Baberly C. Clariño

Performance Task Guidelines Rubric(s)

Activity 1: Role Play
Tone Quality - Is the intonation poor, satisfactory, or
Classroom Activities
(25 points) excellent?
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Is rhythm/timing accurately demonstrated
Procedures: sometimes, most of the time or always?
- Is the voice properly projected?
1. Create a simple drama or role play with a setting from any of the three periods (Medieval, Musicality/Interpretation - Is the musical style accurately and
Renaissance, and Baroque Perio) (20 points) consistently demonstrated?
2. Be able to incorporate the songs or instrumental characteristics of your period you choose. - Is musically phrasing properly executed
3. You must assume the role of the musician, a performer, or a royalty or Medieval, Renaissance or
sometimes, most of the time, or always.
Baroque period.
4. Your performance will be assessed based on a rubric.
- Is the dynamics of the material properly
Creativity - Is the stage properly designed?
(25 points) - Do all the decorations/props accurately
resemble the era?
- Do the participants have proper attire?
Focus - Is the character well-portrayed through
(15 points) facial expression, gesture and posture?
- Are all the dialogues and lyrics well-

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

- Character well-established and well-
maintained sometimes, most of the times,
or always?
Demeanour - Do all the participants have proper
(15 points) coordination with each other?
- Is misunderstanding avoided?
- Do they perform passionately and
confidently all the time?
- Do they exhibit enjoyment and appreciation
while having the activity?
TOTAL: 100 points

Activity 2 : Greek Order

Performance Indicator
Classroom Activities Creativity and Originality 25% The display includes many unique ideas and creative
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days use of materials.
Visual Presentation 15% The display had creative use of color, pictures,
PROCEDURES: graphics, and text; size and layering are purposeful
- “The Greek were master architects, they created things that were not only strong but and add to the overall quality of the display.
beautiful as well. This most especially seen in their columns that support their buildings.” Concept Understanding 20% The display was obviously planned and created to
1. Ask the students to create their own Greek order
show the evaluation and development of all artworks
2. Show the 3 images of the Greek orders.
of the Greek Orders.
3. Instruct the students to draw the capitals in their textbooks or on a separate piece of
paper. Content 20% Creative display of important, in-depth, and relevant
information on the different artworks and period;
includes properly cited sources and complete
Craftsmanship/Skill/Consistency 20% The display was beautiful and patiently done; it was
a good as hard work could make it.
TOTAL: 100%
Activity 3 Physical Fitness Test
Identified For Average Fitness Above Average Excellent Fitness
Fitness Performance (20) Fitness Performance Performance (30)
Classroom Activities Improvement (15) (25)
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days 12-minute Run 12 or fever laps 13-16 laps around the 17 -24 laps around
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- around the gym gym. Aerobic the gym. Student has 25 or more laps
Procedures: Aerobic endurance is endurance is below met performance around the gym.
Students in grades seven, and nine take the fitness test. The test has six parts that show a level of fitness at a low level and average/may have standard. Aerobic Student has exceeded
that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity. The test results can be used by needs improvment.  improved.  endurance is within a performance
students, teachers, and parents. healthy range.  standard. Aerobic

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

The students perform the following Physical Fitness Test endurance is within
1. 12-Minutes Run an optimal healthy
2. Push-Up Test range. 
3. Curl-Up Test Push-Up Test (30 Boys: 8 or less Boys: 9-14. Boys: 21 or more.
4. Sit and Reach Test seconds) Girls: 5 or less Girls: 6-10. Boys: 15-20. Girls: 16 or more.
Upper body muscular Upper body muscular Girls: 11-15. Student has met
strength is at a low strength is Student has met performance
level and needs average/may have performance standard. Upper body
improvment.  improved since the standard. Upper body muscular strength is
last assessment.  muscular strength is within an optimal
within a healthy healthy range. 
Curl-Up Test (30 Boys:15 or less Boys: 15-20. Boys: 21-30. Boys: 31 or more.
seconds) Girls: 11 or less Girls: 12-17. Girls: 18-24. Girls: 28 or more.
Core abdominal Core abdominal Student has met Student has met
muscular strength is muscular strength is performance performance
at a low level and below average/may standard. Core standard. Core
needs improvment. have improved since abdominal muscular abdominal muscular
the last assessment.  strength is within a strength is within an
healthy range.  optimal healthy
Sit and Reach Test (30 Boys: 23 or less Boys: 24-32. Boys: 33-38. Boys: 39 or more.
seconds) Girls: 28 or less Girls: 29-36 Girls: 37-42. Girls: 43 or more.
Flexibility is at a low Flexibility is average/ Student has met Student has met
level and needs may have improved performance performance
improvment.  since the last standard. Flexibility is standard. Flexibility is
assessment.  within a healthy within an optimal
range.  healthy range. 

Activity 4: Community Health

Classroom Activities
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days

Present to the class the Performance Task

- A nearby industrial plant in the community has been observed and reported to emit foul-smelling
smoke during its regular operating hours. A good number of neighbors have expressed dismay

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

and have had bouts of coughing, difficulty in breathing, and dizziness whenever the plant
operates. As a student journalist in the school, you want to make an actions to improve the CRITERIA INDICATORS
situations and avoid health concerns that may further arise from this environmental issue. You
Lead/Opinion 25% The article has a clear lead and opinion which makes
want to publish an editorial news in the school newspaper featuring the environmental issue
the reader wants to continue reading.
experienced by the people in the community and the health hazards this poses on them. Ask the
help of the Journalism teacher to check he product before you submit it to the editorial board. Impact on Society 15% The issue has a definite impact on society and the
author gave recommendations to fix it.
Support 20% The article has at least 3 different but logical
Audience 20% The writer has a specific/appropriate audience.
Spelling and Grammar 20% There are no spelling or grammar mistakes.

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School


Republic of the Philippines I Division of Taguig and Pateros

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc.
# 317 M.L.Q. St., Lower Bicutan, Taguig City

Junior High School

Students Performance Task in Mapeh 9 (Core Subject)
Grade Level: Grade 9 Author(s): Lilia G. Vengco and Teresita F. Religioso
Book Title:For Today’s Learner Mapeh Quarter: 2ndQuarter
Group GradeTeacher: Advanced
Ms. Baberly
(4) C. Clariño
Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1)
1. Instrumental Creates an Creates an Creates an Does not create an
Patterns – interlocking sounds interlocking sounds interlocking sounds interlocking sounds all
Performance Task Guidelines Rubric(s)
interlocking of six (6) all throughout the for most part of for some parts the throughout the patterns
different patterns 1 : Improvised
patterns Instruments
patterns patterns
per type ofClassroom Activities
instrumentTIME: 1 Meetings/Days

2. Patterns Procedures: Does all patterns Commits a few Commits many Does all patterns
Playin 1. Group the class
correctly into four (4) error in the patterns errors in the wrongly
Correct 2. Let the group performed the Ode to Joy (Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee) from Beethoven’s
playing of Symphony No. 9 of Classical music through improvised instruments;
the given 3. Each group provide 5 pieces of recyclable glass of battle.
patterns 4. Add water to the battle

3. Tone quality Instrument playing Instrument playing Instrument playing Instrument playing
- Produce good tone can be heard and can slightly be can easily be heard is not heard at all
quality from the blend well with heard over others times
instrument others

4. Tempo Performs tempo Performs tempo Performs tempo Performs wrong

- Accurate and accurately and accurately and accurately and tempo levels all
consistently all Performance Task Guidelines
consistently for consistently for throughout the Rubric(s)
speed Activity
of throughout
2: Inner the
Portrait some part of the most part of the patterns Sprinting Rubrics
instrument pattern pattern pattern Need Satisfactory (15) Good (20) Excellent (25) Outstanding (30)
Classroom Activities
playing Improvement
5. Creativity Excellent Good performance Good performance Poor performance
- Use of performance of of composition in of composition in of composition in
costumes use composition in accompanying accompanying accompanying
composition accompanying
to song/dance
Academy, Inc. I Senior High School most part of the song/dance
accompany song/dance song/dance
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days (10)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arm Never Keep the Shoulders are high arm are moving in Shoulders are high, Shoulders are
Procedures: arms in proper and tight arms are rhythm most of arms are moving in relaxed, hands are
- Create a painting that will spiritually inspire the viewers like that of many Baroque paintings. actions  flapping down in an time but crossing a rhythmic fashion not crossing the
Materials: uncontrolled the midline of the and controlled  midline of the
Old newspaper, magazine, bond paper etc. manner body some time  body
20’’ x 30’’ illustration board, Pencil Legs and Never try to take Knees are not knees are high on knees are close to Knees are high no
Acrylic paint, poster paint, paintbrushes Feet the proper legs getting high and average level, the abdominal crossing of the
movments  knees may cross sometimes doing section and an midpoint and arms
1. Choose a biblical scene that you want to depict. mid point of the a wrong legs occasional crossing and legs are always
2. Create a sketch first on a bond paper before you finalize your design body, student is movements  of the mid point, alternating in a
3. Transfer your design onto illustration board running flat footed ball of the feet rythmic fashion
4. Paint. Make sure to apply the defining characteristics of the Baroque style in your work. and heel touches must make contact and taking long
5. Share your work with the class the ground first  before heel, mostly stride 
- taking a long
Breathing Never take Student will Student holds Student holds their Student holds their
proper breathing occasionally hold their breath for breath for the breath for the
while running  their breath and the acceleration acceleration phase acceleration phase
mouth may be phase and and most of time and breathes
open  breathes through breathes through through their nose
the mouth their nose and out and out through
through their their mouth
Speed Still improving try to improve usually break own most of time try to always try to break
speed for short running speed for running timing break own running running timing and
distance short distance and try to timing and finished the race in
Running  running complete the race complete the race speed running 
in speed running  in speed running
Ability No ability to Sometimes need Has ability to as ability to
complete the Usually take a break a break to complete the 800 complete the 800
800 Mtr to complere the complete the 800 Mtr Running Mtr running
Running  800 Mtr Running Mtr Running without break & without break.
try to break the Always break the
running timing own timing

Activity 3: Social Dance (Mixer Dance)

Classroom/Outdoor Activities
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days Perform the dance steps correctly 30%
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Execute good timing with the music 40%
Procedures: Master the dance sequences 30%
1. Group the class into three (3) TOTAL 100%
2. Each group will have performed the basic skills in dance (mixer dance) in front of their classmates.

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

3. Rate the student’s Performance Task based on the following rubrics:

Activity 4: Prevention and Control of Substance Use and Abuse

Classroom Activities
TIME: 1 Meetings/Days
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITERIA INDICATORS
Procedures: Well-thought of plan relating to the topic Factual information is accurate
1. Divide the class into three (3) who will be in-charged of planning for an d presenting through a Cooperation Accept ideas of others; able to compromise
short role play of the following: (1) Recreational activities for boys and Girls (2) Pocket Seminar (3) (40%)
Counseling activities Performance task of each member - Shows confidence
2. Rate the student’s Performance Task based on the following rubrics: (30%) - Informative
- Entertaining; engages audience
- Speak loudly
Uses appropriate body language

Prepared by: Ms. Baberly C. Clarino

Checked and Noted by:

Ms. Rachel Ann Cerillano Mr. Ronel T. Borbon

Head Teacher, JHS Vice Principal

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

Mr. Alexander N. Ignacio ` Ms. Lillan S. Roldan Ph.D.
School Principal School Directress

Monlimar Development Academy, Inc. I Senior High School

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