Choice Board Rubrics Holocaust Novels 1

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Characterization Through Color Representation

Task Description: Create a piece of abstract art that incorporates colors representative of a character and is
executed in the style of Mark Rothko. ( The student can use the medium of
his/her choice (paint, gouache, marker, paper, etc.,) but the final piece must be no smaller than 8.5” x 14”.
Characterization must be supported with text evidence from the choice novel and color choices must be fully
explained using the concept of color psychology. ( ). You will submit your work
with the written component of the assignment taped to the back side.

Criteria Exemplary 19-25 Good 13-18 Minimal 7-12 Poor 1-6

Style The overall project The overall project The overall project The overall project
reflects synthesis of reflects some reflects minimal reflects little or no
characterization, synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of
color psychology, characterization, characterization, characterization,
and abstract color psychology, color psychology, color psychology,
expressionism. The and abstract and abstract and abstract
final product is expressionism. The expressionism. The expressionism. The
appropriate to the final product is final product is fairly final product does not
task. appropriate to the appropriate to the meet the
task. task. requirements of the

Characterization with Text evidence Text evidence Text evidence Text evidence
Text Evidence utilizing STEAL utilizing STEAL utilizing STEAL utilizing STEAL
reflects a thorough reflects an reflects a minimal reflects little to no
understanding of adequate understanding of the understanding of the
the characterization understanding of characterization characterization
process and the characterization process and process and
selection of process and selection of selection of
appropriate textual selection of appropriate textual appropriate textual
support. Ten appropriate textual support. Four-six support . Fewer than
character traits are support. Seven - character traits are four character traits
assigned to the nine character traits assigned to the are assigned to the
character, though are assigned to the character, though as character, and one or
as few as three may character, though few as two may be two colors are
be incorporated into as few as three may incorporated into the incorporated into the
the work. be incorporated into work. work.
the work.

Explanation of Color Explanation of Explanation of Explanation of colors Explanation of colors

Choices colors assigned to colors assigned to assigned to each assigned to each
each character trait each character trait character trait character trait
demonstrate a clear demonstrate a clear demonstrate a clear demonstrate a clear
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
color psychology as color psychology as color psychology as color psychology as it
it relates to it relates to it relates to relates to
characterization. characterization. characterization. characterization.

Conventions/Editing Little or no errors in Few errors in Quite a few errors in Numerous errors in
(Grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar,
Punctuation, Syntax, punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
etc.,)_ syntax are evident syntax are evident syntax are evident in syntax are evident in
in written in written written explanations written explanations
explanations for explanations for for characterization, for characterization,
characterization, characterization, text evidence, and text evidence, and
text evidence, and text evidence, and color choices. color choices.
color choices. color choices.
Musical Score

Task Description: Compose a soundtrack for your novel. The score must include 7 songs that have already been
published/released by artists. You will provide text evidence and lyrics (where applicable) to justify your choices
and explain shifts in moods and character perspectives as reflected in the music. You may use the score to
represent your novel in its entirety, or you may have the soundtrack follow the development of an individual
character of your choice, as long as the flow follows some time of continuum. To submit the score, you can embed
links to the songs in the same document you will submit (with your explanations) to Google Classroom.

Criteria Exemplary 19-25 Good 13-18 Minimal 7-12 Poor 1-6

Concept. The concept is The concept is clear, The concept is not The concept lacks
clear, creative, and creative, and entirely clear, creativity and must
appropriate to the appropriate to the creative, and/or be explained. Song
task. Song task. Most of the appropriate to the selections are not
selections song selections task. Some of the appropriate for the
successfully capture successfully capture song selections scenes and/or
the essence of the essence of novel successfully capture characters
novel passages, passages, including the essence of novel represented.
including tunes that tunes that reflect the passages, including
reflect the perspectives of tunes that reflect the
perspectives of characters involved. perspectives of
characters involved. characters involved.

Progression The sequence of The sequence of Some of the songs The sequence of the
songs is in a logical songs is in a logical are in a logical order songs does not
order and order that, for the that mirrors the mirror the
successfully mirrors most part, mirrors progression of the progression of the
the progression of the progression of choice novel. choice novel.
the choice novel. the choice novel.

Explanations with For each song, For most songs, For some songs, Text evidence from
Lyrics and Text appropriate text appropriate text appropriate text the novel and
Evidence evidence from the evidence from the evidence from the components of the
novel and novel and novel and song are either
components of the components of the components of the missing or not
song are adequately song are adequately song are adequately sufficiently
explained to justify explained to justify explained to justify explained. Text
how and why the how and why the how and why the evidence is not
music was included. music was included. music was included. properly formatted.
Text evidence is Text evidence is Text evidence may
properly formatted. properly formatted. not be properly

Conventions/ Little or no errors in Few errors in Quite a few errors in Numerous errors in
Editing (Grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar,
Punctuation, Syntax, punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or
etc.,)_ syntax are evident syntax are evident in syntax are evident in syntax are evident in
in written written explanations. written explanations. written
explanations . explanations .

A Private Library for Leisel or Marie Laure

Task Description: Build a private library for either Leisel or Marie Laure comprised of 10 books you
have invented to reflect what the character went through in her life. Because these are imaginary
books, you will assign these books titles and construct a synopsis for each. Provide text evidence to
connect your literary creations to the character’s life. You will submit this assignment to Google
Classroom for scoring.

Criteria Exemplary 19-25 Good 13-18 Minimal 7-12 Poor 1-6

Titles The titles of all 10 The titles of 7-9 books The titles of all 4-6 The titles of the
establish an easily establish an easily books establish an books do not
identifiable identifiable connection identifiable establish a
connection to the to the choice novel. connection to the connection to the
choice novel. They They capture the choice novel. They choice novel
capture the reader’s reader’s attention while capture the reader’s They do not
attention while accurately describing attention for the most capture the
accurately describing the content part while accurately reader’s attention
the content. describing the

Synopses The synopses contain The synopses contain The synopses The synopses are
the 5 W’s (who, what, most of the the 5 W’s contain some of the 5 missing the 5 W’s.
when, where, and for the imaginary book. W’s for the imaginary The content is not
why) for the imaginary The content would books. The content is connected to the
book. The content resonate with either not entirely lives of Leisel or
would resonate with Leisel or Marie Laure, connected to the Marie Laure, and
either Leisel or Marie and are interesting to a lives of Leisel or they do not draw a
Laure, and are potential reader. Marie Laure, and do reader.
exceptionally not draw a reader..
interesting to any
potential reader.

Text Evidence Appropriate text Appropriate text Appropriate text Appropriate text
evidence is provided evidence is provided evidence is provided evidence is not
for all 10 books. The for most books. The for some books. The provided. The
evidence is correctly evidence is correctly evidence is correctly evidence is not
cited and reveals the cited and reveals the cited and reveals the correctly cited and
impetus for the impetus for the impetus for the it does not reveals
inclusion of all inclusion of all fictitious inclusion of most of the impetus for the
fictitious books. books, the fictitious books. inclusion of the
fictitious books.

Style/Mechanics The overall project The overall project The overall project The overall project
reflects a creative reflects a somewhat reflects a somewhat reflects very little
perspective and is creative perspective creative perspective effort and is not
appropriate to the and is appropriate to and is only minimally appropriate to the
task. There are little the task. There are appropriate to the task. There are
to no errors in very few errors in task. There are quite many errors in
sentence structure, sentence structure, a few errors in sentence
grammar, or grammar, or sentence structure,
punctuation. punctuation. structure,grammar, or grammar, or
punctuation. punctuation.

Holocaust Headlines Rubric

Task Description: Create a fictional newspaper or videotaped newscast that includes 5 breaking news stories
designed to capture significant events from your novel. Each story should include an attention-grabbing headline
and a representative photo with caption. The accompanying stories should use text evidence to answer the who,
what, when, where, and why of each important event. Be sure to include eyewitness testimony, interviews, and
quotes to capture your reader’s attention.

Criteria Exemplary 19-25 Good 13-18 Minimal 7-12 Poor 1-6

Layout - Headlines, Newspaper/ Newspaper/ Newspaper/ Newspaper/

Images, and Captions newscast contains a newscast contains a newscast newscast is
creative and somewhat creative contains an missing a header or
appropriate header. and appropriate appropriate the header is
All stories have header. Most header. Some inappropriate to the
headlines that stories have stories have task.Stories do not
capture the headlines that headlines that have headlines that
audience’s attention capture the capture the capture the
and accurately audience’s attention audience’s audience’s attention
describe the and accurately attention and and do not
content. All graphics describe the accurately accurately describe
have captions that content. Most describe the the content. Most
adequately describe graphics have content. Some graphics do not
the people/act on in captions that graphics have have captions that
the photo adequately describe adequately adequately describe
the people/action in described the the people/action in
the photo people/action in the photo.

Layout - Columns/Script Text is neatly typed Text is neatly typed. Columns are Columns are not
in the “justified” type There are adequate typed. There are neatly typed and/or
style. There are and consistent adequate “gutters” “gutters” are not
adequate and “gutters” between between most adequate, so final
consistent “gutters” all columns and columns and productr is
between all columns stories. A glance at stories. It is easy somewhat difficult to
and stories. A the final product to read, but it read.
glance at the final makes you think looks somewhat
product makes you “fairly professional.” unprofessional.
think “professional.”

Stories - Interest/Who, The stories contain The stories contain The stories The stories do not
What, When, Where, & content, facts, and content, facts, and contain some contain content or
Why word choices that word choices that content, facts, and facts that might
make the news make the news word choices that make it interesting
exceptionally interesting to the make the news to the reader. Less
interesting to the intended audience. marginally than 60 of the
intended audience. 80-99% of the interesting to the stories adequately
All stories stories adequately intended address the 5 W’s
adequately address address the 5 W’s audience. 60-79% (who, what, when,
the 5 W’s (who, (who, what, when, of the stories where, why).
what, when, where, where, why). adequately
why). address the 5 W’s
(who, what, when,
where, why).

Conversations/Editing There are little or There are very few There are quite a There are numerous
(Grammar, Punctuation, not errors in errors in grammar, few errors in errors in grammar,
Syntax, etc.,)_ grammar, punctuation, or grammar, punctuation, or
punctuation, or syntax. punctuation, or syntax
syntax. syntax.

Video Project
Task Description: Student will bring his/her novel to li9fe by creating a movie or movie trailer using iMovie, Movie
Maker for Windows, or any other movie making app that can be uploaded easily into Google Classroom for scoring
and presentation. The video must be between 2:30-3:00 long with a minimum of 7 transitions and should have an
accompanying storyboard and script that demonstrates prior planning. Be sure to include camera movement in
your storyboard/script. A Powtoon or other type of animation tool may also be used, but should adhere to the same

Criteria Exemplary 19-25 Good 13-18 Minimal 7-12 Poor 1-6

Concept The concept is The concept is The concept must The concept is not
entertaining, clear, entertaining, clear, be explained. The relevant or
and appropriate to and appropriate to the images/dialogue appropriate to the
the task. task, but are not sufficiently task.
Images/dialogue images/dialogue are supported by the Images/dialogue
are supported by only somewhat sup text. are unrelated to the
the text. ported by the text. text.

Storyboard/Script The storyboard The storyboard The storyboard The storyboard

illustrates the video illustrates the video illustrates the video illustrates the video
presentation presentation structure presentation presentations
structure with with thumbnail structure with structure with
thumbnail sketches sketches of each thumbnail sketches thumbnail sketches
of each scene. scene. There are of each scene. of each scene.
Notes of proposed some notes with There are very few There are no notes
transitions, camera regards to proposed notes with regards with regards to
movement, text transitions, camera to proposed proporseed
and background movement, text, and transitions, camera transitions, camera
audio are included. background audio. movement, text and movement, text and
background audio. background audio.

Content/Organization The content is The content is The content is The content is not
clear in its purpose somewhat clear in its unclear in its sufficient to support
and is creative and purpose and is purpose and is the purpose and
compelling. A rich creative and somewhat creative must be explained.
variety of compelling. A variety and compelling. There is little or not
supporting of supporting There is some supporting
information in the information in the supporting information nin the
video contributes video contributes to information in the video that
to the the understanding of video that contributes to the
understanding of the project. contributes to the understanding of
the project. understanding of the project.
the project.

Style/Mechanics The overall project The overall project The overall project The overall project
reflects a creative reflects a somewhat reflects a somewhat reflects very little
perspective and is creative perspective creative perspective effort and is not
appropriate to the and is appropriate to and is only appropriate to the
task. There are the task. There are minimally task. There are
little to not errors in very few errors in appropriate to the many errors in
sentence structure, sentence structure, task. There are sentence structure,
grammar, or grammar, or quite a few errors in grammar, or
punctuation. punctuation. sentence punctuation.
or punctuation.

Lobbyist Presentation

Task Description: You will act as a lobbyist giving a presentation to government officials who have the power to
make changes that will end a modern era genocide. Using a minimum of 3 credible sources (in addition to your
novel), you will create a 7-10 slide Google Slides presentation to incite change and remind your audience of the past
which we do not want to repeat. To be effective, the slideshow must incorporate a minimum of 3 images which can
be photographs, data charts, etc., Begin with the websites and
to learn more about recent genocides. Incorporate rhetorical devices in your presentation, use the plight of one of
the characters from your choice novel as a case study for your presentation, and incorporate events from your novel
to reflect on the devastating effects of genocide. For ethos/pathos/logos refresher:

Criteria Exemplary 19-25 Good 13-18 Minimal 7-12 Poor 1-6

Content Content is clear in its Content is clear in its Content is not entirely Content is not clear in
purpose and is purpose and is clear in its purpose. its purpose and must
compelling. A full compelling. Most of the The overview of the be explained. The
overview of the modern who, what, when, where, modern era atrocity is overview of the
era atrocity (who, what, why, how is explained, missing components modern era atrocity is
when, where, why, and a minimum of 3 and a minimum of 3 incomplete and
how), incorporates a relevant images facilitate images are present images provided are
minimum of 3 relevant understanding the but do not add value not appropriate for the
images to facilitate gravity of the situation. to the understanding task at hand.
understanding the of the predicament.
gravity of the situation.

Use of Rhetorical The intentional use of The intentional use of The intentional use of There is no evidence
Devices - Ethos, rhetorical devices rhetorical devices (ethos, rhetorical devices is of intentional use of
Pathos, Logos (ethos, pathos, and/or pathos, and/or logos) is not overt. A character rhetorical devices. A
logos) is evident. A suggested. A character from the choice novel character from the
character from the from the choice novel has been employed in choice novel has been
choice novel has been has been employed in the presentation, but included in the
employed in conjunction conjunction with one or not in conjunction presentation, but not
with one or more of the more of the rhetorical with one or more of in a strategic way.
rhetorical devices. devices.. the rhetorical devices.

Historical References Historical references Historical references Historical references Historical references
from the novel are taken from the novel from the novel are from the novel are
strategically used to illustrate atrocities of the briefly mentioned with missing from the
illustrate atrocities of past, but may not flesh no context given for presentation, as is text
the past that are to be out their relationship to their significance in evidence on the
prevented, not genocide of today. Text relation to current Sources/Text
repeated. Text evidence evidence for this genocide. Text Evidence slide.
for this information is information is extracted evidence is provided
extracted is included on is included on the on the Sources/Text
the Source/Text Sources/Text Evidence Evidence slide.
Evidence slide. slide.

Style/ Mechanics All slides have titles. Most slides have titles. Some slides have Few if any slides have
The last slide provides The last slide provides titles. The last slide titles. The last slide
a list of all sources sources used, as well as includes sources includes some
used, as well as properly cited text used, but text sources, but properly
properly cited text evidence where evidence and proper cited text evidence is
evidence where applicable There are few source citation is missing. There are
applicable There are errors in sentence limited. There are many errors in
little to no errors in structure, grammar, or quite a few errors in sentence structure,
sentence structure, punctuation. sentence structure, grammar, or
grammar, or grammar, or punctuation..
punctuation. punctuation.

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