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Land Use Policy 27 (2010) 864–868

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Climate protection and compact urban structures in spatial planning and local
construction plans in Germany
Wolfgang Wende a , Wulf Huelsmann a , Michael Marty a , Gertrude Penn-Bressel a , Nikolai Bobylev b
Federal Environment Agency Germany, Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau, Germany
Research Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental Cooperation, Russian Academy of Sciences, POB 45, 195267, St. Petersburg, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The paper discusses opportunities for integration of the climate protection strategy declared by the
Received 23 June 2009 German government into spatial and urban land-use plans in Germany.
Received in revised form The paper gives a brief overview of German climate protection related legislation, gives some statistics
12 November 2009
on energy demand in the housing sector in Germany, and identifies opportunities for climate change
Accepted 15 November 2009
mitigation in urban areas through enhanced spatial planning and energy-efficient homes.
Drawing on statistical analysis the paper identifies discrepancies between trends in population densities
and actual housing floor space.
Spatial planning
Urban land-use policy
The paper further identifies opportunities for increasing heating efficiency of houses by managing the
Climate change spatial arrangement of apartments and buildings.
Climate protection The overall conclusion of the paper is that adjustments in the spatial planning legal base in Germany
Climate change mitigation are necessary to integrate specific climate protection tools that will allow an increase in energy efficiency
in housing.
© 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction and basic definitions on climate protection ning, through the creation of sufficiently great structural density
and emissions reducing traffic solutions; and in spatial planning,
The paper discusses opportunities for integration of the cli- through the achievement of greater CO2 binding by reforesta-
mate protection strategy declared by the German government into tion; and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by modification
spatial and urban land-use plans in Germany. At present, a large of land-use (Bulkeley and Kern, 2006; Dawson et al., 2009).
number of research and development projects are being initiated in Thus, such questions as building spatial orientation for maximum
Germany which address the questions of climate protection (miti- heat capture, the development of energy-efficient urban–suburban
gation) and adjustment to climate change (adaptation) in spatial relationships, as well as possibilities for the minimisation of
planning, environmental planning and residential development. infrastructural systems for individual motorised traffic, are to be
The challenges of climate protection (mitigation) are the main focus addressed with the objective of maximising energy efficiency.
of the present paper. Climate change mitigation means implement-
ing policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance sinks
(Pachauri and Reisinger, 2007). In spatial planning practice there Overview of contemporary German legislative base on
are three main opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: climate protection and spatial planning

• potential energy savings through favourable location of new res- Comprehensive planning practice in the German spatial plans
idential and commercial developments; (Raumordnungsplanung) and urban land-use planning system
• energy-efficient design of buildings; (Bauleitplanung), which includes zoning, or preparatory land-use
• production of energy using renewable resources. plans (Flaechennutzungsplaene), and local construction develop-
ment plans, or legally binding land-use plans (Bebauungsplaene),
faces the challenge of contributing its share towards global climate
Energy-saving and energy-efficient spatial and residential
protection. The legal foundations for spatial planning in Germany
development is the main focus, e.g. in local development plan-
demand the inclusion of the interests of general climate protection
at the regional level. Particularly the Spatial Planning Law (ROG) as
amended as of June 30, 2009, requires, under Art. 2, Sect. 2, No. 6, the
E-mail address: (N. Bobylev). application of the following spatial planning principle: “. . .the spa-

0264-8377/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W. Wende et al. / Land Use Policy 27 (2010) 864–868 865

tial requirements of climate protection must be taken into account, required heating energy per square metre of living space decreased
both by measures to counteract climatic change and by those which by about 9% during the same period. The reason for this is that
serve the purpose of adaptation to climatic change. In this context, heated living space grew by 13% during this period. The number
the spatial prerequisites for the expansion of renewable energies of households, and hence the number of flats used, has increased
and for thrifty energy use are to be created.” The Federal Build- by approximately 5% – along with an increase in the population of
ing Code (BauGB), e.g., mentions requirements for general climate only approximately 1% – the increase in heated living space by a
protection in Art. 1, Sect. 5, Clause 2 at the local level: the munici- total of 13% can be explained for the most part by an increase in
pal zoning plan and the local construction development plan “are the consumption of residential space per household, and especially
to contribute to securing an environment consistent with human the consumption per capita of the population. A closer analysis
dignity and to protect and develop the natural basic living con- of the data of the Federal Agency of Building and Regional Plan-
ditions, which shall also be carried out in such a manner as to ning (BBR) shows that it is primarily consumption of residential
meet the responsibility for general climate protection”. However, space by older people in one- or two-person households, who have
there is a controversy in the legal-scientific literature as to whether remained in detached houses or large family flats after their family-
this interest in general climate protection authorises municipalities raising period, which contributed to a major degree to the societal
to incorporate stipulations in favour of the global climate in con- per capita increase in consumption of residential space. Particularly
struction development plans; or whether the BauGB only allows in the years since 1995, many detached houses have been built,
stipulations to reduce local or regional air pollutants in those plans although the housing stock in many regions, considered purely
(Mitschang, 2008). The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) arithmetically, would have sufficed to provide even families with
has a clear view that a municipality which establishes a new local children with sufficiently large flats. However, that would have
plan for urban development may include urban development mea- required motivating older people to move into smaller flats after
sures which promote the interests of global climate protection in the end of their family-raising years. In the course of the demo-
this plan (BUND, 2008). Thus, municipalities are encouraged to take graphic change in Germany, there is the danger that additional
not only local interests into consideration when drafting a develop- single-family houses will be built in regions which are already
ment plan; they may provide stipulations which stem from global stagnating today, while flats and detached houses which are today
considerations as well. inhabited by older people might become vacant in large numbers
Since climate protection is controversial in local construction within a few years.
development planning, at least from a legal point of view, the
UBA has conducted a legal study to examine the position of cli-
Suggestions for mainstreaming climate protection into
mate protection (Janssen and Albrecht, 2008). The legislation has
spatial and local development planning norms
created the planning category “local construction development
planning” exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling urban develop-
Spatial planning
ment projects; thus municipalities are banned from using this type
of planning instrument for purposes other than those of urban
The plans of the state and regional planning system pro-
development. Undoubtedly, local construction development plan-
vide additional initial possibilities for residentially related energy
ning may address stipulations to improve the local climate, e.g.
savings and efficiency through spatial planning (e.g. via the central-
reducing air pollutants. But the question arises whether global
location system and the axial system in Germany (Janssen and
climate protection can be considered as an urban development
Albrecht, 2008). In compact and dense spatial or urban develop-
driver—which seems to be at the core of this legal discussion. In
ment structures, the actual requirement for residential buildings
this connection however, the following applies: the objectives of
must be met in the context of the central-location system. Exist-
urban land-use planning stated in BauGB in Art. 1, Sect. 5, Clause 2,
ing capacities for construction are to be exhausted primarily along
to wit: the contribution of urban land-use planning towards ensur-
development axes. In future, the requirement for home or flat
ing an environment consistent with human dignity, as well as for
ownership should preferably be met using available and suitable
the protection and the development of the natural basic conditions
building stocks.
of life, include responsibility for general climate protection, and
The protection of open space should be more strictly and more
thus, constitute a consolidation of the central concept of sustain-
forcefully applied in regional planning, since consistent open space
able urban development. It is important that the new BauGB Art.
protection can prevent the continued energy-inefficient increase of
9, Sect. 1, No. 23 b, explicitly makes possible stipulations in a local
residential and traffic areas. Consistent spatial planning protection
construction development plan for the use of renewable energies,
of open space can thus prevent CO2 emissions as a follow-up result
e.g. solar and wind. Thus, the above-mentioned urban develop-
of residential development. We can gain extra open and green space
ment and climate issues are duly reflected in legislation, and further
by conducting dismantling programmes in cities and towns where
efforts should be directed towards concretisation of the particular-
demographic transformation has resulted in the reduction of the
ities that would facilitate protection of global climate. Protection of
demand for new housing.
global climate is not the main task of urban development, but this
The above-mentioned spatial planning aspects are imple-
issue may, and should be addressed within the context of urban
mentable by using categories of the German spatial planning act;
development planning practice.
for instance by defining spatial priority areas for open space pro-
tection, or priority areas for the development of dense settlement.
If these stipulations are once formulated in a regional plan (and/or
Statistics on land-use, housing development, and energy
in an urban land-use plan) the stipulation becomes mandatory for
efficiency in Germany
further regional and local development practice.
A study by the German Federal Statistical Office shows that past
efforts to save heating energy in the area of housing have been Urban land-use planning
nullified by the increase in heated living space (cf. hereinafter:
UBA, 2007, 31f). Thus, the heating energy consumption of private The general climate protection and energy efficiency strategies
homes increased by 2.8% from 1995 through 2004, even though the of urban development in Germany are oriented towards the fol-
866 W. Wende et al. / Land Use Policy 27 (2010) 864–868

Fig. 1. Heat loss due to the effect of wind and of the position of buildings in the
terrain (DIFU et al., 1997).

lowing models:

• upgrading the residential stock energy supply and utilisation sys-

• low-shade positioning of structures during the winter, and
active-constructive shading during the summer; Fig. 2. Controlling wind direction by planting and positioning of the buildings (DIFU
• energy-saving arrangement of housing blocks and flats; et al., 1997).

• site selection of buildings (e.g. optimisation of infrastructure con-

nections to the district-heating network);
• avoidance of individual motorised traffic. • areas and sites for energy supply systems, e.g. facilities for cogen-
eration or wind parks.
For development planning in Germany, this means a further-
reaching consolidation of these general principles, and their The following climate protection relevant categories can be
application to local climate protection strategies (Janssen and established and stipulated on a mandatory basis in municipal con-
Albrecht, 2008): struction development plans (in Germany legally binding land-use
plans) (Janssen and Albrecht, 2008; Schröter, 2009; Scholz et al.,
• steering and concentration of spatial urban growth, priority for 1998; DIFU et al., 1997).
internal development and maximum possible avoidance of exter- Art. 9, Sect. 1, several nos. apply:
nal development, preservation of the carrying capacity of the
natural space (CO2 sinks; cf. Brown and Southworth, 2008);
• types and dimensions of structural utilisation (no. 1);
• concentrated expansion of residential areas at efficient traffic
• height of structural facilities (no. 2; heat energy savings of up to
and infrastructural locations and routes, local public transport
18% possible; cf. Schröter, 2009);
in residential cores (UBA, 2005);
• style, positioning and roof orientation (no. 2; savings up to 10%
• appropriate positioning for new residential building areas (see
Fig. 1 and the explanations below);
• land areas to be built on/not built on (no. 2);
• reduced spatial demand for stationary and mobile traffic, support
• size, depth and width of plots of land for building (no. 3; savings
for car-pooling;
• greater mixed-use structuring, diversified economic structures, up to 5 kW h/m2 per year heat energy);
• facilities for the use of renewable energies, in particular the use
utilisation diversity;
• site preparation for use of solar energy and other regenerative of solar energy (no. 23 b);
• planting (no. 25; savings up to 3–6% of heat energy; see Fig. 2).
energy sources (e.g. geothermal energy), sustainable use of local
resources and power systems;
• preservation and development of the municipal and regional Tree plantations can have a positive effect on the heat balance
green and open space. sheet of buildings. Deciduous plants are appropriate for shading
buildings in summer and are diaphanous to solar rays in winter.
Fig. 1 shows several examples for different amounts of heat loss Protection from wind exposure can be provided by dense evergreen
dependent on location and exposure of buildings to the wind. Hill- plantations. Planting measures can be stipulated in legally binding
tops are less appropriate sites for new residential areas from the land-use plans with reference to Art. 9, Sect. 1, No. 25 of the German
heating energy-saving point of view. Wind shaded positions can Federal Building Code (BauGB).
save about 50% of average heat energy needs. Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of urban density on surface-to-volume
The climate protection strategies presented here can be ratios, and the effects on heat demand. Compact and high-volume
reflected in land-use and municipal zoning (in Germany in the building shapes are much more energy-efficient than low volume
preparatory land-use plan) (BauGB Art. 5, Sect. 2): buildings. For example, the heat demand of eight 2-storey ribbons
of row houses is only around 56% of that of 64 single-family homes,
• general and/or special types of structural use, for mixed spatial whose heat consumption is given as 100%. For four 4-storey rib-
structures and mixed use (BauGB Art. 5, Sect. 2, No. 1); bons, the figure is 40%, and for a 4-storey block-edge building,
• specifications of the urban development density (minimum around 36%. This shows the importance of promoting high urban
objective value); density to prevent heat losses and indirect CO2 and greenhouse
• identification of residential cores; gas emissions. The type of urban structuring can be stipulated in
• space for non-local traffic under the public transport concept; legally binding land-use plans under Art. 9, Sect. 1, Nos. 1 and 2 of
• location, size and accessibility of infrastructural facilities; the German Federal Building Code.
W. Wende et al. / Land Use Policy 27 (2010) 864–868 867

Fig. 3. Surface-to-volume ratios of different building shapes at equal building masses (64 flats) (DIFU et al., 1997).

Conclusions increase energy efficiency of houses, and reduction of greenhouse

gas emissions.
Climate protection, energy efficiency, and use of renewable The authors have developed a few ideas and suggested how they
energy resources play an increasingly important role in spatial can be integrated into existing codes and norms. Of course, these
and urban planning. Density of an urban settlement and its spa- can serve just as a starting point in meeting the enormous challenge
tial organisation play an important role in the amount of energy of mainstreaming climate change concerns into land-use plan-
consumed by the community. Creating compact urban structures ning at a variety of levels (e.g. country, regional, municipal). The
is one of the key factors for climate change mitigation. authors recognise the current lack of knowledge on new and more
New, strategically oriented policy tools for management of res- comprehensive approaches and measures in spatial and urban
idential space are necessary. These tools should enable housing planning. Moreover, climate protection and adaptation measures
provision while avoiding creation of low-density urban settle- should be coordinated to achieve synergies. The formulated ideas
ments. Municipalities, regions and the German states should and suggested solutions show a significant potential in integrating
allocate land for new housing construction in regional, spatial, and planning measures into climate change mitigation task. Currently
urban land-use plans only where actual immigration causes hous- the German Federal Environment Agency is carrying out some
ing space deficiency. In the latter case construction permits should research projects in this area with a focus on concrete measures
be available only for projects that are optimized spatially to ensure on how urban environments should be designed to reduce green-
their energy efficiency. Important issues to consider are building house gas emissions. However, comprehensive applied planning
stock density and transport links; availability and proximity of sup- guidelines for climate protection still need to be developed.
ply infrastructures (e.g. heating); maximisation of opportunities to
use natural lighting, heating, and cooling; and reservation of space
for energy generation from renewable sources (e.g. wind and solar
parks). Brown, M., Southworth, F., 2008. Mitigating climate change through green buildings
Socio-demographic factors are also worth consideration. Finan- and smart growth. Environ. Plan. 40 (3), 653–675.
cial and social incentives should be available to elderly residents Bulkeley, H., Kern, K., 2006. Local government and the governing of climate change
in Germany and the UK. Urban Studies 43 (12), 2237–2259.
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their family-raising period. Young families should be encouraged 2008. Klimaschutz in der kommunalen Planung [Climate protection in munici-
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Incentives should be given to upgrading and modernisation of old
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this would open another opportunity to increase energy efficiency Series: Earth Environ. Sci. 6, 332008, doi:10.1088/1755-1307/6/3/332008.
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BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
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egories of planning law can be implemented more effectively to climate protection and the protection of biological diversity in spatial plan-
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