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The Purpose Of Strategic Marketing Planning


Describes strategic marketing as a field of study and some of the basics of the field. It offers a definition
for marketing strategy, building a central organizational strategy for the field, and considering the many
basic components of the marketing strategy. The domain of strategic marketing is seen to include studies
related to organizational, inter-organizational and environmental phenomena and concern with -(1)
Responsibilities for the organization's conduct in the marketplace in relation to the supply,
communication and supply of goods that value customers during exchange with the organization, and its
role in expanding the scope of marketing activities within the organization. At a broader level, marketing
strategy can be defined as an integrated decision-making pattern that specifies its key choices regarding
product, market, marketing activities and marketing resources, communication and / or delivery of
products. Enables the organization to achieve its objectives. One of the key issues in strategic marketing
as a field of study is the question of how a business's marketing strategy is affected by demand side factors
and supply side factors.

The purpose of strategic Marketing planning

Market-oriented strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining an effective competency
between the organization's goals, skills and resources and its changing market opportunities.

The goal of the Strategic Marketing Plan (SMP) is to reshape the organization's business and products so
that they achieve their goals and profits. " Strategic planning takes place at four levels - corporate,
divisional business units and products.


Strategic planning can be defined as the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between
the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. Strategic planning or
strategizing is essentially a task of choice, i.e., to decide what to do and what not to do to achieve
organizational goals. Every company has to do strategic planning, although the nature and extent may

❖ Marketing Planning Process

Developing a well-organized, strategic marketing plan requires nine major steps to set your marketing
goals, conduct marketing monitoring, conduct market research, analyze the research, identify your
target audience, set a budget, develop specific marketing strategies, develop Creates an implementation
schedule and an evaluation process for IT strategies.

Your marketing plan is how you apply your marketing strategy. So it should be a practical reflection of
your strategy.
If you understand the market well, you can probably divide it into different sections - the same customer
group. For example, you can break down a business market into businesses with the same market and
the same size. For each category, you need to see what customers want, what you can offer, and what
the competition is about. You want to identify the categories where you have a competitive advantage.
At the same time, you should evaluate whether you can expect higher sales at higher levels to make the
segment successful. Often, the most committed categories are your existing customers. See what you
can do to increase sales to these customers. If you are targeting new customers, you need to make sure
they have the resources to reach them effectively. Once you have determined what your target market
is, you also need to decide how to position yourself in it. For example, you can deliver a high-quality
product at a premium price or flexible local service. Some businesses try to help their strong brand and
image stand out. Whatever your strategy, you need to differentiate yourself from the competition in
order to encourage customers to choose your business first.

❖ Set your marketing goals: Once you have decided to market your practice, you need to set
realistic and measurable goals for the next 18 to 24 months. This deadline allows you to act
around community events that are consistent with your marketing goals. For example, you
could sponsor an annual walkthrough for breast cancer or speak at your community's annual
health fair. Due to the rapid change in the healthcare environment, we do not recommend
planning specific activities for more than two years. One way to define your goals is to separate
them into the following three categories: Instant, one to six months; Short-term, six to 12
months; And long-term, 12 to 24 months. Here are some examples of measurable goals:

• Increase the number of new patients seen in practice to 5 percent in the first six months and 10
percent at the end of the first year.
• Transfer your patient mix by increasing the pediatric and adolescent patient base from 15
percent to 25 percent within 18 months.
• Increase your total income by 30 percent in 24 months.
• Improve your practice image, which can be measured by reviewing the “before” and “after”
scores or focus group participants in the community survey.

It’s important to share these goals with your staff members so they can tell you from their perspective
whether they believe the goals are reasonable. If you want your marketing plan to be successful, your
employees need to support your efforts to achieve marketing goals.

❖ Conduct a marketing audit.

A marketing review is a review of all the marketing activities that have occurred in your practice over
the past three years. Be sure to review every announcement, ad, phonebook ad, open house, brochure
and seminar and evaluate whether it is successful.

❖ Market research

The purpose of market research is to draw a realistic picture of your practice, the community you are
practicing, and the current position of that community. With this research you can make fairly accurate
predictions about the future growth of the community, identify competing factors, and explore non-
traditional opportunities. Conducting market research is often a time-consuming step in this process.
But it is a very important step. From this study you will be able to find out what makes your practice the
best and what you should do, what your community needs, what your practice should target and how
you should do it.

Develop marketing strategies.

Within your budget, you can start defining specific marketing strategies that will address your goals,
reach your target audience, and build your patient base. May be used to. For example, a strategy related
to the goal of increasing patient satisfaction may be to make the office more patient friendly. The
actions required for that strategy may include the following:

• Provide staff patient satisfaction training sessions to staff;

• Develop patient self-scheduling systems within practice websites to eliminate the need to
telephone the office for an appointment;
• Improve reception room decor;
• Provide name tags for employees;
• Staff need to be introduced to each new patient;
• Conduct telephone interviews with new patients within three days of their appointment.

❖ Implement your marketing plan

There is more to your marketing plan than just saying what you want to do. Describe every step you
need to take to make sure this happens.

The plan should include a schedule of core work. It determines what and when to do it. Check the
schedule as often as possible to avoid losing your goals under the pressure of daily work.

You should also evaluate what resources you need. For example, you need to think about what
brochures you need and whether they need to be available for your digital distribution (via email or
from your website). You also need to look at how long it takes to sell to your customers and whether
you have enough salespeople

The cost of everything in the plan needs to be included in the budget. If your finances are limited, you
need to take your plan into account. Don't overdo your marketing activities - it's best to pick a handful
and do most of them. You may want to link your marketing budget with your sales forecast.

❖ Create an evaluation process:

The value of a marketing plan is its effectiveness, which requires deliberate and timely implementation
and monitoring and evaluation of results. It is important to measure your results as opposed to the
standards you set in establishing your goals. Periodically review your plan by comparing your progress
with the implementation schedule (we will recommend quarterly). There are several ways to measure
the results of your progress: patient survey scores, referral sources, increase in income, increase in new
patients and decrease in complaints.
If at any time you find that your progress does not measure up to your expectations, you need to
determine it. Perhaps the ad about the new service you're marketing didn't attract new patients. If the
ad campaign is running as directed without results, continue the campaign and try other steps.

❖ To make better as following Marketing Planning process

A good marketing plan outlines realistic marketing goals, strategies, and actions based on your practice
and relevant information and research about your community. But the plan is just as great as your
commitment to implement, dedicating enough resources to the effort, engaging your employees and
communicating openly with them. The marketing plan should not be left to any shelf just by writing,
reviewing. Instead, your practice marketing plan should be a developed blueprint that guides your
efforts and monitors your success.

❖ The advantage of the marketing planning process

A thoughtful, step-by-step approach to your marketing plan is important. Done, it can bring a lot of
valuable benefits such as -

• It encourages you to revisit old habits and assumptions. You have to learn to adapt to the
changing world - doing things the way you always did is not a winning strategy. A good
marketing plan should take you out of your comfort zone at least a little bit and do your job
today and why you think it will work. Just because you “always did something like that” doesn’t
mean it’s effective or even a good idea.

• This reduces the risk by adding new information. The process of developing a marketing plan
forces you to re-examine your marketplace, your competition, your target audience, and your
value proposition towards prospects. This type of focused research reduces risk because it
forces you to evaluate your business model and marketing program before giving it time and
money. According to our study on professional service marketing, companies that conduct
research on a regular basis among their target audience grow faster and become more

• It provides accountability. Marketing Planning Both your marketing and business development
teams set specific goals and measure their progress. Management is responsible for providing
adequate resources to ensure that the marketing plan has a reasonable chance of success.

• It is not reactive but active. Planning ahead puts you in control of marketing so you can
maximize its impact. However, it is important to be smart enough to respond to changed
situations. Having well-documented plans makes it easy to change them.

• This can become a competitive advantage. High-growth firms use their marketing strategy as a
diffuser. By giving some thought to what makes your vision unique, you should be able to
develop mandatory binders - one or more obvious reasons to choose your firm over the
seemingly similar ones.
It starts with understanding your target audience and how they receive information. Once you've gained
insight into how, where, and when you're looking for information about services like yours, you can
identify and use their preferred channels. This is all about making your skills clearer and more visible to
your target audience to gain the achievement.

Conclusion: Marketing is the most exciting of all business sports. It is the heartbeat of every successful
business. It is constantly changing at all levels and everywhere in response to the explosion of information,
the proliferation of technology and the aggression of competition. Provides a sample of such a budget by
presenting a campaign image designed to sell services in a specific industry. After analyzing the target
market and competition and reviewing its targets and strategies, the company chose trade promotion
advertising, trade public relations, flight direct mail, and attendance at trade shows as its primary
promotion strategies.

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