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Strictly Confidential

Authorized Personnel are the primary persons who can access this Assessment Report for it requires
strict and high confidentiality for security purposes of the persons involve. – Psychological Section


Name: SD
Birth Date: October 12, 1998
Birth Place: Cavite
Age: 21
Address: General Trias City Cavite
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Admission: October 19, 1998


SD was referred by her mother regarding his son’s declining mental state and had


EJ is the eldest child. Her mother is a Registered Midwife while her father is a
Finishing Carpenter. The relationship of her parent is like a typical husband-wife relationship,
there are ups and downs. Her mother is a jolly a person and caring to her sons and daughter
and also to friends of her children. While EJ’s father is strict, terror but soft hearted to her
children. Her relationship to her parents was a bit comfortable but with reservations. She got
to let her real self seen with no judgment and with reservation to keep herself a private
space where she could let her emotion freed. She was comfortable with both of them in
terms of sharing her problems because of the transparency and leniency that her parents set
to them through growing up.
EJ has own room where she can do what she wants to do freely. She is a fond of
reading books especially. She was a busy a person. She joined a lot of organizations in
school and actively participating in different extra-curricular activities. In fact, when she has
free time she was helping her father in making a contract for a client and during summer,
she helps her mother on managing a Basketball Competition on their Barangay since her
mother is a manager on a specific team. She was the one who’s in charge in organizing the
uniforms, place where they can practice and food for their team. As the eldest, her parents
always kept her involve in issues inside their house to know her side and opinion.
When she was on senior high school, she was a member of a Research Team on
their school. She gains a lot of knowledge that mostly she can used in near future. She
mentioned that her adviser in Research was strict and perfectionist, they always received a
lot of criticisms on their paper. She felt intimidated and pressured during her senior high
school days.
During her college days, she decided to work while studying Psychology in a State
University in Cavite. She was a student in morning, a tutor in afternoon and eldest daughter
in night. She spent her weekends on working a part time on her father’s business. For her
being a working student is not easy since it was occupating and sometimes wasn’t able to
catch up on lessons in school. But it was a training ground on how to be playful with her time
and it keeps her motivated because of the adrenaline that she set up on herself. As the
eldest child, she was truly pressured.


EJ is a professional woman. She has good posture, black hair, round eyes and fair
skin. She was wearing stripes blue shirt and gray jacket.
During the interview she keeps on smiling while answering those questions.
Confidence is visible to her as she was focused and maintained eye contact. I noticed that
when she was doing the draw-a-person and house tree, she keeps on scratching her face
and keeps on brushing her hair. Overall, EJ maintained her professional attitude during
the interview.


Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, Draw-A-Person and House Tree Person

were administered on May 04, 2021.


EJ cooperates well during the test. She didn’t complain and answer the test
smoothly. But as soon I give her the draw-a-person, she keeps on complaining that she
didn’t know how to draw but still pursued to finish the test. She finished the test with
cooperative manner.


Test results show that EJ has behavior that more likely can lead on having general
anxiety disorder.
For the first test is Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. EJ obtained 46 out of 60
in Ravens Progressive Matrices. The score of EJ is in 75% percentile. Test result shows that
she was in above average.
The client has high achievement aspirations which made her develop of being
anxious. The criticisms from her parents and teachers made her exert all her effort in
everything she did. Test result also shows that she’s overly sensitive to social opinion and
criticisms which cover up by being bossy, dominant, and aggressive. It was visible on her
behavior inside and outside of house. When she’s at home she keeps on scolding her
siblings for messing their house. Sometimes, she doesn’t want her younger brother to enter
her room. Lastly, she’s always not satisfied on her work in school and she’s constantly
repeat her assignments if she stain (even a little stain) or accidentally crumpled the paper
that she was using.
Moreover, the client has shows fear of revealing self, secretive, guarded and
defensive that coincides to her behavior that she still reserved a forty percent out of hundred
percent to keep herself a private space. Additionally, test result shows on emphasis in
intellect or superior mind and had grandeur delusions. The client unconsciously boasts her
work to others.
Overall, the client is anxious and emotionally unstable. The pressure from school,
work and house are the factors affecting her behavior. She’s also experiencing a lot of stress
which made her develop of being anxious in everything she does
EJ is a woman who exerts all her effort in everything she did and she wants it to be
perfect. Joining in a Research team in senior high school made her develop that attitude plus
the fact that she was the eldest child, so she needs to be matured, responsible and hard
worker. She is a busy person. She needs to attend her class in morning, works in afternoon
and be the eldest child in their house that causes stress on her. She is in denial to the fact
that she was affected on what other people thinks of her so she cover up her weakness by
being bossy, aggressive and socially dominant behavior. She never shows her true self to
others easily. She is also very meticulous on her appearance, it takes time for her to fix
herself. Furthermore, she’s very clean on her room. She’s always frustrated whenever her
room is a mess because her mindset is if her room is dirty she will fail on exam.


The behavior of the client can actually lead on having General Anxiety Disorder.
These are behavior that she possess that might be a signs and symptoms of General
Anxiety Disorder

a. Unconsciously worrying in everything she does;

b. Anxious on what she’s wearing;
c. Always assuring if her work is right;
d. Trust issues;
e. Spent a lot of time on cleaning since her mindset is if her room is a mess she will
fail on exam;
f. Constantly repeating her projects or assignments if the paper gets crumpled;
g. Unmotivated when she got lower scores on her projects and assignment;
h. Sometimes she behave in a way that seems arrogant to others;
i. Easily gets annoyed to others/ irritability
j. Over fatigue and
k. Occasional abdominal pain.


The client will need to undergo family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. The
maladaptive behavior and negative attitude she possess needs to eliminate. Also, the client
needs to have more interaction with her family. The following recommendations are:
 Family therapy, even though she doesn’t have problems to her family she
needs to do family therapy. In this therapy it can help her to share her true feelings to her
 Cognitive behavioral therapy will help her eliminate those negative thoughts
and maladaptive behavior.

Prepared by:

Rommel Sarji Deseo

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