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Class:12 Physics Assignment 9

Topic: Alternating Current

1 What is meant by wattles current?
2 Define: Q factor in LCR series circuit
3 Why is choke coil preferred over resistor to reduce a.c?
4 How do R, X L and X C get affected when the frequency of applied AC is doubled?
5 For circuits for transporting electric power, a low power factor implies large power loss in
transmission line. Why?
6 An electric lamp connected in series with a capacitor and an AC source is glowing with
certain brightness. How does the brightness of the lamp change on reducing the
7 The power factor of an AC circuit is lagging by a factor 0.5. What does it mean?
8 The peak value of an AC is 5A and its frequency is 60Hz. Find its rms value. How long
will the current take to reach the peak value starting from zero?
9 The voltage and current in a series AC circuit are given by
V= V 0 Cosωt & I= I 0 Sinωt. What is the power dissipated in the circuit?
10 The primary coil of an ideal step up transformer has 100 turns and the transformation
ratio is also 100. The input voltage and the power are 220 V and 1100 W respectively.
Calculate (i) number of turns in secondary (ii) current in primary (iii) voltage across
secondary (iv) current in secondary (v) power in secondary.
11 When an AC source is connected to a capacitor with a dielectric slab between its plates,
will the rms current increase or decrease or remain constant?
12 In an LCR circuit the potential difference between terminals of inductance 60V, between
terminals of capacitor 40V and between the terminals of resistor is 40V. Find the supply
13 An inductor
“L” of
XL is
series with
a bulb “B”
to an A.C Source as shown in the figure.Briefly explain how does the brightness of the
bulb change, when
i. Number of turns of the inductor is reduced and
ii. A capacitor of reactance X C = X L is included in the same circuit.
iii. If increase driving frequency f in the circuit, does the current amplitude I increase or
stay the same?
14 An A.C source of voltage V= V m Sinωt is connected one-by-one to three circuit elements
X, Y and Z. It is observed that the current flowing in them
i. is in phase with applied voltage for X
ii. Lags applied voltage in phase by π /2 for elements Y.
iii. Leads the applied voltage in phase by π /2 for element Z.
Identify the three circuit elements.
15 The turn ratio of a transformer is 10. What is the e.m.f in the secondary if 2V is supplied
to primary?
16 When a voltage of 120V is given to the primary of a transformer the current in the
primary is 1.85mA. Find the voltage across the secondary when it gives a current of
150mA. The efficiency of the transformer is 95%
17 Instantaneous value of a.c through an inductor L is
E = EO coswt. Obtain an expression for insantaneous current through the inductor. Also
draw the phasor diagram.
18 In an inductor of inductance L, current passing is IO. Derive an expression for energy
stored in it. In what forms is this energy stored?

Figure shows the variation of resistance and reactance versus angular frequency. Identify
the curve which corresponds to inductive reactance and resistance.
20 An alternating voltage of frequency f is applied across a series LCR circuit. Let fr be the
resonant frequency of the circuit. Will the current in the circuit lag, lead or remain in
phasewith the applied voltage when (i) f > fr (ii) f < fr (iii) f = fr ? Explain your
answer in each case.
21 Figure (a),(b),(c) show three alternating circuits with equal currents. If frequency of
alternating emf be increased, what will be the effect on current in the three cases?

22 A device ‘X’ is connected to an ac source V = VO sin wt. The variation of voltage, current
and power in one cycle is shown in the following graph :
(a) Identify the device ‘X’.
(b) Which of the curves A, B and C represent the voltage, current and the power
consumed in the circuit ? Justify your answer.
(c) How does its impedance vary with frequency of the ac source ?
Show graphically.
(d) Obtain an expression for the current in the circuit and its phase relation with ac

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