Q.no 1. in Parallel Transfer Data Transmission Mode Number of Bits Transferred at A Time in 8051 Is

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Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred at

a time in 8051 is ….

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 2. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H
Q.no 3. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 4. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 5. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0

B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 6. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these

Q.no 7. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers
D : Serial Communication

Q.no 8. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 9. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?





Q.no 10. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit


D : Data Bit

Q.no 11. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32

C : f/144

D : f/384

Q.no 12. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing
C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 13. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 14. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which

functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array

C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 15. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock
pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3

B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 16. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 17. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the
address of instructions to memory through internal bus?
A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 18. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?





Q.no 19. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal
attached to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.

Q.no 20. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 21. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called




Q.no 22. Which of the following instructions will copy the 10h to the accumulator?

A : mov a, 10

B : mov a, 10h

C : mov a, #10h

D : mov a, @10h

Q.no 23. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 24. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 25. Which of the following statement is false?

A : All 8051 ports are bidirectional

B : All 8051 ports are bit programmable

C : All 8051 ports output FFH after reset

D : All 8051 ports need external pull ups

Q.no 26. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction
D : None of these

Q.no 27. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 28. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.

A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 29. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 30. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 31. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 32. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these

Q.no 33. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 34. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 35. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 36. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 37. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 38. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0

Q.no 39. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 40. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled

C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these
Q.no 41. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 42. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 43. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 44. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH


D : 00H

Q.no 45. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….
A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 46. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 47. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 48. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 49. For a given 8051 controller system, if the crystal frequency is 18 MHz
then what would be the timer clock frequency,f and its period,T?

A : f-1.5 MHz and T-0.667 microseconds

B : f-1 MHz and T-1 microseconds

C : f-2 MHz and T-1.085 microseconds

D : f-1.085MHz and T-0.60 microseconds

Q.no 50. The ____ instruction transfers the program control to the instruction next
to CALL in the main program:




D : None

Q.no 51. Which rotate instruction/s has an ability to modify CY flag by moving the
bit-7 & bit-0 respectively to an accumulator?

A : RR & RL


C : RR & RRC

D : RL & RLC

Q.no 52. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 53. Serial data transmission is initiated by

A : Placing the data byte in SBUF

B : Setting TI flag

C : Enabling TI flag

D : None of these

Q.no 54. In mode 0 if count reaches 1FFF H the next count will be……….

A : 0000H


C : 1FF H
D : 1111 H

Q.no 55. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 56. Which data memory control and handle the operation of several
peripherals by assigning them in the category of special function registers?

A : Internal on-chip RAM

B : External off-chip RAM

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 57. ………… are 8-bit register used for serial communication.



C : SM0

D : SM1

Q.no 58. What is the status of CY, AC and P when 64H and 9CH are added?

A : CY=0,AC=0,P=0

B : CY=0,AC=1,P=0

C : CY=0,AC=0,P=1

D : CY=1,AC=1,P=0

Q.no 59. To transmit the ninth bit, it should be placed in

A : Bit 0 of next byte

C : TB8 of SCON

D : None of these

Q.no 60. This bit is used to decide whether the timer is used as a delay generator
(timer) or an event counter.


B : M1,M0

C : C/T


Q.no 1. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 2. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 3. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 4. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions are
called the:


C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 5. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 6. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 7. The second part of the instruction is the data to be operated on, and it is

A : operand

B : opcode

C : hex code

D : mnemonic

Q.no 8. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 9. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?





Q.no 10. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred
at a time in 8051 is ….

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 11. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 12. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 13. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit


D : Data Bit
Q.no 14. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 15. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 16. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called





Q.no 17. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 18. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?




Q.no 19. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 20. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?





Q.no 21. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 22. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 23. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which

functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array
C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 24. Which of the following statement is false?

A : All 8051 ports are bidirectional

B : All 8051 ports are bit programmable

C : All 8051 ports output FFH after reset

D : All 8051 ports need external pull ups

Q.no 25. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the
address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 26. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1


Q.no 27. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 28. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction
C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 29. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 30. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 31. In …....the timer 0 registers are configured as two separate 8 bit counters.

A : Mode 1

B : Mode 2

C : Mode 3

D : Mode 4

Q.no 32. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?


B : 16

C : 32

D : 64

Q.no 33. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?
A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 34. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 35. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 36. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 37. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 38. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.
A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 39. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 40. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled

C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these

Q.no 41. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 42. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these
Q.no 43. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 44. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 45. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 46. The ____ instruction transfers the program control to the instruction next
to CALL in the main program:




D : None

Q.no 47. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1

D : All the above

Q.no 48. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 49. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 50. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 51. How many machine cycle/s is / are executed by the counters in 8051 in
order to detect '1' to '0' transition at the external pin?





Q.no 52. Which of the following statement is true:

A : Accumulator is a 16 bit register

B : PC points to the last instruction to be executed

C : Stack works on the principle of LIFO

D : All instructions affect the flags

Q.no 53. External pull up registers are connected to port 0 so as to

A : Use port 0 as an i/p or an o/p, as it has open drain o/p

B : Configure port 0 as an i/p port

C : Configure port 0 as an o/p port

D : None of the above

Q.no 54. Which signal from CPU has an ability to respond the clocking value of D
flip-flop (bit latch) from the internal bus?

A : Write - to - Read Signal

B : Write - to - Latch Signal

C : Read - to - Write Signal

D : Read - to - Latch Signal

Q.no 55. What would be the content of the accumulator after execution of the
instruction, MOV A, SP just after system reset?

A : Undefined

B : 07H

C : 08H

D : None of these

Q.no 56. Assuming that bank 0 is selected and register R0 of this bank contains
80H, which of the following instructions would copy the data from port 0 to
register B?

A : MOV 0F0H, 80H

B : MOV B, @R0

C : MOV F0H,@R0

D : None of these
Q.no 57. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose
address is in register 0 to port 1?

A : MOV @ P1, R0

B : MOV @ R0, P1

C : MOV P1, @ R0

D : MOV P1, R0

Q.no 58. Value to be loaded to TMOD register to select counter 0 in mode 2 and
timer 1 in mode 1 is:

A : 16H

B : 64H

C : 32H

D : 20H

Q.no 59. What happens when the pins of port 0 & port 2 are switched to internal
ADDR and ADDR / DATA bus respectively while accessing an external memory?

A : Ports cannot be used as general-purpose Inputs / Outputs

B : Ports start sinking more current than sourcing

C : Ports cannot be further used as high impedance input

D : All of the above

Q.no 60. To transmit the ninth bit, it should be placed in

A : Bit 0 of next byte


C : TB8 of SCON

D : None of these

Q.no 1. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 2. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions are
called the:



C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 3. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 4. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock

pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3

B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 5. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these

Q.no 6. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 7. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing

C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 8. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers

D : Serial Communication

Q.no 9. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal attached
to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.

Q.no 10. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 11. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0
B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 12. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 13. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32

C : f/144

D : f/384

Q.no 14. Which of the following instructions will copy the 10h to the accumulator?

A : mov a, 10

B : mov a, 10h

C : mov a, #10h

D : mov a, @10h

Q.no 15. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 16. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?
A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 17. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 18. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 19. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred
at a time in 8051 is ….

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 20. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 21. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the
address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 22. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?





Q.no 23. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which

functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array

C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 24. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 25. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1
C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 26. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH


D : 00H

Q.no 27. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 28. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0

Q.no 29. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 30. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?
A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 31. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1


Q.no 32. In …....the timer 0 registers are configured as two separate 8 bit counters.

A : Mode 1

B : Mode 2

C : Mode 3

D : Mode 4

Q.no 33. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….

A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 34. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction
D : None of these

Q.no 35. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 36. For a given 8051 controller system, if the crystal frequency is 18 MHz
then what would be the timer clock frequency,f and its period,T?

A : f-1.5 MHz and T-0.667 microseconds

B : f-1 MHz and T-1 microseconds

C : f-2 MHz and T-1.085 microseconds

D : f-1.085MHz and T-0.60 microseconds

Q.no 37. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 38. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 39. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 40. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 41. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 42. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 43. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 44. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1
A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 45. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 46. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 47. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 48. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?


B : 16

C : 32

D : 64
Q.no 49. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 50. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 51. In mode 0 if count reaches 1FFF H the next count will be……….

A : 0000H


C : 1FF H

D : 1111 H

Q.no 52. This bit is used to decide whether the timer is used as a delay generator
(timer) or an event counter.


B : M1,M0

C : C/T


Q.no 53. Which rotate instruction/s has an ability to modify CY flag by moving the
bit-7 & bit-0 respectively to an accumulator?

A : RR & RL


C : RR & RRC
D : RL & RLC

Q.no 54. Which data memory control and handle the operation of several
peripherals by assigning them in the category of special function registers?

A : Internal on-chip RAM

B : External off-chip RAM

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 55. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 56. ………… are 8-bit register used for serial communication.



C : SM0

D : SM1

Q.no 57. Serial data transmission is initiated by

A : Placing the data byte in SBUF

B : Setting TI flag

C : Enabling TI flag

D : None of these

Q.no 58. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 59. What is the status of CY, AC and P when 64H and 9CH are added?

A : CY=0,AC=0,P=0

B : CY=0,AC=1,P=0

C : CY=0,AC=0,P=1

D : CY=1,AC=1,P=0

Q.no 60. Value to be loaded to TMOD register to select counter 0 in mode 2 and
timer 1 in mode 1 is:

A : 16H

B : 64H

C : 32H

D : 20H

Q.no 1. Which of the following statement is false?

A : All 8051 ports are bidirectional

B : All 8051 ports are bit programmable

C : All 8051 ports output FFH after reset

D : All 8051 ports need external pull ups

Q.no 2. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit


D : Data Bit

Q.no 3. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing
C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 4. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?





Q.no 5. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these

Q.no 6. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions are
called the:



C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 7. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 8. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock

pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3
B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 9. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called





Q.no 10. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 11. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 12. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 13. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus
B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 14. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 15. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?





Q.no 16. The second part of the instruction is the data to be operated on, and it is

A : operand

B : opcode

C : hex code

D : mnemonic

Q.no 17. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 18. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?
A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 19. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 20. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?





Q.no 21. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 22. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal
attached to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.
Q.no 23. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 24. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32

C : f/144

D : f/384

Q.no 25. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 26. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 27. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3
D : MODE 0

Q.no 28. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 29. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….

A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 30. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 31. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.

A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 32. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1


Q.no 33. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 34. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 35. The ____ instruction transfers the program control to the instruction next
to CALL in the main program:




D : None

Q.no 36. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH

D : 00H

Q.no 37. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 38. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these

Q.no 39. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 40. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled

C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these

Q.no 41. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 42. In …....the timer 0 registers are configured as two separate 8 bit counters.

A : Mode 1

B : Mode 2

C : Mode 3

D : Mode 4

Q.no 43. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 44. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 45. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 46. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H
B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 47. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 48. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 49. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 50. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 51. What happens when the pins of port 0 & port 2 are switched to internal
ADDR and ADDR / DATA bus respectively while accessing an external memory?
A : Ports cannot be used as general-purpose Inputs / Outputs

B : Ports start sinking more current than sourcing

C : Ports cannot be further used as high impedance input

D : All of the above

Q.no 52. Which of the following statement is true:

A : Accumulator is a 16 bit register

B : PC points to the last instruction to be executed

C : Stack works on the principle of LIFO

D : All instructions affect the flags

Q.no 53. What would be the content of the accumulator after execution of the
instruction, MOV A, SP just after system reset?

A : Undefined

B : 07H

C : 08H

D : None of these

Q.no 54. How many machine cycle/s is / are executed by the counters in 8051 in
order to detect '1' to '0' transition at the external pin?





Q.no 55. External pull up registers are connected to port 0 so as to

A : Use port 0 as an i/p or an o/p, as it has open drain o/p

B : Configure port 0 as an i/p port

C : Configure port 0 as an o/p port

D : None of the above

Q.no 56. Assuming that bank 0 is selected and register R0 of this bank contains
80H, which of the following instructions would copy the data from port 0 to
register B?

A : MOV 0F0H, 80H

B : MOV B, @R0

C : MOV F0H,@R0

D : None of these

Q.no 57. Which signal from CPU has an ability to respond the clocking value of D
flip-flop (bit latch) from the internal bus?

A : Write - to - Read Signal

B : Write - to - Latch Signal

C : Read - to - Write Signal

D : Read - to - Latch Signal

Q.no 58. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose
address is in register 0 to port 1?

A : MOV @ P1, R0

B : MOV @ R0, P1

C : MOV P1, @ R0

D : MOV P1, R0

Q.no 59. To transmit the ninth bit, it should be placed in

A : Bit 0 of next byte


C : TB8 of SCON

D : None of these

Q.no 60. ………… are 8-bit register used for serial communication.


C : SM0

D : SM1

Q.no 1. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing

C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 2. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0

B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 3. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers

D : Serial Communication

Q.no 4. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 5. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock

pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3
B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 6. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called





Q.no 7. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the

address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 8. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 9. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?





Q.no 10. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 11. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions
are called the:



C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 12. Which of the following instructions will copy the 10h to the accumulator?

A : mov a, 10

B : mov a, 10h

C : mov a, #10h

D : mov a, @10h

Q.no 13. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 14. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these
Q.no 15. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which
functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array

C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 16. Which of the following statement is false?

A : All 8051 ports are bidirectional

B : All 8051 ports are bit programmable

C : All 8051 ports output FFH after reset

D : All 8051 ports need external pull ups

Q.no 17. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 18. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred
at a time in 8051 is ….

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 19. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit

D : Data Bit

Q.no 20. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 21. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?





Q.no 22. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 23. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 24. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte
C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 25. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 26. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 27. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 28. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 29. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?

B : 16

C : 32

D : 64

Q.no 30. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….

A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 31. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.

A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 32. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 33. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0
Q.no 34. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 35. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 36. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 37. For a given 8051 controller system, if the crystal frequency is 18 MHz
then what would be the timer clock frequency,f and its period,T?

A : f-1.5 MHz and T-0.667 microseconds

B : f-1 MHz and T-1 microseconds

C : f-2 MHz and T-1.085 microseconds

D : f-1.085MHz and T-0.60 microseconds

Q.no 38. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1

Q.no 39. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 40. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 41. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 42. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 43. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 44. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these

Q.no 45. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 46. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH


D : 00H

Q.no 47. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 48. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 49. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 50. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 51. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 52. In mode 0 if count reaches 1FFF H the next count will be……….

A : 0000H

C : 1FF H

D : 1111 H

Q.no 53. Which rotate instruction/s has an ability to modify CY flag by moving the
bit-7 & bit-0 respectively to an accumulator?

A : RR & RL


C : RR & RRC

D : RL & RLC

Q.no 54. What is the status of CY, AC and P when 64H and 9CH are added?

A : CY=0,AC=0,P=0

B : CY=0,AC=1,P=0

C : CY=0,AC=0,P=1

D : CY=1,AC=1,P=0

Q.no 55. Value to be loaded to TMOD register to select counter 0 in mode 2 and
timer 1 in mode 1 is:

A : 16H

B : 64H

C : 32H

D : 20H

Q.no 56. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 57. This bit is used to decide whether the timer is used as a delay generator
(timer) or an event counter.

B : M1,M0

C : C/T


Q.no 58. Serial data transmission is initiated by

A : Placing the data byte in SBUF

B : Setting TI flag

C : Enabling TI flag

D : None of these

Q.no 59. Which data memory control and handle the operation of several
peripherals by assigning them in the category of special function registers?

A : Internal on-chip RAM

B : External off-chip RAM

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 60. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose
address is in register 0 to port 1?

A : MOV @ P1, R0

B : MOV @ R0, P1

C : MOV P1, @ R0

D : MOV P1, R0

Q.no 1. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?




Q.no 2. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers

D : Serial Communication

Q.no 3. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the

address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 4. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 5. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 6. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5
C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 7. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32

C : f/144

D : f/384

Q.no 8. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 9. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 10. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0

B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 11. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0
B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 12. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing

C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 13. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal
attached to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.

Q.no 14. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called





Q.no 15. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock
pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3

B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 16. The second part of the instruction is the data to be operated on, and it is
A : operand

B : opcode

C : hex code

D : mnemonic

Q.no 17. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 18. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 19. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?





Q.no 20. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 21. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?
A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these

Q.no 22. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 23. Which of the following instructions will copy the 10h to the accumulator?

A : mov a, 10

B : mov a, 10h

C : mov a, #10h

D : mov a, @10h

Q.no 24. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?





Q.no 25. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 26. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.
A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 27. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 28. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 29. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….

A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 30. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these
Q.no 31. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 32. In …....the timer 0 registers are configured as two separate 8 bit counters.

A : Mode 1

B : Mode 2

C : Mode 3

D : Mode 4

Q.no 33. The ____ instruction transfers the program control to the instruction next
to CALL in the main program:




D : None

Q.no 34. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?


B : 16

C : 32

D : 64

Q.no 35. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H
C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 36. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled

C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these

Q.no 37. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0

Q.no 38. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 39. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 40. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 41. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 42. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 43. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 44. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH

Q.no 45. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these

Q.no 46. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 47. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 48. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 49. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1

Q.no 50. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 51. What happens when the pins of port 0 & port 2 are switched to internal
ADDR and ADDR / DATA bus respectively while accessing an external memory?

A : Ports cannot be used as general-purpose Inputs / Outputs

B : Ports start sinking more current than sourcing

C : Ports cannot be further used as high impedance input

D : All of the above

Q.no 52. How many machine cycle/s is / are executed by the counters in 8051 in
order to detect '1' to '0' transition at the external pin?





Q.no 53. ………… are 8-bit register used for serial communication.



C : SM0

D : SM1

Q.no 54. Which signal from CPU has an ability to respond the clocking value of D
flip-flop (bit latch) from the internal bus?

A : Write - to - Read Signal

B : Write - to - Latch Signal

C : Read - to - Write Signal

D : Read - to - Latch Signal

Q.no 55. To transmit the ninth bit, it should be placed in

A : Bit 0 of next byte


C : TB8 of SCON

D : None of these

Q.no 56. External pull up registers are connected to port 0 so as to

A : Use port 0 as an i/p or an o/p, as it has open drain o/p

B : Configure port 0 as an i/p port

C : Configure port 0 as an o/p port

D : None of the above

Q.no 57. Which of the following statement is true:

A : Accumulator is a 16 bit register

B : PC points to the last instruction to be executed

C : Stack works on the principle of LIFO

D : All instructions affect the flags

Q.no 58. What would be the content of the accumulator after execution of the
instruction, MOV A, SP just after system reset?

A : Undefined

B : 07H

C : 08H

D : None of these

Q.no 59. Assuming that bank 0 is selected and register R0 of this bank contains
80H, which of the following instructions would copy the data from port 0 to
register B?

A : MOV 0F0H, 80H

B : MOV B, @R0

C : MOV F0H,@R0

D : None of these

Q.no 60. This bit is used to decide whether the timer is used as a delay generator
(timer) or an event counter.


B : M1,M0

C : C/T


Q.no 1. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?





Q.no 2. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 3. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 4. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which
functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array

C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 5. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 6. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 7. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the

address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 8. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32
C : f/144

D : f/384

Q.no 9. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit


D : Data Bit

Q.no 10. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred
at a time in 8051 is ….

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 11. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 12. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 13. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0
B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 14. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers

D : Serial Communication

Q.no 15. Which of the following statement is false?

A : All 8051 ports are bidirectional

B : All 8051 ports are bit programmable

C : All 8051 ports output FFH after reset

D : All 8051 ports need external pull ups

Q.no 16. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 17. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 18. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?
A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 19. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions
are called the:



C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 20. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 21. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called





Q.no 22. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 23. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?




Q.no 24. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 25. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal
attached to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.

Q.no 26. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 27. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH

D : 00H

Q.no 28. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 29. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 30. For a given 8051 controller system, if the crystal frequency is 18 MHz
then what would be the timer clock frequency,f and its period,T?

A : f-1.5 MHz and T-0.667 microseconds

B : f-1 MHz and T-1 microseconds

C : f-2 MHz and T-1.085 microseconds

D : f-1.085MHz and T-0.60 microseconds

Q.no 31. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 32. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0
B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 33. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 34. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 35. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 36. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 37. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….
A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 38. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.

A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 39. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 40. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 41. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?


B : 16

C : 32

D : 64
Q.no 42. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 43. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 44. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 45. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 46. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled
C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these

Q.no 47. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 48. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 49. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0

Q.no 50. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 51. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 52. What is the status of CY, AC and P when 64H and 9CH are added?

A : CY=0,AC=0,P=0

B : CY=0,AC=1,P=0

C : CY=0,AC=0,P=1

D : CY=1,AC=1,P=0

Q.no 53. What happens when the pins of port 0 & port 2 are switched to internal
ADDR and ADDR / DATA bus respectively while accessing an external memory?

A : Ports cannot be used as general-purpose Inputs / Outputs

B : Ports start sinking more current than sourcing

C : Ports cannot be further used as high impedance input

D : All of the above

Q.no 54. Which data memory control and handle the operation of several
peripherals by assigning them in the category of special function registers?

A : Internal on-chip RAM

B : External off-chip RAM

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 55. Which rotate instruction/s has an ability to modify CY flag by moving the
bit-7 & bit-0 respectively to an accumulator?

A : RR & RL


C : RR & RRC

D : RL & RLC

Q.no 56. Serial data transmission is initiated by

A : Placing the data byte in SBUF

B : Setting TI flag

C : Enabling TI flag

D : None of these

Q.no 57. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose
address is in register 0 to port 1?

A : MOV @ P1, R0

B : MOV @ R0, P1

C : MOV P1, @ R0

D : MOV P1, R0

Q.no 58. In mode 0 if count reaches 1FFF H the next count will be……….

A : 0000H


C : 1FF H

D : 1111 H

Q.no 59. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 60. Value to be loaded to TMOD register to select counter 0 in mode 2 and
timer 1 in mode 1 is:

A : 16H

B : 64H

C : 32H

D : 20H
Q.no 1. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?





Q.no 2. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 3. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 4. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 5. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?




Q.no 6. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these

Q.no 7. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 8. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock

pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3

B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 9. Which of the following instructions will copy the 10h to the accumulator?

A : mov a, 10

B : mov a, 10h

C : mov a, #10h

D : mov a, @10h

Q.no 10. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2
D : P3

Q.no 11. The second part of the instruction is the data to be operated on, and it is

A : operand

B : opcode

C : hex code

D : mnemonic

Q.no 12. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing

C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 13. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 14. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which

functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array

C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 15. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 16. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit


D : Data Bit

Q.no 17. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0

B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 18. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 19. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 20. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 21. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred
at a time in 8051 is ….

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 22. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions
are called the:



C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 23. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 24. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 25. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register
A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 26. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 27. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 28. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1


Q.no 29. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 30. For a given 8051 controller system, if the crystal frequency is 18 MHz
then what would be the timer clock frequency,f and its period,T?
A : f-1.5 MHz and T-0.667 microseconds

B : f-1 MHz and T-1 microseconds

C : f-2 MHz and T-1.085 microseconds

D : f-1.085MHz and T-0.60 microseconds

Q.no 31. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 32. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 33. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 34. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 35. The ____ instruction transfers the program control to the instruction next
to CALL in the main program:




D : None

Q.no 36. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 37. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these

Q.no 38. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 39. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH
B : 1CH


D : 00H

Q.no 40. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 41. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 42. In …....the timer 0 registers are configured as two separate 8 bit counters.

A : Mode 1

B : Mode 2

C : Mode 3

D : Mode 4

Q.no 43. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3
Q.no 44. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….

A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 45. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 46. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 47. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 48. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction
D : None of these

Q.no 49. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 50. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 51. What would be the content of the accumulator after execution of the
instruction, MOV A, SP just after system reset?

A : Undefined

B : 07H

C : 08H

D : None of these

Q.no 52. ………… are 8-bit register used for serial communication.



C : SM0

D : SM1

Q.no 53. External pull up registers are connected to port 0 so as to

A : Use port 0 as an i/p or an o/p, as it has open drain o/p

B : Configure port 0 as an i/p port

C : Configure port 0 as an o/p port

D : None of the above

Q.no 54. To transmit the ninth bit, it should be placed in

A : Bit 0 of next byte


C : TB8 of SCON

D : None of these

Q.no 55. How many machine cycle/s is / are executed by the counters in 8051 in
order to detect '1' to '0' transition at the external pin?





Q.no 56. Which signal from CPU has an ability to respond the clocking value of D
flip-flop (bit latch) from the internal bus?

A : Write - to - Read Signal

B : Write - to - Latch Signal

C : Read - to - Write Signal

D : Read - to - Latch Signal

Q.no 57. Assuming that bank 0 is selected and register R0 of this bank contains
80H, which of the following instructions would copy the data from port 0 to
register B?

A : MOV 0F0H, 80H

B : MOV B, @R0

C : MOV F0H,@R0

D : None of these

Q.no 58. Which of the following statement is true:

A : Accumulator is a 16 bit register

B : PC points to the last instruction to be executed

C : Stack works on the principle of LIFO

D : All instructions affect the flags

Q.no 59. This bit is used to decide whether the timer is used as a delay generator
(timer) or an event counter.


B : M1,M0

C : C/T


Q.no 60. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose
address is in register 0 to port 1?

A : MOV @ P1, R0

B : MOV @ R0, P1

C : MOV P1, @ R0

D : MOV P1, R0

Q.no 1. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?





Q.no 2. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus

B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these
Q.no 3. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 4. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 5. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 6. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers

D : Serial Communication

Q.no 7. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock

pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3

B : P3.4

C : P3.5
D : P3.6

Q.no 8. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32

C : f/144

D : f/384

Q.no 9. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the

address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 10. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 11. Which of the following signal control the flow of data?





Q.no 12. Find out the roll over value for the timer in Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2?




Q.no 13. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal
attached to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.

Q.no 14. An opcode :

A : Translates a mnemonic

B : instructs the processor

C : stores data

D : all of above

Q.no 15. Which of the following statement is false?

A : All 8051 ports are bidirectional

B : All 8051 ports are bit programmable

C : All 8051 ports output FFH after reset

D : All 8051 ports need external pull ups

Q.no 16. Serial communication is controlled by an 8-bit SRF register called





Q.no 17. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 18. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 19. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 20. Which ports assist in addressing lower order and higher address bytes
into the data bus simultaneously, while accessing the external data memory?

A : Port 0 & Port 1 respectively

B : Port 1 & Port 2 respectively

C : Port 0 & Port 2 respectively

D : Port 2 & Port 3 respectively

Q.no 21. What is the function of SCON register?

A : to control SBUF and SMOD registers

B : to program the start bit, stop bit, and data bits of framing

C : Both

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 22. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0

B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 23. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 24. Operations such as addition or subtraction are performed by which

functional unit of a microprocessor?

A : Control and timing

B : Register array

C : Arithmetic logic unit

D : Integer operations unit

Q.no 25. The circuits in the 8051 that provide the arithmetic and logic functions
are called the:



C : I/O

D : None of the above

Q.no 26. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 27. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled

C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these

Q.no 28. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0

Q.no 29. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 30. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 31. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language
D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 32. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 33. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?


B : 16

C : 32

D : 64

Q.no 34. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 35. For a given 8051 controller system, if the crystal frequency is 18 MHz
then what would be the timer clock frequency,f and its period,T?

A : f-1.5 MHz and T-0.667 microseconds

B : f-1 MHz and T-1 microseconds

C : f-2 MHz and T-1.085 microseconds

D : f-1.085MHz and T-0.60 microseconds

Q.no 36. Timer mode is being selected by which register.


C : M0, M1


Q.no 37. Following are the features of 8051 microcontroller a. Program Memory b.
No. of I/O Lines c. On chip Peripherals d. No. of Timers/ Counters

A : a-4k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

B : a-4k ROM, b-33, c-USART, d-3

C : a-32k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-2

D : a-8k ROM, b-32, c-UART, d-3

Q.no 38. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 39. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 40. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.

A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8

C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 41. The ____ instruction transfers the program control to the instruction next
to CALL in the main program:



D : None

Q.no 42. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 43. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 44. What will be the content of accumulator, if [A] =45H and XRL A, A
instruction is executed?

A : 45H

B : 90H

C : 00H

D : None of these

Q.no 45. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH


D : 00H
Q.no 46. When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter
points to the first program instruction in the:

A : internal code memory

B : external code memory

C : internal data memory

D : external data memory

Q.no 47. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 48. Which memory allow the execution of instructions till the address limit
of 0FFFH especially when the External Access (EA) pin is held high?

A : Internal Program Memory

B : External Program Memory

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 49. In asynchronous method, each character is placed between start and stop
bits called ……….

A : gating

B : framing

C : packed

D : sending

Q.no 50. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2

B : Mode 1
C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 51. Which data memory control and handle the operation of several
peripherals by assigning them in the category of special function registers?

A : Internal on-chip RAM

B : External off-chip RAM

C : Both a & b

D : None of the above

Q.no 52. In mode 0 if count reaches 1FFF H the next count will be……….

A : 0000H


C : 1FF H

D : 1111 H

Q.no 53. Serial data transmission is initiated by

A : Placing the data byte in SBUF

B : Setting TI flag

C : Enabling TI flag

D : None of these

Q.no 54. Value to be loaded to TMOD register to select counter 0 in mode 2 and
timer 1 in mode 1 is:

A : 16H

B : 64H

C : 32H

D : 20H

Q.no 55. What is the status of CY, AC and P when 64H and 9CH are added?

A : CY=0,AC=0,P=0
B : CY=0,AC=1,P=0

C : CY=0,AC=0,P=1

D : CY=1,AC=1,P=0

Q.no 56. Which rotate instruction/s has an ability to modify CY flag by moving the
bit-7 & bit-0 respectively to an accumulator?

A : RR & RL


C : RR & RRC

D : RL & RLC

Q.no 57. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 58. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW

A : 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H.

B : 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H

C : 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H

D : 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H

Q.no 59. What happens when the pins of port 0 & port 2 are switched to internal
ADDR and ADDR / DATA bus respectively while accessing an external memory?

A : Ports cannot be used as general-purpose Inputs / Outputs

B : Ports start sinking more current than sourcing

C : Ports cannot be further used as high impedance input

D : All of the above

Q.no 60. How many machine cycle/s is / are executed by the counters in 8051 in
order to detect '1' to '0' transition at the external pin?





Q.no 1. Which port gives higher order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 2. What happens when the RD signal becomes low during the read cycle?

A : Data byte gets loaded from external data memory to data bus

B : Address byte gets loaded from external data memory to address bus

C : Data byte gets loaded from external program memory to address bus

D : Address byte gets loaded from external program memory to data bus

Q.no 3. …….. is sent out first while sending the data.


B : Parity Bit


D : Data Bit

Q.no 4. With what frequency UART operates (where f denoted the crystal
frequency )?

A : f/12

B : f/32

C : f/144
D : f/384

Q.no 5. The second part of the instruction is the data to be operated on, and it is

A : operand

B : opcode

C : hex code

D : mnemonic

Q.no 6. Which of the following instructions will copy the content of r1 to r5?

A : MOV R5,R1

B : MOV R1,R5

C : MOV R5,01H

D : MOV R1,11H

Q.no 7. What is the maximum delay that can be generated with the crystal
frequency of 22MHz?

A : 2978.9 sec

B : 0.011 msec

C : 11.63 sec

D : 2.97 msec

Q.no 8. If Timer 0 is to be used as a counter, then at what particular pin clock

pulse need to be applied?

A : P3.3

B : P3.4

C : P3.5

D : P3.6

Q.no 9. Which of the following instructions will copy the 10h to the accumulator?

A : mov a, 10

B : mov a, 10h
C : mov a, #10h

D : mov a, @10h

Q.no 10. 8051 has two timers with …… wide.


B : 16

C : 24

D : 32

Q.no 11. Which devices are specifically being used for converting serial to parallel
and from parallel to serial respectively?

A : Timers

B : Counters

C : Registers

D : Serial Communication

Q.no 12. SCON register, it is a …… addressable register.

A : Bit

B : Byte

C : Both Bit & Byte

D : Hexadecimal

Q.no 13. A HIGH on which pin resets the 8051 microcontroller?





Q.no 14. Which bus acquire the potential of liberally receiving the code byte after
addressing the lower order address byte?

A : Data Bus
B : Address Bus

C : Both a and b

D : None of these

Q.no 15. Which functioning element of microcontroller generate and transmit the
address of instructions to memory through internal bus?

A : Instruction Decoding Unit

B : Timing and Control Unit

C : Program Counter

D : Arithmetic Logic Unit

Q.no 16. Which port gives lower order address bus when 8051 is interfaced with
external memory?

A : P0

B : P1

C : P2

D : P3

Q.no 17. Timer mode register (TMOD) is a ……. Special function register

A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 18. Which port pins are multifunctional?

A : P3

B : P1

C : P2

D : P0

Q.no 19. In parallel transfer data transmission mode number of bits transferred
at a time in 8051 is ….
A : 16 bit

B : 8 bit

C : 2 bit

D : 4 bit

Q.no 20. The timer frequency is always …….of the frequency of the crystal
attached to 8051.

A : 1/16.

B : 1/12.

C : 1/32.

D : 1/64.

Q.no 21. 18h-1fh is range for

A : Bank 0

B : Bank 1

C : Bank 2

D : Bank 3

Q.no 22. What is the function of the TMOD register?

A : TMOD register is used to set different timer’s or counter’s to their appropriate


B : TMOD register is used to load the count of the timer.

C : Is the destination or the final register where the result is obtained after the
operation of the timer

D : Is used to interrupt the timer

Q.no 23. Which of the following best describes the use of framing in asynchronous
means of communication?

A : it binds the data properly

B : it tells us about the start and stop of the data to be transmitted or received

C : it is used for error checking

D : it is used for flow control

Q.no 24. Timers and Counters are used for

A : Generating time delays

B : Measuring pulse durations or timing intervals.

C : Counting pulses or events

D : All of the above

Q.no 25. What is the clock source for the timers?

A : some external crystal applied to the micro-controller for executing the timer

B : from the crystal applied to the micro-controller

C : through the software

D : through programming

Q.no 26. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?

A : An interrupt which can never turned off

B : An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer

C : Both

D : None of the above

Q.no 27. If all bits of SFR IP are cleared and INT0 and INT1 interrupts are received
simultaneously, which one would be serviced first?

A : INT0

B : INT1



Q.no 28. The upper 128 bytes of an internal data memory from 80H through FFH
usually represent ___________

A : General-purpose registers 

B : Special function registers

C : Stack pointers

D : Program counters

Q.no 29. In …....the timer 0 registers are configured as two separate 8 bit counters.

A : Mode 1

B : Mode 2

C : Mode 3

D : Mode 4

Q.no 30. The memory map of a 4 KB memory begins at the location 4000H. What is
the last location on the chip?

A : 43FFH


C : 47FFH


Q.no 31. Shift register mode is second name to ………serial communication modes.

A : Mode 0

B : Mode1

C : Mode2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 32. If any ISR is too long, its vector address must contain a

A : CALL instruction

B : Jump instruction

C : RETI instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 33. Assuming that initially both interrupts were enabled, what would
happen if, during execution of ISR of one interrupt, another interrupt signal
interrupts the processor?

A : ISR of other interrupt would be executed immediately

B : If the later interrupt is of higher priority, then only its ISR would be executed,
otherwise not

C : The second interrupt ISR would be executed after completion of the RETI
instruction of the first ISR and another instruction

D : None of these

Q.no 34. What is the maximum delay generated by the 12 MHz clock frequency in
accordance to an auto-reload mode (Mode 2 ) operation of the timer?

A : 125 μ s

B : 250 μ s

C : 256 μ s

D : 1200 μ s

Q.no 35. NOP is:

A : No output possible

B : no odd parity

C : no operation performed

D : none

Q.no 36. What happens when TCON.1 is set by some software instruction?

A : INT0 is acknowledged for a falling edge

B : INT0 is disabled

C : If it is enabled, then a software interrupt is generated

D : None of these

Q.no 37. The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called

A : assembly language

B : firmware

C : machine language

D : basic interpreter instructions

Q.no 38. How many registers can be utilized to write the programs by an effective
selection of register bank in program status word (PSW)?


B : 16

C : 32

D : 64

Q.no 39. The stack pointer contains 1FH just prior to the execution of RET at the
end of the subroutine. What is the value of the stack pointer after the execution
of this instruction?

A : 1BH

B : 1CH


D : 00H

Q.no 40. Which of the following instructions will load value 35H into the high byte
of timer 0?

A : MOV TH0, #35H

B : MOV TH0, 35H

C : MOV T0, #35H

D : MOV T0, 35H

Q.no 41. The alternate use of TXD pin is

A : Serial data i/p

B : Serial data o/p

C : Parallel data i/p

D : Parallel data o/p

Q.no 42. Each timer has ……..registers that are …….bits wide.

A : 2, 16

B : 3, 8
C : 4, 16

D : 2, 8

Q.no 43. If AJMP instruction is executed, then destination must be

A : Within the same 4Kbytes

B : Within the same 2Kbytes

C : Within the same 8 Kbytes

D : Within the same 2bytes

Q.no 44. When TIMER 1 is used to set baud rate it must be in ……

A : MODE 2

B : MODE 1

C : Mode 3

D : MODE 0

Q.no 45. Which timer mode exhibit the necessity to generate the interrupt by
setting EA bit in IE enhancing the program counter to jump to another vector
location ?

A : Mode 0

B : Mode 1

C : Mode 2

D : Mode 3

Q.no 46. Which bus is a bidirectional bus?

A : Address bus

B : Data bus

C : Address bus and data bus

D : None of the above

Q.no 47. 8-bit auto reload timer/counter belongs to which timer mode.

A : Mode 2
B : Mode 1

C : Mode 0

D : Mode 3

Q.no 48. How many times loop will be repeated or the value of counter should be ,
if the 8051 operated on a frequency of 12MHz to generate a time delay of 1

A : 14H

B : 12H

C : 20H

D : 16H

Q.no 49. Timer mode is being selected by which register.



C : M0, M1


Q.no 50. Out of following instructions which is incorrect way to add 1 to the
accumulator content?

A : ADD A,#01H

B : MOV R1,#01H ADD A,R1


D : All the above

Q.no 51. What would be the content of the accumulator after execution of the
instruction, MOV A, SP just after system reset?

A : Undefined

B : 07H

C : 08H

D : None of these
Q.no 52. Which signal from CPU has an ability to respond the clocking value of D
flip-flop (bit latch) from the internal bus?

A : Write - to - Read Signal

B : Write - to - Latch Signal

C : Read - to - Write Signal

D : Read - to - Latch Signal

Q.no 53. Which of the following commands will copy the contents of RAM whose
address is in register 0 to port 1?

A : MOV @ P1, R0

B : MOV @ R0, P1

C : MOV P1, @ R0

D : MOV P1, R0

Q.no 54. ………… are 8-bit register used for serial communication.



C : SM0

D : SM1

Q.no 55. Which of the following statement is true:

A : Accumulator is a 16 bit register

B : PC points to the last instruction to be executed

C : Stack works on the principle of LIFO

D : All instructions affect the flags

Q.no 56. Which data memory control and handle the operation of several
peripherals by assigning them in the category of special function registers?

A : Internal on-chip RAM

B : External off-chip RAM

C : Both a & b
D : None of the above

Q.no 57. External pull up registers are connected to port 0 so as to

A : Use port 0 as an i/p or an o/p, as it has open drain o/p

B : Configure port 0 as an i/p port

C : Configure port 0 as an o/p port

D : None of the above

Q.no 58. This bit is used to decide whether the timer is used as a delay generator
(timer) or an event counter.


B : M1,M0

C : C/T


Q.no 59. To transmit the ninth bit, it should be placed in

A : Bit 0 of next byte


C : TB8 of SCON

D : None of these

Q.no 60. Assuming that bank 0 is selected and register R0 of this bank contains
80H, which of the following instructions would copy the data from port 0 to
register B?

A : MOV 0F0H, 80H

B : MOV B, @R0

C : MOV F0H,@R0

D : None of these

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