Libro Act.11

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You first!

Lesson 3 Think quickly! Would you like to

career like
have a
one of these?

Ron, police artist

Luis, snake milker

Sue, fire lookout

Sid, mime

1. Describe what the people in the photos are doing.

2. Match the description with one of the people in the photos.

I don'thave to do this job-lm a volunteer. I do it because I want to. I haveto have very good eyes, and I have
to read a map and use a radio. I also have to think quickly and keep calm. And I havetospend long hours alone
One thing I don'thaveto do-I don'thave to wear a unitorm!

3. Look at the grammar box below. Find and underline all the examples of have to and don't have to in
the text in Exercise 2.

4.Cover the text in Exercise 2 and answer the questions.Then read and check your answers.
1. What skills does a fire lookout have to have? 2. What doesn't she have to do?

5. Look at the other three photos above. What does each person have to do in their work? Describe two
skills for each person.


Find out about two other unusual careers.
HAVE TO DON'THAVETO What skills do you need to do them!
have to/ She has to read a map. It is hecessary

don't have to/ She doesn't have to wear a

uniform, i t isnt necessary.

O PAGE 140

84 Unit 9

6. 6 36 You are going to hear people talking about two of the

Which words helped you? iobs on page 84. Listen and identity the jobs.

7 Answer the questions, then listen again and check.

Who has to 1. be very
patient? 2. be good at acting? 3. stand a lot?
Who doesn't have to.. 4.
work all year? 5. wear a uniform 6. say anything'
8. 37 Complete what Luis, the snake
milker, said with the correct form of these verbs. Then listen
and check.

have have to help hold make put remove use work

Ihalea degree in biology. I u k with snakes andloke their poison. Ir's important work because we
LGCthe poison tor a variety of medicines. WePui snake
Alzheimer s disease, and even cancer, so it can save lives. But it's poison in medicines for heart discasc, strokes
a very dangerous job, so
the photo, you can see that I I"hauc Lo be very caretul. ln
hOdugthe snake very carefully and someone clse "1Shdang me. lf we"ooa
mistake, then..

9. Look at the photo and answer
the questions. cMe o f-Goloece
1. What is the woman doing?
2 What do you think her career is du

Fleiy-fo V,0 Ac


n20 Su

10. Complete the phrases mentioned in this lesson with the correct verbs.

1. quc good eyes 4-bakquickly 7.sland alday 10 c8ood at art

od a map 5. Ke calm 8 c a good actor 11. o c patient
3 LE a radio 6. 6Red long hours alone 9 a lot 12 bauca degree in biology
UHINK Talk about the questions.
1. Which abilities in Exercise 10 do you think the woman in Exercise 9 has to have? Make a list

Does she have to have other things that are not on the list!
6 6 3.8 Listen to an interview with the woman in Exercise y. Miark the items on your list that she mentions

and add new ones that you hear.

Write a short paragraph about your job (or your studies). include information about what you do, and the
skills you have to have.

lell your group about your job.

Im a
have to

Unit 9 85)
Vocabulary PLUS
number. I hen
listen and check
1. 6839 Find 12 items circle their
of clothing that weren't in Lesson 1 and

2. Look at the words and answer the

baseball cap coat dress earmings gasses jeans ing SOCKS SWimsurt tights tracksuit tennis shoes
1. Which three items are not clothes! 2. For which items can you say a pair of ...
3.Take turns asking each other five questions about the color of the items above.
you answer the questions. Close your book when

4. Play the Clothes Game. See page 123.

OFOCUS ON: verbs with clothes

6 3.10 Complete the conversations with the correct form of
the verbs. Then listen and check.
1. change/ wear 2. try on / fit
3. take
A ls there time to ange A Is this skirt the right size? off wear
before the concert? I'm still Does it t LQKe o_your shoes!
eaxin9_ my jeans You can't
properly or those
B Yes, there's lots of time. You B here!
Why don't you on B Im
cant OX_jeans to another size? sorry.I didn't know!
this concert!

86 Unit 9

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