What Are The Things That Cause You To Lie To Others? 5 Pts

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2. What are the things that cause you to lie to others? 5 pts.

 The things that cause me to lie to others is the feeling that I might hurt them. Sometimes,
I used white lies just not to offend or hurt someone’s feelings. I remember when I was a
little child, I made such lie because I am scared to be scolded by my parents or by other
people. I am scared that they might hate me. However, when I grow up, I realized that
sometimes, we need to tell the truth even though it might affect someone or someone’s
feeling because it is the right thing to do. At the end of the day, the truth will always win.
3. How does being Dishonest counteract Honesty? 5 pts.
 Being dishonest counteract honesty when the power and money collide. It was commonly
happening in politics. When a person was just prioritizing his or her self-interest,
dishonesty will enter. Sometimes those officials that are honest are being influenced by
the corrupt ones. However, it is not just happening in politics but also in circle of friends,
churches, businesses, companies, schools, and even in the family. It is sad, but it is the
reality. Money is the root of all evil, I really believe on that. It’s up to us, human if we’ll
going to be influenced on the negative impact of money and power.

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