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Basically, sentences are classified in three basic forms. They are Nominal sentence,
Verbal sentence and use of Formal It and There. In writing sentence, students have to
understand the forms of what sentence they want to write. The followings are the
classification of basic sentence patterns.

1. Nominal Sentence : A sentence that has no an activity

Ex. :
a. She is a nurse ( Noun)
b. He is clever. (Adjective)
c. My friend is in hospital ( Adverb) Begin with Preposition : in, at, on, to, into,
under, up, down etc.

2. Verbal Sentence: A sentence that is doing an activity.

Ex. :
a. We study English every week. ( Verb. Transitive)
b. We go to campus everyday. ( Verb Intransitive)
c. The patient looks better now. ( Verb Linking)

3. Formal It and Formal There

Ex. :
a. It is very important to give immunization to newborn. ( Formal It)
b. There are so many patients in hospital this month. ( Formal There)

Below, the commonly basic patterns of verbal sentences.

1. S + V Intransitive
2. S + V Linking + C
3. S + V Intransitive + A
4. S + V Transitive + O
5. S + V Transitive + O + C
6. a. S + V Transitive + I.O + D.O
b. S + V Transitive + D.O + prep + I.O

S V( intransitive )
We breathe
All Human will die
All fish can swim
It doesn't matter
The sun is shining

2. S V(linking) C
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His father is a doctor
He becomes weak
His voice sounds noisy
That woman looks annoyed
Your skin feels soft and smooth
The milk turns sour

3. S V(Intrans) A
The students live near the campus
The lecture begins at eight
All teachers come on time
The mist spreads over the hills
The birds are flying very fast
All my
student study diligently

4. S V(transitive) O
Nobody answered my question
We all enjoyed our serious games
All the young people struck me
The bell surprised the patient
I love honest people
They will sell their house

5. S V(transitive) O C
The smith hammered the metal flat
That young man dyed his hair pink
We elected Megawati our president
His fans call him Chi
I name my daughter Zabida
The drugs make him better
The people declared them heroes

6. S V(trans) I.O DO
a They wish you a safe journey
She blew her dad a kiss
The man denied her nothing
My wife will make me hot coffee
You must send your mother a letter
Tono has given Tini red flowers

S V(trans) D.O A
b The teacher announced the test to the students
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They described the robbery to the police
I have bought new clothes for my children
You should open the door for them
He borrowed some money from her
The driver demanded $100 from them
The doctor prescribed medicine for the patient

Ex. : Verb Linking.

S + appear + C ternyata, kelihatan
(be) ada, adalah, berada
become menjadi
feel merasa, terasa
get terasa, merasa, menjadi
go menjadi
grow menjadi, tumbuh
keep tetap, terus
look tampak, kelihatan
remain tetap
seem tampak, kelihatan
sound tampak, kelihatan
smell berbau
taste terasa
turn ternyata

How to differentiate?

We study English We study What? (Trans)

We study hard We study How? (Intrans)
We study here We study Where? (Intrans)
We study at night We study When? (Intrans)

Use of Formal It and There in sentence.

Formal : It + Is + Adj + To VI
Must be
Has been
Must have been

Formal there : There+ Is + Noun

Must be
Will be
Ought to be
Has been
Have been
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Must have been

Then, some elements stamp with the sentence.



1. Noun 1. Linking 1. N 1. N 1. N
2. Noun Phr. Verb 2. N. Phr. 2. N. Phr. 2. N. Phr.
3. Noun Cl. 3. Noun Cl 3. Noun Cl. 3.Adv.
4. Pronoun 2. Trans. Verb.4. Pronoun 4. Pronoun 4. Adv. Phr
5. Gerund 5. Gerund 5. Gerund 5. Adv. Cl
6. Gerund Phr. 6. Gerund Phr 6. Gerund Phr. 6. To Inf.
7. To Inf. 3. Intrns.Verb 7. To Inf. 7. To Inf. 7. To Inf.Phr.
8. To Inf. Phr. 8. To Inf. Phr. 8. To Inf. Phr 8. Pres. Part.
9. Adj. 9. Pres.Part.Pr.
10. Adj. Phr 10. Past Part.
11. Adj. Cl. 11.Past Part.Pr.
12. Pres. Part. 12.Prep.
13. Prep. 13.Inf.Phr.
14. Prep. Phr.
1. Aux.Verb : IS Was
To Be Am Were
1. Special Verbs : Look Get Remain
Smell Become Turn
Taste Seem Go
Sound Appear Grow
Feel Keep

*Transitive Verbs : Verb yang memerlukan suatu Object

*Intransitive Verbs : Verb yang tidak perlu suatu Object


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Unsur-Unsur Subject:
a. Noun :Raflesia is a flower.
Noun Phr. :A big, beautiful flower is Raflesia

b. Pronoun : She is very charming.

c. Gerund : Sleeping is my hobby.
G. Phrase : Sleeping in a spring bed is comfortable
d. To Inf : To sleep s a need
To Inf Phrase : To know me is to love me.
e. Noun clause : What he dreams becomes the truth.

Unsur-unsur Object : Kata kerjanya harus transitive verb.

1. Noun : He loves animals

Noun Phrase : He gives a beautiful flower to her
2. Pronoun : She saw me yesterday
3. Gerund : We finish studying
G. Phrase : John loves reading English very much
4. To Inf. : I want to study
To inf phrase : She likes to read novels
5. Noun Clause : I know that you are proud

Setiap clause mesti punya subject and verb baik Ind. Clause / pun sub clause



Complement :

a. Noun : African is black

N. Phrase : She is a very intelligent student
b. Pronoun : It is I / me
c. Adjective : I am sick
Adj. Phrase : My bone Is very painful
d. Preposition : He is off now
Prep. Phrase : Jane was at home
e. Gerund : He remains reading
G. phrase : He remains reading a magazine
f. To Inf . : My hobby is to swim
To Inf. Phrase : My hobby is to swim in to river
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g. Present Part : I saw them Laughing
Present Part. Phrase : I saw them catching apples
h. Past part : The girl seems Offended
Past Part Phrase : The girl seems very offended
i. Adj. Clause : She is whom I met yesterday
j. Adv. Clause : The next is after you finish studying
k. Noun Clause : The question is how he will get money

* Remember : After linking verb harus diikuti dengan complement

Unsur-unsur point a - k

Perhatikan point G “ Laughing dan eating apples” di sebut object

complement artinya complement yang melengkapi object yaitu them.
Contoh lain : I find it difficult .She makes me crazy



Unsur-Unsur Adverb.

a. Noun : When will you go home?

N.Phrase : I will go home after tomorrow morning.
b. Adverb : Lydia … well.
Adderb Phr. : Reni … perfectly well.
c. Preposition : They stay inside.
Prep. Phr. : Ery lives in front of the campus.
d. To inf. : I was born to win
To inf. Phr. : I come here to teach you.
e. Present Part. : The went sailing yesterday.
Pres. Part. Phr. : She came crying her father’s death.
f. Past Part. : Painted, the house looks nice.
Past. Part. Phr. : Brought by the crazy man, the son cried.
g. Adverb Clause : I come late because I got a traffic Jam.

* Remember : Setelah Kata Kerja Intransitive tidak boleh diikuti dengan object
tepatnya diikuti dengan adverb.


Derivational form of noun

1. Suffixes changing verb to noun

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a. Menyatakan kondisi : age, al, ance, or ence, (e) ry, ment, t, tion or
sion, ure.
Ex : marriage, weight, arrival, allowance, persistence, bribery,
arrangement, deviation, failure, etc.
b. Menyatakan orang : ant, or ent, er or or, or eer, (i) an, or, arian, ist.
Ex : defendant, attendant, manager, governor, auctioneer, etc.
c. Bentuk gerund

2. Ending distinguishing noun from verb

Believe belief
Prove Proof
Live Life
Defend Defence

3. Adj to noun : ity, ness, th.

Ex : activity, happiness, warmth.

4. Suffixes distinguishing noun form Adj

Ex : Intelligent intelligence
Brilliant brilliance

5. From concrete nouns to abstract noun : hood, ism, and ship.

Ex : Child hood, heroism, friendship, etc.


N.C Is a sub-clause that consists of a subject and predicate That function as

noun it self.(N.C adalah anak kalimat yang terdiri dari subject dan predicate
yang fungsinya sebagai noun itu sendiri.)

1. N.C. Menggunakan Introductory conjunction

1. Question words 2. Whether 3. That

When Who/Whom If
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Where What
Why Which
How Whose

2. Fungsi N.C sebagai :

1. Subject : That she had to be hospital was necessary.
2. Subject After It : It was necessary that she had to be hospital.
3. Complement : My opinion was that she had to be hospital.
4. Object : He explained that an operation was
5. Object of prep. : I think of what I said.
6. Appositive : His opinion that an operation was
necessary was right.

3. N.C. berasal dari :

a) Statement
She is sick : That she is sick is right.
b) A question
 Expecting yes/no answer
Is she ill? : The problem is whether (if) she is ill (or not)
 Interrogative Question Words.
Where does she live? : I don’t know where she lives.
c) A request
Drink some aspirin: The doctor suggested that I have to drink some
d) An exclamation
What a beautiful girl: We talked about what a beautiful girl she is.


 Derivational Form of Adj.

1. Suffixes changing noun to Adj. : (al, ar, ary, eq, en, esque, ful, licial,
istic, less, like, ly, ous, word, wide, y)
Ex : Monumental, familiar, elementary, talented picturesque, painful,
historical, Characteristically, useless, life like, famous, windy, etc.
2. Suffixes changing verb to adj. : (able or, ible, ent or ant, ed, ile, ing, ive, at
or y).
Ex : Sensible, dependent, frustrated, hostile boring, attractive,
congratulation, etc.
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 Makers of adj.

Adj. dapat ditandai dengan adv of degree: very quite, rather, extremely, so,
too, etc.

 Degree of

1. Regular comparison
Positive degree Comp degree Superlative degree
(as) tall (as) taller The tallest
(as) beautiful (as) more adj than The most adj
2. Irregular comparison
good better well
bad worse worst
far farther/further farthest/furthest
little less least
mush & many more most
old older/elder oldest/eldest


Adj clause : Anak kalimat berfungsi menjelaskan noun (head word) dalam
noun phrase yang dihubungkan dengan sub-ordinate conjunction
(relative clause) seperti : Who, whom, that, where, when, whose,
and which.
Ex :

1. Head word nya orang

 The doctor who suggested that he stop smoking is a radiologist.
 The nurse that looks after me every day seems interested in me.
 Can you show me the patient whom you a special treatment.
2. Head word nya benda (binatang)
 That is the problem that we must solue.
 The hospital which lies in town is different from one which lies in a
3. Head word nya menunjukkan tempat
 Raflesia is a nursing academy where we study nursing.
4. Head word nya menunjukkan waktu
 I don’t remember the date when I was born.
5. Yang menunjukkan possessive
 The student whose parent work in hospital will not get any
problem in nursing.

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Derivational form of Adverb

Suffixes changing Adjective to Adverb: Adjective + Ly (adverb of manner)

Ex : Beautiful – beautifully
Serious – Seriously
Happy – Happily


Adv. C. is a sub- clause that consists of subject and predicate that function as an adverb
modifies main

1. Menggunakan sub-ordinate conjunction.

When, before, where, if, after, because, so (that) etc.
2. Fungsi sebagai kata keterangan :
EX :

a. Time : When she is on early shift, she goes on duty at 7 a. m.

and comes off duty at 3 p. m.

b. Place : Duma lives where her house is near the campus.

c. Cause : Because fatty tissue deposits vary among individuals,

the size of labia major varies.

d. Condition : Form time to time, the toes of his injured leg were
examined to see if they were warm and pink, and his
pulse and blood pressure were taken half-hourly.

e. Purpose : She is a student nurse so ( that ) she does not work in

the word every day.


Derivation forms consist of : en, ize, fy, ate, (as suffixes) and en dan , be ( as

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Ex : deepen, colonize, beautify, differentiate, enlarge, be friend.


Personal Personal Possessive Possessive

Subject Object Adjective Pronouns
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
You You Your Yours
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
He Him His His
She Her Hers Hers
It It Its Its

Please change to each other.

Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

This is my syringe That’s ……

This is …… file That’s yours.
This is our class That’s ……
I look at …… book on my table. I look at his on my table
I borrow her magazine I borrow ……
I correct ……homework I correct theirs
She is Lela’s patient. She is …...
The nurses check ……. blood pressure. The nurses check ours.

Complete the blanks below with the pronouns according to the forms and function.

1. ……am a midwife in Sismadi Nursing Academy and ……friends, too.

2. …….is a discipline lecture ……....father is a good parent.
3. ……..are students of English Course and ……….will have an exam the next
4. ……are given good facilities by our institution.
5. ……….didn’t go to the wedding ceremony because their mother has been
hospitalized since a week ago.
6. ……….can’t cry loudly although his mother gets serious illness.
7. ………doesn’t earn much money because she is an unskillful person.
8. ……….. is good to prepare medical instruments before operating this patient.
9. She has given me true love although ……….. cannot truly love her .
10. I love her so much but … ……..refuses ……..


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A preposition is generally used to show the relationship between its object and
other words in the sentence. The kinds of relationships which can be shown are
as follows:
1. Place (in, on, under, over, etc)
The cotton is in the desk drawer.
2. Direction (to, toward ,into, etc)
The student nurse run into the class.
3. Time (in, on, at, etc)
We can meet at three o’clock.
4. Agent (by)
This book was written by OPNET
5. Instrument (by with)
I heard the news by telephone. ( communication ).
She came by plane. ( transportation )
He opened the door with a key. ( instrument, tool )
NOTE : Use by + N (no article) for communication and
Examples: by phone, by radio, by telegram and by train, by car
and by boat.
6. Accompaniment (with)
They like spaghetti with red sauce.
Mrs.Jones went to the clinic with her husband.
7. Purpose (for)
He went to the store for bread.
NOTE :Never use for + V + Ing to Express the purpose of the
Example: He went to the store for buying bread.
8. Partition / possession (of)
He broke the top of the table.
9. Measure (by, of)
We buy medicine by the pound.
Please buy a quart of milk.
10. Similarity (like)
John looks like his father
11. Capacity (as)
Bill worked as a lifeguard this summer.

Fill in the blank with at, on or in

1. ……….Monday, I go on duty………seven o’clock…………the morning and off

duty……………..two o’clock………………….the afternoon.
2. We study English …………Monday and Thursday
3. It begins ………12.30 a.m. I always go to class with my friend.
4. He never works……………night.
5. He was born …………..1975.
6. His birthday is…………January.
7. Our examination will be ………the end of this month.
8. We have holidays…………….Sunday

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9. Sometimes ………….the evening, we always watch ‘Cinema ‘together with
10. …………night we get home

Complete the following sentences with the correct word from this list on ,
by , as , from , back , off , up , of , in ,for , to , with , down , out , against .
1. He’s got a pain ……………. his chest.
2. Would you lie down…………the examination couch, please?
3. She works……………………a surgical ward.
4. They always go ………….work…………..bus.
5. When she’s……………an early shift, she goes…………..duty at 7 a.m.
6. This morning we are attending lectures …………..physiology and
7. This patient has a rash………………..his stomach.
8. Mary is now working……………….a staff nurse in an ear, nose and
throat ward.
9. Jane is learning to set trolleys……………..sterile procedures.
10. This patient is suffering…………………cerebral hemorrhage.
11. The sister is explaining………………..the students the doses of various
12. This equipment is obtained…………….the C.S.S.D.
13. The trolleys are mopped………………an antiseptic.
14. Sterile equipment is placed……………..the top shelf…………….the
15. Sterile instruments are handled………………..Cheatle’s forceps.
16. Ask the patient to roll…………….his sleeve , please .
17. Ask Mr.Smith to take……………..his shirt , please.
18. Now ask him to put it………………..again.
Make good sentences ( Choose 5 words)

1. Weak (Adj.)
2. Diarrhea ( Noun)
3. Happiness ( Noun)
4. Painful ( Adj.)
5. Health ( Noun)
6. Hope ( Verb)
7. Visit ( Verb)
8. Badly ( Adverb)
9. Medicine (Noun)
10. Patiently ( Adverb)

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