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Moral Virtues

The moral virtues are those that build the character of a person. These
are Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude.
1. Justice - is a virtue which inclines us to render to another what is due
to him. The biblical just man is one who respect himself, worship God and
help others. Justice is the foundation of any interpersonal relationships. It
is the basis of every reasonable law and promotes peace and harmony
within the community of persons.

2. Fortitude is the virtue which gives us strength in facing dangers and

vicissitudes (a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is
unwelcome or unpleasant) of life. In
Filipino we refer to it as tatag ng kalooban so that we describe a man of
fortitude as matibay, matatag, or malakas and loob. Fortitude must be
tempered by prudence (cautiousness). It belongs to a prudent man to decide
whether to assume a risk or to avoid it.

3. Temperance is the virtue which helps us regulate our passion and our
use of earthly goods. In the Philosophy of Aristotle, temperance or
moderation provides the “golden mean” so that nothing is done in
excess or in defect. Because anything excessive or defective constitutes a
vice, it has been said that virtue stands in the middle of both extremes,
as the Latin say, “virtus en medio”.

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