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Paraphrasing Activity #2

Source Text

So will they have the desired effect? Japan is seeking to win over global audiences through 'high-
end' public diplomacy. The Japan Houses are shifting away from hackneyed images of traditional
Japanese culture and narrow views of Japan as a quirky land of anime, instead targeting an
'upmarket' audience of wealthy business executives, city professionals, millennial foodies and
highbrow arts enthusiasts. If this section of the public can become fans of Japan, the thinking
goes, then they will be sympathetic to Japan in various agenda-setting forums. Tokyo is banking
on the sustained cultural and political influence of this socioeconomic class.

(Stanislaus, W. A. 2018, November 13. Japan is using cultural diplomacy to reassert its place in
the world – but is the message too exclusive? The Conversation.

Task 1: Key Words & Phrases

Read the source text and identify the key words and phrases. Sort them in to words and phrases
that should be changed and shouldn't be changed.

Shouldn't Change Should Change

(ex. Japan) (ex. hackneyed images)
Japan Houses Desired effect
Socioeconomic class Traditional culture
Narrow views

When you're confident that you know which words and phrases you'll be changing, start thinking
of synonyms and similar phrases that you can use. If have many options for one word/phrase,
circle the one that you think is the best option.

Word/Phrase – Synonyms/Similar Phrases

(ex. hackneyed images – old perceptions, overused portrayals, worn out ideas)

Task 2: Paraphrase the Text

Here are a few tips for paraphrasing from Purdue University's OWL (online writing lab), and one
from myself:

 Read the source again and again for a complete understanding.

 Without looking at the source, write down your understanding of it.
 Look back at your source to make sure that you've included everything important, and
that it's written in your own way.
 Make sure you've used quotation marks for any specific phrase or sentence that is the
same as in the source.
 Make sure that you've use a citation at the beginning.

Now, write a paraphrased paragraph of the source text above.

So, do you think they'll have the intended impact? Japan is using 'high-end' media affairs to win
over foreign viewers. The Japan Houses are aiming for an 'upmarket' audience of prosperous
businessmen, city specialists, trendy foodies, and "highbrow" arts fans, rather than depictions of
conventional Japanese society and superficial perceptions of Japan as a "quirky land of anime".
If this part of people turns into fans of Japan, they will be supportive to Japan in various
"agenda-setting" forums. Tokyo is relying on the persistent "cultural and political” impact of this
“socioeconomic class”.

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