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Contribution by the Differently abled entrepreneurs to the Indian Economy

I. Introduction
Persons with disabilities make up an estimated 15 per cent of the world population, over
one billion–80% of who live in developing countries (WHO report). Differently-abled
entrepreneurs, as a new and emerging group of entrepreneurs and a new breed of
entrepreneurs, and act as a catalytic force for the socio-economic development of socially

In developing countries like India, the entrepreneurs are playing a pivotal role. In this scenario the
differently abled people also started their own enterprise. Even they are struggling to compete with
the normal entrepreneurs. These people are facing plenty of problems and barriers in the business
environment both physically and mentally such as lack of finance, maker of scarcity, problems of
marketing and so on. This Project highlights on the issues, problems and challenges faced by the
differently abled Entrepreneurs and their contribution to the Indian Economy

II. Objectives
 Entrepreneurship from the viewpoint of a differently abled
 Factors in favour and against the success of entrepreneurship in
case of owning by a differently abled person
 Case study of successful example in India
 Pitfalls of such entrepreneurship in present day context.
 Technology as a bane or boom for such entrepreneurs.

III. Content:

Entrepreneurship from the viewpoint of aspiring differently abled

Instead of choosing the easy option of being dependent or at the maximum
an employee with limited ambition, the rough path of choosing to start an
enterprises by a differently abled person is the starting point of initiating high
pain, intensive hard work and resource mobilisation with the risk bearing for a
high gain or net loss vocation. From the view point of an aspiring
entrepreneur, a risk assessment study comprehend with a SWOT analysis
shall be the first step in the right direction.

Factors in favour and against the success of entrepreneurship in case

of owning by a differently abled person:

It is a mixed bag of factors in favour and against:

In Favour:
1. The opportunity to avail 3% PWD reservation for bright students to obtain
in admission in Central and state reputed educational institutions so as to
acquire quality engineering,medical ,business and other institutions. This
centres of excellence could seed the optitude in entreprenurship.
2. Limitations restricts the mobility of the person so as to focus more in the
mental, creative and entrepreneurship faculties which lead to better
planning,scheduling and action plan thereby.

3. Being part of a network of social supportive system, adoption and fine

tuning for the selection of enterprises and nurturing.

4. Liberal skill development programme organised by Government

institutions /NGO exclusively for the diff. abled.

5. Handful financial assistance by Govt/Private institutions and NGOs.

6. Exclusive marketing rights for certain products as per the govt.guidelines.

7. Favourable tax rules


1. Mental barrier favouring dependency and lower level of employment with

limited financial gain.

2. Misplaced sympathy acts as a determinant in acquiring higher level skills.

3. Social stigma in certain level of entrepreneurship.

4. Absence of social supporting system particularly in the lower economic


5. Lack of access and guidenecnce from knowledgeable sources.

6. Poor technology adoption

Pitfalls of such entrepreneurship in present day context.

1. Lack of sustainable supporting system

2. More vulnerable for facing aggressive competition.

3. More vulnerable for negative business partnership, employee cheating


4. More vulnerable for anti social elements and law breakers.

Technology as a bane or boom for such entrepreneurs:

As bane for:

1. Those personnel with inadequate self drive

2. Persons belonging mainly from the lower economic category

3. Persons with poor family and social support systems.

4. Lower motivational level

As boom for:

1. Those personnel with adequate self drive and resources

2. Persons having good family anf social supporting systems.

A questionnaire is developed to examine the various parameters highlighted
above and circulated among various group of respondents.
It is enclosed.

Based on the replies furnished the majority opinion is indicated as below:

The following inferences are derived as below:

Based on the inferrences above the following are concluded:
IV. Acknowledgement

Yuva Bharathi Public School

Contribution by the Differently abled entrepreneurs

Economics project on
to the Indian Economy
Submitted to: Mrs. Nisha Rahmath Submitted by: G.V.Oviya XII – ‘B1’

I would like to convey my heartiest thanks to Mrs. Nisha Rahmath, my Economics

teacher who always gave me her valuable time and suggestions during the completion
of this project. She has been a source of inspiration for me and she helped me in
understanding and remembering important and necessary details of the project. I would
also like to thanks my parents and friends who helped me a lot in this project and
motivated me a lot. I would also like to thank god for giving me such wonderful guides
who keep on guiding me at every moment whenever I need them.

V. Certificate

This is to certify that G.V.Oviya of class XII- Commerce of Yuva Bharathi Public
School, Kanuvai, Coimbatore has completed her project under the guidance of Mrs.
Mrs. Nisha Rahmath, her economics teacher. She has taken proper care and has
shown utmost sincerity in the completion of this project. I certify that this project is up
to my expectations and as per the guidelines issued by CBSE.

Mrs. Nisha Rahmath (MA, MBA, B.Ed., MPhil) Certificate

VI. Bibiliography

Contribution of Differently abled entrepreneurs to the Indian Economy


Persons with disabilities make up an estimated 15 per cent of the world population, over one billion–
80% of who live in developing countries (WHO report). Differently-abled entrepreneurs, as a new and
emerging group of entrepreneurs and a new breed of entrepreneurs, and act as a catalytic force for the
socio-economic development of socially disadvantaged.

In developing countries like India, the entrepreneurs are playing a pivotal role. In this scenario the differently
abled people also started their own enterprise. Even they are struggling to compete with the normal
entrepreneurs. These people are facing plenty of problems and barriers in the business environment both
physically and mentally such as lack of finance, maker of scarcity, problems of marketing and so on. This
Project highlights on the issues, problems and challenges faced by the differently abled Entrepreneurs
and their contribution to the Indian Economy.

Important points that should be included in the project.

1. Title of the project
2. Problem being discussed in the project
3. The main reason for selecting this project topic
4. Literature Review
5. The objective of the project
6. Scope of the project
7. Limitations of the project
8. Working methodology of project
9. Acknowledgement
10. Preface
11. Contents of the project
12. Observations and findings
13. Conclusion
14. References (reference books. journals, magazines, websites, etc.)

Steps to be kept in mind while writing the project

1. Identifying the Project Statement
2. Setting the Project O

Persons with disabilities make up an estimated 15 per cent of the world population, over one billion–
80% of who live in developing countries (WHO report). They frequently experience discrimination
and face barriers to participation in all aspects of society, in accessing education, employment, health
care, social recognition and transportation. Some persons with disabilities face multiple barriers to
their participation, due to discrimination on the basis of other grounds, including race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, property,
birth and age. As a result, persons with disabilities are at a high risk of poverty, which in itself
increases the likelihood of having a disability. Given that persons with disabilities represent a
significant portion of the world population, the world’s largest minority and are more likely to live in
poverty than their non-disabled peers, their inclusion in all development activities is essential, if
internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are
to be achieved in an equitable manner. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
(CRPD) and its Optional Protocol (OP) 2 provide the normative framework for Member States to
address the rights of persons with disabilities and to ensure that they are included in all development
efforts. Differently-abled entrepreneurs, as a new and emerging group of entrepreneurs and a new
breed of entrepreneurs, and act as a catalytic force for the socio-economic development of socially
1. Title of the project
2. Problem being discussed in the project

3. The main reason for selecting this project topic

4. Literature Review
5. The objective of the project
6. Scope of the project
7. Limitations of the project
8. Working methodology of project
9. Acknowledgement
10. Preface
11. Contents of the project
12. Observations and findings
13. Conclusion
14. References (reference books. journals, magazines, websites, etc.)

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