Electronic Circuits Lab - Ii: Mini Project-Report Group - A4

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B180457EC Ananthula Akshith

B180401EC G V Siva Sai Charan
B180591EC Kolla Rohith Sai
B180668EC Chevuru Sai Jaswanth
B180326EC G Santhosh Babu
AM Modula on and AM Demodula on

To modulate the input signal so that it is suitable for transmi ng and recover the
original signal.

Amplitude Modula on:
Amplitude modula on is a process by which the wave signal is transmi ed by
modula ng the amplitude of the signal. It is o en called as AM and is commonly
used in transmi ng a piece of informa on through a radio carrier wave.
Amplitude modula on is mostly used in the form of electronic communica on.
AM Demodula on:
Envelope detector:
● The simplest form of envelope detector is the diode detector which is shown
above. A diode detector is simply a diode between the input and output of a
circuit, connected to a resistor and capacitor in parallel from the output of the
circuit to the ground.
● An envelope detector is an electronic circuit that takes a (rela vely) high-
frequency amplitude modulated signal as input and provides an output which is
the envelope of the original signal.
● The capacitor in the circuit above stores charge on the rising edge and releases
it slowly through the resistor when the input signal amplitude falls. The diode in
series rec fies the incoming signal, allowing current flow only when the posi ve
input terminal is at a higher poten al than the nega ve input terminal.

Low pass filter:

A low-pass filter (LPF) is a filter that passes signals with a frequency lower than a
selected cutoff frequency and a enuates signals with frequencies higher than the
cutoff frequency. Low pass filter is used to extract the original signal.
High pass filter:
A high-pass filter (HPF) is a filter that passes signals with a frequencies greater
than a selected cutoff frequency and a enuates signals with frequencies lesser
than the cutoff frequency. High pass filter is used to get the modulated signal.
Circuit Diagram:

Message signal as audio file :

Message signal as SINE wave:

1.Design and set up the circuit in the figure.
2. Evaluate required values for AM Ckt with the given Q point(here let’s take
Ic=0.7mA ).
3.Design the Re,Rc accordingly.
4.Design demodulated circuit with the help of Envelope detector and low pass
5.Finally extracted the transmi ed signal.

Message signal: m(t) = Am Cos(2*pi*fm*t).
Carrier signal: C(t) = Ac Cos(2*pi*fc*t).
Modulated signal: S(t) = [Ac+Am Cos(2*pi*fm*t)]Cos(2*pi*fc*t).

Modula on:
Choose C1 such that it acts as a short circuit for high-frequency carrier waves,
Let, C1 = 1μ F
For C2,
Xc = 2kΩ, for 1k Hz frequency(minimum we need)
Xc = 1/2*π*f*C
=>C2 = 79.6n F ≈ 80nF
Design of HPF:
Let fc = 140kHz
fc < 1/2*π*R*C
=> RC < 1/2*π*fc
=> RC < 1.36*10^-6
=> we can take R = 10kΩ and C = 100pF
Let Vcc = 30V, Vce = 10V, β = 100, V be = 0.7 V
Using Thevenin equivalent,
Let R = R1 = R2 = 10k Ω,
Rth = R/2
=>Vth = V cc *( R/2*R) = 15V
Ic = 0.7 mA
Ib = 7 μ A
Using KVL,
15 − IbR TH − V BE − IER E = 0
15 − 7 * 10^−6 - 5 * 10^3 = 0.7*10^-3 * RE
=>RE = 20k Ω
IE ≈ Ic
V cc − IcR c − V CE − IcR E = 0
30 - 0.7 * 10 -3 (R E + R C ) - 10 =0
R E + R C = 28.5k Ω
R C =8.5 KΩ
A er designing:
C1 = 1μ F R1=R2=10k Ω
C2 = 80n F , RE = 20k Ω
Rhpf = 10k Ω , R C =8.5k Ω
Chpf = 100pF
Demodula on:
For envelope detector Let’s take C = 1nF
let’s take f = 1.1kHz(just greater than 1kHz)
=> R = 1/2*π*f*C
=> R = 1/2*π*1.1*10^3*10^-9
=> R = 144.69K
similarly we can take this values of R,C for Low pass capacitors
therefore ,
C(lowpass) = C(envelope) = 1nF
and R(lowpass) = R(envelope) = 144.69KΩ

Plots and Waveforms:

For sine wave:
Message signal Vs Modulated signal :
Message signal (input) Vs Message signal (a er demodula on):

Output with Voice input signal (WAV file):

Input Message Voice Vs Output Demodulated Message Voice:

The input signal which we gave as .wav signal and the output we got as .wav
signal are a ached here:
h ps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LBuHMLbj2oIvXrct4vyon2vVEWQigua7?

 We successfully implemented circuit modulated our message signal using
AM modula on and we did demodula on using Envelope detector. We
took two types of inputs one as SINE wave and Other as Voice .wav file. We
successfully extracted our message signal with our design.
 The output here is a enuated (This could be because of the Filters that we
are using).

 We observed that the output waveform we got a er demodula on of the

audio signal is not exactly same as the input waveform (This could be
because of various frequencies present in the input audio wav file).

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