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I underwent an organizational study at UTOPIA TECH PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY to

acquaint myself with the business environment for a period of 15 Days from 2nd August 2021
to 16th August 2021.
The study was conducted to understand the structure, function and processes of various
departments and their interdependence. During the course of study, I was able to successfully
interact with the employees of the organization. They were happy to give me all possible
The Methodology consists of data through observation, interview and literature review. The
data collected from different sources are classified, analyzed and interpreted. Based on which
an organization structure, its functions and various departments are identified. The various
departmental functions are clearly identified and their process and activities carried out are


1. To study about the overall structure and administrative set up of the company.
2. To study about the structure of various departments in the organization.
3. To have an idea about products of the company and production process.
4. To understand and study about the overall objectives, policies, and practices of the
5. To study the overall performance of the company.
6. To understand the practical applications of the theory in an organizational setting.
7. To identify the major strengths weakness opportunity and treats faced by UTOPIA
In short Research Methodology deals with the objective of research study, the method of
defining the research problem, the type of data collected, methods used for collecting and
analyzing the data etc. I have collected both primary and secondary data. I asked few
questions about the company to employees and HR and I have collected some information
through their website.


1. Time was a major Limiting Factor.
2. Lack of cooperation from certain departments due to their work load.
3. Reactants on the part of mangers in disclosing confidential was also a limitation of
4. Lack of cooperation from departments was of time taking


The study aims at understanding the application of management theories and organizational
culture in a live organization scenario.
The major objective of the Organization Study is to have a better understanding of the area
wise subjects taught in the Business Management Programmed. Such a study can also be
beneficial to the company for various decision-making purposes.

1. This study was helpful to provide knowledge about modern organizations and its
2. It helps to know about various machines used in the factory and office and its
3. It helps the students to develop skill required for preparing, maintaining and handling
of office record and its functions.
4. The study will provide an overall idea about the working conditions and employees
Level of satisfaction regarding various factors like salary, benefit, welfare and
working Environment.
5. It provides an idea about the financial position of the company and its future position.

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