Backup of Introduction To China

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Comparison between Indonesia and china from various


 aspects of people's welfare

People’s Republic of China
China's state is utilizing bamboo for the welfare of its people because the
effort starts at the community level ie farmers and craftsmen. In the bamboo
country of China, magic becomes a unique and alluring handicraft trinket, and
can be used as an infectious treatment, and according to traditional Chinese
medicine bamboo contains a source of low calorie pottasium, its sweet taste
is well known as a source of protein and nutrients. good. Besides in China, In
Indonesia alone bamboo - bamboo is utilized for various kinds of handicrafts
and foods that have a selling point to meet the needs of everyday life. Among
other things that is as a culinary, bamboo tree shoots are popular and
economically valuable vegetables. In addition, Indonesian people use bamboo
for household appliances before coming home appliances made of plastic.
Among them are places of rice (boboko), tampah, garbage bin, fan, besek,
bamboo hat (caping), wayang bamboo and others - others. In addition,
bamboo made them into a traditional musical instrument such as flute and
angklung originating from the Sundanese region. From the utilization of
bamboo is the community can gain benefits in order to meet the needs of
everyday life. In the hands of the craftsmen are bamboo - bamboo in wicker
and in magic into a kerajian that has a high selling value, and products from
bamboo raw materials in Indonesia now to penetrate the international market.
People’s Republic of Indonesia
Indonesia became one of the largest producers of rattan and bamboo raw
materials in the world after China. This is the result of many bamboo requests
from different countries such as USA, Japan, France, Australia etc. Bamboo
products in Indonesia are very interested in the markets in the United States,
Germany, Australia, Japan and France because of its good quality. Actually
craft - craft made by Indonesian people is not less good with China's state
craft products. Because of his lack of interest to take advantage of bamboo
then his production was little. The government should be more incentive to
make bamboo to the community as a creative economy effort that can
overcome the unemployment rate every year. Because bamboo has become
part of the life of Indonesian people, especially people in rural areas. Let us as
a bamboo-rich Indonesian citizen should continue to conserve and raise
awareness of the continuous cultivation and bamboo utilization and develop
bamboo products for economic empowerment to increase its added value.
Because bamboo is now threatened its habitat and its sustainability in
Indonesia. Do not let Indonesian bamboo into exports to developed countries
such as America, France, Japan and Australia are extinct in our country. And
Do not let us lose with the Chinese country that produces products worth
hundreds of trillions per year. Let's Make bamboo a part of our lives.

 Clean Government
People’s Republic of China
After Hu Jintao came to power, fire eradicates corruption again. The Chinese
ruler warned his members that corruption threatened the party in power. For
him, CCP power can not be considered a mere necessity, while the
anticorruption movement is a "life and death struggle" for the communist
Hu's anger over corruption cases can be understood. Economic reforms that
tend to be capitalistic which is not followed by democratic political reforms,
has made the elite ruling party liberal wealth. This is exacerbated by the
absence of civil society control and the press. It has been reported that at
least 4,000 corrupt officials have left China in the past 20 years with a
staggering at least US $ 50 billion.
Without Democration
Currently China is implementing three steps to combat corruption, namely
improving the bureaucratic system, increasing the investigation of civil
servants, and overseeing power. Supervision at the level of government
administration conducted by the Ministry of Supervision, while internal
controls in the party body run by the Directorate of Discipline.
Although President Hu wants to ensure his legitimacy by responding to public
demands to root out corruption, he has not shown his willingness to reform his
political system. Naturally, if the efforts of anti-corruption movement he did
seem only political tendency to get rid of click Jiang that still controlling assets
and power.
However, democracy, including press freedom, is a key pillar of corruption
eradication. Hu Jintao's wishes to defend the party's monolithic power on the
grounds of avoiding western-style democracy must be counter-productive with
the eradication of corruption. Because without involving the press, the people,
and civil society organizations in oversight, the anti-corruption movement will
not work effectively and will always be filled with political interests.
People’s Republic of Indonesia
Indonesia is second most corrupt in Asean, third in Asia and sixth in the world.
The results of the International Transparency survey released in Jakarta
Tuesday 7/10/2003 mention Indonesia with Kenya is the sixth most corrupt
country in the world from 133 countries with corruption perception index value
1.9 from the range of values 1 to 10. In the Asean Indonesia region is the
most corrupt, except compared to Myanmar. While in Asia, only Bangladesh
and Myanmar are more corrupt than Indonesia.
Although not yet complete, but efforts to eradicate corruption, collusion and
nepotism (KKN) in Indonesia began to show results. According to Hong Kong-
based ratings agency, Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC), in
the perception of expatriate entrepreneurs in Asia, Indonesia is no longer
considered a corrupt country.

 Quality of Public Services

People’s Republic of China
Since 1993, the Chinese Government has taken significant steps to reform
the country’s civil service system, which is still evolving. Service in the public
sector carries with it considerable prestige in China and central ministries are
staffed by many highly competent employees. More developed parts of the
country are able to support a more efficient and effective public service.
However, in lesser developed parts of the country, the quality of public service
Legal basis As a significant outcome of the administrative reform, a civil
service system was ushered in 1993. The State Council promulgated the
Provisional Regulations on Civil Servants, which came into force in October
1993. The civil service system that China has promoted nationwide includes a
series of specific sub-systems, such as the categorization of posts, recruiting
through open exams, annual performance appraisals, exchange of posts and
dismissal of incompetent officials.
Recruitment It is stipulated that governments at all levels recruit civil servants
through open and fair competition rather than by appointment. Nearly all
provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have recruited civil
servants through open examination and merit appraisal. More and higher
posts have been opened to this approach in choosing candidates.
Promotion. Promotion of state civil servants must adhere to the principle of
both political integrity and ability, and appointment on merits, and lay stress
on work accomplishments. State civil servants can be promoted one grade at
a time in accordance with the order for promotion. Individual civil servants
who display outstanding political integrity, ability and work performance may
skip over one grade in promotion. But the decision must be reported to
departments concerned for approval as stipulated. China has adopted a rigid
and relatively narrowly defined position classification system that places all
civil servants in one of 12 positions ranged on 15 grades. The positions, which
mix rank-in-person and rank-in-position classifications, range from Premier
(grade 1) at the top to clerk (grades 10 to 15) at the bottom (Provisional
Regulations, Art. 10). University graduates are usually hired as section
members (grades 9 to 14), the position just above clerk, which is usually
reserved for middleschool graduates. The system does not identify clerical,
technical, professional, or top administrative and policy making jobs as such.
Rather it divides the positions into leadership and non-leadership categories.
Leadership positions range from Premier at the top to section head (grades 9-
12) at the bottom. There are no rules 12 that prevent section members from
entering the leadership strata. If a structural vacancy exists, candidates from
among the next lowest rank are selected based on seniority, ability, political
integrity, and performance.
Remuneration A post-grade salary system has been established across the
whole state civil service. The salary of civil servants includes four parts: post
pay, grade pay, basic pay and seniority pay. Civil servants are paid according
to a scale that includes the following components: position pay, with from
three to eight steps for each position based on level of responsibility; grade
pay for up to 15 grades; basic pay, the same for each civil servant in the
locality, but which varies by region depending on the level of economic
development; and seniority pay. In addition, civil servants enjoy a regional
allowance and other allowances. All state civil servants who are deemed
excellent or satisfactory in the annual evaluation may be granted salary
increment and bonus in accordance with relevant regulations. State civil
servants are also entitled to insurance and other benefits. Unless otherwise
stipulated by laws, regulations or policies of the State, administrative organs
of the State are prohibited to increase or reduce the salary of state civil
servants in any way, or increase or reduce insurance and other benefits of
state civil servants. An innovative element of the civil service system is the
pay ‘according to work' (anlao fenpei) as the `guiding principle' of the civil
service salary system (Art. 64). In addition, and with the change from central
planning to market economy, authorities have identified additional
remuneration. This includes, among others (i) civil service salaries that should
be commensurate with salaries paid to state-owned enterprise managers of
equivalent rank (Art. 66), a reflection of an emerging wage market in China.
Other principles provide for locality pay (or a regional allowance), annual
salary increments, and bonuses based on `excellent' or `satisfactory' ratings
in annual performance appraisals.
Training. Training of state civil servants follow the principle of integrating
theory with practice, linking study with application, teaching according to
needs and emphasizing practical results. Training for state civil servants be
divided into: new-recruits training, prepost training for promotion to a leading
post, specialized professional training in accordance with the requirements of
a specific job and up-to-date training for in– service state civil servants. These
training are mainly hold in National Administrative College, local
administrative colleges or other training institutes. In addition, there are has
been great emphasis on offering timely special training for both public officials
and corporate executives. Programmes tailored to senior managers from
hundreds of leading state-owned enterprises were launched in January 2000.
Attention is being drawn to the introduction of competitive mechanism that will
affect the survival and development of most of the state-owned enterprises.
Gender The number of female cadres (i.e. managerial and professional staff,
including technicians and teachers) in government departments, enterprises
and institutions had climbed to 13,838 million, making up 34.3 per cent of the
total number of cadres in China.
Mobility A mobility system has been established in the state civil service. A
state civil servant may change posts within an administrative organ of the
State, or to another organ, enterprise or institution. Mobility includes external
transfer, internal transfer, rotation and secondment. Secondment refers to in–
service state civil servants, being selected and assigned by the administrative
organs of the State in a planned manner, to hold certain posts at
administrative organs of the State or enterprises or institutions at the grass-
root for certain period.

People’s Republic of Indonesia

Public service is a national program to improve the function of public services,
public service is defined as an obligation that must be implemented by the
Government to fulfill the rights of the people. Public service is limited to the
definition of public service is any form of public sector services implemented
by government officials in the form of goods and or services, in accordance
with the needs of society and the provisions of legislation. Public service is a
means of meeting the basic needs of society for social welfare. So it needs to
pay attention to the values, belief system, religion, local wisdom and
community involvement. Attention to some of these aspects provides
assurance that the public service is an expression of the social needs of the
community. In that context, there is a guarantee that the public services
provided will help improve the welfare of the community. In addition, the public
will feel the public service so that its implementation is accepted and fully
supported by the community. The image of public services in Indonesia, from
the past to present, is more dominant in its dark side than the bright side, in
addition to the rambling bureaucratic mechanism coupled with unprofessional
bureaucratic officials. It is no stranger that public services in Indonesia are
portrayed as a source of corruption and it is well-founded that the World Bank,
in the World Development Report 2004, stigmatizes that public services in
Indonesia are difficult to access by the poor and trigger high-cost economy )
which ultimately burden macroeconomic performance, alias burdening the
public (society). So it is necessary to improve the quality and ensure the
provision of public services and provide protection for citizens of abuse of
authority (abuse of power) in the provision of public services by the
government. Constitutionally, it is also a state obligation to serve its citizens to
fulfill their basic needs in the framework of public service.

 Performance Bureaucracy
People’s Republic of China
In 1979 China decided to liberalize the financial sector by utilizing the bank's
presence. Development funds that previously relied on government budget
allocations, began to be handed over to banking institutions, which were also
part of an introduction to the relatively more effective market mechanisms of
credit allocations. In addition, the government decentralizes the authority of
local governments to develop local economies, the introduction of the law by
allowing the private sector to own companies, and the launching of
competition policies, to attract foreign direct investment so as to lower import
tariffs, remove SOE monopolies in exports and end the dual currency
exchange system.
In 2001 the direction of the economy using the market mechanism model was
continued by becoming a member of the WTO. In 2004 it emphasized the role
of non-SOEs as the main base of the economy with new regulations to protect
private asset expropriation. In 2005 the private sector was free of business
infrastructure, public services and finance, which had previously been
banned. In addition to the above reforms there are also non-economic
reforms, education where all citizens receive nine years of primary education
and the number of students entering higher education rose 3.5 times in 2003
with a stronger emphasis on technical education. Workers' wages are
improving as economic activity gets bigger. Later, a policy on tax reduction
and eradication of illegal levies in rural areas was raised to raise revenues.
People’s Republic of Indonesia
In its development, bureaucratic organization began to be colored by
uncertainty due to the role of political parties that compete with each other
very dominant, political parties began to do the building block of power
through the poses of strategic ministries in the government as a resource for
the sustainability of the political parties concerned, the recruitment program
the bureaucracy participates in rampant spoil system from appointment,
placement, promotion and other employment instruments not based on
criteria of judgment but on the basis of political considerations, groups and
other elements outside the bureaucratic duty.
After 1998 known as the reform movement then through Government
Regulation No. 5 of 1999 on the existence of civil servants as members of
political parties and then amended through Government Regulation No. 12 of
1999 which makes civil servants re-closed from the possibility to take part as
a membership in any political party.

 Global Competitiveness
People’s Republic of China
The cost of raw materials is low, this makes the cost of cheap production and
efficient production (economies of scale). The people consume the goods
themselves. They do not want to buy imported ones because they are
expensive. Equitable distribution of income, due to centralized economic
planning. Mass production at low cost makes China the world's largest
exporter today. A good exchange rate is offset by purchasing power, but
China's economy is better supported by exports, not consumption. The large
number of people makes China has cheap labor. Large economic growth
makes China very ogled other countries to invest.
People’s Republic of Indonesia
Although rich in natural resources, but for certain production there are raw
materials that must be imported from abroad, whereas the potential of
domestic inputs can be optimized. It tends to be consumptive and prefers to
buy imported goods instead of those produced by the state itself, regardless
of whether the price is expensive or not because of prestige. There are still
many economic disparities between rich and poor, the level of income
between regions is also lame. Indonesia's exports are quite significant for
some commodities, but imports are also large, so the net surplus is small
even there is a deficit. The rupiah exchange rate is quite stable with
increasing purchasing power and middle class consumption, but uneven
purchasing power in every region. Indonesian population is also many, but the
comparative advantage in low wages has been less competitive. Although
Indonesia's investment rating rose to investment grade, there are several
things that must be addressed such as infrastructure, security, etc.

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