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Levl 2

Project 1
Configure the network resources and download the software
• Configure your computer to use the following network resources

• IP Address – Provided by your Invigilator

• Subnet Mask –

• Default Gateway (Router) -

• Preferred DNS –

• Download to internet browser Google Chrome

Note:- Google chrome is a free web browser

• Install the download file the Google chrome Software

• The Google Chrome browser home page set in to Google Search engine

• Download the DELL desktop OPtiplex 780 LAN driver software for windows 7 operating

• Google Chrome browser in to bookmark et in DELL web site page

Project 2
Establish a peer to peer network
• To create a network cable you will need a crimper that is capable of crimping a RJ 45

• Establish a network connection between the two computer with hub or switch
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• Test the computer of for both computer (ping)

• File sharing for both computer

• Connect a printer and install the appropriate driver

• Test printer for both computer

Project 3
Assemble and disassemble
• Assemble all the missing components of the computer system

• Identify each and every missing component of the system

Missing component of the system

NO Missing component Function

• Use MS-word to prepare a detailed your computer specification and save desktop with file
name computer specification

• Print the Specification document

Project 4
Working with database
• Crate a database by the name library

• Design a new table under library

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Table – write [Writer – Id, Writer – Name, sex, Age, Nationality]

Note – [W-001, W-002, W-003 ………….]

• Design another table under library

Table – publication [pub-Id, pub-title, pub-Name, writer -Id]

Note – [P-001, P-002, P-003……….]

• Writer id and publication title should not blank

• Assign appropriate primary key and create relationship for the table

• Create a data entry form for encoding to the data to the data base

• Create query that accesses writer name and display all publication

• Create a report of all writers with that pub-name and pub title

• Print a data base report

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