DISCRETE MATH MODULE 14 Permutation Combination

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Module 14

Principles of Counting
1. Permutation
2. Combination
 Permutation – The arrangement of all or part of a
set of objects.
 Rules:
1. the permutation of n distinct objects. n!
2. the number of permutations of n distinct objects
taken at a time is nPr = n!/(n-r)!
3. the number of permutations of n distinct objects
arranged in a circle is (n – 1)!
4. the number of distinct permutations of n things of
which n, are of one kind, n2 of a second kind, ….,
nk of a kth kind is: n!/n1! n2!....nk!
 Ex.1. In how many ways can 9 different foods can
b arranged in a lazy Susan?
 Ex.2. How many ways can 5 people be lined up
to get on a bus?
 Ex.3. Refer to number 2. If a certain 2 persons
refuse to follow each other, how many ways are
 Ex.4. Howa many ways can 3 reds, 4 yellow, & 2
blue bulbs be arranged in a string of Christmas
tree lights with a socket?
 Ex. 1. In how many ways can 9 different foods can
b arranged in a lazy Susan?
 Ex. 2. How many ways can 5 people be lined up
to get on a bus?
 Ex. 3. Refer to number 2. If a certain 2 persons
refuse to follow each other, how many ways are
 Ex. 4. Howa many ways can 3 reds, 4 yellow, & 2
blue bulbs be arranged in a string of Christmas
tree lights with a socket?
 Ex. 5. Permutation of Mississippi?
 Ex. 6. Calculate permutation of 5 objects (A, B, C,
D, E) taken 3 at a time?
 Ex. 5. Permutation of Mississippi?
 Ex.6. Calculate permutation of 5 objects (A, B, C,
D, E) taken 3 at a time?
 Thenumber of combinations of n distinct
objects taken r @ a time:
n n!
r = r! (n-r)!

 Thenumber of combinations of n distinct

objects taken n @ a time:
n n!
n = n! o! = 1
 Ex. 1. From a group of5 men & 3 women, how
many committee of 3 people are possible?
a. with no restrictions
b. with 2 men & 1 women
c. with 1 man & 2 woman if a woman must be in a
 2.A shipment of 10 tv sets contains 3 defectives
sets. In how many ways can a hotel purchase 4 of
these sets & receive at least 2 of the defective
 3.a group of 10 girls & 6 boys are selected to form
group consisting of 4 person? How many group
are possible if it must consist of the following?
2 girls and 2 boys
Majority of girls
Majority of boys

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