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Physics PUT Questions (KAS201T)

1 (A) Michelson -Morley experiment was conducted to

a) Find the motion of earth in stationary ether medium

b) Find the motion of sun in stationary ether motion

c) Find the motion of earth relative to sun

d) All of above

1(B) A cube when moved along one of its faces at a very high speed will look like a

a) Rectangle

b) Sphere

c) Cube

d) Rectangular Parallelopiped

1(C) At what speed the mass of a body will be twice of its rest mass

a) 0.97C

b) 0.87C

c) 0.77C

d) 0.67 C

1(D) The postulates of special theory of relativity is applicable to

a) accelerated frames

e) inertial frames

b) stationary frames

c) all of above
1(E) What will be the orientation of a rod of length 5 meters in a frame of reference which is moving
with 0.6c velocity in a direction making angle 30o with rod.
f) 35.8o

b) 30o
c) 37.4o
d) 45o

1(F) A clock measures the proper time. With what velocity should it travel relative to an observer so
that it appears to go slow by 30 sec in 12 hours?
a) 2.99 x107 m/s

b) 1.12 x107 m/s

c) 3 x108 m/s

d) 2.22 x107 m/s

1(G) If the total energy of a particle is exactly twice of its rest-mass of energy, what is the velocity

a) 2.59x108 m/s
b) 2.99x108 m/s
c) 3.59x108 m/s
d) 3.99x107 m/s

1(H) If two photons of light are approaching each other, then their relative speed will be

a) 2c
b) c
c) c/4
d) zero

1(I) In a pair production

a) Energy is converted into mass

b) Mass is converted inti energy

c) Two photons are produced

d) Two electrons are annihilated

1(J) The length of a meter stick moving parallel to its length when its mass is 2.5 times of its rest mass is-

a) 0.2 m

b) 0.6 m

c) 0.8 m

d) 0.4 m

1(K) Galilean transformation applies between two frames of reference P and Q if

a) Q is rotating with uniform angular velocity relative to P

b) Q is moving with uniform acceleration relative to P

c) Q is moving with uniform velocity relative to P

d) Q goes around P at a constant distance with a constant speed

1(L) A rocket is moving with a velocity of 0.7c. The velocity of the light with respect to rocket is

a) 0.7c

b) c

c) 1.4c

d) 0.35c

1(M) An Inertial Frame of reference must

a) Not accelerate

b) Be in absolute motion

c) Be attached to observer

d) Be at absolute rest
1(N) Which of the following is invariant under Galilean Transformation

a) Force

b) Space coordinates

c) Velocity

d) Momentum

1(O) One of the two twin brothers, one goes on a relativistic tour and come back. The brother on tour
will become
a) older
b) younger
c) shorter
d) None of these

1(P) Rest mass of photon is zero. Its mass in motion is

a) zero

b) E / C2

c) E/C

d) P/c

1(Q) Rest mass of a particle is defined as

a) Zero mass

b) Mass when particle is at rest

c) Mass when moving with speed of light

d) Mass when moving with speed of sound

1(R) A rod of length 1m is moving with a velocity of 0.8c in a direction inclined at 600 to its own length. The
apparent length along the direction o motion will become
a) 0.4m

b) 0.3m
c) 0.2m

d) 0.1m

1(S) The theory that deals with the relative values of .......................... an object is called the theory of
a) Mass

b) Length

c) Time

d) All of above

1(T) One of the postulates of the special theory of relativity is

a) Speed of light is relative

b) speed of light is same in all inertial frames

c) Time is relative

d) Mass is relative

2(A) The concept of displacement current was proposed by

a) Faraday
b) Ampere
c) Maxwell
d) Gauss

2(B) A parallel plate capacitor with plate separation 17.7 mm and plate area 60 cm2 is connected in an electric
circuit having a source voltage 400 V. The displacement current produced in the circuit for
a) 0.6 mA
b) 1.8 mA
c) 1.2 mA
d) 2.4
2(C) The equation of continuity represents the conservation law of

a) Energy
b) momentum
c) Charge
d) none of these

2(D) The magnitude and the direction of flow of energy per unit area per unit time in an EM-wave travelling in a
medium can be expressed by a vector known as
a) Propagation vector K
b) electric displacement vector D
c) displacement current density vector Jd
d) Poynting vector S

2(E) Poynting Theorem represents the conservation law of

a) energy of charges in EM-field
b) linear momentum of charges in EM-field
c) angular momentum of charges in EM-field
d) none of these

2(F) For propagation of EM-waves in free space, vectors

a) B, E and H are perpendicular to each other
b) B, K and H are perpendicular to each other
c) E, K and D are perpendicular to each other
d) E, K and H are perpendicular to each other

2(G) The Transverse electric wave traveling in z-direction satisfies which of the following equation
a) Ez = 0 , Hz = 0
b) Ez = 0 , Hz ≠ 0
c) Ez ≠ 0 , Hz = 0
d) Ez≠ 0 , Hz ≠0

2(H) The ratio of conduction current density to the displacement current density is

a) σ / j ω∈

b) jσ / ω

c) σω / j

d) σ /jω

2(I) The continuity equation for em-fields concludes that

a) div Jc = 0 if the field is time varing
b) div Jc = 0 if the field is not time varing
c) div Jd = 0 if the field is time varing
d) div Jd = 0 if the field is not time varing

2(J) Choose the wrong option for em-wave propagation in free space-

a) E, H and K vectors are orthogonal.

b) Impedance of the medium is 376 ohm

c) E and H are in phase

d) Energy flow is along the E vector

2(K) Considering silver as a good conductor having conductivity 3 X 107 mhos/m and µ = µ0, the skin depth at
the frequency 108 Hz will be
a) 6 µm
b) 7µm
c) 8µm
d) 9µm

2(L) If earth receives 1400 Joule/m2-sec solar energy from the Sun, the amplitude of magnetic field of radiation
will be
a) 1026.8 A/m
b) 2.726 A/m
c) 1.928 A/m
d) 726.2 A/m

2(M) If magnetic monopole existed, then which of the following Maxwell's equations will be modified

a) div D = ρ
b) div B = o

c) curl E= - ∂B/∂t

d) curl H =J + ∂D/∂t

2(N) Let you are sitting in sun for 3 hours. The area of your body exposed normally to sun rays is 1.3 m2. The
intensity of sun rays is 1.1 kw/m2. If your body completely absorbs the sun rays, the momentum(kg-
m/sec) transferred to your body will be
a) 5.14 X 10-6

b) 1.54 X 10-6

c) 5.14 X 10-5

d) 1.54 X 10-5

2(O) Let E = Eo sin[106 x -ωt] be the electric field of plane electromagnetic wave, the value of ω is
a) 0.3 × 10-14 rad s-1

b) 3 × 10-14 rad s-1

c) 0.3 × 1014 rad s-1

d) 3 × 1014 rad s-1

2(P) A radiation of energy E falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to the
surface is
a) E/c
b) 2E/c
c) Ec
d) E/c2

2(Q) For propagation of EM-waves in free space, the phase difference between field vectors and is
a) 00
b) 900
c) 45 0
d) 1800

2(R) In Maxwell's fourth equation curl H =J + ∂D/∂t, the second term on right hand side shows the concept of

a) ​displacement current

b) conduction current
c) both displacement and conduction currents
d) neither displacement current nor conduction current

2(S)The transverse nature of an electromagnetic wave is justified by the option

(Here E, B and K are the vectors)

(A) K.E = 0 but K.B is not equal to zero

(B) K.B = 0 but K.E is not equal to zero

(C) K.E and K.B, both are not equal to zero

(D) K.E = 0 and K.B = 0

2(T) A wave is propagating in a medium of dielectric constant 2 and relative magnetic permeability is 50. The
wave impedance of such a medium is
a) 5Ω
b) 376.6 Ω
c) 1883Ω

d) 3776 Ω

3(A) Name the experiment conducted to confirm the wave nature of electrons?

a) Young's double slit experiment

b) Davisson Germer Experiment

c) Millican's Oil drop experiment

d) Photoelectric effect

3(B) If the de-Broglie wavelength of an alpha particle and a proton are equal, then what will be their ratio of
a) 1:4

b) 4:1

c) 1:2

d) 2:3

3(C) De-Broglie waves are

a) Electromagnetic waves

b) Pressure waves

c) travel with the velocity of light

d) Shows particle diffraction

3(D) The de-Broglie wavelength for a particle that is in thermal equilibrium at temperature T is proportional
a) T-1/2

b) T1/2

c) T 3/2

d) T

3(E) Which of the particle will have largest wavelength if they are moving with same velocity?

a) Alpha particle

b) Electron

c) Photon
d) Neutron

3(F) According to Schrödinger, a particle is equivalent to a

a) wave packet

b) electromagnetic wave

c) light wave

d) mechanical wave

3(G) De-Broglie wavelength of an alpha particle accelerated through a potential difference of 200V is

a) 3.16 x 10-13 m

b) 7.16 x 10-13 m

c) 6.23 x 10-16 m

d) 4.23 x 10-10 m

3(H1) The de-Broglie wavelength associated with a neutron moving with a velocity equal to 1/20th of the
velocity of light is
a) 2.643 x 10-14 m

b) 3.645 x 10-16 m

c) 2.845 x 10-18 m

d) 4.285 x 10-17 m

3(I) As the wavelength of radiations keep decreasing, what will happen to the intensity of black body
a) Increases

b) Decreases

c) Remains same

d) First increases then decreases

3(J) The first permitted energy is called

a) Excited energy level

b) Zero point energy

c) Ground level

d) None of these

3(K) Planck's radiation law holds good for what kind of bodies

a) black body

b) polished body

c) colored body

d) none of these

3(L) Absorptivity of a body equal to its emissivity

a) at all temperature

b) at one particular temperature

c) when system is in one thermal equilibrium site

d) critical temperature

3(M) Which of the following is not a characteristic of wave function?

a) Continuous

b) Single valued

c) Differentiable

d) Physically significant

3(N) X-rays with wavelength 0.1 nm are scattered from a carbon block. The scattered radiations are viewed at
right angles to the direction of beam. What is the Compton Shift?
a) 0.0014 nm

b) 0.0024 nm
c) 0.0034 nm

d) 0.0044 nm

3(O) The wavelength of maximum solar emission is observed to be approximately 0.475 µm. What is the
temperature of the surface of Sun. ( Assume it as the black body)
a) 1600 K

b) 6100 K

c) 1300 K

d) 5300 K

3(P) Compton effect is possible to occur in which kind of the photon below

a) Visible light Photon

b) X-Ray photon

c) UV photon

d) Infrared Photon

3(Q) The variable quantity which mathematically describes the wave characteristics of a particle is called

a) wave function

b) wave equation

c) wave characteristics

d) none of these

3(R) In Compton Scattering, if the incident photon has a wavelength of 0.2 nm and Ø = 90º, the angle at
which recoil electron appears is
a) 30.12º

b) 38.46 º

c) 44.57 º

d) 53.12 º
3(S) A particle is moving in the one-dimensional potential box (of infinite height) of width 25Å. Calculate the
probability of finding the particle within an interval of 5Å at the center of the box when it is lying in the
ground state of energy.
a) 0.1

b) 0.2

c) 0.3

d) 0.4

3(T) An electron is bound in 1-D box having a width of 2.5 x 10-10 m. Assuming the height of the box to be
infinite , calculate the lowest two permitted energy state of the electrons.
a) 6.04 eV, 24.16 eV

b) 5.04 eV, 25.16 eV

c) 4.04 eV, 20.16 eV

d) 3.04 eV, 23.16 eV

4(A) Which of the following does not support the wave nature of light

a) Interference

b) Polarization

c) Compton effect

d) Diffraction

4(B) A phase difference π between two interfering beams is equivalent to path difference

a) 2λ

b) λ

c) λ /2

d) λ /4
4(C) When a light wave is reflected at the glass-air interface, the change of phase of the reflected
wave is equal to
a) 0

b) π

c) π/2

d) π/4

4(D) In the presence of a plane parallel film, the path difference is equal to-





4(E) In a plane parallel film due to reflected light, the condition for maxima for the air film to appear
bright is





4(F) Fringe width in case of wedge shape film is-

a) Directly proportional to the refractive index between wedge film

b) Directly proportional to wave length of light

c) Directly proportional to angle of wedge

d) Inversely proportional to thickness of film

4(G) In Newton’s ring experiment diameter of 6th and 12th dark rings are 0.500 cm and 0.900cm
respectively. diameter of 16th dark ring will be-
a) 2.15 cm

b) 3.20 cm

c) 1.13 cm

d) 4.25 cm

4(H) Light of wave length 8000 A0 falls normally on a thin wedge shaped film of refractive index 1.4
forming fringes that are 3.0mm apart. Angle of wedge in seconds will be-
a) 20.12 sec

b) 19.44 sec

c) 15.32 sec

d) 17.56 sec.

4(I) Newton’s rings are observed by keeping spherical surface of 100 cm radius on plane glass plate.
If diameter of 16th bright ring is 0.690 cm and diameter of 6th bright ring is 0.436 cm. wave
length of light used is-
a) 6000 A0

b) 8253 A0

c) 7000 A0

d) 7152 A0

4(J) Thickness of the thinnest film (µ =1.4) in which interference of violet component (λ=8000A0) of
incident light can take place by reflection is-
a) 1500 A0

b) 1620 A0

c) 1530 A0

d) 1428 A0

4(K) Diffraction grating has-

a) One slit
b) Large no. of random lines

c) Circular slit

d) Large no. of equidistant lines

4(L) Type of wave front used in Fraunhofer’s diffraction is-

a) Plane

b) Spherical

c) Cylindrical

d) Circular

4(M) In Diffraction at a single slit, the intensity of the first secondary maxima is about-





4(N) In diffraction pattern of single slit the first minimum with wavelength λ1 found to be coincident
with 3rd minimum of λ2. The relation between two wave lengths is-
a) 3λ1 = λ2

b) 3λ1 = 0.3λ2

c) 0.3λ1 = 3λ2

d) λ1 =3 λ2
4(O) The dispersive power of grating increases with increasing

a) Only order of spectrum

b) Only no. of lines per cm on the grating

c) Only total no. of lines on the grating

d) Order and also the no. of lines per cm.

4(P) In obtaining the diffraction of a single slit the focal length of the lens used is 200cm. wavelength
of light used 5000A0 and width of slit 10-2 cm. width of central maximum is-
a) 0.2 cm

b) 2 cm

c) 0.02cm

d) 3cm

4(Q) Light of wavelength 5× 10-5 cm is incident normally on a plane diffraction grating of width 4 cm
and 15000 lines/cm. angle at which first maxima is observed-
a) 22020’

b) 15095’

c) 11095’

d) 10095’

4(R) In a plane diffraction grating 3rd , 6th , 9th , order of spectrum will be missing if –

a) Width of opacity is thrice of the width of transparency

b) Width of opacity is double of the width of transparency

c) Width of opacity is equal of the width of transparency

d) width of opacity is half of the width of transparency

4(S) The intensity distribution due to Fraunhofer’s diffraction at a single slit is represented by





4(T) In a single slit experiment if slit width is reduced

a) The fringes become narrower

b) The fringes become brighter

c) The fringes become wider

d) No effect on fringes

5(A) The number of photons, from green light of LASER (ʎ = 4961 Å), required to do one joule of work is

a) 4524.2X1018/m3
b) 2.4961X1018/m3

c) 3.6785X1018/m3

d) 4.7329X1018/m3

5(B) In population inversion, number of electrons in---------------are more as compared to number of electrons
a) Quasi Stable State, Ground State
b) Meta Stable State, Ground State

c) Mono Stable State, Meta Stable State

d) Quasi Stable State, Meta Stable State

5(C) Which of the following scheme does not produce lasing action?

a) Two-Level Scheme

b) Three-Level Scheme

c) Four-Level Scheme

d) Five-Level Scheme

5(D) The glass tube of He-Ne laser is made thin because

a) Ne atoms in meta stable state can de-excite by collision with glass tube.

b) Ne atoms in ground state can excite by collision with glass tube.

c) He atoms in ground state can excite by collision with glass tube.

d) He atoms in meta stable state can de-excite by collision with glass tube.

5(E) In He-Ne laser, population inversion is achieved through the electrical discharge followed by inelastic
collision of He and Ne atoms because
a) He and Ne have band energy level structure.

b) He and Ne are inert gases.

c) He and Ne have low atomic number value.

d) In gaseous medium, the energy levels are very precise.

5(F) Why do we not have 2-level lasers?

a) Time for population inversion is very short

b) All active medium have three or more energy levels.

c) High pumping power is required.

d) Coherence time is very short.

5(G) A laser having power of 75 mW, wavelength of 720 nm and an aperture 5 mm is focused with a lens of
focal length 0.1 m. The intensity of the image is-------
a) 3.616 X 108 W/m2

b) 4.916 X 108 W/m2

c) 2.748 X 1010 W/m2

d) 5.364 X 1010 W/m2

5(H) A typical laser system is capable of lasing at infrared wavelengths. the light output at 3.124 micrometer
is very prominent. If one mole of photons are emitted per second, what is the power of the laser
a) 38.3 Kilo Joule

b) 39.3 Kilo Joule

c) 40.3 kilo Joule

d) 41.3 Kilo Joule

5(I) A laser system is capable of lasing at infrared wavelengths. If output of several wavelength is 750 nm and
1 nm, the difference between upper excited and lower meta-stable state in eV for this wavelengths will
a) 1.65 eV and 0.00124 eV

b) 2.31 eV and 0.00367 eV

c) 3.21 eV and 0.00437 eV

d) 1.65 eV and 0.00971 eV

5(J) A typical laser system is capable of lasinig at infrared wavelengths. the light output at 9.6 micrometer
10.6 micrometer are very prominent. How many photons are required to to emitted per second to
obtain a laser output power of 10 kW?
a) 1 mole of atoms

b) 2 mole of atoms

c) 3 mole of atoms
d) 4 mole of atoms

5(K) In single-mode fibers, how does the fraction of energy traveling through bound mode appear in the
a) As a Crescent Wave

b) As a Gibbous Wave

c) As an Evanescent Wave

d) All of above

5(L) Select the wrong statement for optical fiber.

a) The disparity between arrival times of rays is known as dispersion.

b) The diameter of single mode step-index fiber is very small

c) The graph between numerical aperture and acceptance angle is straight line.

d) For single mode-step index fiber, V >2.405

5(M) Select the wrong statement for Graded Index Fiber(GRIN).

a) Pulse dispersion in a GRIN fiber is small.

b) GRIN fibers has lower attenuation.

c) In GRIN fiber, there are no irregularities at the core cladding interface.

d) For GRIN fiber the NA varies between 0.3 to 0.4.


This graph is in between two parameters of optical fiber. These parameters are----

a) V- number on X-axis and no of modes on Y-axis.

b) Number of modes on X-axis and V-number on Y-axis.

c) Acceptance angle on X-axis and n1/n2 on Y-axis.

d) n1/n2 on X-axis and Numerical Aperture on Y-axis.

5(O) Small value of numerical aperture reduces pulse dispersion but increases losses due to-------

a) Absorption

b) Scattering
c) Micro-bending

d) Macro-bending

5(P) If a fiber operates at 1400 nm with the diameter of about 10 micrometer, n1 = 1.30, Fractional refractive
index difference = 0.80% , V = 3.5, then how many modes will it have?
a) 6

b) 7

c) 8

d) 9

5(Q) The intensity of light pulse travelling along a fiber decreases exponentially with distance according to the

Where I0 is the intensity at x = 0 and alfa is the attenuation constant.

The intensity will reduce by 50% after a distance of-------------




5(R) A glass fiber has core material of refractive index 1.466, cladding material of refractive index 1.460. If it
is surrounded by air, compute the critical angles (a) At the core-cladding interface (b) At the cladding-air
a) 84.810 and 430

b) 84.810 and 48.610

c) 74.310 and 430

d) 74.310 and 330

5(S) A glass fiber has core material of refractive index 1.47, cladding material of refractive index 1.45. The
core diameter is 50 micrometer and operating wavelength is 0.85 micrometer. The cut-off parameter
and the number of modes supported by the fiber core will be------------------
a) 44.64 and 996

b) 44,64 and 786

c) 45.84 and 996

d) 33.24 and 892

5(T) A communication system uses 10 km fiber having a loss of 2.3 dB/km. If the input power is 400
microwatt than the output power will be-------
a) 0.597 microwatt

b) 0.876 microwatt

c) 0.459 microwatt

d) 0.795 microwatt

1.(A) - (a)

1.(B) – (b)

1.(C) – (b)

1.(D) – (b)

1.(E) – (a)

1.(F) – (b)

1.(G) – (a)

1.(H) – (b)

1.(I) – (a)

1.(J) – (d)

1.(K) – (c)

1.(L) – (b)

1.(M) – (a)

1.(N) – (d)

1.(O) – (b)

1.(P) – (b)

1.(Q) – (b)

1.(R) – (c)

1.(S) – (d)

1.(T) – (b)

2.(A) – (d)

2.(B) – (c)

2.(C) – (c)

2.(D) – (d)
2.(E) – (a)

2.(F) – (a)

2.(G) – (b)

2.(H) – (a)

2.(I) – (c)

2.(J) – (d)

2.(K) – (b)

2.(L) – (b)

2.(M) – (b)

2.(N) – (c)

2.(O) – (d)

2.(P) – (b)

2.(Q) – (b)

2.(R) – (a)

2.(S) – (d)

2.(T) – (c)

3.(A) – (b)

3.(B) – (a)

3.(C) – (d)

3.(D) – (a)

3.(E) – (b)

3.(F) – (a)

3.(G) – (b)
3.(H) – (a)

3.(I) – (a)

3.(J) – (c)

3.(K) – (a)

3.(L) – (c)

3.(M) – (d)

3.(N) – (b)

3.(O) – (b)

3.(P) – (b)

3.(Q) – (a)

3.(R) – (c)

3.(S) – (d)

3.(T) – (a)

4.(A) – (c)

4.(B) – (c)

4.(C) – (b)

4.(D) – (b)

4.(E) – (d)

4.(F) – (b)

4.(G) – (c)

4.(H) – (b)

4.(I) – (d)

4.(J) – (d)

4.(K) – (d)
4.(L) – (a)

4.(M) – (a)

4.(N) – (d)

4.(O) – (d)

4.(P) – (b)

4.(Q) – (d)

4.(R) – (b)

4.(S) – (a)

4.(T) – (c)

5.(A) – (b)

5.(B) – (b)

5.(C) – (a)

5.(D) – (a)

5.(E) – (d)

5.(F) – (a)

5.(G) – (a)

5.(H) – (a)

5.(I) – (a)

5.(J) – (a)

5.(K) – (c)

5.(L) – (d)

5.(M) – (d)

5.(N) – (d)

5.(O) – (c)
5.(P) – (a)

5.(Q) – (a)

5.(R) – (a)

5.(S) – (a)

5.(T) – (d)

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