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This chapter presents a review of related theory. It covers review of previous

study, theoretical review of the research , and the conceptual framework of the


A. Review of the Previous Study

The researcher got some relevant studies from other universities

which have the same topic and method as references in this research. First, A

research about using Dominoes game in teaching vocabulary, it was

conducted by Khasanah, Chamdani, & Susiani (2012). They implemented the

action research on fifth-grade students in an elementary school. Based on

their research, it was found out that the use of Dominoes game was beneficial

for increasing the students' vocabulary mastery.

Second, a research by Saepudin (2014) was aimed at using dominoes

games to teach vocabulary. He conducted the action research on seventh-

grade students at junior high school in Cianjur. The result of the research

showed that domino card could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.

Then, a research by Safirah (2015) was aimed at improving

vocabulary mastery through vocabulary cards. She conducted the action

research on seventh-grade students at SMP Institut Indonesia Yogyakarta in

the academic year of 2015/ 2016.


From some relevant studies above, there are the similarities between

this research and the relevant studies above. First, this research and a research

by Saepudin (2014) and Safirah (2015) is using 2 cycle to get the data.

Second, all of the relevant studies above have the aim to improve the

students’ vocabulary that have the same goal with this research. Third, the

subject of this research is same with a research by Safirah (2015). It can be

concluded that the researcher wants to make some of these studies as

references in working on this thesis. It is because there are several aspects

contained in the reference that is needed by researchers in the process of

carrying out the thesis. In addition, some relevant studies above are successful

in increasing the students' vocabulary mastery.


B. Literature Review

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential part of learning English. English has the

four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four

skills need a vocabulary. Without vocabulary, we cannot speak, listen,

read, or even write. We can understand a language if we know the

meaning and part of speech of that language, especially English.

According to Richards & Renandya (2002:255), vocabulary is an

essential component of language skills and provides many grounds for

how well students speak, hear, read, and write. Without extensive

vocabulary and strategies for gaining new vocabulary, students often

less achieve than their potential and may be discouraged from using

the opportunity to learn languages around them.

According to Linse (2006:121), vocabulary is the collection of

words that an individual knows. To facilitate communication with

others, students must have much knowledge of vocabulary.

From the definition above, the researcher concluded that

vocabulary is a set of words that have meaning and role that is very

important for mastering and understanding a language. Vocabulary is

a component that is important for learning a language well. Without

vocabulary, students and even people cannot speak, hear, read, or

write. Students will experience difficulty in speaking, listening,


reading, and writing in specific languages. If we want to master a

particular language vocabulary, we must learn the vocabulary with

various strategies.

b. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

The basic knowledge that must be mastered by students before

mastering English vocabulary. The students must understand part of

speech, meaning, form and how to use it in context or sentence.

Vocabulary is complementary because it has the function to

communicate both verbally and in writing. The connection with a

language is that each of the languages and vocabulary cannot stand

alone. Language and vocabulary are mutually continuously. (Kweldju,


There are aspects of vocabulary mastery. The first aspect is

word meaning. This aspect contains how students can know and

understand the meaning of certain words. The second aspect is

extending word use. The third aspect is grammar. It contains how

students can know about grammar in English. Such as part of speech,

structure, and others. The fourth aspect is spelling. This aspect

contains how students can spell vocabulary correctly and adequately.

So the last is pronunciation. It contains how the students can

pronounce a lot of vocab correctly. If the students have not fulfilled

some of those aspects, the student cannot be said to have mastered the


c. Teaching Vocabulary

If we want to learn about English language, we must learn

to associate the use and meaning of vocabulary in English. Teachers

can teach vocabulary through various techniques, strategies, and

learning media. Besides, the teacher must also connect the vocabulary

learned with everyday life.

Based on Cameron (2001), so students can succeed and

efficiently use language, vocabulary teaching must focus on helping

students build their vocabulary knowledge and abilities.

Vocabulary is used for communication both in spoken and

written, while the language is used to share information and ideas and

also deliver messages. It shows that the language and vocabulary

complete each other. Furthermore, there will be no language

acquisition or language learning without understanding its vocabulary,

either in the first or second language (Kweldju, 2004).

2. Learning Media

Learning media is a media that used by the teacher to deliver the

material to the students in teaching and learning activity to reach the goal

of the lessons. Usually, people said as teaching media.

a. Definition of Learning Media

According to Gerlach and Ely in Bakri (2011: 3), they divide the

definition of learning media or teaching media in wide definition and

narrow definition. Based on wide definition, media is a tool, material


or people which can create the situation and condition so that the

students can learn and get the knowledge. The example are the

teacher and the book. While media in narrow can define as photo,

picture and electronic tool that can convey visual and verbal

information. In addition, learning media is physical form that can

convey the knowledge to the students so that the students can learn.

b. Function of Learning Media

According to Mulyani (2012: 13), the learning media has the

function such as:

1) Integral part of all learning situation

2) To concrete the abstract concept of the knowledge

3) Subsidiary tool to create effective and innovative learning


4) To improve the students’ motivation and participation to learn.

c. Kinds of Learning Media

Media are divided into seven categories, Mahajan (2012: 6-7) :

1) Display Media : bulletin board, chalkboard, and whiteboard.

2) Graphic Media : posters, pictures, charts, and diagrams.

3) Audio Media : audio, record, and cassettes.

4) Activity Media : role-playing and dramatization.

5) Video Media : video, CD, and TV.

6) Projected Media : slides, films, videos ans records.

7) Three Dimensional Media : puppets, models and objects.


3. Game

Game is an exciting and fun activity that has rules, people, and

punishments. Usually, a punishment gives to participants who do not obey

the rules or fulfill the target of the game.

a. Definition of Game

Game implicate many factors: rules, competition, relaxation,

and learning, in particular. The main purpose of using the game in

class is to help students learn and have fun. The teacher should choose

what game that will use because there are many kinds of game.

Based on (Hadfield, 2001:4), he stated that competitive games

and cooperative games have the different aim. The aim of the

competitive games is to be the first to reach the goal and the aim od

competitive games is to work together toward a common goal.

b. The Importance of Game in Teaching Vocabulary to Young


Furthermore, students, especially young students, will feel bored

and sleepy when they have to be in the classroom in a long time to

listen to the material delivered by the teacher. By covering small

action during lessons as learning games, students will be more

encouraged and interested in taking lessons and learning the material

will be more readily understood. Vernon (2009) states that classroom

learning involving games as a learning media will be beneficial to

give understanding regarding the material which is delivered by the


teacher without prepossessing their participation. Automatically

students will participate and active in the teaching and learning


Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby (1983: 2) stated that young

learners and adults are very enthusiastic to play the game, although

some of them maybe not. Thus, the teacher should be able to give

reasons for the use of games in language learning. Herrera and Hojel

(1998: vii) stated that games can motivate learners to learn language

by focusing on cooperative learning in a group or pairs.

c. The Advantages of Game

The game usually implicates kindly competition and make the

learners interested in learning English. Thus, the learners participate

actively in learning.

(Kim, 1995: 35), Kim stated that games are motivating and

challenging. A typical learning technique without the game needs an

effort to understand the material. The learners are not motivated to

learn. They will feel bored with learning activities. However, if we

implement game to the learning activities, the learners will be more

motivated to learn. Game make all learners take part in the learning

activities, and the learners do not seem passive.

Wright (1994: 1 ) stated that game encourages and help many

learners interested and enthusiast in the teaching and learning activity.


Games help the teacher to create a context in which the language is

useful and meaningful.

d. Types of Games

Hadfield (1996: v) states that a game is an activity with

rules, a goal, and an element of fun. He mentions that games make

use of a variety of technique. Four techniques can be used for

games. They are listed as follows:

1) Information gap

The information gap is a simple technique that can use

for games. In this activity, students work in pair or small group.

2) Guessing game

In this game, the players hold the information, and the other

should guess. The thing should be guess can be in the form of

single word, phrase, sentence, or sentences.

3) Search game

This game routinely played in whole class activities. In

this game, everyone in the class has information. The players

should get the information available to fill the questions or to

solve a problem.

4) Matching game

The matching game involves some identical pairs of

cards and pictures where players have to choose the cards and

the pictures ad have to match the some cards or pictures with

their partner. This game similar with domino card game.

4. Domino Card Game

a. Definition of Domino Game

Domino is a class of tiles that are explicitly marked. Each

domino is a rectangular paper divided into two square ends. Each tip

marks has several spots or blanks. The rear of the domino is set

independently, either empty or has a general design. A set of

dominoes is a common game tool, similar to play cards, where various

games can play with a set. In this case, Domino games use cards as

media made of certain paper.

The strategy for independent learning in or out of class is using

domino games (Nation, 1994: 20). The domino game is an effective

learning game. Because, we can play the domino game in everywhere.

b. Rules of Domino Card Game

1) The teacher explains how to play the game including its rule.

2) The teacher divides the students into five groups; one group

consist of six or seven students.

3) The teacher gives one set Dominoes cards to each group, and the

students should not show their cards to another group.


4) The teacher asks each group to mix up the Dominoes cards and

place them all facing down on the table. They can set up the

Dominoes card in any shape they want.

5) Each group match each picture with the description provided in

the domino cards.

6) The winner is a group that can finish arranging the Dominoes

cards correctly. To make it simple, the teacher re-constructs the

winner is the group who can finish in arranging Dominoes fast

than the other group.

7) The teacher asks each of the students to memorize all of the

vocabularies in Dominoes cards. And to practice the vocabularies

in Dominoes cards.

Those steps above should be implemented. This game, which

belongs to a competitive one, can encourage the students to be active

in joining the lesson. Moreover, this game can stimulate the students’

attention to be active in joining the teaching-learning process. Rummy

(2007: 21).

c. Advantages of Domino Card Game

1) The domino card game is easy to play.

The domino card game can play easily by the students because

the domino card game has the simple way to play with.

2) The domino card game is easy to make.


The ingredients of the domino card game is easy to find. The

students or the teachers just need the carton, scissors, glue and

the paper of learning material.

3) The domino card game is easy to bring.

Because of the domino card game is made of from carton, so, it

very light to bring everywhere.

4) The domino card game can improve the sudents’ cooperation in a


When the students learn, the teacher not only give the knowledge

but the teacher should teach to the students that they have to

work together. They have to know each other.

5) The domino card game can improve the students’ vocabulary


In the domino card game, there are five aspects vocabulary

mastery. So, after they learn by using the domino card game, the

students’ vocabulary mastery will be improved.


Figure i. Picture of Domino Card Game

C. Conceptual Framework


Type and design of the Data Collections :

- Observation
Classroom Action Research - Interview
(CAR) - Documenting study
- Testing
Data of the
The setting of the research : Instruments of the research :
SMP - Observation checklist
Muhammadiyah - Interview guidelines
Ngemplak - Photographs
- Pre and post test

The subject & object of the Data Analysis:
- Numeric Data
The subject is students in - Description of Data
Grade VII
The object is Class A of Grade

The procedure of the research:

- Planning
- Acting
- Observing
- Reflecting

Result of the research :

Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Domino
Card Game among Seventh Grade in SMP Muhammadiyah

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