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Year 4 Home Learning

Date: Thursday 19th January 2017

TALK, SHARE, ENCOURAGE! Due in: Tuesday 24th January 2017

As we are about to begin our Readathon, we would like you to talk Maths
about reading. Is there a certain place or time that you enjoy reading? Please continue to practise the
What is your favourite genre and author? Why? Do you have a favourite targets on your maths passport.
book that you have read more than once? You need to be confident and
quick when recalling facts such as
English Task: times tables.
This week in English, we have been using connectives in our
rainforest stories! A connective (or conjunction) is used to join Each week, your Maths set
to 2 parts of a sentence together. Fill in the missing teacher will give homework either
conjunctions on the next slide to join the clauses in the on paper or via Myimaths. There
passage. You can either choose conjunctions from the box or are strategies on the following
add your own. Want more practice? Try Survive a shower on pages to help you at home.
Education City: Please also see the list of useful
websites on the following pages.

Year 4 Sports Day is on Monday 6th February from 8am to Maths Problem of the Week
10am. Children must come to school in their P.E kits and bring
their hats and water bottles with them. Please see the Maths problem on
the following slide.
Are you
up for the

We are starting a Primary Readathon!

This means that every time you read for at least 20 minutes or choose an
activity from your ‘Reading Menu’ you will earn 1 reading point!

An adult must write the book title/activity in your reading record book and
sign it for it to count!
Words that contain the letters ‘sc’
Group 1: Group 2: Group 3:

scent scent scent

scene scene scene
descend descend descend
ascent ascent ascent
crescent crescent crescent
science science science
discipline discipline
scissors scissors

These words all contain the letters ‘sc’. Some of the words came from Latin, an old
language spoken by the Romans. They probably pronounced ‘sc’ differently but we now
say it as ‘s’ in these words.
3D Project
Creating Rainforest Animals and
can you be?

Due date: Thursday 2nd March

of the
Maths Strategies
Rounding to the nearest 100
Mathematical Strategies
Rounding to the nearest 1000
Mathematical Strategies
Multiplying by the long
expanded method
Mathematical Strategies
Multiplying by the grid method
Mathematical Strategies
Distributive law
Useful websites - Useful website for KS2
pupils to practice some key skills in maths - Free online maths games

resources for KS2 pupils - a range of numeracy games to

reinforce concepts covered in KS2 – A website aimed at extending more able

mathematicians with puzzles, problems and investigations.

While we have made every effort to ensure that these websites are
relevant and appropriate, we would strongly advise that children
are supervised at all times when accessing the internet. Should you
have any problems with the sites listed or find a new site that could
be added to the list, please inform a member of staff.
Year 4 Science
This half term we are… Key Vocabulary:
• Organisms – any living thing such as plants and animals.
focusing on Habitats. We will:
• Habitat - the place or environment where a plant or
animal naturally or normally lives and grows.
• Identify that animals are found in different • Carnivore – a living organism that eats meat.
habitats. • Herbivore – a living organism that only eats plants.
• Identify what an organism is and the • Omnivore – a living organism that eats both meat and
common feature that all living things have. plants.
• Explain why certain organisms live in • Adaptation - the process by which living creatures
different habitats. (animals and plants) adapt or evolve to survive in their
environment and to live amongst a specific group of
• Understand that organisms adapt to survive other living things.
in their habitat and give examples of this. • Food Chain - is a diagram that shows us how animals are
• Use a key to sort and identify organisms. linked by what they eat.
• Understand that environmental changes • Invertebrate - Animals who don't have a bony skeleton;
can have an effect on habitats. insects, spiders and crabs are invertebrates.
• Vertebrate - animals with backbones / skeletons and
• Explain what a food chain is and what
include amphibians, birds, fish, mammals and reptiles.
happens when a food chain is broken.
• Investigate the perfect environment for an National Curriculum Link:
endangered organism.
• Identify vertebrates and invertebrates. _data/file/286349/Primary_science_curriculum_to_July_2015_RS.pdf
Year 4 Science
This week we have… Key vocabulary for this week to discuss at
learned how animals adapt to survive • Adaptation – a feature or a behavior that helps a
in their habitat. We then focused on living thing survive and function better in its
the different ways in which a camel environment.
and cactus have adapted to live in the • Habitat - the place or environment where a plant
desert. or animal naturally or normally lives and grows.
• Carnivore – a living organism that eats meat.
Herbivore – a living organism that only eats
Find out how camels and other animals • Omnivore – a living organism that eats both
meat and plants.
are adapted to their habitats by clicking
on the following link: • Precipitation – water that falls to the ground as
rain, snow, sleet or hail. Useful Websites/Apps/Experiments:

In French this week…
Year 4 have learned how to give opinions about different toys
and learned a song to help remember the opinions.
Can you practise the song and try the activity on the next slide?

Une Chanson
(Sing to the tune of When the Saints go marching in)

C’est magnifique!
C’est fantastique!
C’est génial!
C’est hyper-cool!
Mrs Deacon, KS1/2 French Teacher
C’est super!
Mrs Tolan, KS1/2 French Teacher
Et c'est nul!
That's how to give opinions in French! Ms Merrick, KS2 French Teacher
Mrs Ihaddaden, KS2 French Teacher
Use the song words on the previous slide to give an opinion
about each toy:

………………………………………………… …………………………………………………



In Arabic B this week students have been learning
Beginners: student completed the names of foods and wrote simple

Intermediate: The students completed the names of foods and

(( green salad)) and wrote sentences using some food .

Advanced: The students completed the names of foods and will

learn some different kinds of salad and wrote sentences.

In Arabic B next week students will…

Beginners: *student will learn four fruits juice and names of
same sweets, write simple sentences.
Intermediate:*The students will learn different kinds of juices,
sweets and drinks they can find in the restaurant , write sentences .
Advanced:*The students will learn different kind of juices learn some
and write sentences using adjective.
Empty plastic water bottles needed for our
recycled greenhouse

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Our Y5 & 6 ODA enrichment will be making a

Green house using recycled plastic water bottles.

Please can you send in empty water bottles

Size - 1.5 liters

Mr Brown :
Ms Mathews:

Want to know the latest?

Follow us… Twitter @GEMS_WSO | Facebook GEMSWSO
Cartoon Network
If you enjoyed learning coding then here is another opportunity to win some
prizes and gain more experience at coding.

1. Visit:
2. Complete the activity…
3. At the final screen you will be asked to fill out some details
Scan the QR code to
access the website.

Please make sure you say that you are part


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