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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integrated corporate social responsibility

in a model business. The main purpose of CSR is to have a positive impact through

activities in the environment. Ranging from large to small companies must have

carried out CSR programs for the progress or development of the company, the

company or organisation is having various forms of responsibility for all stakeholders,

which can be categorized as consumers, employees, shareholders, communities

and the environment in various economic, social and economic aspects. and the

environment. Therefore, CSR is closely related to "sustainable development", which

is an organisation or company. This article will discuss the opportunities of CSR in

TrendMicro organisation and sustainable development goals by education aspect of

CSR also the benefits to the organisation, as well as other relevant stakeholders.

CSR is one of the strategies used to overcome negative impact on the company on

social and environmental aspects. in a company or organisation that using CSR

have a huge benefit if they are following the CSR strategies. According to Porter and

Kramer (2006), a company that has a huge valuable influence in society will receive

lots of business benefit by using CSR strategic. In this case, TrendMicro company try

to educate the public about network security. There are lots of malware, virus, and

scam that has been occurred in Internet. Because of that TrendMicro as a network
security company they have the responsibility to educate the public or their

customer. For instance, the TrendMicro company could give knowledge to the

customer who uses their product or business partner and the public by giving training

or seminar to improve the knowledge of the public about the network security. Using

this kind of strategies of CSR will raise their product image, the company image and

reputation, and getting the public support. Companies are using their reputation to

correct their CSR decision they took that will improve their reputation, product,

morale and raise their stock prices (Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer 2006).

There is some benefit of using CSR strategic for TrendMicro company. First, improve

the company image. Companies carrying out CSR activities to consumers can get to

know as a company that always gives knowledge to the community and society by

using many methods such as training, seminar and online guidance. The impact of

this social activities is having a good reputation for the company. According to Carroll

and Shabana (2010), the promotion of legitimacy and reputation in an organisation

or company are the example of CSR activities. Second, strengthen the product of the

company. Boost the selling and raise the company reputation also the product image

is an advantage of this CSR strategy. Third, differentiate the competitors. If CSR is

carried out by itself the company could highlight its comparative advantage so that it

can differentiate from competitors who offer the same product or service.
“This uniqueness may serve as a basis for setting the firm apart from its competitors

and, accordingly, its competitive advantage.” (Carroll and Shaban 2016). Fourth,

cooperation with stakeholders. In carrying out CSR activities, companies are

certainly not able to work on their own, so they must be assisted by stakeholders,

such as local governments, communities and local universities. Then the company

can open good relations with these stakeholders. “Today, the public believes that, in

addition to its pursuits of profits, business should be responsible to their workers,

communities and other stakeholders, even if making things better for them requires

companies to sacrifice some profits.” (Carroll and Shabana 2010 cited in Bernstein

2000). The last one is Produce Innovations and Learning to Increase Company

Influence. Choosing CSR activities that are appropriate for the company's main

activities requires creativity. Planning CSR consistently and periodically can trigger

innovation in the company which ultimately can increase the role and position of the

company in global business.

In conclusion, CSR has become a key point for a company to survive for a long term

because of the way their influence and contribute to the public to get the public trust

to get a good reputation also raising the image of their product. With CSR a

company could get lots of benefits and have a good relationship with the public and

the stakeholder.
References list

Caroll,AB & Shabana,KM 2010, ‘The Business Case for Corporate Social

Responsibility:A Review of Concepts, Research and Practice’, International Journal

of Management Reviews, vol 12, no 4, pp 85 – 105. Available from: [25

August 2018].

Porter,ME & Kramer,MR 2006, ‘ Strategy and Society: The Link Between

Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility’, Harvard Business

Review, pp 78 – 92. Available from:

advantage-and-corporate-social-responsibility. [25 August 2018].

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