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Read the story. Write all the words that begin with the
letter W.

On Wednesday, I am going to the

water park. My mom and my sister Wena
are going too. We are packing waffles and
watermelon to eat for lunch.
When we get there, I want to find the
biggest water slide there is! I hope that we
have time to go in the wave pool.
It is so much fun! I want to see the
giant whale and walrus statues. There is
even a big waterfall at the park, I can’t wait
to get there!

Answer the Questions

1. Where are they going?

A. to the beach C. to the pool
B. to the water park D. to the waterfalls
2. What day are they going?
A. on Wednesday C. on Saturday
B. on Thursday D. on Sunday
3. What are they going to eat for lunch?
A. cake and banana C. barbecue and nuts
B. rice and chicken D. waffles and
4. What is she going to find first?
A. biggest water slide C. giant statues
B. wave pool D. big waterfall

A 5. What are the two giant statues there?

A. dolphin and bear
readerB. whale and walrus
C. fish and octopus
D. mermaid and fish
Read the story. Write all the words that begin with the letter
Annie is going on a vacation with her family. She is
going to ride in an airplane all the way to Aklan. They are
going to visit a zoo. Annie is very quiet sitting near the aisle.
“Are there alligators at the zoo?” asked Annie. “Yes, a
lot of alligators!” said mom. Alligators are Annie’s favorite
animal. There are also some amphibians, antelope, armadillo
and anteater. It is going to be an awesome trip!

Answer the Questions

1. Where is Annie going?

A. Antique C. Aklan
B. Abra D. Almanza
2. How will she get there?
A. by airplane C. by bus
B. by ship D. by car
3. Which side is Annie sitting?
A. corner C. front
B. aisle D. back
4. Which place are they going to visit?
A. a park C. a school
B. a museum D. a zoo

5. What is Annie’s favorite animal?
A. alligator C. armadillo
readerB. antelope D. anteater
Read the story. Write all the words that begin with the letter

Today, Zach’s mom is taking him to the zoo. He has always

wanted to go to the zoo. His favorite animals are zebras. He
likes the white and black stripes that
they have.
“Hurry up! We are going to be
late!” yelled mom. “I will be ready
after I zip up my jacket!” said Zach.
He zipped his jacket and ran down the steps. They are
both excited for fun day at the zoo!

Answer the Questions

1. Where is Zach going?

A. to the farm C. to the zoo
B. to the museum D. to the beach
2. Who is going with Zach?
A. his mom C. his teacher
B. his dad D. his grandma
3. What is Zach’s favorite animal?
A. kangaroo C. giraffe
B. ostrich D. zebra
4. What does he like about them?
A. the white and black stripes C. the hooves
B. the long tail D. the black mane
5. What did he zip before running down the steps?
A. his bag C. his pants
B. his jacket D. his shorts

Read the story. Write all the words that begin with
the letter B.

Ben has a big blue balloon. He tied

the blue balloon to a banana. He put the
banana on the back of his brown bike.
Ben rode his brown bike to Brad’s
house. Brad is Ben’s best friend. They
are like brothers. He gave him the blue
balloon and the banana.
“Thanks!” said Brad. “Do you want
to play baseball?” asked Ben. Brad and
Ben played baseball in the backyard.
Answer the Questions

1. What does Ben tie the balloon to?

A. bike C. backyard
B. banana D. Brad
2. What color is the balloon?
A. blue C. black
B. brown D. beige
3. What did Brad and Ben do?
A. played bike C. played baseball
B. played football D. played computer
4. What color is Ben’s bike?
A. blue C. black
B. brown D. beige
5. Who is Brad?
A. Ben’s best friend C. Ben’s brother
B. Ben’s uncle D. Ben’s classmate
Creader Read the story. Write all the words that begin with
the letter C.

I baked a cake for Cindy’s

birthday. It’s a chocolate cake because
that is her favorite. I also baked
crinkles and bought some cotton
candies. We are throwing her a
surprise party.
I hope that all of her classmates
and close friends will come! I bought a special birthday crown
for Cindy to wear. We even decorated our house to look like a
castle! Cindy will feel like the birthday Princess!
Answer the Questions

1. What did I bake?

A. a cake C. cookies
B. cotton candies D. bread
2. What kind of cake did I bake?
A. strawberry cake C. chocolate cake
B. mocha cake D. velvet cake
3. What did I buy for Cindy to wear?
A. a gown C. a pair of shoes
B. a crown D. a doll
4. What else did I bake?
A. chips C. bread
B. cookies D. crinkles
5. What does Cindy will feel like on her birthday?
A. a princess C. a cowgirl
B. a queen D. a duchess
reader Read the story. Write all the words that begin with
the letter D.

My dog is a dachshund, his

name is Dinggo. He likes to dig in
the garden. He is always digging
deep into the dirt. He likes to hide
his favorite toy there.
It is a toy dinosaur. He carries
it around every day. My dad bought
it from his last December. He hasn’t
put it down since. He will stand by
the door until you throw him his dinosaur! He is going to play
it until dawn.

Answer the Questions

1. What does my dog likes to do?

A. sleep C. dig
B. play D. run
2. What is the name of my dog?
A. Dinggo C. Doggy
B. Drake D. Dindin
3. What is my dog’s favorite toy?
A. toy duck C. toy bone
B. toy dog D. toy dinosaur
4. Who bought it for him?
A. my mom C. me
B. my dad D. my sister
5. What is the breed of my dog?

A. a dachshund C. a poodle
B. a chihuahua D. a husky
reader Read the story. Write all the words that begin with the
letter L.
Lina’s class is going on a field trip to the Little Zoo. They are
going to leave first thing in the morning! She is excited to see the
lions! She doesn’t want to be late!
Lions are her favorite animals. They have such a load roar!
She hopes that her teacher Lecie will let them bring a camera. She
wants to take a picture of the largest lion at the zoo. She knows that it
will be so much fun!
They are going to have lunch at the luncheonette. Her mother
Letty prepared a sandwich with lettuce and tuna. She also prepared a
lemon juice for her.

Answer the Questions

1. Where the my class going?

A. Little Garden C.
Little Lake
B. Little Zoo
D. Little Store
2. What is her favorite animal?
A. dog
C. lion
B. elephant D.
3. Whose class is it?
A. Lina C. Lecie
B. Letty D. Lisa
4. What did she want to bring to the zoo?
A. toys C. money
B. camera D. tablet
5. What did her mother prepare for her?
A. apple and banana C. bread and butter
B. cookies D. sandwich and juice
Read the story. Write all the words that begin with the
letter J.

John is going to go for a jog. He is

going to jog around the block. It is going to
be a cool morning, so John will wear his
Before he leaves, he always warms
up with ten jumping jacks. When he gets
back, he will have a glass of juice and a jelly
After that, he will get ready for his
job. He will wear his favorite jewelry, his watch. He will wear
his Jaguar car. John will have a great day.

Answer the Questions

1. What is John going to do?

A. going to sleep C. going to work
B. going to jog D. going to play
2. What will he do before he leaves?
A. warms up C. walks
B. eats first D. takes a bath
3. What will he eat?
A. a bread C. a jelly sandwich
B. a cake D. a soup
4. What is he going to wear before he jogs?
A. a shirt C. a sando
B. a jacket D. a long sleeves
5. What is his favorite jewelry?
A. a watch C. a ring
B. a necklace D. a bracelet
Read the story. Write all the words that begin with the
letter E.

Eric Eats Eggs

Eric likes to eat eggs.

Eric eats an egg every day.
Eric does not ever miss a day.
Eric eats eggs each and every day.

Eric eats his eggs even on holidays.

Eric even eats Easter eggs.
Eric eats extra eggs on Easter.
Eric cannot get enough of eggs!

Answer the Questions

1. What does Eric likes to eat?

A. eggnog C. elbow macaroni
B. Eggplant D. english muffin
2. How frequent does Eric eat eggs?
A. every day C. every month
B. every week D. every year
3. In what particular holiday did Eric eat extra eggs?
A. Christmas C. Easter
B. New Year D. Labor Day
4. What does holiday mean?
A. a day with work C. bad day
B. a day without work D. busy day
5. If Eric eats an egg every day, how many eggs does he eat for
one week?
A. two C. six
B. Three D. seven

Read the story. Write all the words that begin
with the letter F.
Frank the Frog

Frank was a frog. He had fun on a

fine log. He had a fear of fog. Frank had
four fast feet. He had a friend named
Frank liked to find fish. He liked
fruit in a fancy dish. He liked to eat five
fat flies. He liked fresh fruit pies.
Answer the Questions

1. What kind of animal is Frank?

A. a fly C. a fish
B. a frog D. a fox
2. Where does Frank having fun?
A. on a fine log C. on a table
B. on a pod D. on a leaf
3. Who is his friend?
A. Francis C. Felix
B. Fred D. Finn
4. What does Frank like to find?
A. a fly C. a frog
B. a fish D. a friend
5. How many flies Frank likes to eat?
A. two C. four
B. three D. five
Read the story and write all the words that begin with
letter G.

Today, Greg is going to help his

mom in her garden. They are going to have a
lot of fun. First, they are going to dig up the
grass while wearing their gloves.
Next, they will place a grape vine in
the soil. Then, they will plant garlic near the
garden gate. Finally, they will clean up and get
ready for dinner.

Answer the Questions

1. What does Greg going to do?

A. help his mom C. help his sister
B. help his dad D. help his brother
2. What are they going to plant?
A. gardenia C. grape
B. garlic D. ginger
3. Where will they plant the garlic? Near the _______.
A. house C. garden gate
B. pot D. yard
4. What do they need to wear before they dig up the grass?
A. apron C. glasses
B. gloves D. hairnet
5. What do they need to do before getting ready for dinner?
A. take a shower C. clean up

B. dig some more D. plant some more
Read the story and write all the words that begin
with the letter H.
Harry was playing outside of his
house today. He noticed something at the
top of the hill in his backyard. It was a big
bee hive!
There were a lot of bees flying
around the hive. One started to chase
Harry. He began to waves his hand around
until it flew away.
Harry went inside to tell his dad
Henry. His dad put on his hat and headed up to hill to check it out.

Answer the Questions

1. What did Harry see on top of the hill?

A. an ant hill C. a bird’s nest
B. a beehive D. a cathedral
2. Where is he playing?
A. outside the house C. in the garden
B. at the backyard D. in the playground
3. What are flying around the hive?
A. flies C. bees
B. mosquitoes D. birds
4. What did his dad put on before heading up to hill?
A. a mask C. shoes
B. gloves D. a hat
5. Where was his dad located to tell what happened?
A. inside the house C. in the office
B. in the garden D. at school

Read the story and write all the words that begin
with the letter I.

Ian and Irma were playing at the

park. “I’ll want to go down the slide!”
said Ian. “Let’s go!” said Irma. They
walked over the slide and Ian yelled, “Look!” There was a big
iguana on the slide.
“That is the biggest iguana I have ever seen!” said Irma.
They walked away because they did not want to disturb it. “I
have an idea!” said Ian. Let’s go get some ice cream!” They
walked off to get an ice cream cone instead.
Answer the Questions

1. What did the children want to do at the park?

A. eat ice cream C. have picnic
B. play at the park D. take a rest
2. Where did they play at the park?
A. slide C. swing
B. seesaw D. frames
3. What did they see on the slide?
A. a dog C. a kitten
B. an iguana D. a bird
4. What did they do at the end of the story?
A. they played the iguana C. eat ice cream
B. they ran away D. take a walk
5. Who are the two children in the story?
A. Isaac and Isabel C. Ian and Irma
B. Ibrahim and Ivy D. Ivan and Ina
Read the story and write all the words that begin with
the letter K.

Kyla is getting a kitten for her ninth

birthday. She is so excited! Her mom is going to
knit the kitten a bed to sleep in.
“I am going to name my kitten, Kara,” says
Kyla. “I think that is a great name!” says Mom.
“You have to make sure that you keep her water
fresh and feed her on time.” “I will!” says Kyla. “I can’t wait
to meet Kara!”

Answer the Questions

1. What is Kyla getting for her birthday?

A. a puppy C. a kitten
B. a fish D. a bird
2. What she will name it?
A. Kiana C. Kara
B. Kelly D. Kitten
3. What is her mom going to knit?
A. a bed C. a mitten
B. a ball D. a blanket
4. What is the name of the girl?
A. Kiara C. Kelly
B. Kyla D. Kara
5. How old is the girl after her birthday?
A. eight C. ten
B. nine D. seven
Read the story and write all the words that begin with
the letter M.

Mary is going to the market. She needs

to get milk, mangoes and margarine. “Do you
need anything from the market?” asks Mary.
“No, but thanks for asking.” Says mom.
Mary grabs her money and heads out the
door. When she gets to the market, she sees a
man with a monkey on his shoulder. Mary
yells, “Wow! What a sight!”
Answer the Questions

1. Where is Mary going?

A. school C. grocery
B. market D. mall
2. What are she going to buy?
A. milk, maple syrup C. mangoes
B. milk, mangoes, margarine D. margarine
3. Who did she ask before going?
A. Father C. Grandpa
B. Mother D. Grandma
4. What did she see at the market?
A. a bird C. a kitten
B. a monkey D. a puppy
5. What did she feel with what she saw?
A. frightened C. happy
B. sad D. surprised
Read the story and write all the words that begin with
the letter N.

Noah was playing outside with his

bug net. When he looked up, he saw a
bird’s nest. It was in a big tree near his
The nest was made of small
twigs. It looked very neat. He started to
walked up to get a better look. He
was sure to not make any noise!
When he looked in the nest, there
were nine nestlings! He can’t wait to show it to niece, Nina.

Answer the Questions

1. Who was playing outside?

A. Nina C. Nestor
B. Noah D. Neil
2. What did he see outside?
A. a bird’s nest C. a puppy
B. a kitten D. a friend
3. What is the nest made of?
A. dry leaves C. small twigs
B. mud D. silk
4. How many nestlings did he see?
A. two C. nine
B. four D. ten
5. What is a nestling?
A. a small cat C. a small fish
B. a small dog D. a small bird

Read the story and write all the words that begin with
the letter O.
Last October, Oscar visited an
Oceanarium. It was a lot of fun! He
saw an orange octopus. It was the only
octopus in the water.
He also saw an orca, which is a
type of whale. Once they saw all the
different sea animals, they started on
their way home.
When they got home, his mom made a bowl of oatmeal. He
told her all about his day at the Oceanarium.

Answer the Questions

1. Where did Oscar visit?

A. an Oceanarium C. a museum
B. an aquarium D. a farm
2. When did they visit?
A. August C. October
B. September D. November
3. What color is the octopus he saw?
A. blue C. yellow
B. orange D. purple
4. What kind of whale did Oscar see?
A. an orca C. humpback
B. narwhal D. beluga
5. What did his mom make for him?
A. orange juice C. cake
B. bowl of oatmeal D. noodles
Read the story and write all the words that begin with
the letter P.

Peter is at the pumpkin patch. He

can’t wait to pick out his pumpkin.
There are so many pumpkin plants at
the patch.
He is pulling a wagon behind him
that he will put his pumpkin in. Peter
walks by a big pile of pumpkins. “I
want that one!” he says.
He picks up a small orange pumpkin. “I am going to
paint a picture of a scary pig on my pumpkin!” says Peter.
Answer the Questions

1. Where is Peter?
A. at the market C. at the pumpkin patch
B. at the farm D. at the grocery store
2. What is he pulling where he will put his pumpkin in?
A. a wagon C. a box
B. a cart wheel D. his bike
3. What kind of pumpkin did he pick?
A. a small size C. a medium size
B. a big size D. a huge size
4. What is he going to paint on the pumpkin?
A. a skull C. a pirate
B. a scary pig D. a bird
5. What is the occasion?
A. Christmas C. Thanksgiving
B. New Year D. Halloween

reader Read the story and write all words that begin
with the letter Q.
Quan is runner. He can run so
quick! A lot of people question how he
can run so fast. He can run a quarter of
mile in less than two minutes.
He has been practicing since he
was five years old. Quan’s dad is also
quite the runner! Every night, he eats
quail’s egg. After dinner, they run
around the neighborhood until
bedtime. He will drink quince juice to quench his thirst.
Unless Quan has a quiz to study for!

Answer the Questions

1. How does Quan run?

A. so slow C. so fine
B. so quick D. so nice
2. How long has he been practicing?
A. since 5 years old C. since 7 years old
B. since 6 years old D. since 8 years old
3. Who does he run with?
A. his coach C. his father
B. his teacher D. his mother
4. What does Quan eat every night?
A. quail’s egg C. banana
B. apple D. chicken’s egg
5. What does Quan drink to quench his thirst?
A. grape juice C. apple juice
B. lemon juice D. quince juice
Read the story and write all words that begin
with the letter R.

Every morning, Ryan and his dad like

to listen to the radio. When his dad is done
reading the newspaper, he turns on the
radio. The radio is on before the sun rises. They like to listen
to the rock music.
Anytime that they get in their red Rover, the first thing
they do is turn on the radio and listen while running on the
road even it is raining. Ryan likes music so much that he
wants to be a rock star when he grows up. He even have a ring
for rock star!

Answer the Questions

1. What does Ryan and his dad do every morning?

A. run around the village C. listen to radio
B. play basketball D. read newspaper
2. What kind of music do they like?
A. rock music C. pop music
B. ballad music D. jazz music
3. What does his dad reading?
A. book C. Bible
B. magazine D. newspaper
4. What does Ryan want to be when he grows up?
A. music teacher C. race car driver
B. rock star D. composer
5. What does he have that he feels more like a rock star?
A. costume C. shirt

B. shoes D. ring
Read the story and write all of the words that
begin with the letter S.

Sam is reading a book about the sea.

She likes to read about sea animals like
starfish, sea urchin, sea horse, swordfish
and sharks the most. One time, when she
was at the seashore on a vacation, she
saw a starfish!
Sam thought that it was cool! Ever since then, she has
wanted to learn more about the sea. She hopes that one day,
she can ride a submarine in the sea. “What a sight that would
be!” says Sam.
Answer the Questions

1. What does Sam like to read about?

A. sea C. animals
B. ocean D. astronomy
2. What did Sam see at the seashore?
A. starfish C. sea urchin
B. shells D. sponge
3. What does Sam want to ride on?
A. airplane C. sailboat
B. submarine D. space rocket
4. What does Sam like the most?
A. starfish C. sea horse
B. sharks D. swordfish
5. When did Sam went on the seashore?
A. when she was sick C. on a vacation
B. everyday D. on a trip

reader Read the story and write all the words that begin with
the letter T.

Tim is taking his sister, Tina to

see a movie in a theater house. He
can’t wait! The movie is called, The
Green Turtle. It is about a turtle that
lives in a tent.
The turtle can talk and he even
goes to school! When they get to the
theater house, Tim is going to buy a big box of popcorn, a
Toblerone and two tumblers of soda. Tim hasn’t told his sister
yet. He wants it to be a big surprise.

Answer the Questions

1. Where is Tim and his sister going?
A. school C. oceanarium
B. museum D. theater house
2. What is the movie called?
A. The Green Lantern C. The Green House
B. The Green Turtle D. The Green Umbrella
3. What is the movie about?
A. A turtle who lives in a tent.
B. A turtle who lives in the ocean.
C. A turtle who lives in a shell.
D. A turtle who lives in an aquarium
4. Who is Tim’s sister?
A. Trisha C. Trina
B. Tina D. Trixie
5. What did Tim buy?
A. popcorn and soda C. toblerone and soda
B. popcorn and Toblerone D. popcorn, toblerone
U Read the story and write all the words that
with the letter U.

“There is a unicorn!” yells Una.

“Where?” asks Uzma. “It is under the
umbrella. He is upside down!” says
Una. Uzma walks up the steps and
over the table.
It is so dark that he can’t see
anything! “Use a flashlight!” yells
Una. Uzma grabs a flashlight and
flashes it under the umbrella. He sees
a big umber unicorn upside down on a unicycle.
Answer the Questions

1. What is under the umbrella?

A. a horse C. a ukulele
B. a unicorn D. a uniform
2. What does Uzma use to see under the umbrella?
A. a ukulele C. a telescope
B. a flashlight D. a microscope
3. Why does Uzma can’t see anything?
A. He is blind. C. It is so dark.
B. He is afraid. D. It is not there.
4. How many horn does the unicorn have?
A. one C. three
B. two D. four
5. What is the color of the unicorn they saw?
A. pink C. umber
B. yellow D. rainbow

Read the story and write all the words that begin
with the letter V.
My dad and I are going to by my mom
Vina a Valentine’s Day gift today. We are
going to ride in our violet van to the Vannie’s
Flower Shop.
They have a lot of pretty flowers and
vines there. We are going to get mom twelve
violet veronica flowers.
When we arrived at the shop, the lady
helped us pick out a vase for our flowers. The
vase is color is viridian. The veronica looks so pretty in it. I
can’t wait to give them to my mom!
Answer the Questions

1. Where are we going today?

A. Vannie’s Flower Shop C. Veronica’s Flower Shop
B. Vina’s Flower Shop D. Vangie’s Flower Shop
2. What is the occasion?
A. birthday C. Christmas Day
B. Valentine’s Day D. New Year’s Day
3. What are we going to buy?
A. chocolates C. flowers
B. perfume D. jewelry
4. What is the flower we bought?
A. roses C. tulips
B. sampaguita D. veronica
5. What color is the vase?
A. violet C. yellow

X B. red D. white
Read the story and write all the words that begin with
reader the letter X.
Tomorrow, Xian will have to get an x-ray
on his leg. He hurt his leg while playing X-box.
He hopes that it is not broken.
His doctor says that x-ray will show if it is or not. His
mom and dad are both going with him. He is going to bring
his xylophone with him to play in the waiting room. His
xylophone will help him keep his mind off his leg.

Answer the Questions

1. Who is going to have an x-ray?

A. Xian C. his father
B. his mother D. his brother
2. When is he going to have an x-ray?
A. today C. next week
B. tomorrow D. next month
3. How did he hurt his leg?
A. while playing soccer C. while playing piko
B. while playing sipa D. while playing X-box
4. Who are going with Xian?
A. grandpa and grandma C. mom and dad
B. aunt and uncle D. teacher
5. What will he bring with him in the waiting room?
A. a cellphone C. a book
B. a xylophone D. a lego
reader Read the story and write all the words that begin
with the letter Y.

For Yuletide Season this year,

Yani wants a new yoyo. He wants a
yellow one. Yesterday, his blue yoyo
broke. He hopes that Santa will bring
him a new one.
“You have been a good boy this
year! I bet Santa will bring you the
yoyo you want!” says mom. “Yes, I
hope that he does. I have been
practicing for a yoyo contest at school.” Said Yani.

Answer the Questions

1. What does the boy want?

A. a new pair of shoes C. a new yoyo
B. a new bag D. a new book
2. What color does he want?
A. yellow C. red
B. blue D. orange
3. Who is the boy who wanted it?
A. Danny C. Santa
B. Yani D. dad
4. What is the occasion?
A. New Year C. birthday
B. Yuletide Season D. Valentine’s Day
5. What color was his old yoyo?
A. red C. blue
B. white D. yellow

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