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I. Put the word ever in the appropriate place in each sentence.
In our school we hardly vigo on field trips.
1. We tried everything, but nothing seems to attract his attention for more than a

2. If you're in Colorado, a visit to the Grand Canyon is a must.

3. Since I can remember, I've steered clear of well- trodden paths.

4. They hoped to settle down somewhere in Tuscany and live happily after.

II. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. There are two extra words.
ever however whatever whenever wherever whichever whoever why ever
Mel: Chloe, now that you've secured your place at theuniversity, it may be worth
considering taking a gap year. It's your best ever opportunity to travel, earn and get
work experience. What do you say?

Chloe: Mmm, I'm not so sure. (1) _____ I think I'm ready to take the plunge, I come
across an article like this and it puts me off going.

Mel: What do you mean?

Chloe: Well, it says here that (2) ______ is thinking of taking a gap year should
think twice as they can get more than they bargain for. According to this
expert, although young people who volunteer to help in orphanages,
schools, animal sanctuaries or (3) ______ have good intentions, unscrupulous
people may take advantage of them.

M el: How so?

Chloe: (4) _______ _there's money involved, there's bound to be someone who
wants to get rich fast. In this case, a girl from Oxford went to an orphanage
in Asia only to find out that the children she met weren't orphans at all! They

had families who had been persuaded by the orphanage founder to send
their children there to make money off gap-year volunteers, who paid for the
opportunity to help them!

Mel: That's outrageous! But (5) _______ depressing this news is, don't give up on the
idea of a gap-year adventure. Just do some research beforehand to make sure
you choose a legitimate institution.

Chloe: I guess you're right.

III.Replace the underlined phrases with the correct combinations with ever.

Fewer and fewer tourists visit us as the problem of terrorist attacks is slways present here.
Ever present

1. Our travel budget is very tight and we prefer to camp on the outskirts to keep the
costs down. _______
2. Italian cafés with views of famous landmarks as always charge exorbitant prices
even for an espresso. __________

3. Whenever we make a stopover in Madrid, we stay at a very quaint hotel near the
Barajas airport. _________
4. Once backpackers were adult travellers, but these days we bump into younger and
younger explorers. ________
5. British policemen are very helpful when you need to ask somebody for directions.

IV. Complete each set of sentences with the same word.

a. On landing in Washington, as ever, the whole group was interviewed by a customs
b. When we got to Sharm el-Sheikh, there were fewer British holidaymakers than

c. On New Year's Eve in Sydney all those looking at the bridge saw the greatest ever
fireworks display.

1. a. I'm planning on going around Europe in my car and I'll take _________ wants to
go with me to split the costs.

b. When you're done with that travel magazine, just lend it to Florence or Noah or

c. _________ could be texting me at such an ungodly hour?

2. a. We could study at my house or ___________ , I don't mind.

b. __________ did you find that information?

c. Come out, come out,_____________ you are!

3. a. I'm really fed up because_ __________ I suggest, my classmates always disagree

with me.
b. Before passing through the metal detector gates, you'll have to take out _____items
you have in your pockets.

c. ___________ the real reason for his absence is, I still think we should let him know that
we're unhappy about this.

4 a. It's not fair that my parents blame me _________ my younger brother

bursts into tears.

b. ___________ is she going to learn that asking people blatantly how much they
earn is plain rude?

c. I'm afraid today I have to take a rain check, but we could meet tomorrow or _____

5. a. Why__________ did you tell our parents that we'd be more than happy to go on
holiday with them?

b. To my exasperation, the queue to the check-in moved _________ so slowly.

c. I love sitting in an airport as it is ________ such a good place for making observations
concerning passengers.

6 a. When you go climbing, you need to follow all safety requirements, ________
experienced you are.

b. Planning your holiday from scratch is exciting, ______ , it's quite time
c. _________ did they manage to trek across those mountains in just to days?

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