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Web Application

„ Web applications evolved from Web sites or

Building Web Web systems
„ Web application is a Web system that allows its
Applications with UML users to execute business logic with a Web
Building Web Applications with UML Second Edition By Jim Conallen, 2002 „ Web applications use enabling technologies to
Modeling Web Application Architecture with UML By:: Jim Conallen, 1999
make their content dynamic and to allow users
IF4061 of the system to affect business logic on the
STEI ITB - 2007

September 2007 IF4061 2

Web application architectures Client State Management

„ It contains the same principal components of a „ One common challenge of Web applications is
Web site: managing client state on the server.
„ Owing to the connectionless nature of client and server
„ a Web server, communications, a server doesn't have an easy way to keep
track of each client request and to associate it with the
„ a network connection, and previous request, since each and every Web page request
establishes and breaks a completely new set of connections.
„ client browsers.
„ Managing state is important for many applications; a
„ Web applications also include an application single use case scenario often involves navigating
server. through a number of Web pages.
„ The addition of the application server enables the „ The W3C has proposed an HTTP state management
mechanism, more commonly known as "cookies"
system to manage business logic and state.

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Cookies Sessions
„ A cookie is a piece of data that a Web server can „ A session represents a single cohesive use of the system.
„ A session usually involves many executable Web pages and a lot
ask a Web browser to hold on to, and to return of interaction with the business logic on the application server.
every time the browser makes a subsequent „ The most common example of keeping client state on the server
request for an HTTP resource to that server. can be found on the Internet at any e-commerce site.
„ The use of virtual shopping carts is a nice feature of an online store.
„ Typically, the size of the data is small, between „ A shopping cart contains all the items an online customer has selected
from the store's catalog.
100 and 1K bytes; however, the official limit is „ The shopper can check the contents of the cart at any time during the
around 4K. session.
„ This feature requires that the server be capable of maintaining some state
about the client across a series of Web page requests.

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Enabling Technologies Enabling Technologies (2)
The original mechanism for processing user input in a Web system is the
„ Enabling technologies are the mechanism by which „
Common Gateway Interface (CGI),
Web pages become dynamic and respond to user input. „ a standard way to allow Web users to execute applications on the server.
„ can be written in any language and can even be scripted.
„ The earliest involved the execution of a separate „ the most common language for small-scale CGI modules is Perl (practical
extraction and reporting language), which is interpreted each time it is executed.
module by a Web server. „ The two biggest problems with CGI:
„ Instead of requesting an HTML-formatted page from the file „ it doesn't automatically provide session management services
„ every execution of the CGI module requires a new and separate process on the
system, the browsers would request the module, which the application/Web server
Web server interpreted as a request to load and to run the „ The available solutions:
module. „ by adding plug-ins to the Web server.
„ the plug-ins allow the Web server to concentrate on servicing standard HTTP
„ The module's output is usually a properly formatted HTML requests and deferring executable pages to another running process
page but could be image, audio, video, or other data.

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Enabling Technologies (3) Enabling Technologies (4)

„ Two major approaches to Web application–enabling „ The scripted-page solution looks like an
technologies are used today:
„ compiled modules
HTML page that happens to process business
„ interpreted scripts logic (whereas the compiled-module solution looks like a
„ Compiled-module solutions are CGI-like modules that are business logic program that output HTML)
compiled loadable binaries executed by the Web server. „ a file in the Web server's file system, contains scripts
„ These modules have access to APIs that provide the information
submitted by the request, including the values and names of all the fields to be interpreted by the server;
in the form and the parameters on the URL. „ the scripts interact with objects on the server and
„ These modules produce HTML output that is sent to the requesting
browser. ultimately produce HTML output.
„ Some popular implementations of this approach are Microsoft's Internet „ some popular vendor are Java Server Pages,
Server API (ISAPI), Netscape Server API (NSAPI), and Java servlets. Microsoft's Active Server Pages, and PHP.

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Building Web App The Process

„ The Process „ Iterative and incremental
„ Defining the Architecture „ Artifacs:
„ Domain model
„ Requirement and Use Cases
„ Use case model
„ The User Experience „ Analysis/design model
„ Analysis „ Implementation model

„ Design „ Process model

„ Security model
„ Implementation
„ User experience, or user interface, model

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Defining the Architecture The Requirement and Use Cases
„ The key architecture activities are to: „ Can be categorized as either functional or
„ Examine and prioritize use cases and look for significant architectural
requirements nonfunctional.
„ Define and document a candidate architecture and prepare and evaluate
prototypes „ Functional requirements describe an action that
„ Define a reuse strategy the system should perform.
„ Some common structural patterns:
„ Façade. The dynamic information in any given Web page may have to be „ They usually define both the stimulus and the
constructed from a collection of business objects and controllers. response, or input and output.
„ Page composition. Each conceptual Web page in the system is
assembled at runtime from a set of independent smaller page fragments, „ Functional requirements, the most common type of
which are often reused across pages in the system. requirement, identify the things that the system can
„ Templated page. This pattern defines a one-page template that all
outgoing Web pages go through on their way to the client do, usually in response to external input.

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The Requirement and Use Cases (2) The Requirement and Use Cases (3)
„ Some common nonfunctional requirement categories are:
„ Usability.
„ Security.
„ Tend to specify levels of access to the system and often map to
„ Refer to general aspects of the interface between the user and the system. human roles of the business.
„ Example: defines the maximum number of clicks a user must make to „ Example: described mechanisms: access control, authentication,
complete a function of the application. Other requirements may constrain the encryption, audit, and intrusion detection.
Web page design: "The system interface shall not use HTML frames" or "The
system shall be accessible by any browser that is forms capable and supports „ Hardware.
the use of the <table> tag." „ Often state the minimal hardware required to implement the system.
„ Performance. „ Deployment.
„ Describe system execution performance and are usually related to time. „ Describe how the application is delivered to the end users.
„ Example: "Web pages should not take longer than 15 seconds to load in the „ Example: how the system is to be installed, maintained, and accessed
browser during normal system usage." by maintenance staff.
„ Robustness/reliability.
All mission-critical applications need to clearly state the degree to which the
application must be available.
„ Building the use case model
„ Example: The system needs to be fully functional 24/7/52—24 hours a day,
7 days a week, 52 weeks
September 2007 IF4061 15 September 2007 IF4061 16

The User Experience (UX) The User Experience (UX) (2)

„ Outlines the intended look-and-feel for the application „ Screens
„ is something that is presented to the user
„ Its purpose is to guide the team developing the user „ contains the standard user interface infrastructure, such as menus and
interface controls, as well as business-relevant content
„ The user experience is driven and shaped by two „ Content, a generic term for business information that appears in a Web
page, is a combination of static and dynamic content
philosophies: the art and the architecture.
„ Storyboards
„ The IA must balance the technical constraints of Web-centric „ when screens are combined and ordered, they can describe use case
architectures with the artistic requirements that make the scenarios, or ministories of the behavior in an application, expressed in
application aesthetically pleasing terms of sample screens.
„ The Artifacs: „ in any given "story," any screen may be visited many times, each time
with a new set of dynamic data.
„ Screens and content descriptions „ each scenario is an expression of a specific use of the system.
„ Storyboard scenarios „ the whole goal of a storyboard scenario is to express a typical use of the
„ Navigational paths through the screens system through the eyes of the user

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The User Experience (UX) (3) UX Modeling with UML
„ Navigational Paths
„ one of the most architecturally important artifacts
„ express the structure of an application's screens with their
potential navigational pathways: a road map of the
application's screens
„ expresses all the legal and expected paths through the system.

September 2007 IF4061 19 September 2007 IF4061 20

Analysis Design
„ Transform the requirements of the system into a design that can „ The Web Application Extension (WAE) to UML enables us to
be realized in software represent Web pages and other architecturally significant
„ Focuses on the functional requirements of the system, ignoring elements in the model alongside the "normal" classes of the
for the moment the architectural constraints of the system. model.
„ The emphasis is on ensuring that all functional requirements, as expressed „ Only by doing this can we accurately express the entirety of the system in
by the use cases and other documents, are realized somewhere in the a model and maintain its traceability and integrity
system. „ An extension to UML is expressed in terms of:
„ Each requirement item and use case is linked to the classes and packages „ Stereotype, an extension to the vocabulary of the language, allows us to
that realize them. attach a new semantic meaning to a model element.
„ UX Model Mapping „ Tagged value, an extension to a property of a model element, is the
„ expressed as dependencies from analysis boundary classes and UX definition of a new property that can be associated with a model element.
screens „ Constraint, an extension to the semantics of the language, specifies the
conditions under which the model can be considered well formed.

September 2007 IF4061 21 September 2007 IF4061 22

WAE – Logical View Web Class Stereotypes

„ The WAE defines three core class stereotypes and various association stereotypes.
„ Core class stereotypes:
„ Server Page; represents a dynamic Web page that contains content assembled on the server
each time it is requested
„ Client Page; an HTML-formatted Web page with a mix of data, presentation, and even logic
„ HTML Form; a collection of input fields that are part of a client page
„ Association stereotypes:
„ << link>> : is an abstraction of the HTML anchor element, when the href attribute is
„ <<build>> : a directional relationship between a server page and a client page
„ <<submit>> : a directional relationship between an «HTML form» and a server page
„ <<redirect>>: indicates a command to the client to request another resource
„ <<forward>> : represents the delegation of processing a client's request for a resource to
another server-side page
„ <<object>> : a containment relationship drawn from a client page to another logical class,
typically one that represents an applet, ActiveX control, or other embeddable component
„ <<include>> : indicates that the included page gets processed, if dynamic, and that its
contents or by-products are used by the parent

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Association Stereotypes Server pages build the client pages

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Using hyperlink parameter Form submit to server page

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WAE – Component View Designing Web App

„ Static Page „ Most of the activities are the same as for any client/server system:
„ A resource that can be directly requested by a client browser „ partitioning the objects into the system's tiers and developing the necessary infrastructure
and helper classes to add to the analysis model.
„ Dynamic Page „ In Web-centric systems, Web pages are first-class objects, and the WAE gives us a
„ A resource that can be requested by a client browser. notation for including them in our design models
„ When requested or delegated to via a «forward» relationship, server-side „ Identifying web pages
processing takes place. „ While the objects are being partitioned, Web pages are also being defined.
„ The results of this processing can change the state of the server and be used to „ Involves the discovery of Web pages and their relationships with one another and with the
construct some of the HTML that is streamed out to the requesting client. objects of the system.
„ Dynamic pages can accept user input submitted by forms. „ Web page design elements—client and server pages—are discovered by first looking at the
UX model and understanding the software architecture document
„ Physical Root
„ The early generations of Web applications, Web pages mapped one to one to what we now
„ An abstraction of a file hierarchy that contains requestable resources. refer to as UX model screens. Each page was responsible for preparing its output by
„ A «physical root» package maps directly to a Web server file system directory. interacting with server-side objects.
„ Tag values in this element identify the host name and the application context, „ Today's development environments and frameworks enable us to build more robust,
which are necessary for resolving a component under this directory into a valid sophisticated Web applications with the same effort we used to create simple ones just four
years ago.
„ The two predominant Web architecture frameworks available today are J2EE and .NET.

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Designing Web App (2) Client Collaboration

„ Client-Side Scripting
„ Designing Web applications that have dynamic client
pages requires careful attention to the partitioning of
the objects.
„ Thick Web client applications can have all sorts of
objects and activity on the client.

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Server Collaboration Designing Web App (3)

„ Mapping to the UX Model
„ Mappings directly between use case and design models to the
UX model
„ Captured in class diagrams that contain UX screens and
design model classes with dependency relationships
connecting them.
„ show which Web page classes realize which UX model screens
„ simple architectures have a one-to-one mapping between a Web page
class—client or server page—and the screen.
„ in more complex architectures, Web page classes are responsible for
delivering multiple screens

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Guidelines for Web Application Design

„ Be wary of using the latest capabilities of browsers.
„ The browser wars continue, and it is difficult to predict which features
will eventually become standard.
„ Think about how the page is going to be tested.
„ Don't use visual cues to let the actor know when the page is safe to
interact with unless these same cues are accessible by an automated
testing tool.
„ Avoid the temptation to use multiple browser windows
„ Although a useful feature for some applications, designing and
maintaining two client interfaces requires more than double the effort.
„ Keep the focus of server pages on the construction of the user
„ Avoid placing business logic code in the server page. Use external objects
to encapsulate this type of logic.

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