B20ed0201 - BMC - Ia-2 QP

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Tech II Semester - Internal Assessment - II

Course (Subject): Building Materials and Construction
Course Code: B20ED0201
Academic Year 2020-21
Time: 75 Minutes Max. Marks: 30
Note: Answer ONE FULL question from each section.
Section – I (Unit-2)
1. a) List the ingredients of paints 5 CO2 L2 2.1.2
b)What are the qualities of a good Timber 5 CO2 L4 2.2.2
2. a)List and explain the defects in painting 5 CO2 L5 2.3.2
b) Enumerate the different types of paints 5 CO2 L4 2.2.3
Section – II (Unit-3)
3. a) Explain the purpose of foundation 10 CO3 L4 2.1.2
b)Briefly explain safe bearing capacity of soil 10 CO3 L2 2.2.3
4. a)Write a note on spread and combined footing 10 CO3 L2 2.1.2
b) List and explain Deep foundation 10 CO3 L4 2.3.2

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