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Efraim barus




1. Describe Your Feelings in English [23 Alternatives to Happy, Sad, Angry,
Tired, and More
When it comes to job interviews, one of the most difficult parts is making a strong,
solid introduction. In this video, you'll learn how to introduce yourself in an interview
in three simple steps, and what you can do to make a lasting first impression so that
you can secure the ultimate job offer. So let's jump into the three simple steps to
introduce yourself in an interview.
• Step number one is to keep your introduction short and simple. When you first
meet your interviewer, you can say something like, "Hello, I'm Heather Austin. I'm
excited to be here to meet with you about the position". Or you could even just say,
"Hello, I'm Heather Austin. It's nice to meet you".
• The second step to introduce yourself in an interview is to highlight your
qualification. An easy way to do this is to narrow in on your most important career
accomplishments, and then top that off with what makes you so unique. You can
include in your introduction some of the largest problems you've solved, or some of
the contributions you've made in the past.
• The third step to introduce yourself in an interview is to be prepared for follow-
up questions. Follow-up questions are a great sign that your interviewer is interested
in learning more about you. So be prepared to give more in-depth examples of your
background and your experience.
2. How to introduce yourself in a job interview
In this video, we are going to talk about self introduction, the answer to that
dreaded question, "Tell me about yourself." The very first thing that you'll need to say
when introducing yourself is a greeting. Now, you can have formal greetings or you
can have informal greetings. It depends where you are, the situation you are in. Next
of course we have your name. Now, there are many ways of introducing your name.
The very basic ones like I'm or I am. I'm Lucy. I am Lucy. Next let's talk about
location, where you're from and where you're living. Let's talk about some other
options that you can add on to your self introduction. A very important option is your
position and your company. You can say, I work at or I work for. You might also
want to mention your qualifications, especially if you are introducing yourself in a job
interview. If you want to talk about courses or other achievements, you can say, "I'm
currently taking a course in subject maths". Now, if you want to talk about
experience, about your previous jobs, you can say, "I have number years of
experience in the field". Now, if you are in a more informal situation, one in which
you're introducing yourself to make friends and to meet people and to get to know
each other better, you may want to talk about your family. You might want to talk
about hobbies. A really good phrase I think is, "I'm a big fan of." Now, I've left this
one till last because really, it really isn't as necessary anymore, but it's important that
you know how to say it. It's age. We have the basic one. "I am 25 years old". We can
shorten it down. "I'm 25." If you don't want to specify your age, you can say, I'm in
my early, mid or late, and then your decade. 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, teens as well, if you're
really young.
3. Self Introduction
1. Greeting depend on situation
a. Formal
 Hello
 Good morning
 Good evening
 Good afternoon
b. Non formal
 Hey
 What’s up
 What’s good
 Hi
2. Your name
 I am , I’m
 My name is, my name’s
 This is…
3. Location
 Where you are form
4. Position and company
 I work at/for google in the marketing departmen, example
 I’m from…
 I come from…
 I was born and ralsed in...
 I grew up in…
5. Qualifications
If you want to say that you are close to graduation, you can say, "I'm
about to graduate."
6. Experience
Example : I have three years of experience in the Neuroscience field" or
"I have 10 years of experience in sales"
7. Family
 I have brother
 I have mom
 I have dad
8. Hobbies
 I’m a big fan of…
 I like
9. Age
 I am 25 years old." we can shorten it down. "I'm 25."
If you don't want to specify your age, you can say, "I'm in my
early/mid/late and the your decade."
 "I'm in my mid-twenties"
 "She's in her early teens"
 "He's in his late 40s"
10. Fun fact
 An interesting fear
 A weird like or dislike
 Facks about your pet
4. Tell Me About Yourself - A Good Answer To This Interview Questions
The Resume Rehash Many candidates respond by launching into recitation of
their resume from the very beginning. That can turn into a very long monologue that
starts with one’s oldest and probably least relevant and impressive - experience. By
the time you get to the good stuff, your interviewer has zoned out and is thinking
about lunch.. It’s important to prepare a brief summary of the high points of each of
your past positions. It is likely that you will be asked about your accomplishments and
day-to-day responsibilities in previous roles. Ideally, this should come out in an
engaging conversation, though, not a long monologue at the beginning of the
interview. You’ll only confuse your interviewer with information overload.
You submitted the resume and you waited patiently and finally, you got that
phone call, and now you got the interview. You sitting accros the table and the hiring
manager smiles and ask you the question “Tell Me About Yourself”. So, what is the
best response to the question? Here’s a couple of keys
When the hiring manager is asking you the question "tell me about yourself" they not
actually asking about your whole life story. So what they're actually asking is what
are you bringing to the table.
Be yourself, but be your best self. You want to be authentic,you don’t want to be fake.
But it doesn’t mean that you just share everything


1. Ttell me about yourself.

2. Why is there a gap on your résumé?
3. What motivates you?
4. Why are you applying for this position?
5. Walk us through your résumé.
6. Why do you want to work here?
7. Why are you the best person for the job?
8. Where do you see yourself in five years now?
9. What interests you about this position?
10. Why are you a good fit for this position?
11. Tell me about a time where you dealt with a tough challenge.
12. Why should we hire you?
13. What are your weaknesses?
14. Tell me about a time where you went above and beyond.
15. Tell me about a time when you reached a goal.
16. Why did you leave your last job?
17. “What are your strengths?” or “What are your greatest strengths?”
18. What are you most proud of?
19. Describe what you do in your current job.
20. What is your management style?
21. Tell me about a mistake that you made.
22. What are you passionate about?
23. What do you know about our company?
25. What are your salary requirements?
26. How do you deal with pressure?
27. Are you open to relocating?
28. What is your dream job?
29. Why are you changing careers?
30. Do you have any questions for us?

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