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10.1 HYPOTHESIS TESTING average score for this course. The historical average score for
Hypothesis testing is the operation of deciding whether or this course is 70.
not a data set obtained for a random sample supports or fails to
support a particular hypothesis. A hypothesis is an assertion or 2. A real estate agent claims that the average price for homes
conjecture about a parameter(s) of a population; it may also in a certain subdivision is P1.8M. You believe that the average
concern with the type, nature of the population, or price is lower. You plan to test his claim by taking a random
distributional form of characteristics of interest. sample of the prices of the homes in the subdivision; formulate
the set of hypotheses.
3. An advertisement on the TV claims that a certain brand of
1) Formulate the null hypothesis and the alternative
tire has an average lifetime of 50,000 miles. Suppose you plan
to test this claim by taking a sample of tires and putting them
2) Set the level of significance of size .
on test. What is the correct set of hypotheses to set up?
3) Select the appropriate test statistic.
4) Establish the critical region.
5) Compute the value of the test statistic.
6) Decision: Statistical True state of the null hypothesis
 Reject Ho if the value of test statistic belongs to the Decision Ho is true Ho is false
critical region. ERROR Correct
Reject Ho
 Do not reject Ho if the value of the test statistics does Type I decision
not belong to the critical region. Correct ERROR
Do not reject Ho
7) Conclusion. decision Type II
- probability of committing a type I error
STEPS IN HYPOTHESIS TESTING BY THE P-VALUE - area of the critical region
APPROACH - also called the level of significance
A p-value is the smallest significance level at which a null - probability of committing a type II error
hypothesis may be rejected. Notes:
1) Formulate the null hypothesis and the alternative  A type I error will be committed when the true null
hypothesis. hypothesis is rejected.
2) Set the level of significance of size .  A type II error is committed when a false null
3) Select the appropriate test statistic. hypothesis is not rejected.
4) Compute the value of the test statistic.
5) Determine the p–value of the test statistic.
A. One tailed test: A test of any statistical hypothesis where
6) Decision:
the alternative hypothesis is one-sided.
 Reject Ho if the p–value is less than .
 Do not reject Ho if the p–value is greater (or equal) than ( H A : > or <)
. B. Two tailed test: A test of any statistical hypothesis where
7) Conclusion. the alternative hypothesis is two-sided. ( H A :≠)
A. Null hypothesis, H 0 – represents a theory that has been put  Test statistic – a sample statistic computed from the data.
forward, either because it is believed to be true or because it is The value of the test statistic is used in determining
used as a basis for argument. This assertion is held as true until whether or not the null hypothesis is rejected.
there is sufficient statistical evidence to conclude otherwise. It  Critical or rejection region – a range of test statistic
states that there is no difference between a parameter(s) and a values for which the null hypothesis should be rejected.
specific value. This range of values will indicate that there is a significant
or large enough difference between the hypothesized
B. Alternative hypothesis, H A or H 1 – an assertion of all parameter value and the corresponding point estimate for
situations not covered by the null hypothesis. It states that the parameter.
there is a precise difference between a parameter(s) and a  Critical value –first value in the critical region. The set of
specific value. values that are not in the critical region is called the region
of acceptance (noncritical or non-rejection).
State the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis to be
used. (Note: The equal sign must be in the null hypothesis,
regardless of the statement.)
1. New software is being integrated into the teaching of a
course with the hope that it will help to improve the overall

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