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Special Thematic Mapping in Parts of Mysore

District, Karnataka For the Field Season 1992-93

(Code No. STM/SR/KC/1990/002)

Geologist (Sr.)
Geologist (Jr.)

No part of this report should be quoted or reproduced without prior written permission
from the Director General, Geological Survey of India






भारत सरकार

के मैसूर िजले के कुछ गये

। 1992-93 ।

कोड सं. .एसआर/केजी/1990/002

लेखक: एस.परं थामन, एवं

Special Thematic Mapping in Parts of Mysore District, Karnataka For the Season
(Code No, STM/SR/KC/1990/002)

By : S. Paranthaman, Geologist (Sr.) &

T.R.Anantharamu, Geologist (Jr.)

, भारतीया के

इस के कोई भी अंश या करना है ।

“No part of this report should be quoted or reproduced without prior written
permission from the Director General, Geological Survey of India”

: –

एवं गोवा

Operations Karnataka & Goa
Southern Region

- 1995 -



(Code No, STM/SR/KC/1990/002)
S. Paranthaman,
Geologist (Sr.)
Geologist (Jr.)
Geological Survey of India

Contents Page No
I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................10
a) General.................................................................................................................10
b) Location and communication ..............................................................................10
c) Topography and drainage ....................................................................................10
d) Flora and fauna ....................................................................................................10
e) Previous work ......................................................................................................10
f) Present work.........................................................................................................12
g) Acknowledgement ...............................................................................................13
II. GEOLOGY..............................................................................................................13
III. GEOCHEMISTRY ................................................................................................22
a) Geochemistry of mafIc-ultramafic rocks.............................................................22
b) Geochemistry of gneisses ....................................................................................22
c) Trace Elements ....................................................................................................23
d) X-ray diffraction studies of magnetite.................................................................25
IV. STRUCTURE AND METAMORPHISM.............................................................26
a) Structure...............................................................................................................26
b) Metamorohism.....................................................................................................27
c) Ground truth of aeromagnetic anomaly ESE of Sargur.......................................28
V. ECONOMIC MINERALS ......................................................................................29
VI. CONCLUSION......................................................................................................30
INDEX TO LOCALITIES...........................................................................................32
List of Tables ...............................................................................................................35
Table-1(a): CIPW Norm for mafic-ultramafic rocks. ..............................................35
Table-1(b) Oxide ratio for mafic-ultramafic rocks ..................................................36
Table-1(c): Whole rock analysis of mafic-ultramafic rocks. ...................................37
Table-2(a): Whole rock analysis of granites and gneisses of Sargur complex ........38
Table-2(b): CIPW Norm for granites and gneisses of Sargur complex..................39
Table-2(c): Niggli value for granites and neisses of Sargur complex .....................40


Table-3(a): Analytical data of lithogeochemical samples analysed by SPC ..........41

Table-3(b): Analytical data of lithogeochemical samples analysed by AAS. ........43
Table-3(c): Distribution of minor and trace elements in the lithochemical samples
analysed by SPC ......................................................................................................46
Table-3(d): Distribution of minor and trace elements in the lithochemical samples
analysed by AAS. ....................................................................................................47
Table-3(e): Average minor Trace eliments associated with different rock types....48
Table-3(f): Table showing correlation matrix, coefficient fo the lithochemical
samples analysed by SPC. .......................................................................................50
Table-3(g): Table showing correlation matrix, coefficient fo the lithochemical
samples analysed by AAS........................................................................................52
Annexure-I ...................................................................................................................58
List of Plates ................................................................................................................59
Plate-1: Geological map of Sargur Complex (1:25,000 scale) ................................59
Plate-2: Mafic-ultramafic plots from parts of Sargur schist complex, Mysore district
– Viljoen and Jenson’s diagrams. FeOt-Na2O + K2O – MgO plots SiO2 Vs Na2O
+K2O plots. ..............................................................................................................60
Plate-3: Mafic-ultramafic plots – Coleman and Muir diagrams ..............................61
Plate-4: Leak’s diagram for granite and gneisses of Sargur belt, Mysore district...62


के मैसूर िजले के कुछ गये

। 1992-93, कोड एस. .एम.एसआर/केजी/1990/002 ।

लेखक: एस.परं थामन, क एवं


अनुवादक: वी. ,


के मैसूर िजले के कुछ सरगूर के

का भूपटल मान गया। मान का य

इस भूभाग के अत:कृ त , एवं के , हवाई

जाँच एवं , पीठ धातु, तथा के

धातुओं के संभावनाओं का करना था।

200 .मी. का मान 1:25,000 मान पर गया तथा ध

से 275 को , , तथा के

गया। का भूभाग 57-ए/5 तथा 57-डी/8

है । मान हु ए सरगूर समूह के एवं नाइस के

पेचीदा पाये जाते

सरगूर समूह के रे खीय भूपटल अत: के

छोटे छोटे भाँती नाइस के भूभाग होती है । इन

, कयानाइट-गारनेट- नाइस, -

-गारनेट शैल, चूना ,

गारनेट , तथा लोहामय

तथा चुब
ं क ये , है तथा

के साथ साथ पायी जाती है ।

के जैसे ,

कण के , - - एवं

- ये समान रे खीय एवं


भाँती के साथ साथ एवं तरह पाये

जाते ।

के बाढ कण के

के , बीजाकोश अपने रखे हु ए

कुछ इन से के के साथ

भी पायी जाती है । मा चौढाई कुछ मीटर के

30 मी. तक पायी जाती है ।

नाईस इस के शैल परं तु

हु ए , यह भूभाग के समतल तथा नहर के होते इन

कर नाईस तथा बयोटाइट नाईस के के

तरफ तथा - नाइस हु ए

को नहर के दे ख सकते जो तथा -

से बने ये भाँती - नाइस के साथ पाये जाते

चौढाई बहु त कम है । के

पाये जाते इस के , यहाँ कुछ गुलाबी तथा

भूसर रं गवाले दे ख सकते के कोने

गुलाबी हु ए

सरगूर समूह के , पृथक भाँती के नाव तरह

पाये जाते ये बनावट तरह हु ए है , जो

के तथा नाईस के समानांतर है । उ-द से

उउपू-ददप तथा नमन तरफ

के से हु ए यहाँ

समनवन हु ए रे खा के से समानांतर है ।

के संरचना तथा से मैलोनीकरण हु ए

से यह पर पहु ँच सरगूर समूह के

से हु ए तथा के कोई


से रखते

जो : हु ए तथा काया भाँती के पाये जाते

शैल शायद - से या

से हु आ होगा।

हवाई चुब
ं क के मूलत: लोहामय के पाये

जाते जो मुलूर बेटटा के तरफ एवं नुगू जलाशय के पाये जाते

लोहामय शैल के है ।

इस के है असाधारण

लोहामय के गाढा राशी मुलूर बेटटा के तरफ दे ता है , वह

है जो के सरगूर के है ।

लोहामय शैल शायद धारवार ।बाबाबुडन। के जो सरगूर से



(Code No. STM/SR/KC/1990/002)
S. Paranthaman,
Geologist (Sr.)
Geologist (Jr.)
Geological Survey of India

Special thematic mapping in the high grade supra-crustal terrain of the type
area Sarguur in parts of Mysore district, Karnataka, was carried out to work out the
tectonostratigraphy, to classify maficand ultramfic rocks, to examine the NE-SW
trending regional aeromagnetic anomaly indicated by the Airborne Surveys and to
locate possible chromite,basemetal, nickel and PGE minetalisation.

During the course of investigation, an area of about 200 sq km on 1:25,000

scale was covered by mapping and collected about 275 samples for petro-graphic,
petrochemical and geochemical studies from various lithological units in parts of
toposheets 58-A/5 and 57-D/8.

The rock type mapped in the area belong to the sargur group and peninsular
Gneissic Complex.

Lithologically, the Sargur group consists of intimately associate enclaves of

linear supracrustaals standing out as hillocks amidst vast expanse of gneissic terrain
and include and psammopelites characterized by quartzite, kyanite-staurolite gneiss,
graphite bearing quartz-sillimanite-garnet rock chemogenic sendiments in the from of
crystalline limestone, metabasites constituting garnetiferous amphibolites and banded
magnetite quartzite and ironstone. These are seen closely interbanded with each other
along with meta-ultramafic rocks.

The meta-ultramafics are represented by serpentinite, coarse grained meta-

pyroxenite, talc-tremolite chlorite schist and actinolite-talc schist. They occur as
conformable linear and discontinuous bands in association with different lithounits in
the schist belt and as thin scales in the gneisses. Zoned complex consisting of an outer
rim of coarse metapyroxenite with a core of green serpentinite have retained unaltered
protolith, at some places and in few other places altered serpentinite bodies with
pronounced magnesite veinations were also noticed. They show width ranging from a
few metres to as much as 300 m.


Peninsular gneisses forming the major lithounit in the area are poorly exposed
and are confined to the plains and canal cuttings, and are represented mainly by
banded gneiss and biotite gneisses. The migmatites and quartzo-feldspathic gneisses
are seen developed around the contacts of schist belt. The banded gneisses exposed in
the canal cuttings contain the amphibolite and talc-tremolite schist as bands (as thin
scales) alternating with the leuco-gneiss. The bands vary in width from less than a
metre to a few tens of metres. The eastern portion of the area mapped consists of
dominant ultramafic scales in the quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Besides, a few younger
granites both grey and pink varieties are also exposed in the area. Pink potassic gneiss
seen in the southern extremity in contact with the schist belt shows high degree of

The Sargur group of rocks occur as isolated bands within the gneisses as
synclinal keels. The rocks show well developed fabric parallel to the bedding in the
metasediments and foliation in the gneisses with their trend varying from Z-S to
NNE-SSW with moderate to very steep dips on either side.

The contacts of the schists show profuse migmatisation. The rocks are
involved in the tight isoclinal folding with their axial traces trending parallel to
subparallel to the general trend of the rock formations and cross-folded along E-W
axis as seen in the small scale folding in BMQ. The contacts of schists at places show
development of augen structure and mylonitisation indicating intense shearing.

Present study has indicated that the Sargur group of rocks are highly
dismembered and no criteria could be applied to delineate the stratigraphy of these
rocks. The meta-ultramafics show very strange association with the metasediments
and is suggestive of a possible dismembered and tectonically emplaced bodies
occurring as melange. The occurrences of ultramafic in the gneisses as thin scales
might be due to the quartz-feldspathic intrusion (permeation) or tectonic

The aeromagnetic anomaly zone indicated by the AMSE falls on magnetite

quartzite bands occurring in and around Mullur Betta and the hills around Nugu
reservoir indicating that the causative source for the anomaly are the iron formations.

The type area offers a very interesting stratigraphic set-up wherein an

unusually thick pile of banded iron formation developed around Mullur Betta
representing a major inlier is juxtaposed against the high grade rocks of Sargur. The
iron formation probably represents the Dharwars (Bababudans) having tectonic
contacts with the Sargur Group.



a) General

Special thematic mapping on 1:25,000 scale covering Sargur complex in parts

of Heggadadevankote taluk, Mysore district, Karnataka, was carried out during the
Field Season 1992-93, vide item No. STM/ SR/KC/1990/002 of the Annual
Programme of Geological Survey of India.

b) Location and communication

0 0 0
The area lies between latitude 11 58'00" - 12 07'30" and longitude 76 22'30"
- 76 30'00", covered in parts of toposheets 58-A/5 and 57-D/8. The area examined
forms part of Sargur schist belt and extends between Hommaragalli in the north and
Heggadlu in the south spanning over a length of about 16 km and with a maximum
width of about 6 km. in the central part. The area is accessible by Begur-
Heggadadevanakote road. which connects the Mysore-Mananthavadi road with
Mysore-Ooty road.

c) Topography and drainage

The area investigated is characterised by prominent N-S trending parallel

ridges northeast and southeast of Sargur, which are occupied by the high grade
schistose rocks, while the wide undulatory plains in the northern portion and the
intervening area between the ridges are occupied by the gneissic rocks. The area is
marked with dendritic type of drainage with prominent tributaries like Nugu and
Taraka rivers and innumerable streams, which are the main source of irrigation. The
canals of the Kabini rivers have exposed good sections of Sargur rocks.

d) Flora and fauna

The hilly areas show luxurient growth of dry, mixed deciduous forest having
several species of economically important trees, like teak, rose wood, hone, matti,
nandi, sandal wood, etc.

The thickly wooded part of the hills south of Sargur is inhabited by wild
elephants# panthers, deers, bisons, etc.

e) Previous work

Sargur complex is one of the best studied belts of Karnataka Craton, both the
stratigraphy and the economic importance of the schist belt have d rawn considerable
attention of the geologists.


Jayaram (1906-07), (1912-13) was one of the pioneer workers of the erstwhile
Mysore Geological Department, who carried out the detailed study of the Sargur
Complex and made an attempt to classify the complex as belonging to Dharwar
formation of Kolar schist series having metamorphic series consisting of micaceous
gneisses, quartz schist, knotted schist, fundamental gneisses, charnockite pink and
grey granites and micro-granites. He reverted to then prevalent view that the gneissic
complex was intrusive into the Dharwar rocks. He also concluded that the Sargur
rocks wera derived from the metamorphisim of ancient sediments and opined that the
magnetite quartzite were the differentiated products of the charnockitic series.

Later, several officers of the Geological Survey of India and other

organisations have studied the Sargur high grade rocks in terms of geology, structure,
Metamorphism, mineralisation, geochemistry and stratigraphy.

Gopalakrishna Murthy (1958) mapped parts of the area in connection with the
preliminary investigation for the sillimanite and kyanite occurrences in the southern
parts of the schist belt and proposed a tentative classification of Sargur belt. He
described a few synclines plunging north and suggested progressive metamorphism
from kyanite to sillimanite isograde in the area. He also concluded that the pelitic
schists of the area were perhaps metamorphosed transitic clay, as suggested by Dunn
(1929) for similar occurrences in Bihar state.

Rama Rao (1922, 1926a, 1962) of Mysore Geological Department conducted

several investigations in the northern parts of the present area. He described the
association of crystalline schists containing kyanite, sillimanite and graphite of
sedimentary origin with basic granulites containing hypersthene and compared with
basic granulites as well as high grade schists of Kodampalli and Bidaloti. The
ultramafic rocks were considered by him to be clearly intrusive into the graphitic
schists of Mavinahalli and therefore was younger than the schists.

Viswanatha (1971) and Ramakrishnan (1973) have mapped the northern

portion of the area in connection with the preliminary appraisal of the asbestos and
vermiculite occurrences respectively and subsequently logged the Kabini Reservoir
Canal sections and Swami Nath et al (1976) proposed Dharwar strati-graphic model
with craton evolution, basement-cover relationships of Peninsular gneisses with high
grade schists and greenstone belts of southern Karnataka. They concluded that the
high grade schists of Sargur type forming linear belts and enclaves constituted an
older cycle than the greenstone cycle of Dharwar type belts and proposed a
stratigraphic model based ensialic geosynclinal model.

Viswanatha (1976) of Geological Survey of India, carried out systematic

geological mapping in the central part of the Sargur belt constituting the type area and


deciphered a detailed lithostratigraphic and structure of the high grade schistose rocks
and visualised events in the evolution of early crust and also described a wide variety
of metallic and industrial minerals from the Sargur complex.

In the recent years, preliminary structural studies in the Sargur belt are carried
out by Chadwick et al (1978) and Janardhan et al (1978).

Anantha Iyer and Kutty (1974) studied the major element chemistry of garnets
present in the various lithounits and have been identified to be andradite bearing
almandine pyrope.

Divakara Rao and Satyanarayana (1971) have studied the distribution of major
elements in the co-existing garnets and hornblende from the amphibolite.

Janardhan et al (1979) have studied the Sargur schist belt in detail in terms of
lithostratigraphy, structure, geochemistry and proposed a bimodal magmatic trends
for the Sargur group of rocks and compared them with the Isuamalene succession of
West Greenland. They negates the view that the Sargur types of rocks represents the
root zone of Dharwar greenstone belts.

Besides, geochemical studies on the metabasics by Janardhan et al (1978),

metamorphism of ultramafic rocks by Srikantappa et al (1985) and study on the
chemistry of metasediments and basics have largely contributed to the idea about the
evolution of the Archaean protocrust in the Karnataka Craton.

f) Present work

The objective of the present work is to carry out specialised thematic mapping
in the high grade supra-crustal terrain of the type area Sargur in parts of Mysore
district of Karnataka in order to workout the tectonostratigraphy and classification of
mafic-ultramafic rocks, to examine NE-SW trending regional aeromagnetic anomaly
indicated by the Airborne Survey and to locate any possible chromite, basemetal and
PGE mineralisation in the Sargur schist complex.

The present work comprises;

a. Large scale mapping on 1:25,000 scale.

b. Collection of samples for geochemical, petrographic and petrochemical


The quantum of work carried out is as follows:

i) Large scale mapping on 1:25,000 : 200 sq km. scale.

ii) Sampling

a. Petrochemistry 43 non.
b. Geochemical samples 176 non. 275 no s.
c. Petrography 56 non.

g) Acknowledgement

The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to Sri S.V.Srikantia, the
then Director, Mafic-Ultramafic Projects under whose valuable guidelines both in the
field and headquarters, the work was completed. Sincere thanks are also due to Sri
T.S.S.Murthy, Director-in-charge, Operations Karnataka & Goa, GSI, Bangalore, for
meticulously going through the report and offering valuable suggestions.

The Sargur Complex represents a series of closely associated linear belts of
ancient supracrustal rocks classified as Sargur group and occurring as enclaves within
the Peninsular Gneissic Complex. The belt extends from Eliwala near Mysore in the
north to Shigebetta near Karnataka-Kerala boundary extending over 70 km with a
maximum width of about 10 km (Plate-1).

The lithostratigraphy of the belt was first worked out by Viswanatha and
Ramakrishna (1976) and Swami Nath et al on the basis of classical ensialic
geosynclinals modal which was adopted by Janardhan et al (1978), whereas Naqvi et
al (1978) proposed a ensialic model comparable to the barberton greenstone belt.

In the absence of any field evidences favouring any particular stratigraphic modal,
and no clear-cut evidence of basement-cover relationship, the sequence of the rocks
exposed is tabulated below:


Younger Intrusives Pink and grey granite

Dhar Iron formation Iron stone
wars Pink gneiss
Peninsular Gneissic Quartzofeldspathic gneiss
Complex Migmatite
Grey biotit gneiss
Banded gneiss
S Metavolcanics and Amphibolite, limestone,
A metasedimentaries banded magnetite quartzite
R Talc-tremolite-actinolite-chlorite schist
G Actinolite-talc-chlorite schist
U Metapyroxenite
R Serpentinite
Metabasics Garnetiferous amphibolite
G Calcareous Crystalline limestone
O Psammepelites Kyanite-garnet-sillimanite, staurolite
U gneiss
P Graphite-sillimanite-kyanite gneiss and
Quartzite with sillimanite-kyanite-
fuchsite with thin bands of baryte.

Lithologically, sargur group consists of closely associated remnants of linear

supracrustal rocks, standing out as hillocks amidst a vast gneissic terrain and include
psammopelites characterised by quartzite, kyanite-garnet-staurolite gneiss, graphite
bearing quartz-sillimanite-garnet schist and gneiss, sediments in the form of
crystalline limestone and banded magnetite quartzite and ironstone, metabasalts
constitute garnetiferous amphibolite. These are seen closely interbanded with meta-
ultramafic rocks. The associated sedimentary rocks particularly in the inlier of Mullur
Betta may point to Dharwara which are tectonically brought together with the



Quartzites form prominent linear ridges and are closely interbedded with
metasediments and metabasites as seen in the ridges north and east of Heggudlu,
south of Mullur, south of Tekkallu, Chickadevibetta, Hill 941, west of Kunduru, west
of Manuganahalli, etc. The rock is fine to medium grained, white to greyish green in
colour and composed essentially of quartz, muscovite, fuchsite, sillimanite, kyanite,
garnet and graphite* A few of the paragenetic associations are restricted to certain
narrow bands in the psammite suggesting a possible variation in the original
composition and the amount of admixed politic materials. Thin layers of barytes


ranging from a few mm width to 1 cm occur as conformable interstratified unit within

quartzite is exposed about 2 km west of Kunduru. In the hills north of heggudlu and
Chickadevibetta, etc. an altered micaceous product known as kyanophyllite (Rama
Rao 1945) was identified, and this alteration product is a paragonite muscovite pair
with possible chromium admixtures causing green colour (Janardhan and Itigatti
1970). The XRF analysis of two samples of fuchsite quartzite have shown Cr2O3 upto

Under microscope, fuchsite quartzite (5702) is medium grained and shows

granulite texture. Fuchsite is flaky with light green colour and shows mottled
extinction. Quartz grains are almost closely-spaced, rounded. Rutile needles are seen
and are disoriented.


The metapelites are represented by sillimanite-graphite-garnet-biotite feldspar

schists and kyanite-staurolite-garnet-graphite feldspar schists and are migmatised to
paragneisses. They are seen extensively developed in the area under study. They are
interbanded with quartzite, carbonates, basic rocks, iron formation and ultramafic
rocks as in the hills located NE of Sargur, around Nugu dam and in the Kabini canal
section. At many places, pelitic schists are interbanded with quartzite rich in
sillimanite and carry good amount of sillimanite, kyanite and graphite. The kyanite
bearing gneiss mapped south of Mullur, Chikkadevibetta and Nugu reservoir areas is
a medium to coarse grained rock, grey to greyish blue in colour. It Essentially consists
of kyanite as large blue interlocking blades, radial and even granular prismatic
aggregates, honey brown prisms of staurolite, quartz, plagioclase and biotite.

The sillimanite bearing pelites occur mainly in the canal sections near
Shanthipur, Manchnagalli, hills east of Thoravalli Motha, etc. is a medium grained,
grey coloured rock, essentially carry sillimanite occurring as acicular prisms, purple
coloured garnet belong to the almandine-pyrope variety (Anantha Iyer and Kutty,

In thin section (PA 12), kyanite appears as pale blue mineral with strong relief,
cross cleavages are quite prominent and shows slightly inclined extinction. Some
sections (5704) shows highly bladed habit with large 2V. Sillimanite is mostly
colourless, acicular. Most of the pelitLc rocks show euhedral zircon and variable
amount of quartz grain. Graphite associated with metapelites (5704) is anhedral, flaky
and under partially covered light shows cobalt blue reflection, unlike magnetite shows
steel grey colour. Staurolite is euhedral, rhombic (5705) golden yellow in colour,
pleochroic and twinned (interpenetration), cleavage is not prominent and shows small


extinction angle. Staurolite is set in a matrix of sericite. In addition to small needles of

rutile magnetite dust is seen.

Crystalline limestone

About three small lenticular bands of crystalline limestone occur in close

association with the meta-basites and ironstone varying in width from 1m to 10 m in
the area near Birval dam, Mullur betta and north of Hosaheggodlu. They are
calcareous varieties with a mineral ssemblage of calcite, diopside, garnet and epidote
representing original dolomitic composition. The garnet present in these limestone
analysed to be almandite and pyrope (Iyer and Kutty 1974). The whole rock analysis
of two samples collected from this rock shows the CaO content 34% and MgO
15.85% indicates that it is the impure magnesian variety.

Under microscope, limestone shows more of calcite (about 70%) and

subordinate diopside with large 2V. Calcite is twinned (5706), twinkling is prominent,
grains are subhedral, lamellas conspicuous with very high relief. The grain content is
almost indetectable suggesting recrystallisation.

Banded Magnetite Quartzite

Banded magnetite quartzite occur extensively in the complex forming parallel

bands and occupy high ridges of Mullur betta, Motha hill, hills north of Itna, south of
Kundapatna and in the Kabini canal section and in the Nugu dam area in close
association with metabasics.

These are dark grey, compact, highly recrystallised rock, finely banded with
alternating quartz and magnetite and also consists of hypersthene, hedenburgite and
almandine in abundance. The recent work has indicated that these ironstones are
exhalo-sedimentary iron formation, metamorphosed under the granulite facies
condition (Viswanatha, 1975) The. whole rock analysis of a few samples have
indicated that the Fe2O3 content ranges from 53 to 55%.

Banded iron formation, under microscope shows large amount of grunerite

which is acicular in habit, associated with orthopyroxene, i.e. hypersthene (twinned)
quartz dominant,magnetite appears to be martitised (5707).




Amphibolites represent the only mafic member in the type area Sargur. It is
seen distributed over the entire area and occurs as prominent band in close
associations with the pelite, limestone and iron formations, with width ranging from a
metre to as much as 50 m. These rocks show conformable relation with the other
associated rock formations as seen in the areas around Nugu dam, Kundapatna,
Manchanahalli, etc. and show very sharp contact with pelites and banded ferruginous
quartzite. In general, the amphibolite are medium to coarse grained, grey to greyish
green in colour, massive and schistose, rich in hornblende, pyroxene and plagioclase
with subordinate amount of biotite and quartzite. The rocks are richly garnetiferous in
composition, and range from andradite bearing almandine and pyrope (Anantha Iyer
and Kutty, 1974). Due to lack of gradational relationships with associated sediments
and absence of any conspicuous calc-silicate mineralogy, the rocks are possibly
metabasites, and some of the rocks associated with the iron formation showing
interbanded nature are possibly black shales or tuffs which are associates of
ironstones (Swami Nath et al, 1981).

Under microscope, amphibolite shows coarse, granular texture. Amphibolite is

brown, acicular, shows pale pleochroism. Crude tripple point junction is noticed,
extinction angle small, slightly clouded because of tiny magnetite crystals indicating
higher grade of metamorphism (5708, 5709). Some amount of plagioclase is noticed,
plagioclase subhedral, clouded and saussuritised. Presence of zoisite is noticed. In
addition to hornblende, a small amount of pyroxene is noticed, Mainly diopside, with
large extinction angle, subhedral to anhedral in outline. At places (5708) alteration to
green amphibole is noticed. Some sections (5710) show presence of rutile with well
defined tripple point. Rutile honey brown in colour. Garnet is fractured, pink and it
could be almandine variety. Some apatite accessories are seen. The rock identified
megascopically could be termed as pyribolite due to the presence of both pyroxene
and amphiboles.

Ultramafic rocks:

The mafic and ultramafic rocks form part of the Sargur Complex and are
closely associated with the high grade rocks. In Sargur terrain, the occurrence of
ultramafic rocks can be grouped as:

1. Lenticular bodies occurring as enclaves within the vast expanse of gneisses

with variable length and width.


2. Ultramafic bodies closely associated with meta-sediments and metavolcanics

with distinct zoning representing differentiated sequence.

3. Lenticular bodies of pyroxenite associated with the metasediments as well as

occurring as rafts in the gneisses.

4. Thin scales of ultramafic rocks occurring as a series of bands in association

with magnetite quartzite, amphibolites etc. within the gneisses with limited strike
extension and width.

These ultramafic rocks have a wide range of mineral assemblage and are
represented mainly by serpentinite, metapyroxenite, talc-chlorite schist and talc-
tremolite schist. The serpentinites in most cases are associated with the magnesite.
Though the margin of ultramafic rock show profuse alteration particularly in case of
dunite, the core invariably shows high grade assemblage as evidenced by the presence
of unaltered olivine and orthopyroxene.

Lenticular bodies of ultramafic rocks occurring within the gneisses as enclaves

have varied dimensions and are mostly metamorphosed to talc-actinolite-chlorite
schist and maintain concordant relationship with the associated gneisses. Such bodies
occur throughout the terrain with width ranging from a few metres to as much as 100
metres and length upto 2 km. Prominent bodies are noticed south of Kottegal,
southwest of Huvinakola, northwest of Chamagnetite alapura, north of Kundur, west
of Munganahalli, southwest of Hebbalaguppe and east of Lanke, south of Halsur.

Talc-chlorite schist typically exhibits grey colour and where talc exceeds over
tremolite, the rock has soapy feeling. In the majority of the rocks, the amphiboles are
largely replaced by talc. Probably, these are derived by the original hornblende
bearing rocks as indicated by the relict olivine, enstatite and brownish amphibole.
Radiating needles of hornblende seems to have intergrown with the chlorite having
talc Matrix. Magnetite and carbonates occur as accessories.

Talc-tremolite-actinolite schist, under microscope shows well developed

acicular tremolite-actinolite needles. However, Percentage of talc is very less.
Tremolite is fibrous, showing crude foliation (5711). There are many relicts of
orthopyroxene indicating that originally these are metapyroxenites. Ortho- pyroxene
relict show large 2V and straight extinction. Some sections show aggregates of
tremolite with large 2V and associated with these tremolites are Mg chlorite (pale
green with poor interference colour) (5712). A few sections show high concentration
of rutile and anhedral magnetite clusters.

Pyroxenite from Bettadahundi show both clino-and orthopyroxenes.

Hypersthene is coarse grained, diopside is also noticed in some sections (5713).


Hypersthene is subhedral, pale pink in colour, pleochroic, large 2V,at places clouded.
Clinopyroxene is subhedral with large extinction (around 40°) (SG43), closely-spaced
parting planes are noticed, could be diallage variety. Secondary amphibole is brown in
colour. Interstitial plagioclase grains are seen, untwinned. Some sections show rutile.

Layered or zoned complexes are closely associated with high grade rocks of
Sargur and show similar deform-ational history. In the zoned complexes, the core
invariably has peridotitic to dunite composition followed by serpentine, corase
pyroxenite and talc-chlorite schist in the outer margin indicating the differentiated
nature of the ultramafic. Such zoned complexes are seen 2 km north of Heggudlu,
where spindle shaped zoned ultramafic extends more than 2 km north-south with
width as much as a km. Here the entire bodies appears as a major raft within the
gneisses. Another prominent zoned complex is exposed a km south of Halsur within
the garnetiferous amphibolite which occurs as core of the Mullur betta inlier. In
addition to serpentinite,the zoned complexes have an outer metapyroxenite as seen in
the area south of Bettadahundi. It has a very interesting mineral assemblage with
magnetite, enstatite, magnesium, hornblende with phlogophite and chrome spinel. The
serpentinite represents original dunite to harzburgite. Compositionally, these are
compared with typical sagvandites from Norway (Schreyer et al, 1972; Ohnmacht,
1974). These are characterised by magnetite, enstatite, magnesium hornblende with
phlogopite and chrome spinel. This gradation is indicative of compositional variation
of protolith from harzburgite to lherzolite (Ohnmacht, 1974).

Sagvandites occur as coarse grained rocks showing profuse recrystallisation

with coarse enstatite. These are considered as recrystallised dunites to harzburgite at
higher metamorphic grades at elevated fugacities of CO2 (Janardhan and Srikantappa,

Pyroxenites occur both as lenticular bodies with the gneisses and also in
associated with high grade metapelites and metavolcanics. Prominent bodies are:

1. 3 km east of Hunuganahalli in association with garnetiferous amphibolite.

2. South of Bettadahundi in association with serpentinite.

3. South of Chamalapura extending over nearly 3 km in NNE-SSW direction.

4. Zoned complex north of Hosaheegodlu in association with serpentinites.

5. Prominent linear band west of 846 hill in association with quartzite, banded
iron formation and garnetiferous amphibolite.

6. In an isolated hill 3 km ENE of Heggudlu folded along with quartzite.


7. 3 km WSW of Halsur in association with garnetiferous amphibolite.

8. 3 km NNE of Kundapatna occurring within the banded gneiss.

9. South of 766 hill, 2 km east of Tumbsoge in association with kyanite-

sillimanite quartzite and garnetiferous amphibolite,where pegmatitic intrusion
has given rise to workable deposit vermiculate.

Pyroxenite show cumulate orthopyroxene (enstatite) and secondary

hornblende and twinned plagioclase feldspar. Tremolite and anthophyllite occur as
acicular aggregates and magnetites form the main secondary mineral along with
carbonates. Generally, the metapyroxenite show concordant raltionship with the

Thin scales of talc-tremolite schist occur in association with ironstone,

garnetiferous amphibolite, throughout Kabini nala section. Individual bands are very
thin with knife edge contact and they appear to have been emplaced into the gneisses
as scales. The igneous texture is intact as evidenced by the relicolivine, enstatite and
brownish arnphibole.

The normative mineral for about 14 ultramafic rocks have been obtained
(Table 1A).

Serpentinite to a large extent have no normative quartz except one sample

which has been thoroughly affected by migmatisation (normative quartz 6.48%) and
the normative orthoclase varies from 0.56 to 1.11% albite from 5.76 to 9.43%,
anorthite from 1.95 to 22.52%, diopside from 0.89 to 41.24%, hypersthenes from
27.56 to 58.81% (Sagvandite), olivine from 3.54 to 51.56%.

Metapyroxenites have a very high percentage of normative orthopyroxene

(hypersthene from 56.32 to 83.32%) and anorthite upto 13.62%, talc-actinolite schist
have normative hypersthene upto 90% and normative olivine upto 16.60% indicating
that these are essentially derived from high magnesium rocks.

Peninsular Gneissic Complex

The Peninsular Gneissic Complex occurs extensively over a wide area and is
the most dominant rock type of Sargur high grade terrain. This occupies mostly the
plains which are soil covered and cultivated.

The most abundant rocks constituting the gneissic complex are the banded
gneiss, grey biotite gneiss, migmatite, quartzofeldspatlpic gneiss and pirk gneiss. In
general, by its mineral assemblage they represent granite, granodiorite and diorite.
The migmatites and quartzfeldspathic gneiss are developed around the contact of the


schist belt and have thoroughly invaded the latter modifying the mineral assemblage.
The banded gneiss are mostly exposed in the Nugu canal section within which are
preserved, thin scales of amphibolite, ultramafics. The bands vary in width from a few
metres to tens of metres. The eastern part of the area mapped consists of dominant
metaultramafic in the quartzofeldspathic gneisses. Janardhan et al (1977) classified
the gneisses of the Sargur Complex based on structural and petrographic studies and
the banded gneisses according to them are quartzofelds-pathic fconalitic gneiss with
mineralogy consisting of 50% quartz, 40% plagioclase and 10% biotite with
accessories of zircon and apatite. Viswanatha (1976) classified the banded gneiss as
part of the tonalitic gneiss representing the unrecognisable earlier cycles of
supracrustal sequences (part of sialic crust). The grey biotite and hornblende-biotite
gneiss occur extensively in the eastern part of the Sargur Complex and are derived by
migmatisation of hornblende granulite and the banding of the rock is affected by
varying degrees of migmatisation, with the result, the rock is heterogenic in terms of
its mineralogy and texture (Janardhan et al 1979).

Younger Intrusives


The younger intrusives in the high grade Sargur terrain are represented by
isolated plugs of grey granite, porphyritic pink granites as seen in the area near Sagre,
Madapura. The grey granite in general is medium to coarse grained rock consisting of
quartz, feldspar, biotite and hornblende. The Madapura granite is porphyritic in nature
varying from pink to grey and clearly shows intrusive relationship with the
surrounding gneisses. The alkali feldspars occurring as phenocryst have range in size
from a few mm to as much as 2 cm.

The younger granites (5714) under microscope shows medium grained texture
with more of microcline showing myrmekitic growth. Brown biotite is predo-minant
in addition to zircon grains. A few sericite flakes are also seen in the section. Some
biotite flakes exhibit pleochroic halos.


Numerous pegmatitic veins of varying dimensions criss-cross the entire Sargur

terrain. There are both concordant and discordant varieties. A few discordant bodies
are seen on the western slope of Mullur betta, Chikkadevi betta. They are white,
massive, medium to coarse grained rock consisting of pink feldspars and flakes of
muscovite and minor amount of biotite.



a) Geochemistry of mafIc-ultramafic rocks

In order to understand the geochemistry of mafic-ultramafic rocks, several

plots are prepared. In Viljone and Viljone (1969) diagram, the majority of the
ultramafic rocks of Sargur terrain fall in the field of peridotite, while a few samples of
amphibolites fall in komatiitic basalt as well as tholeiitic field. The results are almost
analogues in Jensen's plot (1976), where samples show the strong tendency towards
magnesium rich field. In AFM diagram, the iron enrichment of ultramafic rock
defines calc-alkaline trend. In SiO2/Na2O + K2O diagram, the samples define
tholeiitic trend. In general, the ultramafic rock have a predominant tholeiitic
chemistry. Though some samples define komatiitic chemistry, its only a pure
chemical point of view. However, in the field, there are no evidences in the form of
primary volcanic texture to define komatiites. Unmistakable spinifex textures have
not been reported, though one prominent pyroxenite band preserves metamorphosed
spinifex like texture on the downstream of Nugu river which close staking of
pyroxene books, some metaserpentinite outcrops display pseudo-spinifex textured
where acicular tremolites have random orientation and or definitely not the primary
ones, but metamorphically imposed structure (Plate-2).

In the Cpx, 01, Opx and Qtz diagram, normative minerals show differentiated
trend. There are abnormal presence of normative quartz in some of the samples which
can account for migmatisation.

In Coleman plot (1977), the mafic-ultramafic rock fall in mafic cumulate field
and in K2O/SiO2 plot, the samples fall in sub-alkaline oceanic basalt and cumulate
gabbro field (Plate-3).

In MuifsPlot (1979), the samples fall both intrusive and extrusive field.

From the major element analysis of ultramafic rock, it could be seen that CaO
: Al2O3 ratio are less than 1. Such low ratio are characteristic features of tholeiitic
magma, while the basaltic komatiitic are expected to have CaO : Al2O3 ratio more
than 1. (Viljone & Viljone 1969).

Mg number which serves as differentiation index, is remarkably low in mafic-

ultramafic rocks (0.56 to 0 .89), indicating the high differentiation of the melt (table

b)Geochemistry of gneisses

By and large, the gneisses of Sargur terrain represent quartzofeldspathic

tonalitic gneiss with excess of alkaline and quartz varying from 33.06 to 67.26% in


Connars plot (K2O/CaO), they represent alkali granite to adamellite to tonalite. The
alkaline nature of the rock is also indicated by high orthoclase (upto 23.35%) and
albite (upto 34.05%). In Leaks diagram, the gneisses typically plot in the igneous
field. In Niggli vs Neggli mg plot for various gneisses of the type area are shown in
Plate-4. The analysis indicate these gneisses plot in the field of late differentiation
suggesting igneous parentage. The trend of the Karoo dolerite is given for
comparison. This diagram is effectively used to know whether gneisses are the
product of metamorphism of igneous rocks or derived from the sedimentary

The presence of orthopyroxene (hypersthene from 1.66 to 36.64%) bearing

gneisses in the Sargur high grade terrain indicates local attainment of granulite facies
condition (Janardhan et al 1979).

The banded hornblende biotite gneiss and biotite gneiss might be the products
of migmatisation of hornblende granite (Janardhan et al 1979).

The younger granite (pink and porphyritic granites of Madapura) have high
percentage of normative orthoclase (upto 23.35%) and albite (upto 28.30%). These
may probable represent the anatectic phase of regional migmatisation episode
(Janardhan et al 1979) .

c)Trace Elements

Random geochemical sampling was done simultaneously with detailed

thematic mapping to delineate geochemical anomalies in various lithounits and
particularly to assess the potentiality of basemetals and precious metals in the mafic-
ultramafic rocks.

A total of 137 random geochemical samples were collected as composite chips

from different parts after eliminating the weathered profile.

The samples were collected from amphibolite, meta-pelites, meta-ultramafics,

psammites and gneisses were analysed by both semiquantitative and atomic
absorption spectroscopes to find out significance and distribution of various elements
in them.

An account of minor and trace elemental distribution, statistical parameters

and correlation matrix for each individual lithounits are given in the Table 3. The
distribution of various elements in rocks are summarised below:



As regards to the analysis of copper by spectro-chemical analysis (SPC) 3.9%

of the samples have shown the threshold of 29.26 ppm and they show the values of 20
ppm and 50 ppm respectively. In case of samples analysed by AAS, about 4.7% of the
samples have shown the values of more than the threshold of 215.51 ppm and they are
in the range between 220 and 570 ppm. The highest anomalous values were found in
the meta-pyroxenite, talc-actinolite-tremolite-chlorite schist and amphibolite.


The threshold value for the lead for the samples analysed by SPC and AAS
were determined to be 77.52 ppm and 49.93 ppm respectively. Against the threshold,
about 2 samples (3.9%) have shown the values 100 and 200 ppm and about 4 samples
(4.7%) have indicated the values between 50 and 95 ppm respectively. The highest
values of 100 and 200 ppm were found in the gneisses and amphibolite.


In the cases of analysis by spectrochemical spectroscopy (SPC) all the samples

collected from metasediments and gneisses have shown the values less than 300 ppm
to 380 ppm, whereas by AAS the samples analysed from mafic-ultramafic rock and
the values of 2.3% of the samples represented by 2 numbers have fallen above the
threshold of 95.50 ppm and have shown 205 and 240 ppm for talc-actinolitoe schist


The threshold values in the samples analysed by AAS for nickel is found to be
10.87 ppm. Compared to the threshold, only 4 samples amounting 4.7% become
anomalous and they are in the range between 1700 and 1900 ppm. The threshold for
the samples (3.9%) have shown the values of 150 and 300 ppm.

The anomalous values for nickel found to be only in the metaultramafic rocks
such as metapyroxenite, serpentinite and talc schist.


For cobalt (SPC) only 2 samples (3.9%) have indicated high values above the
threshold of 41.71 ppm and the values are 50 and 100 ppm respectively. In the case of
samples analysed by AAS, about 8 samples (9.3%) have registered higher values
above the threshold of 58.96 ppm and they are in the range between 60 and 85 ppm
and have recorded in1 the metapelites and met.aultramafic rocks.



From the study of Table 3, it is apparent that the samples analysed by SPC
have shown the threshold values of 822.42 ppm. 5 samples (9.8%) became anomalous
and show the values upto 1000 ppm. In the case of samples analysed by AAS, against
the threshold-values of 3037.75 ppm, only 2 samples (2.3%) become anomalous and
registered the values upto 6700 ppm. The high were found to be distributed in the
meta-ultramafic rocks.


For zirconium, only 6 samples (11.8%) have indicated higher values than the
threshold of 811.92 ppm and they show values more than 1000 ppm.

Vanadium, Gallium and Yettrium

The threshold values for vanadium, gallium and yettrium were determined to
be 224.88 ppm, 16.60 ppm and 177.27 ppm respectively. Against the threshold
values, all the 4 samples have shown the values 300 ppm and such in the case of V,
only one sample has indicated the value of 20 ppm, with regard to gallium and 4
samples have indicated the value between 200 and 300 ppm for yettrium.

The values for the elements Mo, Sn, 5b, Ag, As, Bi, Be and Nb determined by
SPC are as follows:

Mo - less than 10 to 10 ppm, Sn - less than 10 to 20 ppm

Ag - less than 1 to 2 ppm, Sb - less than 200 ppm,

As - less than 300 ppm, Bi - less than 20 ppm,

La - less than 30 to 30 ppm and Nb – less than 30 up to 30 ppm.

The analytical results of the samples collected from various lithounits have not
yielded any pattern for any of the base or precious metals in the area. However, a few
stray samples have given higher values, which cannot be considered to be significant
and they appear to be only spot values.

d) X-ray diffraction studies of magnetite

Four samples of magnetite crystals collected from the BMQ on the ridge south
of Kundapatna was s tudied by X-ray defraction at Mineral Physics Division, CHQ,

The primary object was to know whether these magnetite carry any vanadium
or titanium elements. However, the analysis reveals that there is no indication of these


metals. Magnetite shows light alteration to haematite and carry some minor amount of
other minerals like quartz, pyroxene, amphiboles, etc.

The studies carried out is reflected below:

Sample Sample Major Minor Good Considerable Small Traces Remarks

No Amount amount Amont
SG-121/1 Magnet Magnet Magneti Haematite - - Pyroxene Magnetite
ite ite te & Quartz a0=8.3973A
2 Magnet Magnet Haemati - Quartz Pyroxene Amphibo Magnetite
ite ite te lemica a0=8.3924A
3 Magnet Magnet Feldpar Haematite Quartz Pyroxene Amphibo a0/8.3957A
ite ite lemica
4 Magnet Magnet - Haematite - - - a0/8.3948A
ite ite


a) Structure

Sargur supracrustals occur as highly dismembered unit and no criteria could

be applied to decipher the stratigraphy. However, these supracrustals are mostly
antiforrnal hinges within the vast expanse of Peninsular Gneiss.

These ancient supracrustals show a regional NS to NNE trend occurring as

linear, mega-ecnlaves within the gneiss.

Structure of Sargur supracrustals have been described by various workers like

Chadwick et al (1978). The major folds occurring around Thoravalli, Kundapatna
south of Nugu dam, Chikkadevi betta and Motna represent synclinal keel, while, those
occurring south of Mullur betta essentially represent antiforrnal closure. The synclinal
keel are essentially doubly plunging folds formed due to interference pattern.

The earliest recognisable structural features are the crude beddings preserved
in metasediment particularly in the quartzite wherein the bedding is parallel to the
strike of the formation.

The structure deciphered by various workers are summarised below:

1. Regional schistosity developed essentially parallel to the bedding plane in

metasediments and related boudins in ironstone and amphibolites representing
the first deformation.

2. Second deformation resulting in the development of isoclinal folds with

earliest schistosity getting folding and responsible for the development of


lineation on the limbs of upright folds as evidenced in the antiform of Mullur

and the synforms of Kunda patna.

3. Third phase of deformation resulting in the reorientation of the earlier folds

along north to northeast direction.

Subsequent shearing over a wide area is recognizable throughout the terrain

which has resulted in the development of highly pulvarised cataclastic rocks.

b) Metamorohism

The high grade Sargur supracrustals have been subjected to multiple

deformation and have metamorphic imprint ranging from higher amphibolite to lower
granulite facies. Based on the bulk mineral chemistry, Venkataramana (1972) has
assigned 750 + 50 at 6.8 kb pressure for large scale mineralogical and chemical
equilibrium. Different lithounits have developed appropriate minerals which serve as
index minerals reflecting the metamorphic facies.

In the pelitic assemblage, the index mineral developed are

1. Kyanite-staurolite-garnet-plagioclase-quartz-biotite-muscovite-graphite-rutile-

2. Garnet-biotite-sillimanite-plagioclase-K feldspar-corundum-graphite-rutile-

In thepsamroites following are the index mineralss

1. Quartz-sillimanite-fuchsite-muscovite-quartz-kyanite-stauro1ite-garnet-

In the basic rocks, the index minerals are:


In the carbonate, the index minerals are:


In the ultramafic, the index minerals are:


Magnesite-enstatite-forsterite (Sagvandite)



In the iron formation, the index minerals are:


Cummingtonite-grunerite- anthophyllite.
Srikantappa (1985) have estimated 700-750 tenperature and 8 to 9 Kb
pressure for the recrystallisation of mafic-ultramafic rocks. The study also indicated
the abundance of fluids rich in CO2 in the Archaean Sargur terrain as evidenced by
the occurrence of Sagvandite rocks.

c) Ground truth of aeromagnetic anomaly ESE of Sargur

In addition to special thematic mapping of Sargur terrain, the objective of the

present geological investigation was to carry out ground checking of aeromagnetic
anomaly, about 10 km ESE of Sargur. In the total intensity aeromagnetic map (1:
50,000 scale) prepared jointly by National Remote Sensing Agency and Airborne
Mineral Surveys and Exploration Wing of Geological Survey of India, using Proton
precision magnetometer, there is a prominant magnetic anomaly ESE of Sargur
having NNE-SSW axis. It is a dipolar anomaly having magnetic. High and lows of the
order of 40,500 and 39,850 gammas respectively. The magnetic contours spread out
along NW-SE direction, which is slightly at an angle to the width of the formation.

The ground checking carried out during mapping clearly indicates the
prominant ridge both on the east and west of Nugu dam completely made up of a
thick unit of banded magnetite quartzite. Mullur betta hills (.959) fall well within this
zone of anomaly.

It is evident that the banded magnetite quartzite is nearly about 5 km length

with very big crystals of magnetite is the causative source of this magnetic anomaly.
On the southern closure of Mullur betta synform there are linear deep old workings
for iron ore with slag pieces scattered around which stand as testimony for iron

The unusual wast thickness of banded magnetite quartzite in association with

amphibolite along with limestone occurring in Mullur betta very strongly indicate a
different stratigraphic column presumably belong to Dharwars (Bababudan) which
have been tectonically sliced and thrusted and brought in contact with the high grade
supracrustals of Sargur. It lends credence to the facts that nowhere any ancient
supracrustal rocks of Karnataka Craton such BMQ with typical Dharwarian
lithological association is exposed as the one in Mullur betta.


The high grade Sargur supracrustals have hosted a variety of both metallic and
nonmetallic minerals. Those which are of economic significance are discussed below
although there are minerals which are of academic interest like those of Chrysotile
and Anthophyllite. Similarly the lensoid bodies of baryte occurring within the
sillimanite quartzite 2 km west of Kundapura has only a limited strike length.

Important occurrence of minerals

Mineral Locality Remarks

Kyanite and sillimanite About 500m east of Inidivudal occurrence has varied strike
associated with Thoravalli 1km SW of length. The total available reserves are
psammopelitic rock Huvinhalli 500 m east of estimated to be around 140,000 tons of
Shantipura,100m eastof 40-45% of Al2O3.
Machanahalli 500 m SE
of Hanuganahalli ½ a km
SW of Mangunahalli, ½ a
km NW of Heggudlu.
Kyanite associated with East of thoravalli Possible reserves around 39,000 tons
ultramafic contact in East of Kotegal of 50-55% of Al2O3.
association with corundum
Kyanite associated with West and southwest of Possible reserves are estimated to be
paragneiss. Heggodlu, west of Nugu around 130,000 tons of 35-40% Al2O3.
dam, south of Mullur, (Viswanatha 1975-76)
south easttern part of
Corundum associated with Southeast of Thoravalli, Sporadic occrrence
metapelites east of Kundatna, east of
Corundum associated with North of Heggodlu, Gem quality. Crystals are small.
metapyroxenite traverse by south of Allayanapura
Magnesite associated with 200m east of Allayanapura Deposit is being worked by
serpentinites MML,Govt. of Karnataka undertaking.
The mgo is estimated to be around
44%. The annual production is 1992-
93 = 2959 tone.
Magnesite associated with 800 m west of Chekkur Deposit is very poor and individual
serpentinites veins have limited extensin.Mining has
been abandoned.
Magnesite associated with 200m west of Halsur. Individual veins have width varying
serpentinite, birdirite in from 20-50 cm. Serpentinite is nodular
association with in nature. Not yet exploited.
garnetiferous amphibolites.
Graphite associated with Along the weatern flank of Visual estimate of graphite is about 3%
Kyanite-silli-manite 766 hill east of Thumsoge. both the float are being mined by


gneiss(paragneiss) in close private companies. Samples have be

association with submitted to PPOD Lab AMSE wing
metapyroxenite and for estimation of grade and reserve.
garnetiferous amphibolite.
Graphite associated with On the eastern flank of Visual estimation of graphite is around
kyanite Chikkadevibetta 5% and the deposit
Has limited extension, a km west of
Tehhallu east of Kottegal 2 km north
of Halsur, north and SE of Kundapura.
Granet associated with North of Machanahalli Gem qualitygarnet being mined by the
amphibolite and metapelite East of Thoravalli privary companies (Almandine-pyrope
Moon stone (Microcline) Canal section of Gem quality, but only of limited
asociated with pegmatite Machanahalli occurrence.
traversing the metapelites.
Can's eye (Enstatite) East of Motha and East of Gem quality exhibiting Chatoyancy.
associated with banded Kundapatha Deposit is hung.
magnetite quqrtzite
Magnetite associated with Ridge south of Very coarse crystals.
banded magnetite quartzite Kundapatna, Mullur- The XRD studies carried out from
betta, NE of Nugu Mineral Physics Divn have indicated
reservoir lattice constant varying from a0 =
0 0
8.3873 A a0 = 8.3957 A units. There
is no indication of vanadium or
titanium in the latice.
Vermiculite associated 1 km northwest of The total available
with metapyroxenite Thoravalli, 275 in resources are estimated to be the order
traversed by pegmatite SW of 771 hill and 18,720 tons. The exfoliation test have
2 km NW of Itna. shown volume increase by 10-16 times
and bulk density varying from 6.8-
12.08. The area needs to be explored in
detail for vermiculite
(Viswanatha 1976).


Special thematic mapping in Sargur type area, parts of Mysore district,

Karnataka, was carried out on 1 : 25,000 scale covering 200 sq km. The work has
brought to light many interesting aspects which are summarised below:

l. The high grade supracrustals are thoroughly migmatised and no criteria could
be applied to establish the stratigraphy, as they occur as dismembers, preserved
mostly as synclinal keels.

2. The ultramafic rocks maintains intrusive relationship and the zoned member
have composition of sagvandite. Primary lithology varies from dunite to harzburglte


to lherzolite. Though some samples plot in the komatiitic field, unmistakable spinifex
texture has not been represented.

3. The high grade minerals developed in the psammopelitic rocks serve as index
mineral to the grade of metamorphism and the Sargur supracrustals have been
metamorphosed upto lower granulite facies.

4. The garnetiferous paragneisses of Sargur are characterised by sillimanite,

corundum and kyanite indicating the pelitic parentage. Banded hornblende gneiss and
the granitic gneiss might be the product of large scale migmatisation. The thick pile of
banded magnetite quartzite with metasedimentaries and metavolcanics of Mullur betta
may possibly represent the Dharwarsv tectonically brought in contact with the high
grade rocks of Sargurs.

5. ENE trending aeromagnetic anomaly southeast of Sargur is due to the banded

magnetite quartzite on either side of Nugu dam.

Approved by Signature of authors

Sd/- Sd/-
Director (S.Paranthamn)
Geological Survey of India Geologist (Sr.)
Operations Karnataka & Goa Sd/-
Bangalore. (T. R. Anantharamu)
Geologist (Jr.)



Latitude Longitude
Locality T.S. No.
Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec.
Allainpura 12 03 30 76 27 00 57-D/08
Birval 11 58 30 76 26 30 58-D/05
Chakkur 12 05 30 76 24 30 57-D/08
Chamlapur 12 59 00 76 29 00 58-A/05
Chikkadevi betta 12 01 00 76 27 00 57-D/08
Halsur 11 59 00 76 27 30 58-A/05
Heggadadevankote 12 05 00 76 20 00 57-D/08
Heggodu 11 58 00 76 26 00 58-A/05
Huvinahalli 12 01 30 76 26 30 57-D/08
Itna 12 00 30 76 24 30 "
Kottegal 11 59 30 76 25 30 58-A/05
Kundapatna 12 01 00 76 25 30 57-D/08
Kundur 12 00 00 76 29 00 "
Manchanahalli 12 02 00 76 24 30 "
Manuganahalli 12 03 00 76 26 00 "
Motha 12 03 00 76 26 00 "
Mullur 11 59 00 76 28 30 58-A/05
Nugu Dam 11 58 30 76 27 00 "
Sargur 12 00 00 76 24 00 57-D/08
Shantipura 12 01 30 76 25 00 57-D/08
Takkallu 12 00 00 76 26 30 "
Thoravalli 12 01 30 76 23 30 "
Tubasoge 12 01 00 76 23 00 "


Anantha Iyer, G.V. ; Narayana Kutty, T.R. (1974) Geochemistry of the garnets
from the Precambrian of South Karnataka. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., Vol. 15. pp.256-269.

Chadwick, B; Ramakrikhnan, M; Vishwnatha, M.N and Murthy, V.S. (1978)

Structural studies in the Archaean Sargur and Dharwar supracrustal rocks of the
Karnataka Craton. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., Vol.19 pp. 531-549.

Divakar Rao, V; Sathyanarayana, K. (1971) Co-existing garnet and

hornblende from the amphibolites of Mysore state. Bull, NGRT, Vol.9, pp. 129-132.

Dunn, J.A. (1929) the alluminusrefractory minerals : Kyanite, sillimanite and

corundumin northern India. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind. No.52, pp.145-274.

Gopalakrishnamurthy, N. (1958) Report on the investigation of the sillimanite

and kyanite occurrences in the southern extension of the schist belt in Mysore district,
Mysore State. Geol. Surv. Ind. Unpub. Report.

Janardhan, A.S. ; and Itighatti, C.V (1970) Paragonite from Mavinahalli,

Mysore state, India. Mineralogist, Vol.11, pp.91-94.

Janardhan, A.S. ; Srikantappa, C. and Ramachandra, H.M. (1978) the Sargur

complex - an Archaean high grade terrain in Southern India, In : B.F.Windley &
S.M.Naqvi (Eds.) Archaean Geochemistry, Elsevier, Armsterdam, pp 125-150.

Janardhan, A.S. ; Ramachandra, H.M. and Ravindrakumar, G.R. (1979)

Strutural history of Sargur Supracrustal and associated gneisses, Southwest of
Mysore, Karnataka. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind. Vol.20, pp. 61-72.

Jayaram, B. (1906-07) Report on the geological survey of portion of the

Mysore district for the year 1906-07. Rec. Mys. Geol.Dept., Vol.8,pp75-121.

Jayaram, B. (1912-13) Report on the preliminary geological survey of the west

corner of Mysore district. Rec. Mys. Geol. Dept. Vol.23, pp.57-69.

Ramakrishnan, M. (1973) Preliminary appraisal of the known asbestos

occurrences in Bangalore, Bellary, Bijapur, Chikmagalur, Dharwar, Hassan, Mandya,
Mysore, North Kanara and Shimoga district, Karnataka State. Geol. Dept. Vol. 18,

Rama Rao, B. (1922) on the occurrence of graphite and other economic

mineral near sargur Mysore district. Rec. Mys. Geol. Dept. Vol.18, pp.126-139.


Rama Rao, B. (1926a) on the correlation of magnetite and chromite bearing

rocks of Mysore district. Rec. Mys. Geol. Dept., Vol.23, pp.109-116.

Rama Rao, B. (1945) Kyanophyllite – a new mineral of the hydrous

alluminous silicate group, and Mavinite - a new type of brittle mica from Mavinahalli,
Mysore. Rec. Mys. Geol. Vol. 43, pp.17-30.

Rama Rao, B. (1962) A hand book of the geology of Mysore state, Southern
India. Bangalore printing and Publishing Company, Bangalore. p.264.

Schreyer, W; Ohnamacht W and Mannchen, J. (1972) Carbonate

Orthopyroxenite (Sagvandites) from Troms, Norway, Lithos. Vol.5, pp.70-85.

Srikantappa, C; Raith M and Ackermand, D. (1985) High grade regional

metamorphism of ultramafic and mafic rocks from the Archaean Sargur terrane,
Karnataka, south India. Pre. Res. Vol.30, pp.189-213.

Venkataramana P. (1982) Chemical remnants of the Archaean protocrust in

the Sargur schist belt of Karnataka Craton, India. Prec. Res. Vol.19, pp.51-7.

Vishwanatha M.N. and Ramakrishnan, M. (1976) The Pre-Dharwar

supracrutal rocks of Sargur schist complex in Southern Karnataka and their
tectonometamorphic significance. Indian Mineralogist, Vol.16, pp.48-65.

Vishwanatha M.N. (1979) Systematic mapping of high grade schistose rock of

Sargur schist belt in Mysore district, Karnataka, Geol, Surv. Ind. Unpub. Prog. Rep.

Vishwanatha M.N. (1971) Preliminary examination of vermiculite occurrences

in parts of Mysore, Hassan and Tumkur districts. Mys. State, Geol. Surv. Ind. Unpub.
Prog. Rep.

Swaminath J; Ramakrishnan, M and Vishwanatha M.N. (1976) Dharwar

stratigraphic model and Karnataka Craton Evolution. Rec. Geol. Surv. Vol.107(2),

Swaminath, J; Ramakrishnan, M. (1981) Early Precambrian supracrustals of

Southern Karnataka, Memoir 112, Geol. Surv. Ind.


List of Tables

Table-1(a): CIPW Norm for mafic-ultramafic rocks.

C. I. P. W. Norm Date File : SPN94UM.NOM

Analysls Kaleo other Other
Sl. No Quantz orthoclase Albite Anorthite Wolastonite Diopside Hypersthene olivine Nepheline Leucite Rutile limennite chromite magnetite Hematite Apatite Coranmite Total
Number ohyllite silicates oxides
1 SG-7 0.00 0.56 0.00 6.95 0.00 0.00 54.90 31.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 2.02 2.78 0.00 0.00 0.1 0.14 99.76
2 SG-20 3.90 0.00 0.00 1.67 0.00 0.00 83.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 3.81 2.78 0.00 0.00 3.47 0.07 99.63
3 SG-35 0.00 1.11 4.72 13.62 0.00 16.49 56.32 1.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 0.45 3.71 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 99.97
4 SG-152 0.00 7.23 5.24 12.23 0.00 18.87 28.20 21.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 0.45 3.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.62
5 SG-155A 0.36 0.00 0.00 2.78 0.00 0.00 90.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.67 2.55 0.00 0.00 2.55 0.00 99.58
6 SG-13 0.00 0.56 4.19 14.73 0.00 11.34 46.06 16.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 0.45 3.71 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 99.80
7 SG-34 1.68 0.00 0.00 1.39 0.00 0.00 92.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.67 2.32 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 99.52
8 SG-131 12.12 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 82.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.67 2.32 0.00 0.00 1.73 0.07 99.67
9 SG-133 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.01 0.00 0.00 82.24 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.67 2.32 0.00 0.00 3.67 0.00 99.49
10 SG-51 0.00 0.56 9.43 11.68 0.00 12.96 52.29 7.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.06 1.34 3.02 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.07 99.82
11 SG-56 6.45 1.11 5.36 22.52 0.00 0.89 55.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.45 2.78 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 99.69
12 N/45/W4 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.95 0.00 0.00 23.27 51.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.12 2.55 0.00 0.00 1907 0.00 99.68
13 SG-154 0.00 0.56 7.86 10.84 0.00 8.80 58.81 7.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.06 1.12 3.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.76
14 SG-127 0.00 2.78 5.76 14.46 0.00 41.24 27.56 3.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.06 0.45 3.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.87
15 SG-8 0.00 1.11 11.00 32.53 0.00 24.72 15.66 10.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.22 2.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.80
16 SG-32 3072 1.67 22.53 27.8 0.00 14.35 23.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.28 0.00 3.94 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 99.78
17 SG-74 0.72 1.67 17.29 29.19 0.00 20.89 32.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.28 0.00 3.94 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 99.79
18 SG-113 0.00 0.56 9.96 32.53 0.00 26.44 17.82 8.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.22 2.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.74
19 SG122 0.00 1.11 7.34 31.41 0.00 27.77 24.41 3.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.22 2.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.77
20 SG-159 0.00 0.56 2.62 15.85 0.00 7.35 48.87 17.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 1.12 3.71 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 99.87

Other silicates include sum of Acmite, K-meta-silicate, Na-meta-sillicate, Ca-sillicate & Perovskite.

Other Oxides inclusu of titanite, Flurite, Cancrinite & Calcite.


Table-1(b) Oxide ratio for mafic-ultramafic rocks

Sl. No. Sample No. CaO/A12O3. CaO/TiO2. MgO/A12O3 A12O3/TiO2. Mg No

1 SG-7 0.52 4.72 12.18 9.07 0.85
2 SG-20 0.08 0.97 6.52 11.76 0.81
3 SG-35 1.16 7.18 3.25 6.18 0.76
4 SG-152 1.05 6.94 3.04 6.60 0.78
5 SG-155A 0.15 2.55 8.33 17.20 0.85
6 SG-13 0.94 6.15 3.60 6.54 0.78
7 SG-34 0.16 2.55 17.06 15.45 0.84
8 SG-131 0.02 0.60 17.45 34.40 0.95
9 SG-133 0.28 27.43 4.04 99.14 0.90
10 SG-51 0.94 9.85 3.76 10.53 0.85
11 SG-56 0.49 12.42 1.87 25.24 0.84
12 N/45/W4 0.02 5.14 1.72 251.71 0.89
13 SG-154 0.79 8.42 4.49 10.65 0.85
14 SG-127 1.93 25.45 2.25 13.18 0.76
15 SG-8 0.90 27.78 0.90 31.00 0.76
16 SG-32 0.63 7.66 0.45 12.25 0.56
17 SG-74 0.78 9.42 0.55 12.09 0.59
18 SG-113 0.94 36.83 0.94 39.09 0.78
19 SG122 1.01 32.77 1.01 32.30 0.78
20 SG-159 0.80 5.39 3.54 6.71 0.76


Table-1(c): Whole rock analysis of mafic-ultramafic rocks.

Sl.No. Sample Rock SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 S Cr2O3 NiO BaO LOI Total
1 SG-7 Pyroxt 46.28 0.29 2.63 13.37 0.21 32.04 1.37 bld 0.08 0.03 0.05 1.38 0.30 bld 2.19 100.22
2 SG-20 pyroxt 49.69 0.33 3.88 13.86 0.25 25.28 0.32 bld 0.02 0.01 0.02 2.47 0.31 bld 2.97 99.41
3 SG-35 Pyroxt 49.89 0.96 5.93 14.56 0.19 19.27 6.89 0.55 0.14 0.11 bld 0.25 0.16 0.02 1.82 100.66
4 SG-152 pyroxt 47.03 1.01 6.67 13.78 0.18 2.28 7.01 0.61 1.17 0.05 bld 0.34 0.15 0.02 1.29 99.54
5 SG-155A Tresc 81.02 0.20 3.44 11.70 0.22 28.65 0.51 bld 0.02 bld bld 0.50 0.14 bld 3.96 100.36
6 SG-13 Tresc 46.78 0.94 6.15 14.79 0.21 22.13 5.78 0.47 0.10 0.13 0.01 0.26 0.15 0.02 2.61 100.53
7 SG-34 Tresc 53.48 0.11 1.70 12.90 0.27 29.01 0.28 bld 0.02 bld bld 0.49 0.13 bld 2.28 100.62
8 SG-131 Tresc 58.04 0.05 1.72 4.03 0.01 30.2 0.03 bld 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.18 bld 5.37 100.55
9 SG-133 Tresc 49.52 0.07 6.94 7.41 0.07 28.02 1.92 bld 0.04 bld bld 0.44 0.17 bld 6.29 100.89
10 SG-51 Secpt 51.93 0.59 6.21 9.95 0.18 23.36 5.81 1.13 0.12 0.01 0.03 0.86 0.12 0.01 0.32 100.71
11 SG-56 Secpt 52.82 0.38 9.59 8.60 0.12 17.98 4.72 0.97 0.19 0.08 bld 0.28 0.09 0.01 3.21 99.02
12 N/45 W4 Secpt 31.81 0.07 17.62 8.76 0.06 30.34 0.36 bld 0.02 bld bld 0.69 0.19 bld 10.80 100.34
13 SG-154 Secpt 51.89 0.52 5.54 10.58 0.17 24.88 4.38 0.90 0.09 0.05 bld 0.72 0.18 0.02 0.42 100.34
14 SG-127 Secpt 49.90 0.51 6.72 11.60 0.20 15.10 12.98 0.69 0.42 0.05 0.01 0.27 0.05 0.06 0.71 99.27
15 SG-8 Secpt 47.68 0.45 13.95 9.59 0.14 12.52 12.50 1.26 0.17 0.01 0.01 0.16 0.04 0.01 0.76 99.26
16 SG-32 Secpt 51.27 1.19 14.58 13.08 0.15 9.12 9.12 2.63 0.30 0.15 0.01 bld 0.01 0.03 0.59 99.65
17 SG-74 Cast ap 44.4 1.17 14.15 13.38 0.13 7.79 11.02 2.02 0.28 0.11 bld bld 0.02 0.03 0.67 99.97
18 SG-113 Cast ap 47.47 0.38 13.68 8.84 0.18 12.82 12.89 1.14 0.13 0.02 bld 0.20 0.04 bld 1.12 99.38
19 SG122 Cast ap 48.88 0.40 12.43 9.29 0.13 13.02 13.11 0.83 0.19 0.01 0.01 0.15 0.04 0.02 0.97 99.92
20 SG-159 Cast ap 46.08 0.45 6.37 16.44 0.20 22.87 5.12 0.2 0.18 0.09 0.01 0.68 0.16 0.02 0.12 99.88


Table-2(a): Whole rock analysis of granites and gneisses of Sargur complex

Sl.No. Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 FeO MgO CaO Na2O K2O TiO2 P2O5 MnO Cr2O3 BaO NiO S L.O.I Total
1 SG-24 76.29 11.25 1.93 0.76 1.01 1.02 4.06 1.47 0.43 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.21 98.51
2 SG-100 52.94 17.18 2.24 13.39 5.53 1.47 2.44 0.24 0.74 0.04 0.14 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.17 98.19
3 SG-119 72.19 12.52 2.18 3.01 0.71 1.23 2.73 2.49 0.68 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.86 98.80
4 SG-166 73.23 12.93 2.29 1.11 0.79 1.96 3.94 0.99 0.79 0.06 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.88 99.11
5 SG-162 80.86 10.08 1.85 0.72 1.66 0.66 1.21 0.97 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.78 99.20
6 SG-76 73.21 10.55 2.49 2.46 2.39 0.87 2.17 1.95 0.99 0.08 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.13 1.28 98.71
7 SG-99 74323 12.33 0.00 3.89 1.58 0.41 4.62 1.15 0.28 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.57 99.16
8 SG-158 70.01 15.23 0.00 2.52 0.67 1.75 3.38 3.90 0.41 0.14 0.03 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.03 0.83 99.04
9 SG-158-A 74.56 13.32 0.00 1.37 0.21 0.73 3.30 3.84 0.20 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 1.02 98.70
10 SG-169 77.49 9.99 0.00 3.78 0.26 0.39 3.73 2.46 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.66 99.03
11 SG-135 76.17 13.19 0.00 0.64 0.12 0.48 3.08 4.65 0.42 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.83 99.64
12 SG-139 73.45 15.38 0.00 0.66 0.22 0.94 4.27 3.44 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.82 99.26
Mean 72.89 12.83 1.08 2.86 1.26 0.99 3.24 2.30 0.47 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.88
Std. Dvn. 6.58 2.15 1.09 3.36 1.45 0.50 0.94 1.34 0.27 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.86


Table-2(b): CIPW Norm for granites and gneisses of Sargur complex.

Sl. Analysis Quatz Orthocl Aubite Anorthite Wollistonite Dlopside Hypersthe Olivide Nepheline Leucite Kleo Other Rutile Ilmentite chronite Magnetite Hemat Apa Coran Other Total
No. Number ase ne phyllite sillicate ite tite dun oxides
1 SG-24 43.92 8.90 35.11 5.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 1.16 1.12 0.00 1.12 0.07 99.66
2 SG-100 17.04 1.67 21.48 7.51 0.00 0.00 36.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.52 0.00 3.48 0.00 0.00 10.61 0.00 99.96
3 SG-119 43.06 15.91 23.56 5.26 0.00 0.00 4.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.00 3.25 0.00 0.34 3.47 0.00 99.81
4 SG-166 41.52 6.12 34.06 10.01 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.52 0.00 1.62 1.28 0.00 1.73 0.00 99.96
5 SG-162 67.26 5.56 10.46 3.34 0.00 0.00 4.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 1.16 1.12 0.00 5.92 0.07 99.71
6 SG-76 48.96 11.55 18.86 3.61 0.00 0.00 6.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 0.00 3.71 0.00 0.34 3.67 0.27 99.84
7 SG-99 37.14 6.17 39.86 1.95 0.00 0.00 10.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.86 0.00 99.93
8 SG-155 29.46 23.35 29.34 8.34 0.00 0.00 5.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 2.45 0.07 99.77
9 SG-155-A 36.64 23.35 28.30 3.89 0.00 0.00 2.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.45 0.00 99.63
10 SG-169 42.72 15.21 31.96 1.95 0.00 0.00 7.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.00 99.91
11 SG-135 39.45 27.60 26.20 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.24 0.00 99.81
12 SG-139 33.06 20.57 36.68 4.73 0.00 0.00 1.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.96 0.00 99.80


Table-2(c): Niggli value for granites and neisses of Sargur complex

1. Rock is Per Aluminous if A/CNK ratio>1.0 else it is Meta Auminous.

2. K57.5 value>2 is characterstic of Molybdinum bearing ranites.

Sl.No. Sample No. K-57.5 value A/CNK ratio. FeO/(FeO+MgO). K2O/Na2O.

1 SG-24 1.11 1.11 71 0.36
2 SG-100 0.26 2.47 0.74 0.1
3 SG-119 1.98 1.33 0.88 0.91
4 SG-166 0.78 1.16 0.8 0.25
5 SG-162 0.69 2.38 0.59 0.8
6 SG-76 1.53 1.45 0.66 0.9
7 SG-99 0.89 1.29 0.71 0.25
8 SG-158 3.2 1.17 0.79 1.15
9 SG-158-A 2.26 1.22 0.87 1.16
10 SG-169 1.83 1.05 0.94 0.66
11 SG-135 3.51 1.2 0.84 1.51
12 SG-139 2.69 1.23 0.75 0.81

Geological Survey of India, Operations Karnataka & Goa, Bangalore

Niggli Values Data File : SPN94GN. DAT

Sl. Analysis AL FM C ALK SI QZ K M

No. Number
1 SG-24 41.03 21.98 7.33 29.67 464.84 246.15 0.2 1.42
2 SG-100 29.7 56.66 6.9 6.74 141.41 14.45 0.07 0.39
3 SG-119 40.94 27.81 9.38 21.88 375.31 187.81 0.37 0.2
4 SG-166 42.63 20.06 13.79 32.51 381.82 187.77 0.15 0.31
5 SG-162 46.12 32.33 8.62 12.93 579.74 428.02 0.33 0.55
6 SG-76 35.38 38.77 8.62 17.23 374.77 205.85 0.38 0.47
7 SG-99 39.56 29.28 4.05 27.1 384.74 176.32 0.14 0.41
8 SG-158 45.38 15.61 11.27 27.75 336.71 125.72 0.43 0.31
9 SG-158-A 49.82 8.83 8.13 33.22 438.52 205.65 0.44 0.2
10 SG-169 39.69 22.52 4.96 32.82 491.98 260.69 0.3 0.1
11 SG-135 51.5 4.89 6.39 37.22 476.32 227.44 0.49 0.23
12 SG-139 52.3 4.61 8.22 34.87 401.97 162.5 0.35 0.36


Table-3(a): Analytical data of lithogeochemical samples analysed by SPC


Sl.No. Sample CU PB NI CO ZR CR V CA Y
1 SG-14 10 5 5 5 15 10 20 3 5
2 SG-16 5 5 10 5 15 10 10 3 5
3 SG-173 10 5 10 5 15 10 10 3 5
4 SG-174 10 5 5 5 15 5 10 3 5
5 BT-1 10 5 5 5 15 10 20 3 5
6 BT-2 10 5 5 5 15 10 10 3 5
7 BT-3 10 5 5 5 15 10 10 3 5
8 BT-4 10 5 5 5 15 5 10 3 5
9 SG-23 50 10 20 10 150 200 150 10 20
10 SG-85 20 10 20 20 150 100 300 10 10
11 SG-90 20 5 50 10 200 100 200 20 5
12 SG-95 10 5 100 100 15 1000 20 5 10
13 SG-97 20 5 10 5 30 20 20 10 10
14 SG-103 20 10 30 20 100 200 100 15 100
15 SG-116 20 10 30 30 100 200 150 15 100
16 SG-117 30 5 50 20 100 150 150 10 10
17 SG-145 20 20 30 30 200 150 300 10 150
18 SG-29 20 30 30 10 100 300 100 10 10
19 SG-30 20 20 30 10 100 500 300 15 10
20 SG-77 20 30 30 10 150 500 300 15 50
21 SG-80 20 20 50 10 150 500 100 15 10
22 SG-81 10 10 50 10 15 1000 20 10 10
23 SG-83 10 5 10 10 100 1000 50 10 10
24 SG-92 20 5 20 20 50 500 50 10 10
25 SG-132 20 5 50 10 100 700 50 5 10
26 SG-134 10 5 5 10 30 1000 10 3 5
27 SG-36A 5 5 10 5 15 5 5 3 5
28 SG-37 5 5 10 5 15 30 5 3 5
29 SG-136 5 10 10 5 15 10 5 10 5
30 SG-4 10 20 10 5 30 50 10 10 5
31 SG-24 10 5 10 5 1000 10 10 10 50
32 SG-88 10 20 5 5 150 20 20 10 20
33 SG-100 10 5 20 10 50 100 30 10 10
34 SG-119 20 5 10 5 200 10 20 10 20
35 SG-166 10 5 5 5 1000 5 5 10 200
36 SG-162 10 10 30 10 50 200 20 5 10
37 SG-76 20 10 10 5 1000 10 20 10 300


Sl.No. Sample CU PB NI CO ZR CR V CA Y
38 SG-99 10 5 20 5 1000 10 5 10 300
39 SG-158 10 100 5 5 500 5 20 10 10
40 SG-159 20 5 300 50 15 1000 50 10 10
41 SG-158A 10 70 10 5 300 10 10 10 10
42 SG-169 10 200 20 5 1000 10 5 10 200
43 SG-135 10 5 10 5 1000 10 5 10 10
44 SG-139 5 5 10 5 30 10 5 10 10
45 SG-86 10 5 10 10 15 30 5 5 10
46 SG-84 10 5 10 5 15 10 5 5 5
47 SG-27 10 5 10 5 15 5 5 5 5
48 SG-28 20 5 10 10 15 50 5 10 5
49 SG-71 10 5 10 5 15 5 20 10 5
50 SG-118 10 5 10 5 15 5 20 10 5
51 SG-153 10 5 150 10 15 200 20 5 5


Table-3(b): Analytical data of lithogeochemical samples analysed by AAS.


Sl.No. Sample CU PB ZN NI CO CR
1 SG-1 30 5 15 35 5 250
2 SG-2 40 10 15 45 10 290
3 SG-3 15 10 25 60 15 410
4 SG-5 40 10 20 300 35 1200
5 SG-7 65 25 20 1800 60 150
6 SG-17 95 15 15 35 20 600
7 SG-20 220 15 15 1800 40 800
8 SG-26 50 20 15 245 25 1400
9 SG-35 140 10 15 150 20 340
10 SG-40 20 5 10 165 15 500
11 SG-43 5 5 15 65 10 270
12 SG-44 5 5 15 45 5 115
13 SG-45 5 5 20 50 10 330
14 SG-120 45 25 30 630 55 1700
15 SG-146 60 10 15 100 15 270
16 SG-152 60 15 25 390 25 500
17 SG-155 5 15 25 370 20 1300
18 SG-155A 35 15 10 265 15 1100
19 SG-156 15 30 25 85 10 75
20 SG-162 65 30 30 610 60 1500
21 SG-170 210 20 25 310 30 900
22 SG-6 5 5 20 10 5 20
23 SG-12 30 10 30 270 25 1400
24 SG-13 75 20 25 440 35 1300
25 SG-18 30 10 15 280 20 1200
26 SG-19 35 15 30 430 25 1700
27 SG-25 5 25 60 480 45 6700
28 SG-34 5 10 10 160 10 1200
29 SG-36 15 5 10 35 10 70
30 SG-38 5 15 10 110 10 150
31 SG-39 5 40 20 860 50 1000
32 SG-41 30 20 20 350 45 1400
33 SG-46 70 15 15 440 25 2100
34 SG-47 35 10 15 450 30 1200
35 SG-48 25 15 15 270 15 1300
36 SG-49 50 15 15 310 20 1300
37 SG-52 25 20 75 70 20 270


Sl.No. Sample CU PB ZN NI CO CR
38 SG-54 100 10 10 350 15 1100
39 SG-73 160 25 45 940 60 1800
40 SG-87 5 35 240 300 65 150
41 SG-93 15 25 15 165 15 1300
42 SG-96 25 30 15 325 30 1100
43 SG-98 5 10 10 85 10 600
44 SG-123 330 35 55 1700 85 1700
45 SG-124 25 10 10 50 15 10
46 SG-126 570 30 205 320 40 1800
47 SG-131 5 15 15 95 5 1000
48 SG-133 5 35 30 280 20 2100
49 SG140 90 30 30 465 45 1300
50 SG-141 45 45 25 345 25 1400
51 SG-164 30 35 25 430 20 1500
52 SG-167 45 25 25 445 30 1600
53 SG-51 55 10 10 220 10 400
54 SG-56 5 25 20 275 25 1400
55 SG-67 5 35 30 325 25 2700
56 SG-68 10 15 20 280 15 2300
57 SG-69 5 10 10 40 5 300
58 SG-94 75 30 60 100 20 100
59 SG-127 5 25 20 40 10 400
60 SG-130 45 25 25 390 30 1700
61 SG-137 10 30 35 325 30 1900
62 SG-143 10 35 10 520 30 1100
63 SG-144 5 55 55 1900 60 100
64 SG-154 165 15 10 565 15 400
65 SG-160 125 20 15 225 15 800
66 N/10 5 20 20 95 10 1200
67 N/20/W 5 40 50 555 40 5000
68 N/W/W4 5 30 50 680 40 2800
69 N45/E3 5 20 10 45 5 100
70 N/51 5 50 65 395 60 700
71 N/66 5 45 75 225 65 20
72 PYX/1 5 15 25 40 15 120
73 PYX/2 5 15 25 35 15 80
74 SG-8 35 25 20 75 10 200
75 SG-11 240 5 10 40 20 30
76 SG-15 10 55 15 20 15 20
77 SG-32 15 10 30 30 15 30
78 SG-74 15 20 30 30 15 60
79 SG-113 5 20 20 35 5 200
80 SG-114 35 15 15 50 5 200
81 SG-122 10 10 10 20 5 100
82 SG-125 135 95 15 60 5 10
83 SG-142 10 5 10 5 5 5
84 SG-149 80 5 20 50 10 15


Sl.No. Sample CU PB ZN NI CO CR
85 SG-151 50 20 10 40 10 55
86 SG-159 75 5 15 320 15 1500


Table-3(c): Distribution of minor and trace elements in the lithochemical samples analysed by SPC

Table showing the distribution of monor and trace elements in the lithogeochemical sample analysed by semiquantitative spectroscopy

No.of sample
Maximum Minimum Mean Standard Percentageof
Radicals Threshold having
ppm ppm ppm Deviation anomaloussamples
anomalous values
Cu 5.00 50.00 13.82 7.72 29.26 2 3.9
Pb 5.00 200.00 15.20 31.16 77.52 2 3.9
Ni 5.00 300.00 29.61 47.57 124.75 2 3.9
Co 5.00 100.00 11.37 15.17 41.71 2 3.9
Zr 15.00 1000.00 185.00 313.46 811.92 6 11.6
Cr 5.00 1000.00 197.05 312.68 822.42 5 9.8
V 5.00 300.00 54.90 84.99 224.88 4 7.8
Ga 5.00 20.00 8.49 4.06 16.60 1 2.0
Y 5.00 300.00 36.27 70.50 177.27 4 7.8


Table-3(d): Distribution of minor and trace elements in the lithochemical samples analysed by AAS.

Table showing the distribution of monor and trace elements in the lithogeochemical sample analysed by semiquantitative AAS

No.of sample
Percentage of
Maximum Minimum Mean Standard showing
Radicals Threshold anomalous
ppm ppm ppm Deviation anomalous values
above TM
Cu 5.00 570 51.16 82.18 215.51 4 4.7
Pb 5.00 95 21.16 14.38 49.93 4 4.7
Zn 10.00 240 27.97 33.77 95.50 2 2.3
Ni 5.00 1900 312.38 387.42 1087.22 4 4.7
Co 5.00 85 23.78 17.59 58.96 8 9.3
Cr 5.00 6700 939.71 1049.02 3037.75 2 2.3


Table-3(e): Average minor Trace eliments associated with different rock types.
Elements in
Copper Lead Nickel
Rock Types Range Mean SD 7H ANOM % Range Mean SD 7H ANOM % Range Mean SD 7H ANOM %
Gneisses 50-20 11.67 4.50 20.66 - - 5-200 31.33 54.36 140.06 1 6.7 5-300 31.67 74.50 180.79 1 6.7
Amhibotite 5-50 13.89 13.64 41.17 1 11.1 5-10 5.56 7.67 8085 1 11.1 5-320 59.61 80.35 220.1 1 7.7
Serpentenite 5-165 26.67 44.20 115.23 2 9.5 10-55 26.10 72.75 52.49 1 4.8 35-1900 346.43 406.20 1158 1 4.62
Talc Tremtate 5-570 61.25 113.63 288.55 2 6.5 5-45 20.81 10.96 12.73 1 3.2 10-1700 36.3 3.25 1014.15 1 3.2
Mete Pyroxen 5-220 58.33 11.65 81.72 2 9.5 5-30 14.29 8.11 30.50 - - 35-1800 359.76 510.89 1381 2 9.5
Metepeliten 10-30 18.24 5.25 28.81 1 5.9 5-30 11.76 8.83 24.42 2 11.8 5-100 39.71 24.40 58.50 1 5.9

Table-3(e): Average minor Trace eliments associated with different rock types

Elements in
Cobalt Zirconium Chromium
Rock Type Range Mean SD 7H ANOM % Range Mean SD 7H ANOM % Range Mean SD 7H ANOM %
Gneisses 5-50 8.67 11.57 31 1 6.7 15-1000 488-33 449.66 1387 - - 5-1000 97.33 255.18 607.70 1 6.7
Amhibotite 5-20 10.38 5.19 20.76 - - 5-1500 186.54 481.00 990 1 7.7
Serpentenite 5-65 25.71 10.12 61.95 1 4.8 20-5000 1124.00 1259 3043 1 4.8
Talc Tremtate 5-85 28.06 18.78 65.63 1 3.2 10-6700 1318.16 1164.16 3045 1 3.2
Mete Pyroxen 5-60 23.81 17.10 58.2 2 9.5 75-1700 666.67 507.10 1080 1 4.8
Timestone 5-10 5.56 1.67 8.85 1 11.1 15-150 30.00 45.00 120 1 1101 5-200 30.00 65.09 157.57 1 11.1
Metepeliten 5-100 19.71 21.47 63.65 1 5.9 15-200 99.41 58.23 215.00 - - 70-1000 468.82 350.87 1134 - -


Table-3(e): Average minor Trace eliments associated with different rock types

Elements in ppm Zink

Rock Type Range Mean SD 7H TOTAL ANOM SAMP % Range Mean SD 7H TOTAL ANOM SAMP % Range Mean SD 7H TOTAL ANOM SAMP %
Amhibotite 10-30 17.31 6.65 30.61 - -
Serpentenite 10-75 30.48 20.37 71.4 1 4.8
Talc Tremtate 10-240 36.77 52.18 141.13 2 6.5
Mete Pyroxen 10-30 19.65 6.05 51.04 - -

Table-3(e): Average minor Trace eliments associated with different rock types

Elements in
Vanadium Gacium Yehrium
Rock Type Range Mean SD 7H ANOM % Range Mean SD 7H ANOM % Range Mean SD 7H ANOM %
Gneisses 5-50 15.17 12.97 40.41 1 0.7 5-10 9.67 1.29 12.25 - - 5-300 77.67 111.34 300 - -
Talc Tremtate
Mete Pyroxen
Timestone 10-150 27.78 46.04 119 1 11.1 3-10 3.78 2.33 8.44 1 11.1 5-70 12.22 21.07 55.07 1 11.1
Metepeliten 10-300 130.59 110.09 35.78 - - 3-20 11.06 4.37 19.79 1 5.9 5-150 30.59 43.48 117.54 1 5.9


Table-3(f): Table showing correlation matrix, coefficient fo the

lithochemical samples analysed by SPC.

Geological Survey of India, op : Karnataka & Goa, Bangalore.

Correlation Coefficient & Other Statical Parameters.

Data file : SPN94-A,MNR

FS : 1992-93
Number of Sample : 51
Number of radicals : 9
Range, Mean standard Deviation,threshold value :

Threshold No of Sample th
Radical Min Max Mean Std.Dvn
Value above &%
CU 5.00 50.00 13.62 7.72 29.26 2 3.9
PB 5.00 200.00 15.20 31.16 77.52 2 3.9
NI 5.00 300.00 29.61 47.57 124.75 2 3.9
CO 5.00 100.00 11.37 15.17 41.71 2 3.9
ZR 15.00 1000.00 185.00 313.46 811.92 6 11.6
CR 5.00 1000.00 197.06 312.66 822.42 5 9.8
V 5.00 300.00 54.90 84.99 224.88 4 7.8
GA 5.00 20.00 8.49 4.06 16.60 1 2.0
Y 5.00 300.00 36.27 70.50 177.27 4 7.8



Degrees of Freedom : 49
Correlation co-efficient at 5% Level of significance = 0.276
Represented by +
Correlation co-efficient at 1% Level of significance = 0.358
Represented by ++
Negative correlation is represented respectively by - & --
Non-significant correlation represented by : ….

CU 1.00 …. + …. …. …. ++ ++ ….
PB -0.06 1.00 …. …. ++ …. …. …. ….
NI 0.31 -0.08 1.00 ++ …. ++ …. …. ….
CO 0.17 -0.09 0.58 1.00 …. ++ …. …. ….
ZR -0.02 0.39 -0.15 -0.16 1.00 …. …. …. ++
CR 0.18 -0.11 0.52 0.55 -0.23 1.00 …. …. ….
V 0.57 -0.00 0.19 0.21 -0.09 0.19 1.00 ++ ….
GA 0.45 0.17 0.12 0.07 0.27 0.11 0.55 1.00 ….
Y 0.14 0.27 -0.07 -0.02 0.74 -0.16 0.07 0.25 1.00


Table-3(g): Table showing correlation matrix, coefficient fo the

lithochemical samples analysed by AAS.

Geological survey of India, op : Karnataka & Goa, Bangalore.

Correlation coefficient & other statical parameters.

Data file : SPN94B, MNR

FS : 1992-93
Number of Sample : 86
Number of radicals : 6
Range, Mean standard Deviation,threshold value :

Threshold No of Sample
Radical Min Max Mean Std.Dvn
value Above TH & %
CU 5.00 570.00 51.16 82.18 215.51 4 4.7
PB 5.00 95.00 21.16 14.36 49.93 4 4.7
ZN 10.00 240.00 27.97 33.77 95.50 2 2.3
NI 5.00 1900.00 312.36 357.42 1087.22 4 4.7
CO 5.00 85.00 23.76 17.59 58.96 8 9.3
CR 5.00 6700.00 939.71 1049.02 3037.75 2 2.3



Degrees of Freedom :84

Correlation Co-efficient at 5% Level of significance = 0.212
Represented by +
Correlation Co-efficient at 1% Level of significance = 0.277
Represented by ++
Negative correlation is represented respectively by - & --
Non-significant correlation represented by : ….

CU 1.00 …. ++ ++ ++ ….
PB 0.07 1.00 ++ ++ ++ ….
ZN 0.36 0.30 1.00 …. ++ ….
NI 0.30 0.30 0.14 1.00 ++ +
CO 0.28 0.43 0.50 0.73 1.00 ++
CR 0.04 0.18 0.14 0.26 0.36 1.00



Photo-1: Areal view of the Sargur shist comlex.

Photo-2: Allayayanapura magnesite mines in the Sargur complex.




Photo-3: Bands of kyanite intrafoliated with paragneiss, hill east of Hunesehalli.

Photo-4: Coarse garnet within thw quartziteinterbedded with metapelites in the

area NE of Sargur.




Photo-5: Veins of magnesite within the serpentite near Allayanapura mine.

Photo-6: Coarse kyanite crystals within the paragneiss.




Photo-7: Ptygmatic fold in the biotite migmatite gneiss near Allayanaura.

Photo-8: Banded gneiss alternating with quartzo-feldspathic, amphibolites and
metaultramafics in the Kabini vanal near Kuttagal.




010 Security classification : Open file
012 Form of distribution : Printed
120 Report Number : STM/SR/KC/1990/002 (FSP Item Number)
200 Title : Special thematic mapping in parts of Mysore district, Karnataka State
300 Authors : S.Paranthaman, Geologist (Sr.) and
T.R. Anantharamu, Geologist (Jr.)
310 Corporate author : Nil
330 Originating Unit : Mafic & Ultramafic Project
Operations Karnataka & Goa
440 Date of submission : 30th March 1995
460 Physical description : 39 pages, 4 plates,
3 tables
500 Field Season : 1992-93
510 Topo/degree sheeet covered : 58-A/5 and 57-D/8
600 Abstract: The rock types mapped in the area belong to the Sargur group
and Peninsular Gneissic Complex, comprising metaultramafics, amphibolite,
kyanite, garnet rock, crystalline limestone, banded magnetite quartzite and
ironstone. These are seen closely interbanded with each other and occur
within the gneisses.
The present study has indicated that the Sargur group of rocks are highly
disseminated the stratigraphy of these rocks. The metaultramafic show very
strange association with the metasediments and is suggestive of a possible
dismembered and tectonically emplaced bodies occuring as Yelange. the
aeromagnetic anomoly zone indicated by the AMSE falls on magnetite-
quartzite bands occuring in and around Mallur betta the hills around Nugu
reservoir indicating that the causative source for the anomaly area the iron
The type area offers a very interesting stratigraphic set-up wherein an
unusually thick pile of banded iron formation developed around Mullur betta
representing a major inlier is juxtaposed against the high grade rocks of
Sargur. The iron formation probably represents the Dharwars (Bababudan)
having tectonic contacts with the Sargur group.
610 Classification No.
620 Subject description/Key words: Geology psammopelites, metapelites,
crystalline limestone, banded magnetites quartzite, mafic-ultramafic, PGC,
younger intrusives geochemistry, structure and metamorphism,


Allainapura, Birwal, Chakkur, Chamlapur, Chikkadevibetta, Halsur,

Hebbalakuppe, Heggadadevanakote, Heggodlu, Hosaheggodlu Havinahalli,
Itna, Kabini dam, Kalla Sargur, Kottagal, kundapatna, Kundur, madapura,
Kanchahalli, Mavinahalli, Motha, Mallur, etc.


List of Plates

Plate-1: Geological map of Sargur Complex (1:25,000 scale)



SCALE – 1:25,000

Litho Contack
Foliation, Bedding
& Joint

Younger Acid
Grey & pink granite

Iron Formation Ultramafics Peninsular Gneissic Complex

Granitic gneiss
Pink gneiss
Quartzo – Feldspathic gneiss
Grey Biotite gneiss
Banded gneiss
Serpentite / Meta pyroxenite /
Act. Talc chlorite schist /
Talc tremolite schist
Iron stone
Banded magnetite quartzite
Sargur Schist Complex


Garnetiferous Amphibolite

Crystalline limestone

Kyanite – Garnet – Sillimanite staurolite gneiss

Psammo - Pelites

Graphite – Sillimanite garnet + Kyanite rock

Quartzite with Sillimanite, Kyanite Fuchsite

with thin bands of Baryte

By:- S. Pntharaaman Geologist (Sr)

T.R. Anantharamu Geologist (Jr)

F.S. 1992-93



Plate-2: Mafic-ultramafic plots from parts of Sargur schist complex,

Mysore district – Viljoen and Jenson’s diagrams. FeOt-Na2O + K2O –
MgO plots SiO2 Vs Na2O +K2O plots.

Jensen(1976): Ontario Division, Misc. Paper No 66.

Viljoen (1982) Jensen (1976)

29-11-94::14:52:59 Geodata, OP:K&G, GSI


Plate-3: Mafic-ultramafic plots – Coleman and Muir diagrams

Coleman(1977); OPHIOLITE. Springer-Verlag.
Muir(1979); Can. Jnl. Er. Sc., Vol 16, Pp 80-90.

Coleman (1977) I. Mafic Cumulates.

Fields : II. Ultramafic Cumulates.

1. Continental granophyres
2. Continental Trondjhemite
3. Oceanic Plagiogranite
4. Continental Tholelitic Basalt
5. Subalkaline Oceanic
Basalts & Gabbros
6. Cumulate Gabbro


Geodata, OP:K&G, GSI



Plate-4: Leak’s diagram for granite and gneisses of Sargur belt, Mysore



Fields :


3. Karoo Dolerite

4. Trend of Basic Igneous Rocks with Let.



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