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Verb = Adj + “-en”

1. Adj
Noun = Adj + “-ness”
Ví dụ:
Adjective Root Verb = Adj + -en Noun = Adj + -ness
dark (tối) darken (làm tối lại) darkness (bóng tối)
fresh (tươi) freshen (làm tươi mới) freshness (sự tươi mới)
hard (cứng) harden (làm cứng lên) hardness (độ cứng)
loose (lỏng) loosen (nới lỏng) looseness (trạng thái lỏng)
quick (nhanh) quicken (làm tăng nhanh) quickness (sự mau chóng)
sharp (sắc) sharpen (mài sắc) sharpness (độ sắc)
thick (dầy) thicken (cho cho dầy lên) thickness (độ dày)
Verb = Adj + “-en”
2. Adj
Noun end in “-th”
Ví dụ:
Adjective Root Verb = Adj + -en Noun end in “-th”
broad (rộng) broaden (mở rộng) breadth = width [bề rộng]
deep (sâu) deepen (làm sâu hơn) depth (độ sâu)
wide (rộng) widen (mở rộng) width (chiều rộng)
3. Adj Noun Verb = Noun + “-en”
Ví dụ:
Adjective Root Noun Verb = Noun + -en
high (cao) height (chiều cao) heighten (làm cao hơn)
long (dài) length (chiều dài) lengthen (làm dài ra)
strong (mạnh) strength (sức mạnh) strengthen (làm cho mạnh)
frighten (làm cho hoảng
- fright (sự hoảng sợ)
- threat (mối đe dọa) threaten (đe dọa)
Chú ý: short (adj) shortness (ngắn về mặt chiều dài hoặc chiều cao)
shortage (thiếu, không đủ cái gì đó)
4. Adj in “-ant” > Noun in “-ance”
Ví dụ:
Adj Root in “-ant” Noun in “–ance”
distant (xa) distance (khoảng cách)
assistant (trợ lý) assistance (sự trợ giúp)
importance (tầm quan
important (quan trọng)
relevant (liên quan) relevance (sự liên quan)
significant (có ý nghĩa) significance (ý nghĩa)
tolerant (khoan dung) tolerance (sự khoan dung)
reluctant (lưỡng lự) reluctance (sự lưỡng lự)
5. Adj in “-ent” > Noun in “-ence”
Ví dụ:
Adj Root in “-ent” Noun in “–ence”
absent (vắng mặt) absence (sự vắng mặt)
confident (tự tin) confidence (sự tự tin)
convenience (sự thuận
convenient (thuận tiện)
different (khác biệt) difference (sự khác biệt)
innocent (vô tội) innocence (sự vô tội

patient (kiên nhẫn) patience (sự kiên nhẫn)

silent (im lặng) silence (sự im lặng)
6. Adj in “-ent/-ant” > Noun in “-ency/-ancy”
Ví dụ:
Adj Root in “-ent” “-
Noun in “–ency” “-ancy”
consistent (nhất quán) consistency (sự nhất quán)
efficient (hiệu quả) efficiency (hiệu suất)
fluent (trôi chảy) fluency (sự chôi chảy)
frequent (thường xuyên) frequency (tần suất)
urgent (khẩn cấp) urgency (tính khẩn cấp)
pregnant (có thai) pregnancy (sự có thai)
vacant (trống, rỗng) vacancy (khoảng trống)
7. Adj in “-te” > Noun in “-cy”
Ví dụ:
Adj Root in “-te” Noun in “-cy”
private (riêng tư) privacy (sự riêng tư)
accurate (chính xác) accuracy (tính chính xác)
adequate (đủ) adequacy (sự đầy đủ)
literacy (sự biết đọc biết
literate (biết đọc biết viết)
intimate (thân thiết) intimacy (sự thân thiết)
immediate (ngay lập tức) immediacy (sự tức thì)
8. Adj + -ize/ ise = Verbs
Adjective Root Verb = Adj + -ize/-ise
general ( khái quát) generalize ( khái quát hóa)
familiarize ( làm cho quen
familiar (quen thuộc)
fertilize ( làm cho màu
fertile ( màu mỡ)
legal ( hợp pháp) legalize ( hợp pháp hóa)
modern ( hiện đại) modernize ( hiện đại hóa)
special ( đặc biệt) specialize( chuyên về)
mobile ( di động) mobilize ( huy động)
9. Adjective in “ –able” => Noun in “ ability”
Adjective Root in “ –
Noun in “ ability”
(in)capable ( có/ không (in)capability ( sự có/
thể) không thể)
available ( sẵn có) availability ( sự sẵn có để
stable ( ổn định) stability ( sự ổn định)
suitable ( phù hợp) suitability( sự phù hợp)
Chú ý:
- unable (adj) => inability (n)
- unstable (adj) => instability (n)
10. Adjective in “-ible” => Noun in “ibility”
Adjective Root in “ –
Noun in “ibility”
possibility ( khả năng xảy
possible ( có khả năng)
ra việc gì đó)
flexible ( linh hoạt) flexibility ( tính linh hoạt)
responsible ( có trách responsibility ( trách
nhiệm) nhiệm)
sensibility ( độ nhạy, đặc
sensible ( có óc xét đoán)
biệt về nghệ thuật)
visible ( có thể nhìn thấy visibility ( sự trông thấy
được) cái gì đó)
11. Sự hình thành danh từ từ các gốc tính từ

Adjective Root Noun in “ity”

generous ( hào phóng) generosity ( sự hào phóng)
curious ( tò mò) curiosity ( sự tod mò)
-e secure ( an tooàn) security ( an ninh)
-al national ( thuộc về quốc gia) nationality ( quốc tịch)
-ive creative ( sáng tạo) creativity ( tính sáng tạo)
majority ( phần lớn, đa số)
major ( lớn, đa số)
-or minority ( phần ít, phần thiểu
minor ( ít, thiểu số)
-ar similar ( tương tự) similarity ( sự giống nhau)
-an human ( thuộc con người) humanity ( lòng nhân đạo)
-ic authentic (thật) autheticity ( tính xác thực)
-d humid (ẩm ướt) humidity ( sự ẩm ướt)

Chú ý:
- safe (adj) => safety (n)
- various (adj) => variety (n)
12. Adj + “-hood” = Noun
- likely (có khả năng) => likelyhood ( sự có khả năng xảy ra việc gì đó)
- lively ( sinh động, năng nổ) => livelihood ( sinh kế, sách sinh nhai)

Phần bài: Sự cấu tạo tính từ, trạng từ & danh từ từ một số gốc danh từ
I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Question 1. The top model was___beautifully______ dressed in an elegant evening gown.
Question 2. My street is_____peaceful_____ because it’s far from any main roads. (peace)
Question 3. Our football team won the __championship______ (champion) at the end of the
season and
received_____sponsorship____ from a large company. (sponsor)
Question 4. There are thousands of____homeless______ people sleeping in the streets. (home)
Question 5. I bought a __colourful_____ dress but its colours faded after I washed it. (colour)
Question 6. I was fined because I was driving __carelessly_____ (care).
Question 7. The directions you gave us were rather ___unhelpful___, as we still got lost. (help)
Question 8. I am feeling quite _sleepy______ because I didn’t get enough sleep last night.
Question 9. I got into a business ___partnership____ (partner) with my cousin but it ended up
being ___successful___. (success)
Question 10. The musical performance was so __powerful______ (power) that the audience
gave the orchestra a
standing ovation.
Question 11. The witness’ statement didn’t help the police in the investigation, so it proved to be
Question 12. The man was found____guilty_______ of shoplifting and sentenced to one month
in prison. (guilt)
Question 13. He has___successfully______ completed his postgraduate studies. (success)
Question 14. The new lazer treatment can extract teeth ___pain_____. (pain)
Question 15. It’s just a __harmless____ dog. There is no need to panic. (harm)
II. Exercise Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Many people consider (1 - friend) _friendship______ to be the most important (2 - relation)
__relationship____ they can have. It
is (3 - wonder) __wonderful_____ to have a friend you can talk to and share (4 - value)
___valueble_____ experiences with.
However, it is important to choose friends (5 - care) ____carefully_____. An ideal friend should
be (6 - thought)
____thoughtful___ and when any difficulties arise, hopefully be there for us. Of course, there
will be times when we
might be (7 - doubt) __doubtful_____ of our friends. But, we should always talk things through
in a (8 - sense)
_____sensible___way and find a solution to our problems. Moreover, we should be careful not
to be (9 - truth)
_untruthful______. Without honesty, the bond between friends is (10 - use) ___useful_____ and
not worth anything at all.


(ID : e81) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Despite being a keen camper, I find the darkness(dark) in this forest is
2. In order to (broad)broaden your shoulders, you have to do many push-ups at the gym.
3. She didn’t like the colour of her hair, so she decided to (dark)darken it. She was,
however, rather
(anxiety) anxietively about how dark it would become.
4. The suspect was released because of lack of (evident) evidence against him.
5. Being unable to meet John, I rang to apologise for the (convenient)unconvenience I
had caused him.
6. (Fluent)Fluency in at least two languages is essential if you want to become an
7. The town council placed restrictions on the water supply due to a (short)shorten of
water that year.
8. There are many complaints about the (adequate) adequatence of facilities for the
9. The government attempted to reduce (violent)violence by increasing police patrols.
10. The (deep) depth of that lake has never been measured.
11. To calculate the area of a room you multiply its (long)length by its width(wide).
12. The doctor advised me to exercise in order to (strong) my back muscles.
13. Amanda is unlikely to lose any weight, as she has a (weak)weakness for sweets and
junk food.
14. Many flights were delayed today, causing growing (patient)impatiently among the
15. In some countries, the percentage of (literate)literation is still very high.
16. She complained that the photographs were an invasion of her privacy(private).
17. Fatal road accidents have decreased in (frequent)frequency over recent years.
18. Can we improve the (sharp) sharpness of the image?
19. The hackers threaten (threat) to kill one passenger every hour if their demands are not
20. The new drug has great (significant) significance for the treatment of the disease.

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