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T Cox


I. Opponent Film
A. Base Defense (How will they align to us? Base Coverages? Field or Formation?)
B. Identity/ Philosophy (Bend but don’t break? Sic’em? In our face?)
II. Issues & Scheme
A. Who is their War Daddys? Can we handle them?
B. Any Unique Alignments, Coverages, Blitz? (Communicate it with players & coaches)
C. Blitz? (Who, What, When, Where, Why?) (Especially after an explosive play)
III. Analyze Defensive Personnel and Alignments
A. Personnel Matchups (Lineman may be more important, DE run up field? Coverage roll early? Safeties
running up? Corners eyes in backfield?
B. Formation Matchups, Coverage dictated by formation or situation? (Where can we Dick’em?)
C. Be on the Lookout for a ‘Punk’. Someone that we can take advantage of physically.
D. This is where we ‘FIND AN EDGE’
IV. Self-Scout
A. What’s our tendencies? (They know em too. So we will use them to our advantage)
B. In-Depth Breakdown (HUDL-Personnel, Formation, D&D, hash, etc.)
V. Base Game Plan
A. Our best Runs v. them. (Protect these with PAP, RPO, Formation & Motion)
B. Play-Action (Make sure we can Protect it, Take some SHOTS)
1. Game plan these PAP around our most productive runs and RPO’s from last couple weeks,
They will have a plan to stop these! (Stutter)
C. Quick Game/ Drop Back/Sprint
1. Do they give us any Gifts? Take Advantage Early & Often!
2. What RPO’s will give them trouble? Anything open Pre-Snap?
3. Whats our best DropBack passes?
a) Does protection check out? Do we need to add protectors?
b) Anything we can do to Dictate their coverage? (Formation, Motion, Personnel)
c) Have Beaters for their base coverages ready to roll! (Kids should know what routes beat
what coverages)
4. Do we need to Sprint out?
a) Especially if we get a matchup and need 1st Down
b) Go away from a War Daddy
D. Screens (not quick screens)
1. Have 3-5 in the plan
a) When have screens hurt them in the past?
b) When do they want to blitz? Do they show it early?
E. Specials (Free Points, Keep em on their toes, ex. Chris Peterson)
1. 2-4 each week, Have Some Fun! Build them around base plays!
a) Reverse
b) Flea-Flicker
c) Double Pass
d) Throwback
e) Tricky formation, etc.
2. Don’t waste time on these! Use them early!
T Cox

VI. RED ZONE & Goal Line (Strive for 100%)

A. Yards don’t Matter, POINTS DO!!!
B. How does Defense Adjust in Red Zone?
1. Personnel changes? Schematic changes?
2. When do they adjust? (Inside 12,10,3yd line?)
3. Zero Pressure? Make sure we are ready to pick up blitz, They are getting Desperate!
C. Be consistent, Make sure our best players are in the game.
1. If we pull= Best Puller
2. If we go outside= Fastest Guy
3. Jump Ball=Best Jumper,etc
D. Practice vs Loaded Box & Man Cov.
1. Will they go man? Pick Plays!
2. Play Action off of our Best Short yardage run
3. Make sure we practice it, Windows will be tight
E. Have a Script for Inside 15, 10, & 5!
F. 2 Pt Plays (Carry a few into each game, practice them and kids know before hand which ones we’ll run)
1. Great Time for a Gadget!
2. Never Take a Sack or Get tackled short of the Goal-Line!
G. OVERTIME! (This is the script for OT, Practice It)
VII. 3rd Down (51%)
A. Keep the Drive Alive!
B. Defensive Gameplan? Blitz? Play Games up front? Roll Coverage?
C. Defensive cord. Does his EGO get involved?
D. Make Sure Protections and Blitz Pick up is sound.
E. Carry over from base game plan.
1. 3rd & Short (Pound IT, Blitz Beater, Shot?, will we use 4th dn.)
2. 3rd & Med. (Best Passes, Sprint Out, Don’t be scared to run it)
3. 3rd & Long (Sling it, Don’t be afraid to throw shy of the sticks, Let a Playmaker make a play,
How have our runs worked? Use 4th down?)
4. 3rd & Forever (How do they play it? Screen? Draw? Don’t try to do too much)
VIII. Special Situations (Be Prepared!)
A. 2 Minute (Go Tempo!)
1. Get out of bounds
2. Get 1st Downs
3. Spike?
4. Touchdown or FG?
5. Last Play from 10yd, 20yd, 30yd, 40yd?
B. Need a Miracle?
1. Hail Mary (Where’s it gonna land? Tip man, Back man, Front man)
2. Have a Super Duper ready to give us a shot if Hail Mary can’t reach EndZone
C. 4 Minute (Seal the Deal!)
1. Run the Pill! (Security! Get up slow! Stay in bounds!)
2. Safe Pass that provides an outlet for QB to run if not open
3. Victory!! (False Start= run extra time)
D. Tough Territory (Backed up)
1. How does the defense treat this?
2. Get the Ball to the 20!, No Penalty in EZ! Need to take a SAFETY?

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