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Determine various social, moral,

and economic issues discussed in
the text listened to
Quarter 3 Week 3
Identify techniques in developing listening skills,
Listen attentively to a clip and take down important notes,
Create a poster fostering love for our country.
Looking Back
• Propaganda refers to spreading of information using
persuasive languages, in which the intention is to influence
people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. It is common in
advertisement, where creative strategies called propaganda
techniques are used. These techniques create a powerful
impact in your mind that could shape your opinion to
believe on what it presented.
• Propaganda techniques appear in different forms like those
in brochures, magazine, billboards, newspaper, radio,
television, and over the internet or social media. The
different types of propaganda techniques are:
1.Bandwagon is a technique to persuade others to purchase or follow something because many people
believe on its usefulness.

2.Transfer is a propaganda technique that is commonly used in political campaigns.

3.Testimonial is a technique using statements of celebrities as the prime reference of the affectivity and
reputation of something.

4.Repetition is a propaganda technique where the product name is repeated many times during an

5.Glittering generalities is a propaganda technique that creates emotional appeal towards the audience to
the point where some of them may accept the idea positively.

6.Card-Stacking Propaganda – is a propaganda technique wherein the advertisers stress the positive
qualities of the product and ignore its negative side

7.Name-Calling Propaganda is a propaganda technique which invoke fear in those exposed to the
propaganda, resulting in the formation of a negative opinion about a person, group, or set of beliefs or
Looking Back
Looking Back
Looking Back

“The most basic and powerful way to connect

to another person is to listen. Just listen.
Perhaps the most important thing we ever
give each other is our attention.”
-Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen
According to Oxford Living Dictionaries, to
listen is to give attention to sound or action.
When listening, one is hearing what others are
saying, and trying to understand what it
means. It is another key to effective
communication. Without the ability to listen
effectively, messages are easily misunderstood.
As a result, communication breaks down and
the sender of the message can easily become
frustrated or irritated.
Why do we need to listen?
1. Listening makes us aware of our
You hear your pet dog bark aggressively,
that would probably mean there is danger
nearby. You hear someone scream, that
person probably needs help (or saw a
flying cockroach).
Why do we need to listen?
2.Listening allows us to know the feelings of
One general aspect of listening includes voice
pitch, tones of voices and speed of the speaker
(also known as paralinguistic). You can tell if
a person in happy, sad or frustrated by just
paying attention to paralinguistic.
Why do we need to listen?
3. Listening shows you care.
Just by listening to the sentiments or
problems of other people means you care
for that person. It does not really solve
problem but listening can at least ease the
burden from others. Thus, it can build
better relationships.
What are the types of listening?
1. Informational Listening (Listen to Learn) – Whenever you listen to
learn something, you are engaged in informational listening. This type of
listening is done when you would like to gather information or learn
something new.
2. Critical Listening (Listen to Evaluate and Analyze) – the main goal of
this type of listening is to evaluate or scrutinize what is being said. It is
more on active behavior rather than informational listening.
3. Therapeutic or Empathetic Listening (Listening to Understand Feeling
and Emotion) – this involves attempting to understand the feeling and
emotion of the speaker.
Activity 2: Find It
Directions: The world is facing a pandemic
that changes the lives of many people,
including the Filipinos. In this activity, gather
information about the COVID ’19 Pandemic
through internet, television or radio. Present
your data using the table below.
Activities to be done
Activities to be done

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