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Discuss the change with Customer and seek his approval

For any change in the project, the first thing you should evaluate the impact on the project constraints,
then Raise a change request to address the change through the change control process.

Question: 2

You are negotiating with functional managers to acquire your

staff before the end of next week to keep the project on schedule.
What should you do once all project team members are on

Provide team members with the necessary training

Select project team members and preassign

Develop a Resource Management Plan

Track team member performance

The next process after acquiring the project team is developing the team. During this process, the team is
provided with the required training as documented in the Project Management Plan.

Question: 3

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

During the course of a multiphased project, a project manager
extensively uses EVM to determine project statistics and predict
future estimates. During which of the following processes will the
total project Earned Value be at its maximum?

During the final project close out

When executing processes are being performed

When planning processes are being performed

When initiating processes are being performed

Earned Value is the work actually completed to date. It shows you the value that the project has
produced if it were terminated today.. The project's total earned value will be at its maximum during the
closing processes.

Question: 4

The project is nearing its end. The executives are anxious to

assign the project manager to other projects. However, before
moving on, the project manager has to deliver the final product to
the customer. What should the project manager do first?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Obtain stakeholder approval

Close the project

Reassign resources to other projects

Present a list of quality concerns to the customer

The scenario implies the project is in its closing stage. Prior to delivering the final product deliverables to
the customer, formal acceptance of all relevant stakeholders must be obtained based on the project
scope, quality standards, and acceptance criteria. With stakeholder confirmation, then the project can
confidently deliver the final product to the customer.

Question: 5

The CEO of a company notifies a project manager that a bill from

a vendor working on the project amounts to US$ 50.000 each
month. The CEO questions whether the vendor is meeting the
deliverables to determine if the contract should be terminated
early. What should be provided to the CEO?

Seller performance evaluation.

Procurement management plan.

Performance specifications.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Contract administration plan.

Seller performance evaluation documentation is prepared by the buyer and documents the seller’s ability
to continue to perform work on the current contract, indicates
whether the seller can be allowed to
perform work on future projects, or rates how well the seller is performing the project work or has
performed in the past.PMBOK 6th edition, Page 501

Question: 6

The project has to produce 10,000 new parts. The inspection

points and their frequency along production must be determined.
The part specifications and inspection modes to be used also
need to be decided. In which process are these project plans

Plan Quality Management

Manage Stakeholder Engagement

Create WBS

Plan Resource Management

Every project must determine the quality standards for that project and how to assure those standards.
The Plan Quality Management process identifies quality requirements and standards for the project and
its deliverables. The plan also documents how the project will demonstrate compliance with these quality

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

effectiveness and related improvements for future. This is part of the Control Procurements process.
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 498]

Question: 8

As a project manager, you plan to utilize skilled labor outsourced

to a seller. You do not know how much effort is required for the
work to be completed though you have a clear idea about the
work to be done, which is to perform IT design work requiring
specialist skills not available within your company. Which type of
contract will you propose?

Time and material

Cost reimbursable

Purchase Orders

Fixed Price Incentive Fee (FPIF)

Time and material contracts are best suited when the effort is not known though the scope is clear, and
when specialist skills are required, or when staff size fluctuates. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 472]

Question: 9

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Obtain feedback from relevant stakeholders in order to evaluate their satisfaction.

Review the issue log in order to minimize the impact on the project .

Very important question for PMP Real exam. Based on the above options, the First step to do in project
closure is archive project information and documents for future use by the organization.
The Last step to
do in project closure is: Obtain feedback from relevant stakeholders in order to evaluate their satisfaction.

Question: 11

A project manager used a control chart to determine whether a

process was stable or not, and to determine if its performance
was predictable. IF three points are showing up above the mean
and four points fall outside of the control limits. What can you
say about such a process?

The process is out of control and need solution

The process is in control

Customer only can take decision for this process

Cannot be determined

Since three data points fall outside of the control limits, then the process is said to be out of control

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 12

You are the project manager of a construction project. Midway

through the project execution, one of the project stakeholders
has left the project because he has achieved his work. What
should the project manager do next?

Update the Stakeholder Register

Update the Communication Management Plan

Update the Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Update the resource Management plan

It’s important to update the stakeholder register on a routine basis so that new stakeholders are added,
and those who have finished their role on the project are noted as completed. .( PMBOK Guide 6th
Edition, page 480)

Question: 13

The project near to complete and a previously unidentified risk is

discovered. As a project manager, what should you do next?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Update the Risk Register

Update the Risk Management Plan

Update the Risk response Plan

Update the Issue log

since the Unidentified risk discovered during the project, so the fırst step is Update the Risk Register.

Question: 14

Andrew is a Project Manager for Green Valley project. Andrew

and the project team members have finished the risk
identification process. During which process are risks prioritized
based on probability and impact?

Perform Qualitative risk analysis

Perform Quantitative risk analysis

Plan Risk responses

Identify Risks

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Risk probability and impact are defined during Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis. They are quantified in
the Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process.

Question: 15

You have been just assigned to a new project during the initiation
phase. Which of the following technique can be used to validate
project alignment with organizational strategy and expected
business value?

Conduct benefit analysis with relevant stakeholders

Perform stakeholder analysis

Present the project management plan to the relevant stakeholders for approval

Review the project charter

Conduct benefit analysis with relevant stakeholders to validate project alignment with organizational
strategy and expected business value.
Refer to PMP Exam Outline in the Initiating Process Group ( Task
no. 7 )

Question: 16

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Two months into a construction project, the customer requested
a modification to the scope. The change Control Board (CCB) has
rejected the change request. As a project manager, what should
you do next?

Update the change log and Communicate the change request status to the stakeholders

Inform the stakeholders that their change requests have been rejected

Update the lessons learned register and Communicate why the change request was rejected

Update the Project Management Plan

After the change request has been rejected, the Next step is Update the change log and Communicate
the change request status to the stakeholders .

Question: 17

You are the project manager for your organization that has
multiple internal stakeholders in a various department, IT
department, HR department and technical department. You
decide to prepare a stakeholder engagement strategy. Before
preparing this strategy, you first should—

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Organize a one-on-one meeting with the sponsor.

Since the new project sponsor misses weekly status meetings and Meeting minutes are regularly sent,
but appear to remain unread, there is an issue in communication. So the project manager should Send
the communication management plan to the sponsor.

Question: 19

You are a project manager for residential construction. You are

working to Manage Quality on your project. You want to focus on
improving the quality management methods you are using. One
approach to consider is—

Using Six Sigma

Using Control charts

Determining whether results conform to benefits

Conduct Performance Reviews

In the Manage Quality process, one tool and technique is quality measurement methods. Quality
improvements often occur based on recommendations from quality control, findings from quality audits,
or problem-solving. Plan-do-check-act and Six Sigma are two common quality improvement tools used to
analyze and evaluate improvement opportunities.. ( PMBOK Guide 6th Edition, page 296 )

Question: 20

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

An experienced professional is hired to supervise one of the four
subcontractors hired for a project. The experienced professional
uses an effective cost control technique, but it is not the agreed-
upon technique for the project. This causes conflicts with the
integration group reconciling the monthly reports. What should
the project manager do?

Emphasize the advantage of the new method and change the technique with which costs
are managed.

Initiate a change request to resolve the issue.

Search for solutions that are similar to the existing technique.

Require the new employee to follow the agreed-upon technique.

The experienced professional uses an effective cost control technique, so the project manager should
Emphasize the advantage of the new method and change the technique with which costs are managed.
Option ( Initiate a change request to resolve the issue. ) not correct because no need to issue a change
request to solve this issue. Option ( Search for solutions that are similar to the existing technique. ) not
correct because The experienced professional uses an effective cost control technique. Option ( Require
the new employee to follow the agreed-upon technique. ) wil increase the conflict and not solve the issue

Question: 21

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

As a project manager, What plan should you create to ensure that
the resources are scheduled, released, and managed effectively?

Resource management plan

Schedule management plan

Manage Team Plan

Staff Management Plan

The resource management plan is the component of the project management plan that provides
guidance on how project resources should be categorized, allocated, managed, and released..( PMBOK
Guide 6th Edition, page 318)

Question: 22

Which of the following documents that establish the team values,

agreements, and operating guidelines for the team?

Team charter

Project charter

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A project manager is leading a project to design and develop a
new cutting edge computer system, which is in the second of five
phases. The project is running behind schedule and significantly
over budget due to a force majeure. The project is being
conducted internally to maintain control over the proprietary
technology which will provide a competitive advantage. The
project has reached a phase gate. What is the purpose of
performing the phase gate?

The project’s performance is compared to the business documents to determine if the

project should be Continue to the next phase, End the project, or Repeat the phase

Obtain customer acceptance of project deliverables

Determine how many resources are required to complete the project according to the project

Adjust the schedule and cost baselines based on past performance

A phase gate is a review point at the end of a phase to determine if the project will continue to the
succeeding phase, end the project, repeat the phase, or continue with some modifications. The business
documents and project charter are needed to determine whether or not the project should progress to the
next phase.( PMBOK Guide 6th Edition, page 21 )

Question: 25 Correct

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

During the project execution, one of the project’s stakeholder’s
hands over a change request to you. As the project manager,
what should you do next?

Analyze the impact of the change request on the project constraints

Implement the change request in the direct and manage project work process

Update the change log and Communicate the change request status to the stakeholders

Send the change request to the CCB

The first step in processing any change request is to fully analyze and understand its impact on the
project constraints.

Question: 26

In one of the meetings, the project sponsor shouted at the project

manager that why did he send the critical reports to the HR
manager. What could have been done to prevent this situation?

Review communication management plan

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Review project communications

Review stakeholder engagement plan

Review organizational process assets

He should have reviewed the communication management plans; it contains the following: • who needs
what information, and who is authorized to access that information; • When they will need the information;
• Where the information should be stored; • what format the information should be stored in; • How the
information can be retrieved. According to the PMI® Project Management Professional (PMP) ®
Examination Content Outline, the communications management plan defines and manages the flow of
project information For the exam, know that the communications management plan documents how the
communication needs of the stakeholders will be met, including the types of information that will be
communicated, who will communicate it, who receives the communication, the methods used to
communicate, the timing and frequency, the method for updating this plan as the project progresses, the
escalation process, and a glossary of common terms. [(PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page 377]

Question: 27 Correct

The most important project has finally been approved by the

executive committee. The sponsor was trying very hard for the
last 6 months to convince the executive committee to initiate the
project. And finally the committee members have agreed and you
have been appointed as the project manager. The project charter
is approved; however, you are still in your initial stages of the
project. It looks like the key stakeholders have a reputation of not
getting along with each other. As of now, everything is working
smooth as expected and there are no signs of conflict. But you

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

need to make sure, you are careful about it as the executive
committee has a lot of expectations from this project. Which of
the following management skills must be applied by you during
the initial few meetings?

Effective Listening

Trust building

Negotiation skills

Presentation skills

Effective listening is attempting to understand the perspective of the speaker and empathize, not
sympathize, with him or her.
Project managers must exercise both skills because they have to interact
and communicate with many stakeholders. these skills enable project managers to understand the
interests of each stakeholder and how to align those interests to achieve the goals and objectives of their

Question: 28

Henry is a project manager who is managing an integration

project. The purpose of the project is to integrate data from one
module with the other. This is an internal project for the
organization and a critical one. Senior management is pressuring
Henry and his team members to make sure it meets the deadline.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Due to this, his team has to put in long hours to complete the
work. However, team understands the priority and is willing to
cooperate. Sometimes the team’s morale is down and
occasionally there are conflicts between different team members
on project priorities. What should Henry do next?

He should setup a meeting with a team and collaborative approach to resolve the problem.

He should tell the team to resolve the conflict within themselves

Escalate to senior management

He should take disciplinary action against team members who are not sticking to deadline

Since the project is critical for the organization and Sometimes the team’s morale is down and can impact
the project, so the project manager should setup a meeting with a team and collaborative approach to
resolve the problem.

Question: 29

You are a buyer side project manager and have given a contract
to a small startup company. In the middle of the project, the
supplier reported to you that he won't be able to deliver all the
deliverables which are required to be completed as a part of this
project. The regular monthly payment for this supplier is

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

scheduled for this week. As a project manager, what should you
do next?

Hold a meeting with the supplier to understand delivery problems and possibly solve them.

Delay the payment for the supplier

Remove the supplier from your project

Update the schedule baseline to incorporate the delay

The best course of action in this scenario, the project manager should hold a meeting with the supplier to
understand delivery problems and possibly solve them.

Question: 30

Your project team works in two different buildings across the

city. The team has been struggling to perform effectively, morale
is low and has a difficult time resolving problems. What could
have been done differently by the project manager to prevent this
type of situation?


EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Applying leadership role

Use communication technology like video conferencing

Training the team members

Colocation involves placing many or all of the most active project team members in the same physical
location to enhance their ability to perform as a team. Colocation strategies can include a team meeting
room, common places to post schedules, and other conveniences that enhance communication and a
sense of community.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page340 ]

Question: 31

You are a project manager involved in developing the project

charter. If the project is being done for an external customer,
which of the following inputs will the customer provide to you in
this process?

The statement of work (SOW) as part of a bid document

Project management plan

Business case and stakeholder register

Organizational process assets and Project calendars


EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The project statement of work (SOW) is a narrative description of products or services to be delivered by
the project and is provided by the project initiator or customer for external projects or the sponsor or
requesting organization for internal projects. If the project is being done for an external customer, the
SOW may be received from the customer as part of a bid document.
The SOW details the business need
for the project, the product scope description, the strategic plan, and the characteristics of the product the
project will create.

Question: 32

When do bidder conferences normally take place?

Prior to the submission of a bid or proposal by the bidder.

After technical meetings with bidders to discuss contract requirements.

After submission of bid or proposal, but before contract award.

After the contract has been awarded to keep alternatives open.

Bidder Conference is tools & Techniques used in the process "Conduct Procurement", and the output of
this is "Selected sellers", so it has to be before awarding the contract. But it takes place "Prior to the
submission" and not after "submission of bid" so that vendors can take inputs from these meetings before
final submission.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 487]

Question: 33

You are the project manager of a project that is already in the

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

executing phase. After conducting a bidder conference, one of
the bidders sent you an email requesting additional information.
This information no one asked for it during the bidder
conference. As a project manager, what should you do Next?

Create a revised RFP containing the new information and send it by email to all vendors

Send the required information by email to only the vendor who requested the information.

Send the required information by email to all vendors who have submitted the proposals.

You should hold the bidder conference again and explain the importance of the point that
was initially missed.

Sending the revised RFP to all vendors, explaining the required information, and receiving updated
responses to the RFP in this scenario would be fair to all vendors. It may not be practical or cost-effective
to conduct another bidder conference, especially as other aspects of the project have already been
covered in the bidding conference, which was already held. Apart from fairness, you are ensuring that
your requirements are understood. Another benefit of sending out a revised RFQ would be receiving
back more viable bids from other vendors. Option B. May sound reasonable, but it’s better to send a
revised (RFP) instead of sending only the required information.

Question: 34

Which of the following Processes must the project manager

perform to avoid scope creep caused by uncontrolled changes?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Perform integrated change control process

Control Quality Process

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Process

Validate Scope Process

The uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources
is referred to as scope creep. Change is inevitable, so the project manager must perform all changes
through the Integrated Change Control process to avoid scope creep caused by uncontrolled changes.

Question: 35

You work for Sergio’s, a golf equipment manufacturer. Your

organization is installing some new manufacturing equipment,
and you are managing the project. You are preparing a report,
one of the numbers your sponsor is asking for is the
estimate to completion.If BAC = 400,000, AC = 340,000 and CPI=
0.80 What is the (ETC) ?



EXAM 4-200 Q&A



BAC = 400,000 (given), AC= 340,000 (given), CPI = 0.80 (given), The Estimate to Completion (ETC)
equation = EAC – AC, EAC = BAC/CPI = 400,000/0.80 = 500,000. ETC = 500,000 – 340,000 = 160,000.

Question: 36

Each organization is unique and has different ways to define its

products, services, and results. You are working on your project
to develop a new product using disruptive technologies to reduce
traffic in your city. You are working to define your project’s
scope, you are in a workshop with the key stakeholders to
quickly define cross-functional requirements about a proposed
product and reconcile stakeholder differences. A tool and
technique that may be helpful is—



Focus Groups

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Decision trees

In the Define Scope process, an interpersonal and team skill that is used is facilitation. It is used in
workshops and working sessions with key stakeholders, and each stakeholder may have different
expectations or areas of expertise, which can be beneficial. Facilitation then can help obtain a cross-
functional and common understanding among the stakeholders concerning project deliverables and any
project or product boundaries. [Planning] [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 145 ]

Question: 37

The customer requested additional requirements to add to the

final product and recently approved by the change control board
(CCB). As a project manager, what should you do next?

Update the affected baselines and inform the appropriate stakeholders

Stop release the project’s deliverables.

Inform the stakeholders then update the schedule baseline

Don’t add the new requirements, as the work has been examined and accepted by the

The change control board (CCB) have been approved the new requirement, so the project manager
should first update the change log then Update the affected baselines and inform the appropriate
stakeholders .

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 38

Your lead engineer estimates that one of the activities will most
likely require 50 weeks to complete. It could be completed in 40
weeks if all goes well, but it could take 180 weeks in the worst
case. What duration will you put into your schedule for this
activity if you do not want any scenario to weigh more than any of
the others?

90 weeks

45 weeks

70 weeks

140 weeks

In this scenario, you do not want any scenario to weigh more than any of the others. so, In this scenario,
we will use ( Triangular distributions ). Triangular distributions equation = (P+M+O)/3. (50+40+180)/3 =
90 weeks

Question: 39

You are the Project Manager of a road construction project.

During the Direct and Manage Project Work process, the team

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

members have been implemented a change requests without
documenting them. After a distance of time of execution, you
noticed inflation at project budget and causing cost overruns at
the end of the project. what could have been done differently to
prevent this situation?

Change management plan.

The scope management plan.

The Cost management plan.

Control Schedule

The Change requests are processed according to the change management plan and the process
managing change on the project by the project manager, CCB, or an assigned team member. As a result,
changes may be approved, deferred, or rejected. Approved change requests will be implemented through
the Direct and Manage Project Work process. Deferred or rejected change requests are communicated
to the person or group requesting the change.

Question: 40

You are managing a large construction project. Your project team

works in three different countries. Due to time zone differences,
you cannot find a time that is acceptable to all team members.
Which conflict resolution technique is best suited for this

EXAM 4-200 Q&A






A compromise requires searching for options that bring some degree to satisfaction to all parties in order
to temporarily or partially resolve the conflict. This would be the best way to handle the current situation
as the difference of time zone is not under the control of anyone.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 349]

Question: 41

Which project management process provides inputs to the formal

acceptance of project deliverables?

Control Quality

Control Scope

Validate Scope

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Define Scope

You are in the Validate Scope process. Validate Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the
completed project deliverables. One of the inputs in the Validate scope process is Verified deliverables
that are completed and checked for correctness through the Control Quality process. Formal acceptance
occurs after quality control activities are performed.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 164]

Question: 42

Two team members were arguing and fighting with each other
about how to do an activity on the project so as a response for
that, the project manager separated the two team members into
two separate groups. What conflict resolution technique did the
Project manager use in this situation?





Withdrawal means avoiding. Conflict is avoided by moving them to different groups.

Question: 43

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

What is the purpose of the project Kick-off meeting?

Communicate the objectives of the project

Prevent the occurrence of defects and control the cost of quality

Communicate ground rules and ensure they are followed in all the meetings

Determine whether the project should continue to the next phase

The project kick-off meeting is usually associated with the end of planning and the start of executing. Its
purpose is
to communicate the objectives of the project, gain the commitment of the team for the project,
and explain the roles and
responsibilities of each stakeholder.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 86]

Question: 44

You are managing a project to build a multi-story complex in your

city. During the project kick-off meeting, one of the key
stakeholders makes some comments against you in front of other
stakeholders and disagrees with you on a decision you have
made on the project. As a project manager, what should you do

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Meet with the key stakeholder separately to resolve the differences

Ignore the key stakeholder

Escalate this issue to the sponsor

Ask other stakeholders for help and present your evidence

Ignoring the key stakeholders and Escalate this issue to the sponsor will not resolve the differences. The
Best option is Meet with the key stakeholder separately to resolve the differences.

Question: 45

You are a project manager who is in charge of an important

project for your company. The project contains two activities (
Activity A & B ) . Based on the below table, how is the project

The project is over budget

The project is under budget

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The project within budget

There is not enough information

Get the total for the actual costs by adding the $120,000 and $70, 000 for the Activity A and Activity B. •
Total actual cost = $120,000 + $70,000 = $190,000 • EV = % of work completed * PV Total EV = 40 % *
300,000 + 30%*200,000= $ 180,000. CPI = EV/AC = 180,000/190,000= 0.94 (over budget.

Question: 46

The project near to complete and a previously unidentified risk is

discovered. Which funds will the project manager use to cover
this risk?

Management reserves

Contingency reserves

Cost baseline

Project Funding baseline

Management reserves are an amount of the project budget withheld for management control purposes
and are reserved for unforeseen work that is within scope of the project. Management reserves are
intended to address the unknown unknowns that can affect a project. The management reserve is not

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

included in the cost baseline but is part of the overall project budget and funding requirements. When an
amount of management reserves is used to fund unforeseen work, the amount of management reserve
used is added to the cost baseline, thus requiring an approved change to the cost baseline.

Question: 47

The business case documents the business needs and the cost-
benefit analysis that justifies the project. Which of the following
best describes the responsibility of the project manager within
the Project business case?

The project manager may make recommendations to keep the project business case in
alignment with the goals and objectives of the organization.

Development of the project business case

Making changes on the business case if necessary

Update the business case at the end of each phase

The project manager does not update or modify the business documents since they are not project
documents; however, the project manager may make recommendations to keep the project business
case in alignment with the goals and objectives of the organization. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 78]

Question: 48 Correct

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Midway through a project, a project manager found the current
risk response plan ineffective in dealing with overall project risk.
What should the Project Manager do next?

Grouping risks into categories

Update the risk management plan

Update risk register assessment

Allocate more contingency reserves to account for risks

Grouping risks into categories can lead to the development of more effective risk responses by focusing
attention and
effort on the areas of highest risk exposure, or by developing generic risk responses to
address groups of related risks.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 425]

Question: 49

You are in the process of finalizing all activities for the project,
phase, or contract. Which of the following tools can be used to
improve the metrics of the organization by comparing what was
initially planned and the end result?

Variance analysis

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Stakeholder analysis

Regression analysis

Document analysis

Variance analysis can be used to improve the metrics of the organization by comparing what was initially
planned and the end result.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 126]

Question: 50

What should the team consider to be most important while

creating the probability and impact matrix to support the project
risk analysis ?

Possible effects on the objectives of the project.

Interactions that will occur in the project.

Schedule and budget contingencies and reserves.

Project scope and project deliverables.

The most important element that should the team consider while creating the probability and impact
matrix is the Possible effects on the objectives of the project by taking the highest priority level

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

of which objective is affected. PMBOK 6th edition page, 425

Question: 51

The documents and data on prior projects including project files,

records, correspondence, closed contracts, and closed projects
are recorded in :

Historical Information

Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEFs)

Work performance reports

Business case

Historical Information. Documents and data on prior projects including project files, records,
correspondence, closed
contracts, and closed projects.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 708]

Question: 52

After developing the project charter and identifying all

stakeholders, You have met with all stakeholders, noted down
their requirements, and you are now deciding which requirements
should be included in the project and which should not. What

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

process is this?

Define scope

Collect requirements

Identify stakeholders

Plan scope Management

The keyword in this question is ( included in the project and which should not ) The project scope
statement is the main output form define scope process. The project scope statement is the description
of the project scope, major deliverables, assumptions, and constraints. The project scope statement
documents the entire scope, including project and product scope. It describes the project’s deliverables in
detail. It also provides a common understanding of the project scope among project stakeholders. It may
contain explicit scope exclusions that can assist in managing stakeholder expectations. [PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 154]

Question: 53

A new project requires resources with specific skills and

competencies from various company departments. Since most
company staff are already assigned to other projects, the project
manager must identify and agree on available internal human
resources, and hire external experts. What should the project
manager use first to obtain resources?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Negotiation skills.

Acquisition skills.

Individual and team assessment tools.

Requirements analysis tools.

An interpersonal and team skill that can be used for Acquire Resources process is negotiation. Many
projects need to negotiate for required resources. The project manager need
to negotiate with:
Functional managers. Ensure that the project receives the best resources possible in the required
and until their responsibilities are complete.
** Other project management teams within the
performing organization. Appropriately assign or share scarce
or specialized resources.
** External
organizations and suppliers. Provide appropriate, scarce, specialized, qualified, certified, or other
team or physical resources. Special consideration should be given to external negotiating policies,
practices, processes, guidelines, legal, and other such criteria. PMBOK 6th Page, 332

Question: 54

Task B is dependent upon task A which is delayed. Resource for

task B have limited availability and must begin task B on time.
What should the project manager do to replan the schedule so
that the deadline is unchanged.?

Crash task A and start task B at the planned time.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Fast track task B and immediately begin work.

Replan task B's start date so it begins after the completion of task A .

Fast track task A and move task B’s start date.

The relation between task A and B is ( FS ) and the task A is delayed , so the project manager should
focus on Crashing task A and start task B at the planned time so that the deadline is unchanged. option (
Fast track task B and immediately begin work. ) not correct because Resources for task B have limited
availability. option ( Fast track task A and move task B’s start date. ) not correct because the deadline will
change. option ( Replan task B's start date so it begins after the completion of task A . ) not correct
because the deadline will change.

Question: 55

You have been assigned as a project manager to a software

project. Before creating your product, you decided to create a
prototype to ensure that it is acceptable to stakeholders. This is
an example of:

Risk mitigation

Risk avoidance

Risk Transference

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

You are managing a project which is in its first month of
execution. In one of the meetings with a key stakeholder, the
stakeholder asks for some changes to be made in the current
ongoing work. The stakeholder is asking for the change to be
implemented immediately. You realize that the changes being
asked for will need the Project Management Plan and the Scope
baseline to be updated which have already been baselined. As a
Project manager, what is the BEST course of action?

Generate a change request and submit to Integrated change control

Refuse to make the change as it is a deviation from approved Scope

Analyze the impact of the change to triple constraints

Implement the changes as they are being asked for by a key stakeholder

Any changes being asked for or requested to any approved plan need to be formally reviewed by the
Change Control Board. Note: triple constraints' is already done because in the questions he mentioned
that the Project Management Plan and the Scope baseline will be updated.

Question: 58

Your project`s product was accepted by the customer 2 weeks

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

ago. However, recently the customer has complained that some
of the product features are not as desired, and the product was
not functioning properly. What should you do FIRST?

Review the Validate Scope process

Ignore the customer since the product was already accepted by him

Review the Scope management plan

Fix the errors as suggested by the customer

Validate Scope process is the process of obtaining the stakeholder`s formal acceptance of the completed
project scope and associated deliverables. Verifying the project scope includes reviewing deliverables to
ensure that each is completed satisfactorily.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 163]

Question: 59

The quality team would like to monitor the technical performance

of the project and capture data related to how many errors or
defects had been identified and how many remained uncorrected.
What process is the quality team carrying out?

Control quality Process

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Control Scope Process

Plan quality management Process

Validate Scope Process

The histogram is one of Data representation techniques that can be used for the Control quality Process
that can demonstrate the number of defects by source or by component. Control Quality to analyze and
examine product defects (errors). (Mange Quality) to analyze and examine the issues related to the
process not to deliverables defects. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 305 ]

Question: 60

You are in the Close Project or Phase process and have reviewed
the contracting documents to help you assess available
documentation, allow identifying lessons learned and knowledge
sharing for future projects. What is the name of the tool and
technique you will use to perform this activity?

Document analysis.

Regression analysis

Trend analysis

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

At the close of your project, you measure customer satisfaction
and find that some customer needs were not fully met. Your
supervisor asks you what steps you took on your project to
improve customer satisfaction. Which subsidiary plan would you
consult to determine this information?

Quality Management plan

Communications management plan

Risk management plan

Scope Management Plan

Customer satisfaction is an important part of modern quality management.
Remember, customer
satisfaction is about making sure that the people who are paying for
the end product are happy with what
they get. But the way that you make sure that your
customers are happy is by meeting their needs - and
you do that by ensuring the product
the team builds meets the customer’s requirements. That’s what
quality management is
all about, and it’s an important reason that you do quality management.

Question: 63

A project manager is faced with two team members who have

conflicting opinions. One team member explains her side of the

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

conflict, and presents a possible solution. But before the other
team member starts to explain his side of things, the project
manager says, “I’ve heard enough, and I’ve decided to go with
the solution I’ve heard.” This is an example of _____.





Forcing means putting your foot down and making a decision. One person wins, one person loses, and
that’s the end of that.
muForce/direct. Pushing one’s viewpoint at the expense of others; offering only
win-lose solutions, usually enforced
through a power position to resolve an emergency. This approach
often results to a win-lose situation.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 349]

Question: 64

You recently took over a large project from another project

manager who had to leave for a personal emergency. You want to
understand what kind of information should be provided to
different stakeholders, and what methods should be used to
provide this information. You will find this information in the:

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Quality management

Scope Management

Proactively working with project stakeholders and resolving their issues related to project stakeholder
engagement.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 505]

Question: 66

You are the project manager for a railroad construction project. In

your project, which of the following provide the baseline for
evaluating whether requests for changes or additional work are
contained within or outside the project’s boundaries?

Project scope statement

Requirements documentation

Requirements traceability matrix

Project charter

The statement enables the project team to perform more detailed planning, guides the project team’s
work during execution, and provides the baseline for evaluating whether requests for changes or
additional work are contained within or outside the project’s boundaries. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 154]

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 67

Midway through project implementation, stakeholders lose

confidence in project management and want to withdraw. What
should the project manager use to maintain and improve
relationships with the stakeholders?

Interactive communication.

Detailed project status reporting.

Pull communication.

Power/ influence grid evaluation.

Interactive communication is the best communication method to maintain and improve relationships with
the stakeholders

Question: 68

You are a project manager for a software project. Which of the

following data representation techniques that can be used to
represent the steps in a process and for process improvement as
well as identifying where quality defects can occur or where to

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

incorporate quality checks?

Process flow

Logical data model

Matrix diagrams

Mind mapping

When flowcharts are used to represent the steps in a process, they are sometimes called process flows
or process flow diagrams and they can be used for process improvement as well as identifying where
quality defects can occur or where to incorporate quality checks. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 284]

Question: 69

You are a project manager assigned at the initiation phase. Which

of the following will help you while developing the project

Enterprise environmental factors and Organizational process assets

Business case and Requirements documentation

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Benefits management plan and Project management Plan

Agreements and Stakeholder register

Enterprise environmental factors and Organizational process assets are inputs in develop project charter.
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 75]

Question: 70

You are at the Closing phase of your construction project. You

need information about the success criteria, the approval
requirements, who decides the project is a success, and who will
sign off on the project. As a project manager, which of the
following documents will you refer?

Project charter

Project management plan

Requirements documentation

Business case.

The project charter is an important input in close project or phase process and documents the project
success criteria, the approval requirements, and who will sign off on the project. [PMBOK 6th edition,
Page 124]

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 71

Due to unforeseen circumstances, your supplier has run out of

the cement needed for your construction project. This is
unidentified risks in the project and if occurred will need to
Implement a workaround. The Project Manager needs to create
the workaround to deal with:

To deal with risks that are passively accepted and/or unidentified risks once it occurs.

To deal with risks that are actively accepted once it occurs.

To deal with unidentified risks once it occurs.

To deal with risks that are passively accepted once it occurs.

For the PMP Real Exam, a workaround is an unplanned response the Project Manager needs to take to
deal with emerging risks and risks that are passively accepted as the risk response during project
a workaround is used for unidentified risks or risks that are passively accepted (note: risks that
are accepted actively will be dealt with a Fallback).

Question: 72

In your project, you are in the process of monitoring the

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

implementation of agreed-upon risk response plans. You and
your project team are working on the identification of new risks,
lessons learned and closing of risks that are outdated. What is
the process you are currently in and the technique that you are

Monitor Risks / Risk reviews

Identify Risks / Interviews

Monitor Risks / Risk reassessment

Implement Risk Responses / Expert judgment

Monitor Risks is the process of monitoring the implementation of agreed-upon risk response plans,
tracking identified
risks, identifying and analyzing new risks, and evaluating risk process effectiveness
throughout the project. One of the techniques in this process is Risk reviews. Risk reviews are scheduled
regularly and should examine and document the effectiveness of risk responses in dealing with overall
project risk and with identified individual project risks. Risk reviews may also result in identification of new
individual project risks, (including secondary risks that arise from agreed-upon risk responses),
reassessment of current risks, the closing of risks that are outdated, issues that have arisen as the result
of risks that have occurred, and identification of lessons to be learned for implementation in ongoing
phases in the current project or in similar projects in the future. The risk review may be conducted as part
of a periodic project status meeting or a dedicated risk review meeting may be held, as specified in the
risk management plan. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 453, 457]

Question: 73 Correct

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

On your systems development project, you noted during a review
that the system had less functionality than planned at the critical
design review. For example, too many defects were identified.
This finding suggests that during the Monitor Risks process you
should use which following tools and techniques?

Technical performance analysis

Risk reassessment

Reserve analysis

Risk Audit

Technical performance analysis is a data analysis tool and technique in Monitor Risks. Its purpose is
comparing technical performance to the schedule of technical achievement. It requires the definition of
objective, quantifiable measures of technical performance to help compare actual results against targets.
Example of these measures are weight, transaction times, number of delivered defects, or storage
capacity. The deviation can help indicate the possible impact of threats or opportunities.[PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 456]

Question: 74 Correct

You have found as you Monitor Risks that some risks have not
been closed, and some secondary risks have occurred but have
not been documented. You decide you should—

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Hold a meeting

Review work performance information

Conduct an audit

Issue a change request

Meetings are a tool and technique in Monitor Risks. These meetings can include risk reviews. They are
scheduled regularly to evaluate the effectiveness of risk responses in dealing with both overall and
individual risks. These reviews may identify new risks, identify secondary risks, reassess existing risks,
close outdated risks, close issues from risks that have occurred, and identify lessons learned.[PMBOK
6th edition, Page 457]

Question: 75

In your project, you are in the process of managing procurement

relationships and monitoring contract performance. Which of the
following techniques is a structured review of the seller’s
progress to deliver project scope and quality within cost and

Performance reviews

EXAM 4-200 Q&A


Earned value analysis


These reviews are a tool and technique in the Control Procurements process under data analysis, which
includes measure, control, and analyze quality, resources, schedule, and cost performance against that
in the agreement. These reviews also include identifying work packages that already are behind
schedule, over or under budget, or have resource or quality issues. Inspections and audits, are specified
in the contract and are required by the buyer to verify compliance in the seller’s work processes or
deliverables; they also are a tool and technique in this process. A status review meeting, answer d, is an
informal session to discuss performance to date. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 498]

Question: 76

Assume you have prepared your risk management plan, identified

possible risks, analyzed them, and determined possible
responses if they occur. Now you are in the process of evaluating
risk process effectiveness and identifying new risks. Which of the
following inputs will you use in this process?

Risk management plan,Risk register,Risk report and Work performance reports

Project Charter, Risk register,Risk report and Work performance reports

Risk management plan,Risk register,Risk report and Work performance information

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Risk management plan,Risk register,Change requests and Work performance reports

Monitor Risks is the process of monitoring the implementation of agreed-upon risk response plans,
tracking identified risks, identifying and analyzing new risks, and evaluating risk process effectiveness
throughout the project. The Risk management plan,Risk register,Risk report and Work performance
reports are inputs in this process. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 453]

Question: 77

A project health check identified a risk that your project would

not be completed on time. You and your team are working to
prevent this from occurring as you work to Implement Risk
Responses. You and your team know risk management is
continuous on projects, and new risks will occur. When they do
occur analysis is needed, and a response strategy is determined.
Your goal is to see if the strategy is executed. As you do so, you
should use—

Influencing skills


Probability/impact risk matrix

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Structure a decision analysis as a decision tree

In the Implement Risk Responses process, interpersonal skills are a tool and technique. Within it,
influencing is suggested. Some risk response actions may be owned by a stakeholder who is not part of
the project team. These stakeholders tend to have competing demands for their time, and the same
applies to project team member working on more than one project and working in a matrix structure. The
project manager or the person responsible for the project’s risk management activities then uses
influencing to encourage risk owners to take action.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 451]

Question: 78

You are developing radio frequency (RF) technology that will

improve overnight package delivery to one hour. You and your
project team are working to ensure that agreed-upon risk
responses are actually executed. Some risk response actions
may be owned by people outside the immediate project team or
who have other competing demands. Which of the following
techniques the project manager will use to encourage risk
owners to take actions?


Multicriteria decision analysis

Sensitivity analysis

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The goal of brainstorming is to obtain a comprehensive list of individual project risks and sources of
overall project risk. The project team usually performs brainstorming, often with a multidisciplinary set of
experts who are not part of the team. Ideas are generated under the guidance of a facilitator, either in a
free-form brainstorm session or one that uses more structured techniques. Categories of risk, such as in
a risk breakdown structure, can be used as a framework. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring
that risks identified through brainstorming are clearly described, since the technique can result in ideas
that are not fully formed.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 414]

Question: 80

During risk monitoring, a new risk is discovered. This risk can

potentially affect project delivery. What should be the next step?

Perform qualitative analysis of the risk


Develop a risk response plan

Change Request

When risk is identified, the next step is to perform qualitative analysis of the risk that is analyze the risk
before response is planned.

Question: 81

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A predetermined list of risk categories that might give rise to
individual project risks and that could also act as sources of
overall project risk and can be used as a framework to aid the
project team in idea generation when using risk identification
techniques is called:

Prompt list


Hierarchical charts

Risk report

A prompt list is a predetermined list of risk categories that might give rise to individual project risks and
that could also
act as sources of overall project risk. The prompt list can be used as a framework to aid
the project team in idea generation
when using risk identification techniques. The risk categories in the
lowest level of the risk breakdown structure can be
used as a prompt list for individual project risks. Some
common strategic frameworks are more suitable for identifying
sources of overall project risk, for example
PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental), TECOP
environmental, commercial, operational, political), or VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity).
[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 416]

Question: 82 Correct

You are a project manager for an e-commerce website. Two of the

team members are having a conflicting approach to implementing

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

an inventory module. As a project manager, you conduct a
meeting including both the team members and you decided to
use a third party tool for inventory rather than in house
development. Which conflict resolution technique you used?

Problem Solving




Since the Project manager discussed with the team members and then took a decision, this is an
example of problem-solving. If without discussing he would have straight away went for 3rd party solution
then it was forcing

Question: 83 Correct

Two Key stakeholders requesting a change that will require extra

cost and time extension. You have not enough budget and your
schedule is very tight. Which technique you will use to not lose
stakeholders support?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A






Question: 84

Your project team members have just started to work together

and are now adjusting their work habits and behaviors to support
each other. Which stage of the Tuckman ladder has your team
just entered and Once the current stage ends, what is the next

The Current stage is Norming and the next stage is Performing

The Current stage is Forming and the next stage is Norming

The Current stage is Forming and the next stage is Storming

The Current stage is Performing and the next stage is Adjourning.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The Current stage is Norming. In this phase, team members begin to work together and adjust their work
habits and behaviors to support the team. The team members learn to trust each other. Once the current
stage ends, the next stage is Performing. Teams that reach the performing stage function as a well-
organized unit. They are interdependent and work through issues smoothly and effectively. [PMBOK 6th
edition, Page 338]

Question: 85

You are working in a matrix organization and managing a project.

The functional manager transferred one of the vital team
members you need from your project to another project. What
should you do next?

Meet the project team to assess the impact , then negotiate with the functional manager to
assign a new team member

Escalate this problem to the sponsor

Complete the project without the team member

Update the schedule baseline to incorporate the delay that will cause because this situation

The project manager should meet the project team to assess the impact. Since the project manager is
working in a matrix organization, the project manager should use his skills such as negotiation with the
functional manager, to assign a new team member if he needs the team member to assign.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 86

Who is responsible for ensuring that the communication actually

delivered the information intended?

Both the sender and the receiver

The sender

The receiver

The project communications coordinator

The delivery of the information is the responsibility of Both the sender and the receiver.

Question: 87

What type of reports that describe where a project stands at a

specific point in time?

Status report

Earned Value report

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Forecast report

Performance report

A status report communicates stasis. It shows what is true at a certain time. A progress report
communicates time. It shows what's happened (and even might preview what's going to happen)

Question: 88

You have successfully completed a project. You have now been

assigned a project which is midway into its execution. You have
had to take this project due to the non availability of the current
project manager due to health. This is a complex project
involving multiple contractors and teams at various geographical
locations. You decide to look up the requirements of the types of
reports and frequency of sending them. Where would you find
this information?

Communication Management Plan

Stakeholder Analysis

Project Management Plan

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Scope Management Plan

Communication Management Plan.This Plan provides information such as frequency of communication ,
type of communication , who is responsible for communication.

Question: 89

While having a coffee with a key stakeholder in your project, he

was surprised that you do not have the information that there are
changes in the environment and organization plans. As a Project
manager, what should you do next?

Review the communication management plan and validate why you did not get this
information through it.

Hold a meeting with the sponsor and discuss this info with him.

Hold a meeting with your team and inform them about what will happen.

Hold a meeting with stakeholders and discuss this information openly with them

Keyword ( you do not have the information that your project will be canceled) so the PM should Review
the communication management plan because this plan contains the Information to be communicated
and the Person or groups who will receive the information. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 377]

Question: 90

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Communication is important when setting and managing
expectations with the stakeholders. Which of the following
techniques will help in acknowledging, clarifying and confirming,
understanding, and removing barriers that adversely affect
comprehension as well as effectively manage communication?

Active listening

Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

Cultural awareness

Political awareness

Active listening. Techniques of active listening involve acknowledging, clarifying and confirming,
understanding, and removing barriers that adversely affect comprehension.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page

Question: 91

You are managing a project. This project must satisfy industry

standards in order to be accepted by the customer. You and your
team have studied the requirements and have created a plan to
implement the deliverables with the level of quality. This process

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

is called ________.

Plan Quality Management

Manage Quality

Control Quality

Validate Scope

Plan Quality Management: Identifying the quality standards that are relevant to the project and
determining how to meet them.
Plan Quality Management—The process of identifying quality
requirements and/or standards for the project
and its deliverables, and documenting how the project will
demonstrate compliance with quality requirements and/
or standards.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 271]

Question: 92

Which of the following processes are concerned with comparing

the work results with the quality requirements to ensure the
result is acceptable?

Control Quality

Control Scope

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Manage Quality

Validate Scope

Control Quality is concerned with comparing the work results with the quality requirements to ensure the
result is acceptable.[PMBOK 6th edition, Page 272]

Question: 93

In month seven of a nine-month long software development

project, the project manager learns that a key feature requested
by the customer is missing from the requirements. The customer
requests that the key feature be included in the final product.
Which of the following actions should the project manager take?

Perform a change request.

Ask the customer if the key feature can wait for the next release.

Consult with the lead designer.

Agree to the change.

Keyword ( key feature requested by the customer is missing from the requirements ) . To Add the key
feature in the final product, the project manager should Perform a change request to take the approval
from CCB. Very important question fro reall exam.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 94

The project manager wants to check the work that needs to be

covered by a contracted vendor. Which of the following provides
the description of work for the contract?

Statement of work (SOW)

Procurement management plan

Project charter

Scope Management Plan

The statement of work (SOW) for each procurement is developed from the project scope baseline and
defines only
that portion of the project scope that is to be included within the related contract. The SOW
describes the procurement
item in sufficient detail to allow prospective sellers to determine if they are
capable of providing the products, services,
or results. Sufficient detail can vary based on the nature of
the item, the needs of the buyer, or the expected contract
form. The information included in a SOW can
include specifications, quantity desired, quality levels, performance data, period
of performance, work
location, and other requirements. The statement of work (SOW) is an important inputs in control
procurement process and is a part of Procurement documentation. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 477, 496 ]

Question: 95 Correct

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A seller entered into a contract with a buyer. At the midway of the
project, many quality problems plagued a project. As a buyer
project manager, which of the following documents should you
refer to review the seller performance?

Statement of work

Quality management plan

Procurement management plan

Scope Management Plan

The buyer project manager should refer to the Statement of work because it contains the description of
the procurement item, Specifications, quality requirements, and performance metrics Description of
collateral services required Acceptance methods and criteria Performance data and other reports
required Quality Period and place of performance Currency and payment schedule Warranty.[PMBOK
6th edition, Page 481]

Question: 96

If the project manager was asked to start the project based on the
project charter, what is the next step?

Develop project management plan.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Define scope.

Call for kick off meeting.

Determine Budget

Kickoff meeting happens after the Project Management Plan is approved by sponsor/management.
Before doing anything else, we have to determine how will we plan for each knowledge area (Develop
Project Management Plan)

Question: 97

You have been assigned as the project manager for a

construction project. You have reached the end of the planning
phase of your project. Before starting the execution phase, what
is the project manager do first?

kick-off meeting

Identify stakeholders

Obtain the project management plan approval

Plan scope Management

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Kick-off meeting happens after the Project Management Plan is approved by sponsor/management.
Identify stakeholders in the initiation phase. Plan scope management is done early in the planning phase.

Question: 98

Two months after the closure of a new system development

project, the customer is not satisfied and complains due to the
discovery of some defects in the system. ِAs a project manager,
What should you do?

Meet the sponsor to discuss the customer complains

Issue a change request

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Update the Quality report

The best course of action is to meet the sponsor to discuss customer complains.

Question: 99 Correct

You are managing a project for flow instruments installation in a

hospital. Your project team consists of 12 members and a

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

contract has been signed with the equipment supplier to train
only four team members on how to install the equipment. As a
project manager, What is the best way to choose the team
members that will be trained while maintaining the spirit and
performance of the team without any negative impact?

Conduct a meeting with the 12 members and select 4 randomly

Ask the sponsor to select 4 members

Use your position and select the 4 members

Select all the 12 members for training

To maintain the spirit and performance of the team without any negative impact, you should Conduct a
meeting with the 12 members and select 4 randomly. Very Important question for PMP real Exam.

Question: 100

You have been assigned as a project manager to a software

project. You and the project team have established the relative
priorities of individual project risks that have been identified
earlier in the project. Now you start to perform further analysis
and quantifies overall project risk exposure. In which process are
you currently involved in?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

Decision tree analysis

Plan risk response

Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis is the process of numerically analyzing the combined effect of
identified individual
project risks and other sources of uncertainty on overall project objectives. The key
benefit of this process is that it
quantifies overall project risk exposure, and it can also provide additional
quantitative risk information to support risk
response planning. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 428]

Question: 101

You are working to validate the scope of your project to ensure it

meets acceptance criteria. Which of the following processes will
result in the inputs that will be used in this process?

Control Quality

Manage Quality

Validate Scope

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Control Scope

A very important question for PMP real exam. You are in the validate scope process, and one of the key
inputs in this process is verified deliverables. Verified deliverables are output from the control quality
process. So, the correct answer is Control quality process. [PMBOK 6th edition, Page 164]

Question: 102

You are leading a project to build an oil pipeline in a foreign

country. The project is under budget and ahead of schedule.
Unexpectedly, you have received a warning notice from the
environmental association because of environmental violations,
and if not solved will impact your project negatively. As a project
manager, what could have been done to prevent this situation?

Stakeholder analysis

Issue change request

Periodic meeting with your team members

Identify all project risks

To prevent this situation, the project manager should identify all the stakeholders that can impact the

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 103

As a project manager, you are planning for a kick-off meeting.

However, some of the stakeholders are not attending the meeting.
The sponsor asked the project manager to go ahead with the
meeting without them. What should you do?

Start the meeting on time and conduct a separate meeting with stakeholders who did not

Postpone the meeting

Cancel the meeting so that all the stakeholders can attend.

Start the meeting on time and gain commitment from the attending stakeholders

A very important question for the real PMP exam. As you know, the project manager who is present the
implementation strategy during the meeting. and the sponsor who is present the organization strategy
and project goals. Both the project manager and sponsor are the key stakeholders and will attend the
meeting, so the meeting will start on time and gain commitment from the attending stakeholders then
conduct a separate meeting with stakeholders who did not attend. Postpone and cancel the meeting will
delay the project, so it's not good options.

Question: 104

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A defect has been noticed in an interim component of a product.
A change has been raised to fix this and has been approved by
the CCB and the deliverables repaired. As a project manager,
what should you do next?

This approved change will be verified for the correct implementation of the defect fix in
quality control

Validate scope for customer approval

Perform the control scope process

Ask the team members to carry out a root cause analysis

All approved changes for any defect fixes must be verified in quality control for their correct
implementations. Root cause analysis was done before the change approval then the next step is to
validate scope for customer approval. ( PMBOK 6th Edition, Page 301 )

Question: 105

You are the new project manager who has never managed a
project before. You receive your first project and are preparing to
begin your role. Which of the following will help you to improve
your chances of success?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Lessons learned repository

Your intuition and training.

Configuration management.

Stakeholder inputs

Because you have no experience, you will have to look at the experience of others. This information is
captured in the historical records from previous projects and Lessons learned repository.

Question: 106

During create work breakdown structure, what's the document

will be used to describe the work that will be performed and the
work that is excluded?

Project scope statement

Scope Management Plan

Requirement documentation

Enterprise environmental factors


EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The project scope statement is input in creating a work breakdown structure process and describes the
work that will be performed and the work that is excluded. PMBOK 6th Page,157

Question: 107

Team meetings are taking longer than planned because team

members don’t remain on topic and often interrupt each other.
What should the project manager do?

Escalate ground rules.

Hold more frequent team meetings.

Direct the meetings.

Limit meetings to team leaders.

Ground rules, defined in the team charter are established to set clear expectations regarding acceptable
behaviour by the project team members. SO the project manager should Escalate ground rule to comply
bt team members and remain on topic and do not interrupt each other.

Question: 108

You are a project manager in critical Project for your

organization. Your project sponsor has asked you to finish the

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

project early as soon as possible. As a project manager, to
motivate your project team, which of the following will you use?

Recognition and rewards system

Reschedule baselines to finish the project early


Perform quality assurance

As a project manager, to motivate your project team to finish the project early, you should conduct the
recognition and rewards system.

Question: 109

You are working as a part-time manager at a weak matrix

organization. Your functional manager adds to your workload by
declaring you the project manager for a new business idea. After
reviewing the business case, you understand new personnel will
need to be hired to execute the project. What constraint, if any,
will you be operating under in terms of hiring additional staff?

The functional manager would be responsible for hiring staff.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

You, as project manager, would be responsible for hiring staff.

Senior management would be responsible for hiring staff.

ِAll stakeholders would be responsible for hiring staff.

Knowing the differences between the types of organizational structures is necessary to answer this
question correctly.
Understanding your role as a project manager in different organizational structures
plays an important part in your project
management responsibilities and the decisions you have to make.
The project manager's role in a weak matrix
organization is part-time and done as part of another job and
not a designated job role like a coordinator. In such an
organization, the project manager's authority over
resources is low, and it is the functional manager who takes on the
responsibility of managing resources.
Therefore, if you need additional staff for your project, you will be operating under
the constraint that
hiring staff is typically done by the functional managers who are responsible for most of the project
resources. (PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 47

Question: 110

Midway through a project, a project manager determined the

project has an SPI of 0.7. In order to get the schedule back into
alignment with the plan, the project manager authorizes the use
of overtime pay. What tool or technique have you used to control
the schedule?

Schedule compression

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Leads and lags

Fast tracking

Resource leveling

ne of the tools and techniques associated with the Control Schedule process is schedule compression.
One type of
schedule compression technique is crashing. Crashing involves adding resources to activity
on the critical path to
shorten the duration. The payment of overtime as described in the question is an
example of crashing. The schedule
compression technique of crashing is being used in this scenario to
bring the schedule back into alignment with the plan.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 228

Question: 111

A project manager closes out the contracts for a project. A review

of vendor performance suggests that it would have been
beneficial to understand vendor capabilities better before
conducting contract negotiations. What should the project
manager do first?

Capture the information in the lessons learned register

Update the project management plan

Recommend that the same vendor is never used again

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Begin the Close Project or Phase process

The scenario implies the project manager is performing the Control Procurements process. The lessons
learned register
could be updated as an output of this process. Capturing lessons learned to enable
continuous improvement should
happen on every project so that the knowledge gained is converted into
actions. Taking proactive steps can help project
managers avoid past mistakes on future projects.
Updating the lessons learned register to include more time and
resources for the vetting of suppliers will
serve as a reminder for future projects. This action represents a proactive
measure that ensures the
lessons learned are incorporated into future projects.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition,Page(s) 500

Question: 112

During project execution, the new state-of-the-art technology that

is required on the project is unstable, which puts the whole
project at risk of failure. Your sponsor is on vacation and cannot
be reached. What should you, as the project manager do next to
escalate the issue for immediate attention?

Consult the communications management plan

Consult the risk register

Consult the stakeholder engagement plan

Submit a change request to replace the technology

The communications management plan is a component of the project management plan that describes

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The scenario suggests you are in the Monitor Communications process which is concerned with ensuring
the information needs of the project stakeholders are met. An issue log is a part of Project documents
that may be updated as a result of carrying out this process to containts new information on issues
raised, their progress, and resolution.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 393

Question: 115

You are the project manager of a project. The project you are
managing has experienced quality issues, which were the fault of
one of the suppliers. Much of the rework the supplier has billed
for in the final invoice of $20,000 was created by their quality
issues; therefore, you arrived at a revised amount of $18,000 to
be paid. You sent the payment of $18,000 along with your
justification, but the supplier reinvoiced with a balance due of
$2,000. What is your best course of action now?

Negotiate with the supplier

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Contact the legal team about pursuing legal action against the supplier

Ignore the supplier's second invoice and consider your payment of $18,000 payment in full


EXAM 4-200 Q&A

In general, and as prescribed by the PMBOK Guide, disputes between the buyer and seller should be
according to the dispute resolution clause in the contract. In this question, no specifics are given
about remedies for
settling disputes in the agreement, nor are there any facts to support whose total is
fair/correct. In the absence of that
type of information, the typical approach to resolve a dispute in a
procurement situation is for the parties to enter into a
negotiation in hopes that the difference can be
addressed through a negotiated settlement.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 498

Question: 116

A project manager has just taken over a project to develop a

product using a hybrid life cycle. With this project, the hardware
has fixed requirements while the software requirements are still
evolving. How should the project manager apply the hybrid life
cycle for this project?

Develop the hardware with a predictive life cycle and use an adaptive life cycle for the

Both the hardware and software should have their scope defined during initial project

Both the hardware and software should have their scope defined iteratively

Develop the software with a predictive life cycle and use an adaptive life cycle for the

The question describes a project which is utilizing a hybrid development life cycle. A hybrid development

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

life cycle is a
combination of predictive and adaptive life cycles. In a predictive life cycle, the project
scope, time, and cost are
determined in the early phases of the life cycle. With an adaptive life cycle, the
detailed scope is defined and approved
before the start of an iteration. With a hybrid life cycle, those
elements of the project that are well-known or have fixed
requirements follow a predictive development
life cycle, and those elements that are still evolving follow an adaptive
development life cycle. In this
scenario, the hardware has fixed requirements while the software requirements are still
Therefore, the project manager should develop the hardware with a predictive life cycle and use an
adaptive life
cycle for the development of the software.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 19

Question: 117

You are halfway through a high visibility project, and many

variables have changed since its inception. At a recent status
meeting with your stakeholders, you realize that two important
stakeholders were not identified during the initiation of the
project. You add the new stakeholders to the stakeholder register
and want to ensure they are appropriately engaged in the project.
Which of the following actions would not be required as a result
of the actions you have performed?

Enterprise environmental factors updates

Project documents updates

Change requests

Project management plan updates

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

While stakeholder identification is typically carried out during project initiation, stakeholders can be
identified at any point
throughout the project. When new stakeholders are identified, activities from the
associated processes of the Project
Stakeholder Management Knowledge Area should be repeated.
Relevant information about the new stakeholders should
be added to the stakeholder register. Other
project documents, such as the change log, the issue log, and the lessons
learned register might also
require updates. Components of the project management plan, such as the stakeholder
plan and the communications management plan would also need an update with the new stakeholders'
information. While updates to project documents do not typically require a change request, unless
otherwise specified,
project management plan updates require a change request. The addition of two
new stakeholders is not likely to require
the update of enterprise environmental factors. Since the
question asks which action would 'not' be required as a result
of adding two new stakeholders and
enterprise environmental factors updates will most likely not be required, enterprise
environmental factors
is the best answer to the question asked.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Pages 528-529

Question: 118

A project manager has been requested to assist the sponsor with

the development of the project charter. What would be the most
appropriate next step for the project manager to take?

Assess external and internal influences that may impact project strategy

Develop the project management plan

Wait for the project charter to be completed and approved

Develop Scope Management Plan

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The project manager has to consider enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets
in order to propose an implementation strategy.It is the project manager's duty to understand any factors
that may have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the project
implementation.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth
Edition, Page(s) 78-79, 59, 37

Question: 119

You are a project manager currently planning risk management

activities for your project. Assessing overall project risk has been
difficult as you are having trouble assigning cost impacts to
identified risks due to a lack of high-quality numeric data. What
should you do?

Evaluate on a qualitative basis

Evaluate using criticality analysis

Evaluate using a tornado diagram

Evaluate on a quantitative basis

Quantitative risk analysis is a reliable method to assess overall project risk which is performed by
assigning cost impacts to identified risks. However quantitative risk analysis is not required for all projects
nor is it always possible. The use of quantitative risk analysis depends on the availability of numeric data
that can be assigned to project risks as well as specialized expertise. In addition, quantitative risk
analysis is costly and typically takes more time to complete than
qualitative risk analysis. Individual

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 121

Which of the following best describes an individual or group that

can request a change on a project?

Any stakeholder

Project team

Project sponsor

Project manager

Changes may be requested by any stakeholder involved with the project and may occur at any time
throughout the
project life cycle. The project manager, the project sponsor, and the project team are all
project stakeholders and
therefore, can request changes.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 115

Question: 122

Midway through your project, you are informed by a member of

the project staff of a growing problem with two primary team
members. After learning of verbal encounters and the negative
effect on the team, you decide immediate action is needed. You
meet privately with the two team members involved and

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

collaboratively agree on steps to eliminate the conflict. Follow-up
meetings are scheduled to discuss ongoing progress.
Based on
the information provided, which of the listed actions should you
take next?

Update the issue log

Update the enterprise environmental factors

Update organizational process assets

Update the schedule baseline

The scenario requires documenting the problems identified and the actions taken in order to track
progress and ensure a
resolution is reached.The purpose of the issue log is to record and track issues
that surface during the project lifecycle. This document is first
created as an output of the Direct and
Manage Project Work process and is then used as input in many project
processes and updated as a
result of the monitoring and control activities throughout the life of the project.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth
Edition, Page(s) 351, 96

Question: 123

During project planning, a risk was identified that the vendor

contracted to supply materials for the project may not be able to
meet the contractual requirements. The response to this risk was
to contract with a secondary vendor at a higher cost, and

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

contingency reserves were set aside for this risk. Eventually,
during project execution, the risk was realized, and the secondary
vendor has been contracted to provide the remainder of the
needed material. What should the project manager do first?

Update the risk register

Implement the agreed-upon risk response

Submit a change request to update the cost baseline

Perform the Conduct Procurements process

The question implies that the Implement Risk Responses process was triggered and completed in this
scenario. The risk
register should be updated to reflect any changes to the previously agreed-upon risk
responses for individual project
risks that are subsequently applied as a result of the Implement Risk
Responses process. In this scenario, the risk status
will likely need to be updated in the risk register
along with any identified risks associated with the secondary vendor.
Therefore, among the available
choices, updating the risk register is what the project manager should do first.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth
Edition, Page(s) 452, 417

Question: 124

You diligently gather all the available information about the

project and produce a draft of the project charter, which you
submit to the sponsor for approval. The following day the

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

sponsor calls you and states that the charter is missing an
essential element. What did you most likely neglect to include?

The business needs to be satisfied with the execution of the project

A detailed project description including boundaries and all deliverables

The project schedule

The scope baseline for the project

The business needs to be satisfied with the execution of the project are a significant component of the
project charter
and should always be included. Although each of the other answer choices is important to
the successful completion of
the project, none are available to be included in the project charter during
the Initiating phase of a project.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 77, 81

Question: 125

A project manager is in the process of identifying quality

requirements and reviews the lessons learned from a similar past
project. The other project ran significantly over budget due to the
high cost of nonconformance resulting from inadequate spending
on the cost of conformance. The project manager does not want
his project to suffer the same fate as the failed project. Which
data analysis technique should the project manager use in this

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Cost of quality


Testing and inspection planning

Risk register

The question implies that the Plan Quality Management process is underway and the cost of quality
(COQ) is a data
analysis technique that may be used in this process. The optimal COQ reflects the
appropriate balance for investing in
the cost of prevention and appraisal (cost of conformance) to avoid
failure costs (cost of nonconformance). The project
manager should use the COQ data analysis
technique in the scenario described by the question.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 282, 283

Question: 126

A project manager is having difficulty getting project team

members to meet their weekly performance targets. The project
manager has provided team training and team-building activities,
but so far these and other efforts have been unsuccessful. The
project manager would like to use a reward system to incentivize
team members to meet their performance goals. Which of the
following strategies would be best?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Consult the resource management plan

Hold a contest where team members can compete for prizes

Give rewards to team members who meet their performance goals at the end of the project

Give all team members a raise to help motivate them

Recognition and reward systems are determined during the Plan Resource Management process. While
managing the
project team, the project manager makes reward decisions and implements them as part of
the team development
process. Unless the need arises to change the recognition plan, a project
manager should adhere to the project plan.
Since the work of creating a recognition and reward system
should have already been done, the project manager's best
approach would be to consult the resource
management plan.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 319, 341-342

Question: 127

A vendor went out of business before delivering a component for

your project. As a result, the previously planned risk
was implemented by contracting with a different vendor.
However, the new vendor will not be able to deliver the
component in time to meet the deadline even with the use of the
contingency reserves.
What should you do next?

Submit a change request

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Terminate the project

Update the schedule as necessary

Perform the Conduct Procurements process

Implementation of risk responses may result in a change request to the cost and schedule baselines or
components of the project management plan. In the scenario described, as a result of implementing
the risk response
plan, the original timeline is no longer valid, and the schedule baseline needs to be
updated. If the contingency reserve
was sufficient to accommodate the delay caused by changing
vendors, you could just update the schedule to utilize the
contingency reserve without a need to update
the schedule baseline. However, the question states that the contingency
reserves are inadequate to
meet the schedule objective. Since there are insufficient scheduling reserves, a new
schedule baseline
must be established. An update to any baseline after it has been established during project planning
requires an approved change request. Therefore, of the available options, submitting a change request is
what you
should do next.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 451

Question: 128

You are planning a research and development project, and you

need to determine how the project costs will be
budgeted, managed, monitored, and controlled. To complete this
process, you need to know if there are any
preapproved financial
resources from which the detailed project costs can be
What should you do next?

Review the project charter

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Consult the cost management plan

Examine the basis of estimates for the project

Check the cost baseline

The question suggests that the Plan Cost Management process is being performed, which is the process
of defining how
the project costs will be estimated, budgeted, managed, monitored, and controlled. The
project charter provides the
preapproved financial resources from which the detailed project costs are
developed. The project charter also defines the
project approval requirements that will influence the
management of the project costs. Therefore, you should review the
project charter to see if there are any
preapproved financial resources from which the detailed project costs can be
developed.(PMBOK Guide)
– Sixth Edition,, Page(s) 236

Question: 129

You are managing a project with a budget of $20,000. You have

spent $17,000 so far, and the project is 75% complete.
performing variance analysis, you have determined that the
original project budget is no longer viable, and you
were able to
get approval for the new project budget of $25,000.
What is the to-
complete cost performance index (TCPI) if you want to complete
your project within the newly approved


EXAM 4-200 Q&A




The question is asking about the efficiency that must be maintained to complete the project within the
estimate at
completion (EAC) rather than the original budget at completion (BAC). The formula required
for this calculation is TCPI =
(BAC - EV) / (EAC - AC). The BAC is the initial project budget which is
$20,000. The project's current earned value (EV)
is $15,000, which is calculated by multiplying the actual
percent complete (75% or 0.75) by the BAC ($20,000). The EAC
is the new budget of $25,000, and the
actual cost (AC) is $17,000. Following are the detailed calculations for the correct
answer to this
BAC = $20,000
EV = 0.75 * $20,000 = $15,000
EAC = $25,000
AC = $17,000
= (BAC - EV) / (EAC - AC) = ($20,000 - $15,000) / ($25,000 - $17,000) = $5,000 / $8,000 = 0.625

Question: 130

As part of the closing process, the project manager needs to

determine if the project met the expectations that initially justified
the project. What should the project manager do to obtain this

Review the business case

Check the risk register

Review the risk report

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Check the milestone list

The question indicates that the Close Project or Phase process is being carried out. The business case is
used to
determine if the expected outcomes from the economic feasibility study used to justify the project
occurred. The business
case is the document that the project manager should review in this case.
(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 125

Question: 131

In the middle of the construction of a new water treatment plant,

the government established more stringent water quality
requirements for treatment plants.
What should the project
manager do next?

Submit a change request to update the quality management plan

Update the quality management plan due to the legal requirement

Ask the project sponsor to update the project charter

Update the scope baseline to reflect the changes

The quality management plan is a subsidiary of the project management plan.The question indicates that
the quality standards of the project deliverable must be updated to meet new regulatory requirements.
Quality standards are a component of the quality management plan. The quality management plan is a
component of the project management plan. If changes that impact any of the components of the project

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

plan occur during project execution, the project manager should submit a change request
and follow the Perform
Integrated Change Control process.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 296,

Question: 132

As a project is about to close, you arrange a meeting with one of

the vendors who delivered low-quality parts. You
express your
dissatisfaction with the vendor’s performance and try to find a
solution to the issue. However, the meeting
does not result in a
positive outcome.
What is the best thing for you to do now?

Seek alternative dispute resolution

Ignore the vendor until they agree to your demands

Appoint a lawyer and go to court

Pay the vendor to avoid a conflict

In this scenario, there is a dispute in the claim, and
direct negotiations between your company and the
vendor have been unsuccessful. Whenever a settlement cannot be
achieved through negotiation, some
form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) including mediation or arbitration should
be explored. Claims
administration, such as ADR, can be used as a tool or technique during the Control Procurements
process. Of the choices provided, seeking alternative dispute resolution is the best thing for you to do in
this situation and
is, therefore, the best answer to the question asked.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition,
Page(s) 498

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 133

What does the project manager need to review to ensure proper

closure of the project?

All components of the project management plan

The quality management plan to ensure it was followed for these last few houses

The requirements management plan to ensure all the requirements are met

The performance measurements baseline to ensure determine how the project performed

Even though some components of the project management plan may be of more obvious importance, all
components of
the project management plan are required as inputs to project closure. There were
obvious quality and requirements
issues on this project, but the project manager will need to review all
aspects of the project and not just the obvious
problem areas. Hence, all components of the project
management plan are needed to close the project. In addition to the
project management plan and
baselines, the project manager will also need to review many, if not all, of the project
documents and
business documents. If nothing else, all of these documents will need to be marked as final versions
during the Close Project or Phase process. In this scenario, all of the answer choices are correct,
however, reviewing the
project management plan provides the most comprehensive answer, and is,
therefore, the best answer to the questions
asked.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 124

Question: 134

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A change request has been approved to add scope to a project.
The change requires that the project be completed a
month later
as well as a budget increase of $10,000.
What should the project
manager do next?

Communicate the change to the relevant stakeholders

Implement the approved change by following the project management plan

Use management reserves to cover the cost of the change

Add resources to bring the schedule back on track

As a project manager, you have the responsibility to ensure that all change requests are reviewed and
analyzed using
the Perform Integrated Change Control process established for the project. As part of this
process, the decisions made
on the change requests should be communicated to the request owner or
group. In the scenario, the decision has been
made (the change request has been approved); therefore,
the decision should be communicated to the relevant
stakeholders. Typically, the decisions are
communicated in accordance with the guidelines specified in the project's
communications management
plan which establishes how, when, and by whom information about the project will be
administered and
disseminated.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 120

Question: 135 Correct

You are about to hold a kick-off meeting to begin planning for a

small project you have been assigned to manage. A stakeholder
who has been out of the office for most of the project's initiation

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

phase, asks you for more information about how the project will
impact his department.
Which one of the following would be the
most appropriate to provide the stakeholder?

The approved project charter

The project scope statement

The project management plan

The business case

For small projects, there is usually one team that performs the planning and the execution. In this case,
the kick-off
meeting occurs shortly after initiation, in the Planning Process Group, because the team is
involved in planning. Based
on the scenario described, the project you are managing is small, implying
planning has just begun. Therefore, neither
the project management plan nor the project scope statement
has been created. Of the two remaining choices, providing
the approved project charter is more
appropriate than providing a business case because the approved project charter
contains more specific
information about the project, including the project's key deliverables, milestones, and the roles
responsibilities of stakeholders.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 53, 81, 86, 561

Question: 136 Correct

The project team is reviewing the project charter and project

management plan to develop a detailed description of the project
and the product.
What is another document the team should
review to complete their work?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Risk register

Work breakdown structure

Verified deliverables

Scope Baseline

The question describes the project team reviewing the inputs to the Define Scope process to develop the
statement. The inputs to the Define Scope process are the project charter, the project
management plan, enterprise
environmental factors, organizational process assets, and project
documents. The risk register is a project document that
may influence the scope statement by describing
specific risk response strategies that affect the project scope, such as
reducing or changing project and
product scope to avoid or mitigate risk. Therefore, of all the options presented, the risk
register is the
document that the team will need to review to develop the scope statement.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth
Edition, Page(s) 152

Question: 137

In order to procure the required materials for a project, your team

prepares documents that will be used to solicit information,
quotations, and proposals from prospective sellers. The
documents are structured to facilitate an accurate and complete
response from each prospective seller and to facilitate easy
evaluation of the responses.
What type of documents is your

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

team creating for this purpose?

Bid documents

Business documents

Source selection criteria

Procurement strategy

The question suggests that the project management process of Plan Procurement Management is being
conducted. One
output of the Plan Procurement Management process is bid documents. Bid documents
are all documents used to solicit
information, quotations, or proposals from prospective sellers. Bid
documents would include the request for information
(RFI), request for quotation (RFQ), and request for
proposal (RFP). These documents are structured to facilitate an
accurate and complete response from
each prospective seller and to facilitate the easy evaluation of the responses. The
project team is
creating bid documents in the situation described by the question.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition,
Page(s) 477, 699

Question: 138

You are a project manager in a construction project. You want to

ensure that critical earth moving equipment such as excavators,
loaders, backhoes, and bulldozers are available as planned. The
project manager needs to review a project document,
describes the expected utilization of that equipment along with
details such as type, amount, and location.
What project

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

document does the project manager need?

Physical resource assignments

Resource assignment register

Project schedule

Issue log

The question implies that the project manager is conducting the Control Resources process. One of the
documents that serves as an input to the Control Resources process is the physical resource
assignments. The physical
resource assignments describe the expected resource utilization along with
details such as type, amount, location, and
whether the resource is internal to the organization or
outsourced.The project schedule shows the resources that are needed, when they are needed, and the
location where they are needed. The project schedule does not describe the expected resource utilization
along with details
such as type, amount, location.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 354

Question: 139

You are the project manager of a project that is already in the

executing phase. unidentified stakeholder informs the project
manager that there is a significant risk to the project. As a project
manager, what should you do next?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Add the risk to the risk register, evaluate the risk, and add the stakeholder to the stakeholder

Developing contingency plan and Introduce the stakeholder to the project sponsor

Do nothing; stakeholders that are not in the stakeholder register

Update the stakeholder engagement plan

A new stakeholder has been identified, and a new 'significant' risk has been brought to the attention of
the project manager. What is the 'first' thing the project manager should do? Of the answer choices
provided, adding the new risk to the risk register should be the 'first' thing the project manager does.
Once the risk is recorded, the subsequent steps of risk analysis and risk response planning should take
priority in order to determine the most appropriate actions to address this potential threat. After the threat
to the project has been addressed the project manager can add the stakeholder to the stakeholder
register and continue the steps of the Identify Stakeholder process such as stakeholder analysis.
(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 96

Question: 140

The change control board (CCB) is evaluating a recently

submitted change request. The project sponsor wants to deny
request. Another stakeholder is in favor of deferring the request
until a later date. The project manager and other
stakeholders feel
it is best to approve the request. The project manager is unsure
how to proceed since there is
disagreement among the
What should the project manager do?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Consult the project management plan

Approve the request as the project manager has authority to decide for the group

Approve the request as the project sponsor has the final say

Defer the request until all of the stakeholders are in agreement

The description provided by the question indicates that the Perform Integrated Change Control process is
underway. One
of the tools and techniques associated with the Perform Integrated Change Control
process is decision making.
Decision-making techniques include voting which can take the form of
unanimity, majority, or plurality to decide whether
to accept, defer, or reject a change request. The project
management plan establishes the criteria for which change
requests are approved, rejected, or deferred.
Therefore, the project manager should consult the project management
plan in order to determine the
approved decision-making technique in this scenario.
Note, that the change management plan is the
specific component of the project management plan that establishes the
change control board and
documents the extent of its authority. However, the change management plan was not listed as
answer choice. Since the change management plan is a subsidiary of the project management plan,
consulting the
project management plan is the best response.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s)
113, 115, 119

Question: 141

During the development of the stakeholder engagement plan, the

project manager realizes that a key stakeholder is resistant to the
project. Without the support of this stakeholder, the project may
fail. What is the best course of action for the project manager to
identify the reason for the stakeholder being resistant?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Utilize why-why diagram

Use the mind mapping technique

Update the stakeholder register

Escalate to the project sponsor

The question states that the stakeholder engagement plan is being created, which suggests that the Plan
Engagement process is being performed. Root cause analysis, which typically utilizes
Ishikawa diagrams, is a data
analysis technique that is commonly used during the Plan Stakeholder
Engagement process to identify underlying
reasons for the level of support of project stakeholders in
order to select the appropriate strategy to improve their level of
engagement. Among the available
choices, only an Ishikawa diagram can provide insight into the reason for the
stakeholder's resistance to
the project and is, therefore, the best answer to the question asked.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition,
Page(s) 521

Question: 142

A project manager is currently in the process of determining,

documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and
requirements. Due to the sensitive nature of the project, there is a
concern that some stakeholders will not provide candid feedback
unless confidentiality is maintained. What is the project
manager's best course of action?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Conduct interviews to elicit information from stakeholders by talking to them directly

Use brainstorming to generate and collect multiple ideas related to project requirements

Hold a focus group to learn about stakeholder expectations and attitudes about the project

Use multicriteria decision analysis to provide a systematic analytical approach for

establishing criteria

The question suggests that the project manager is performing the Collect Requirements process, which
is the process of
determining, documenting, and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet
project objectives. In support of
this process, the project manager will need to employ data gathering
techniques to elicit feedback from the stakeholders
to determine their needs and requirements. The
question suggests that the project manager needs to use a data
gathering technique where the
responses will remain confidential. An interview is a formal or informal approach to elicit
information from
stakeholders by talking to them directly. Of the available choices, conducting interviews is the best tool
for the project manager to use to obtain confidential information.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s)

Question: 143

At the midway of the project, one of the key project team

members is injured in a car accident. The team member will not
be available for the rest of the project. What should the project
manager do?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Review the change management plan and submit a change request

Do nothing. It is an issue that occurred and should be accepted.

Ask the rest of the team members to work extra hours

Update the project management plan

The project is in its executing phase. Loss of the key project team member during the project execution
would negatively
affect the project performance, typically leading to the schedule to be extended or the
budget to be exceeded. Ideally, the
project manager would want to immediately acquire another team
member with the same level of skills and experience
as the one that became unavailable. However, this
option is not given as an answer choice. Therefore, the only viable
alternative among the choices given is
to submit a change request to update the project management plan, specifically
the Resource
Management Plan and other project documents such as roles description and project staff assignments,
reflect the changes in the staffing and propose a potential solution.The change management plan is a
subsidiary plan of the project management plan. It provides direction to manage the
change control
process and documents the roles and responsibilities of the change control board (CCB) if one is used on
the project.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 350

Question: 144

You are managing a multiphase project. The first phase of your

project was completed successfully. However, during the
execution of the second phase, you receive
questions about the
phase objectives, and there seems to be confusion surrounding
stakeholder roles and
responsibilities. What should have been
done to prevent this situation?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Conducting a kick-off meeting at the start of each phase

Carrying out a team-building exercise with the project stakeholders

Conducting the project in a single phase

Assigning a different project manager for each phase of the project

The purpose of a kick-off meeting is to communicate the objectives of the project, gain the commitment of
the team for
the project, and explain the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. Multiphase
projects will typically include a kickoff
meeting at the beginning of each phase. Had the project manager
conducted a kick-off meeting at the start of the
second phase, the phase objectives would have been
made clear to the stakeholders, and the confusion about
stakeholder roles and responsibilities could
have been reduced or avoided.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition Page(s) 86

Question: 145

Which of the following processes is least likely to be performed

as a result of the approved change requests?

Perform Integrated Change Control

Control Procurements

Control Quality

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Direct and Manage Project Work

Approved change requests are an output of the Perform Integrated Change Control process. Once the
change request
has been approved, the Perform Integrated Change Control process is complete, and
there is nothing more that needs to
be done in this process pertaining to the approved change request.
The approved change requests are then
implemented through the Direct and Manage Project Work
process. In the case of a defect repair, once the repair has
been completed, the Control Quality process
is performed to verify the repair has been correctly done. In case of the
modifications to the terms and
conditions of the contract, the change request is implemented as part of the Control
process. Therefore, of the available choices, the Perform Integrated Change Control process is the least
likely to be conducted at this point in the scenario.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 113, 496, 92-
93, 301

Question: 146

As a project manager, after finalizing the process of aggregating

the estimated costs of individual activities or work packages to
establish an authorized cost baseline. Which of the following
requires approval if it were to become a part of the cost baseline?

Management reserves

Contingency reserves

cost baseline

Individual activity costs

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The key to interpreting and correctly answering this question is to notice that the question asks, "Which of
the following
requires approval if it were to become a part of the cost baseline?" Initially, the cost baseline
does not contain
management reserves. Management reserves are added to the cost baseline to
produce the overall project budget.
However, the cost baseline does not necessarily remain static; it
changes according to project conditions and approved
changes. If there is a situation that requires the
use of management reserves, the change control process is used to
obtain approval to move the
applicable part of management reserve into the cost baseline.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s)

Question: 147

As a project manager, you need to acquire services from several

different vendors. You are concerned that research alone may not
provide enough information to develop a procurement strategy
without additional input from the potential bidders. What tool or
technique would be most helpful in this situation?


Make-or-buy analysis

Bidder conferences

Market research

The scenario implies you are carrying out the Plan Procurement Management process. Research alone

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

may not provide
specific information to formulate a procurement strategy without additional information
interchange meetings with
potential bidders. By collaborating with potential bidders, the organization
purchasing the material or services may
benefit while the seller can influence a mutually beneficial
approach or product. Meetings can be used to determine the
strategy for managing and monitoring the
procurement. Of the available answer choices, meetings would be the most
helpful tool to gain input from
potential sellers.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 474

Question: 148

As a project manager, you are in the process of the Monitor and

Control Project Work. Your project team created a project status
report and the information contained in the report are very vital to
several stakeholders who rely on the information to take
appropriate action. What should be done next?

Carry out the Manage Communications process to communicate the report

Submit a change request to update the communications management plan before

communicating the report

Distribute the report as part of the Monitor and Control Project Work process

Distribute the report through the Monitor Communication process

Work performance reports are the output of the Monitor and Control Project Work process. These reports
are then
circulated to the project stakeholders through the Manage Communications process as defined
in the communications
management plan. Examples of work performance reports include status reports

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

You are in the process of finalizing all activities for the project,
phase, or contract. As part of this process, you have prepared a
report which provides a summary of the project performance. As
a project manager, what should you do to determine how to
distribute this information to the relevant project stakeholders?

Review the project management plan

Read the project charter

Send the report to all stakeholders

Look in the final project report

The communications management plan describes how, when, and by whom information about the project
will be distributed. However, the communications management plan is not listed as an answer choice.
The communications management plan is a subsidiary of the project management plan. Therefore, of the
available choices,
the project management plan is the best source of information on how the report
should be disseminated.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 127-128, 377

Question: 151

Which of the following choices represents the correct sequence

of actions the project manager should take before project

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

execution starts?

Create the project charter, create stakeholder register, Develop the project management
plan ,Conduct the kick-off meeting

Create the project charter,Perform stakeholder analysis, Conduct the kick-off meeting
,Develop the project management plan

Create the project charter , Define Scope, Collect Requirements ,Create WBS ,Define

Create the project charter, Plan scope management, Collect Requirements, Define Scope
,Create WBS

The sequence 'Create the project charter, create stakeholder register, Develop the project management
plan, Conduct the kick-off meeting ' is the only option with the correct action sequence before project
execution starts.

Question: 152

A recently completed project cost more and took longer than it

should have. A root cause analysis was performed, and it was
determined that the cost of quality exceeded what was optimal.
Apparently, the quality management plan included extensive and
very costly testing to ensure that there were zero escaped defects
in the product. What might have prevented this situation?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Performing a cost-benefit analysis

Involving more stakeholders in the risk identification process

Conduct more tests and inspections

Cause-and-effect diagrams

A cost-benefit analysis can be used to determine the point where investing in additional
prevention/appraisal costs is neither beneficial nor cost-effective. A cost-benefit analysis of each quality
compares the cost of the quality step to the expected benefits. This analysis can help the project
manager determine if
the planned quality activities are cost-effective. Therefore, performing a cost-
benefit analysis could have determined that
doing extensive testing to ensure zero escaped defects in
the product would have caused the project to be over budget
and behind schedule and, therefore, might
have prevented the problem from occurring.(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition,Page(s) 282

Question: 153

You have been assigned as a project manager of a new project.

You want to understand what communication technology and
methods are being used in the project and would like to ensure
that the project continues without disruption from the change in
project leadership. What should you do next?

Refer to the project management plan

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Activity list

Physical resource assignments

Activity attributes extend the description of the activity by identifying multiple components associated with
each activity. Activity attributes Document the number and roles of people needed to complete the work
along with the skill level, such as junior, senior. Activity attributes provide the primary data source for use
in estimating team and physical resources required for each activity on the activity list. Examples of
include resource requirements, imposed dates, activity location, assumptions, and constraints.
(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 322

Question: 155

You are in the process of estimating the number of work periods

needed to complete individual activities with estimated
resources. As a project manager, which of the following
documents/techniques can help you in estimate activity

WBS dictionary

Critical path method

Resource levelling

Communication management plan

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

You are in the process of estimate activity duration and the scope baseline is an important input in this
process. The scope baseline includes the WBS dictionary, which contains
technical details that can
influence the effort and duration estimates. (PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 198

Question: 156

If you are working in a weak matrix organization, which of the

following skills will help you to persuade the functional manager
to provide the required team and physical resources for the



Emotional intelligence


Because project managers often have little or no direct authority over team members in a matrix
environment, their ability to influence stakeholders on a timely basis is critical to project success. Key
influencing skills include Ability to be persuasive. The project manager should effectively negotiate and
influence others who are in a position to provide the required team and physical resources for the project.
(PMBOK Guide) – Sixth Edition, Page(s) 330 , 350

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 157

Assume you are in the control quality process. The cost

regarding defects identified in the Questionnaires and Surveys
may be considered:

External failure costs

Internal failure costs

Appraisal Costs

Prevention Costs

The cost regarding defects identified in the surveys may be considered external failure costs in the COQ
model and can have extensive cost implications for the organization. PMBOK 6th edition. page,303

Question: 158

During the Acquire Resources process, selection criteria are

often used to select physical project resources or the project
team. Using a multicriteria decision analysis tool, criteria are
developed and used to rate or score potential resources. Which
of the following selection criteria can be used to select project

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Update the scope baseline.

issue a change request.

The team member identified the risk then complete the analysis ( a high impact but a low chance of
occurrence) . Since the chance of occurance is low , so the best answer is Accept the risk and plan to
use the contingency reserve. option ( Assess and monitor the risk, and develop a risk response strategy.
) incorrect because the risk already analyzed.

Question: 160

ِAn activity not on the critical path will be delayed by 4 days and it
has a float of 5 days. How many days is the total float?





The total float ( 5-4=1 )

Question: 161 Correct

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A project manager is working on a critical multinational project.
The project is very complex and is planned to be completed in
three years. The project manager is working with several
contractors from countries with unstable economics and the
contractor are afraid they will not be able to guarantee a fixed
price for their services for the life of the project. Which
precautions should the project manager take into consideration?

Register the risk and establish a procedure in the change management plan to handle those

Notify the sponsor about this and risk for a large budget for any contingency.

Inform the procurement manager and risk procurement to handle this with these vendors

Set a maximum price that cannot be exceeded for the extent of the project.

Keyword ( afraid - precautions ) The project manager should Register the risk and establish a procedure
in the change management plan to handle those changes.

Question: 162 Correct

Thinking back to lessons that your company learned from

experiences with its legacy information systems during the Y2K

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

dilemma, you finally convinced management to consider
Software as a Service. You worked with your sponsor as you
prepared your business case, and it was approved. Now you are
working to develop your project charter. Which of the following
will you refer to know about the key deliverables?

Statement of work

Business case

Requirements documentation

Work performance data

Very important questions for PMP real exam. Statement of Work ( SOW ) is the correct answer

Question: 163

Assume you are holding performance review meetings on your

project. Two team members were arguing and fighting with each
other about how to do an activity on the project, so as a response
for that, the project manager decided to postpone the discussion
with them until the meeting ends. What conflict resolution
technique did the Project manager use in this situation?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A





The Keyword ( postpone ) in this situation, the project manager decided to postpone the discussion with
the team members until the meeting ends. its an example of Withdrawal. Very important question for
PMP real exam

Question: 164

As a project manager, which of the following processes is

responsible for verifying that the project deliverables are ready
for inspection and acceptance by the customer?

Control Quality

Manage Quality

Control Procurements

Direct and Manage Project Work

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

A goal of the Control Quality process is to determine the correctness of deliverables. The results of
performing the Control Quality process are verified deliverables that become an input to the Validate
Scope process for formalized acceptance. PMBOK 6th edition, page, 305

Question: 165

Company A hires a project manager for company B’s new project.

What document dose the project manager need from company B
to develop the project charter?

Statement of work (SOW).

Scope statement.

Work breakdown structure (WBS).

Project management plan.

SOW as part of agreement and important Input to Develop project Charter. SOW Describes Product,
service ,result ,and key delivrables.

Question: 166 Correct

You are a project manager in the XYZ project for your

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

organization. Due to the lateness of workers' payments, the
workers made a strike, causing delays in an important
component delivery. What should you do next?

Implement the response plan

Update the Schedule baseline

Update the Risk management plan

Update the change log

A very important question for PMP REAL EXAM. The project manager should Implement the response
plan due to a strike by the team members that causing delays in an important component delivery.

Question: 167

Advances in technology create an organizational need to improve

a product line’s specifications to stay ahead of competitors.
However, the budget for this financial year is already under
significant strain, leaving very little funding available for new
What should the project manager do?

Perform a cost-benefit analysis of the business case to illustrate the benefits of

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

implementing the project

Wait for the new financial year to make any changes in product advancements

Calculate the ROI to decide if it makes sense to proceed with the project

Calculate the expected monetary value (EMV), to make necessary recommendations to the

Perform a cost-benefit analysis of the business case to illustrate the benefits of implementing the project

Question: 168

As part of earned value management (EVM), The budget at

completion (BAC) for the project is $10,000, the estimate at
completion (EAC) is $ 12,000, and SPI = 1.05. How is the project

The project is ahead schedule and over budget

The project is ahead of schedule and under budget

The project is behind schedule and under budget

The project is behind schedule and over budget

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

manager is creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) so that
the work can be correctly assigned to each labor team. What will
assist the project manager in the successful creation of the

Requirements documentation.

Detailed Gantt chart.

Firm pricing from stakeholders.

Detailed activity list.

PMBOK 6th edition Page, 157 ..... The project manager is creating a work breakdown structure (WBS)
and one of the project documents that can be considered as inputs for this process is Requirements
documentation. Detailed requirements describe how individual requirements meet the business need for
the project. option ( Detailed activity list. ) is not correct because this is output from define activity process
on schedule management and we are currently in scope management .

Question: 171

The Roles and responsibilities of the project manager are

included in :

Project charter

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

RACI Chart

The Stakeholder engagement plan

Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

The Project charter includes the Assigned project manager, responsibility, and authority level. PMBOK
6th Page, 81

Question: 172

in your project, SPI is 0.8 , CPI 1.2 . You analyzed the baseline
and decided to return the schedule back to meet the customer
plan. You will:

Hire more resources

Check tasks which can be removed from baseline

Update schedule baseline

Check with your sponsor

SPI=0.8 so the project is behind schedule. CPI 1.2 so the project is under budget, so you can hire more
resources ( crashing ) to meet the customer plan.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 173

A project consists of 5 activities, A, B, C, D and E. B & E can't

start until A has finished, E can't start until B has finished, C can't
start until B has finished. D can't start until C and E have finished.
The duration of A is 5, B is 8, C is 15, D is 19 and E is 15. What is
the critical path?

A-B-C-D & A-B-E-D

A-B-C-D & A-E-D

A-B-E-D & A-E-D

A-E-D & B-E-D

There are 3 paths in this network diagram are as follows A-B-C-D & A-B-E-D & A-E-D. Since paths A-B-
C-D & A-B-E-D are the longest paths with zero float for all of the activities, it represents the critical path.

Question: 174

For a project, PV=$20, AC=$30, and only 80% of the work has
been completed. What is The earned value ( EV)?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A





EV= The planned value of all the work completed (earned) to a point in time, usually the data date,
without reference to actual costs.
EV = Sum of the planned value of completed work = 0.8*20=16

Question: 175

The Budget at Completion (BAC) for a project is $200.

To a point
in time: The Planned Value (PV) is $20.
The Actual Costs (AC) is
and 80% of the planned work has been completed to date.
What is the Estimate at Completion (EAC) for the project?




EXAM 4-200 Q&A


EAC=AC+BAC-EV. AC=$ 30, PV=$20 EV= The planned value of all the work completed (earned) to a
point in time, usually the data date, without reference to actual costs.
EV = Sum of the planned value of
completed work = 0.8*20=16.
SO EAC=30+200-16=214

Question: 176

The Budget at Completion (BAC) for a project is $200. To date,

The Planned Value (PV) is $20. The Actual Costs (AC) to date are
$30,and 80% of the planned work has been completed .
. What is
the variance at Completion (VAC) for the project?





VAC=BAC-EAC. BAC=$200, EAC= AC+BAC-EV . AC=$30, PV=20
EV= The planned value of all the
work completed (earned) to a point in time, usually the data date, without reference to actual costs.
EV =
Sum of the planned value of completed work = 0.8*20=16.
SO EAC= 30+200-16=214. SO VAC=200-

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 177

You know the following information: BAC = $200, CPI=0.8 ,and AC

= $160. What is ETC?





ETC=EAC-AC. EAC=BAC/CPI= 200/0.8=250. SO ETC=250-160=90

Question: 178

You are a project manager for your organization and participate

in the development of the project charter. You request some of
the team members to work in your project but the functional
manager refused to allow her employees to spend time on your
project. Which one of the following is likely to be missing from
your project in this instance?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Obtain project charter approval from the sponsor

Perform stakeholder analysis

Obtain project management plan approval from the sponsor

Conduct kick-off meeting to inform and engage stakeholders and gain commitment

Obtain project charter approval from the sponsor, in order to formalize the authority assigned to the
project manager and gain commitment and acceptance for the project. The project charter provides the
project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.PMBOK 6th
Page, 75

Question: 179

You are a project manager in an infrastructure project. After

creating the work breakdown structure (WBS) and due to a tight
project schedule, the sponsor argues that no need for project
documentation. As a project manager, what is the Benefit of
project documentation?

Project documentation used in auditing and for future use

Project documentation used to align project scope

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Identify and quantify any variances and corrective actions

Ensure that work is performed in accordance with required quality standards

Refer to PMP Exam Outline in the Closing Process Group Task 6:Archive project documents and
materials using generally accepted practices in order to comply with statutory requirements, for potential
use in future projects, and audits.

Question: 180

You are in the close project or phase process of the project. You
finalize all activities across all the project management process
groups to formally complete the phase or project. The customer
is very happy about the project deliverables. The project manager
ready to manage a new project. As a project manager, what
should you do before leaving the project?

Archive project documents

Monitor procurement activities according to the procurement plan in order to verify

compliance with project objectives.

Verify that project deliverables conform to the quality standards established in the quality
management plan

Measure project performance to identify and quantify any variances and corrective actions

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The meeting may start by reviewing and confirming the probability and impact scales to be used for
analysis. The meeting may also identify additional risks during the discussion, and these should be
recorded for
analysis. Use of a skilled facilitator will increase the effectiveness of the meeting. The other
options will be next. PMBOK 6th Page, 426

Question: 182

As a project manager, assume you have two activities ( A, B ).

Activity B can' t start until A has finished. Activity A with a limited
budget and only 40 %of the Activity has been completed , and
there is a delay in activity A. What should you do to start Activity
B without any delay?

Issue a change request

Adding more resources to activity A

Escalating the issue to senior management

Outsourcing the activity B

Issue a change request and Adding more resources to activity A are strongly related. If we add more
resource we may need to update cost baseline so need a change request. But the question said activity
A has a limited budget in order not to delay activity B, we should raise change request to update cost
baseline in order to add more resources. Also no need to escalate to senior manager as this should be
the last step. .

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 183

The project manager has obtained a contract to rent an

alternative generator. This is an example of which response?





The correct answer is (Mitigation ) if you rent Alternative equipment, you just make a temporary solution
to reduce the probability of occurrence and/or impact of a threat. Not avoidance because the renting will
not eliminate the risk.

Question: 184 Correct

Mark has recently been assigned as project manager on a

construction project that is currently in the Closing phase, you
discovered that a project charter was never established. As a
project manager, what should you do next?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Discuss the need to have a project charter with the sponsor

Assume that it is too late and continue the closing process without a project charter

Create a project charter and inform project team members about it

Ignore and Continue closing process

The sponsor or initiator of the project is responsible to establish (approve and issue) the charter and can
take the help of the project manager to develop it. The project charter is an important input in the close
project or phase process to document the project success criteria, the approval requirements, and who
will sign off on the project. PMBOK 6th page, 124

Question: 185

Assume you are in the closing phase and deliver the product to
the customer. The project team has a proposal to enhance the
final characteristics of the product. As a project manager, what
should you do next?

Meet the customer and discuss the proposal

Issue a change request

Ignore and continue the closing process

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Immediately start the implementation of new features.

The project manager should be proactive and the first step is to discuss the proposal with the customer
as these features will enhance the final characteristics of the product.

Question: 186

Which of the following Knowledge Areas are an important input in

the plan risk response process?

Cost management and resource management

Scope Management and communication management

Resource management and communication management

Quality management and and change management

the Resource management plan and cost baseline. are inputs in the plan risk response process. The
resource management plan is used to help
determine how resources allocated to agreed-upon risk
responses will be coordinated with other project resources. The cost baseline has information on the
contingency fund that is
allocated to respond to risks.PMBOK 6th edition page 439

Question: 187 Correct

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Which of the following are a tool and technique helps to identify
and qualify risks?

Risk categorization


Decision tree analysis

Probability and impact matrix

Risk categories. Provide a means for grouping individual project risks. A common way to structure risk
is with a risk breakdown structure (RBS), which is a hierarchical representation of potential
sources of risk. An RBS helps the project team consider the full range of sources from which individual
project risks may arise. This can be useful when identifying risks or when categorizing identified risks.
Grouping risks into categories can lead to the development of more effective risk responses by focusing
attention and effort on the areas of highest risk exposure, or by developing generic risk responses to
address groups of related risks.
PMBOK 6th Edition Page ( 405, 425 )

Question: 188

You are a new project manager who has recently assigned in the
executing phase. You found no RAM on the project.
To which
document you refer to know who is responsible for implementing
work package:

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

WBS Dictionary


Resource Calendar

Stakeholder Register

The WBS dictionary is a document that provides detailed deliverable, activity, and scheduling
about each component in the WBS. The WBS dictionary is a document that supports the WBS. Most
the information included in the WBS dictionary is created by other processes and added to this document
at a
later stage. Information in the WBS dictionary may include but is not limited to:
Code of account
Description of work,
Assumptions and constraints,
Responsible organization/ Individual who
responsible for implementing the work package.
Schedule milestones,
Associated schedule activities,
Resources required,
Cost estimates,
Quality requirements,
Acceptance criteria,
Technical references,
Agreement information.
PMBOK 6th Edition, Page 162

Question: 189

You are a project manager for a project in the execution stage.

Your team members have just completed control quality on a set
of project deliverables. Several deliverables failed. As a project
manager, what should you do next?

Perform integrated change control

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Close project or phase

Monitor and control project work

Validate Scope

If changes occur during the Control Quality process that may impact any of the components of the project
management plan or project documents, the project manager should submit a change request. Change
requests are processed for review and disposition through the Perform Integrated Change Control
process. PMBOK 6th edition, Page 306

Question: 190

During project execution, the project director decides to closely

examine the team performance assessment. What will the result
of this method?

Project team development and the improvement of the team skill level

Project team management and the improvement of team interactions

Document and communicate team member roles

Project team acquisition and manage conflict

The evaluation of a team’s effectiveness may include indicators such as:
Improvements in skills that

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

allow individuals to perform assignments more effectively, PMBOK 6th Edition, Page 343

Question: 191

A company plans to revamp its computer system to provide

value-added features for its clients . The project manager needs
to collect requirements from a large number of staff members
located globally and a quick turnaround is required. What should
the project manager do?

Distribute questionnaires and surveys to oversee staff.

Ensure that collecting requirements will meet the time constraints.

Organize on-site workshop with selected clients

Invite all stakeholders to a virtual workshop.

Keyword (a large number of staff members located globally and a quick turnaround is required. )
Questionnaires and surveys are written sets of questions designed to quickly
accumulate information
from a large number of respondents. Questionnaires and/or surveys are most appropriate
with varied
audiences, when a quick turnaround is needed, when respondents are geographically dispersed, and
where statistical analysis could be appropriate. PMBok 6th edition page 143

Question: 192

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

The project vendor you selected to provide materials for your
project has many problems with the quality control department
and he experienced a lot of conflict with them in the previous
time. As a project manager, what should you do next?

Bring the vendor to meet the control quality department and follow the quality procedures

Perform quality audits

Raise the issue to sponsor

Directing the Quality Department to reject all materials related to the vendor

A very important question for PMP real exam. The project manager should be proactive and manage the
conflict between the quality control department and the vendor. so, the project manager should bring the
vendor to meet the control quality department and follow the quality procedures.

Question: 193

During the project closure meeting, one of the stakeholders

expresses that he isn’t satisfied with the project deliverable. As a
project manager, what should you do next?

Review the stakeholder register

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Review resource management plan

Don’t consider him and continue closing the project

Update the project charter

The stakeholder register includes the assessment information. Major requirements, expectations, the
potential for influencing project outcomes, and the
phase of the project life cycle where the stakeholder
has the most influence or impact. PMBOK 6th Edition Page, 514

Question: 194

John is the project manager for a research and development

project. The last few meetings were a disaster since more time
was spent in arguments, less on decisions and, the meeting takes
a long time. What should have done to prevent this situation?

Set a meeting agenda before the meeting

Use Listening techniques

Set a virtual conversation

Invite only team members boss


EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Meetings are a powerful mode of interactive communication and very important. But if the meetings are
not planned and conducted well, it would waste a lot of productive time. The Project manager should Set
a meeting agenda before the meeting.
The following steps should be used for meeting planning:
Prepare and distribute the agenda stating the objectives of the meeting.
** Ensure that the meetings start
and finish at the published time.
** Ensure the appropriate participants are invited and attend.
**Stay on
** Manage expectations, issues, and conflicts during the meeting.
** Record all actions and those
who have been allocated the responsibility
for completing the action. PMBOK 6th Edition Page, 386

Question: 195

You have been assigned as a project manager of a new project to

be executed out of New York. The project is being implemented in
an area with many monsoons. The project team members told
you that this area known by the monsoon and will happen on a
yearly basis and last for 3 months. In which documents could
have been the monsoon considered initially?

Project charter

Risk management plan

Issue log

Risk register

Since the project team is aware of the monsoons will happen on a yearly basis, therefore it should be
recorded in the project charter.

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

Question: 196

One of the stakeholders of a project initiated a change request

and you believe that the request constitutes a minor change to
the project scope, schedule, and budget, and should be approved
without going to the change control board. What should you do

Review the change management plan and follow the established process for processing
change requests.

Meet with the change control board members individually and try to persuade them to
approve the change request.

Approve the change request. As the project manager, you should use expert judgment to
decide what is best for the project.

Update the schedule, scope and Cost baselines

Change requests should be processed according to the change management plan, which defines the
process for
managing changes to the project, including the process for submitting, evaluating and
implementing change requests.PMBOK 6th edition Page, 120

Question: 197

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

One of the stakeholders of a project initiated a change request
and you believe that the request constitutes a minor adjustment
to the work breakdown structure ( WBS ). What should you do

Submit a change request to update the scope baseline

Submit a change request to update the schedule baseline

Adjust the WBS as necessary as the change is minor

Dent the request as it represent scope creep

The WBS is a component of the scope baseline. An approved change request is required ti update any of
the project baselines including their components.

Question: 198 Correct

As of the current schedule delays in your project, you met the

team to identify alternatives to compress the schedule. A change
request to crash a critical activity was approved from CCB. 15
days later, you found the same activity has been delayed. As a
project manager, what should you do next?

EXAM 4-200 Q&A

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