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Water hammer

Design criteria :

H = 50.0 m Pump head

H0 = 17.4 m Static head
L = 4590.0 m Pipeline length
D = 630 mm Pipeline diameter = 0.630 m
t = 37.4 mm Pipe wall thickness = 0.0374 m
Qp = 1740.9 m3/ h Total flow ( pump delivery capacity ) = 0.48359 m3/ sec

Pipe material :

1- water velocity in the pipe :

Qp = V x S

3.14 x D2 3.14 x 0.630 x 0.630

S= --------------------- S= ------------------------------------------- = 0.31172 m2
4 4

Q 0.48359
V= --------- V = ---------------------- = 1.55138 m/s
S 0.31172

2- Wave velocity :

a = -----------------------------------------------------
1 D
rx( Ewater + t x Epipe )

a : Wave velocity ( m / sec )

r = 1000 Kg/m3 Water density

Ewater= 2.05E+09 Pa compression elastisity modulus ( young's modulus ) for water ( pa = n/m2).
Epipe = 2.1E+11 Pa Tension elastisity modulus ( young's modulus ) for pipe material .( pa = n/m2)
g = 9.81 m/sec2 Acceleration of gravity

a = ---------------------------------------------------------------- = 1326.84 m/sec
1 0.630
1000 x ( + )
2.05E+09 0.0374 x 2.1 E+11
3- Period of vibration :
2 x L 2 x 4590.00
T= ------------------ T= -------------------------- = 6.92 sec
a 1326.8

T : Period of vibration

4- Wave propagation :
Stage 1 : Depression wave
Stage 2 : Depression return wave
Stage 3 : High pressure wave
Stage 4 : High pressure return wave

5- Time of closure t:

Refering to the previous paragraph :

At stages 1 and 2 of wave propagation a depression persist at one side of check valve ;
so that the check valve still open at these stages .

This mean : t= T = 6.92 sec

T : Period of vibration
t : Check valve closing time .

But in reality ( t ) will be less than ( T ) because of pump and check valve inertia .

6- Maximum pressure variation :

If ( t ) is less or equal to ( T ) then the maximum pressure is given by the following formula :

a x V 1326.8 x 1.551
Dh = ------------------ Dh = ------------------------- = 209.8 m
g 9.81
7- Steady state head friction loss :

L V2
Dhhfriction =lx ----- x ---------
D 2g

l = 0.022 1/1 Friction coefficient of the pipe

L = 4590 m Pipeline length
D = 630 mm Pipeline diameter = 0.630 m
V = 1.551 m / sec Mean water velocity in the pipe
g = 9.81 m/sec2 Acceleration of gravity

4590 1.551 x1.551

Dhfriction = 0.022 x ------------- x -------------------- = 19.66 m
0.630 2 x 9.81

This pressure is supposed to be added to the static pressure plus the friction head loss :

Hmax = Hstatic + Dh hammer + Dh friction

Hmax = 17.37 + 209.83 + 19.66 = 246.9 m

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