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Tel. No.: (072) 607-2035 ,Website:http://saintbernardcollege.webs.


Program Goals

Within the context of each, students are provided with the opportunity to acquire relevant skills and
The program has three overarching goals:
1. Provides a framework in applying appropriate business models in decision-making situations. 
 Interpret and analyze accounting information for efficiency and continuous performance improvement
 Apply concepts and principles for marketing resources, goods and services
 Understand the basic principles of corporate finance and how capital markets operate
 Understand how and when to use basic statistical analysis
 Will understand (A.S. level)/ analyze (B.S. level) fundamental principles of economics and how they
apply to business decisions
 Identify and analyze business problems and opportunities and formulate recommendations for courses
of action (B.S. level)
 Identify opportunities for new business ventures, and evaluate their potential for success (B.S. level)
2. Covers the knowledge and skills needed to perform effectively within a team environment.
 Lead and/or co-lead collaborative projects using team building skills to accomplish group goals apply
their knowledge of basic components and interactions between hardware and software to create
programs to solve computing problems
 Understand the basic principles of organizational theory and the relationship between employees and
 Understand the principles of setting performance goals, and monitoring, mentoring and motivating
employees (B.S. level)
3. Enhances a command of applying ethical reasoning to business situations
 Demonstrate how business behavior and policies can leave a lasting effect on society, and how some
portions of society may be affected differently
 Develop self-awareness with respect to management style, time management, and sensitivity to
diversity in the workplace
 Recognize the need to respond to ethical and legal concerns relating to human resource and
organizational management (B.S. level)
[Note: The Associate of Science degree level has many goals in common with the Bachelor of
Science degree level. This reflects the fact that students at the Associate’s level complete the same
Year 1 and Year 2 program requirements. Because students at the Bachelor’s level then complete
additional requirements in the major, they are expected to achieve these goals at a higher
developmental level.]

Program Requirements
The Associate of Science requires the completion of at least 60 semester credits, including general
education courses and all courses listed for the course requirements in the major.
 Complete a minimum of 60 approved credits
 Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 in all coursework attempted at UoPeople
 Earn an overall grade point average of at least 2.00 in all courses taken in the major area of study
 Complete all requirements for the Associate’s Degree in no more than 25 terms of active enrollment
excluding any periods of separation from the University
 Complete the 5 required proctored exams
 Read More
University of the People has five terms in its academic year, each ten weeks in length. Students must
complete all requirements for the Associate’s Degree in no more than 25 terms of active enrollment.
Grading Policies and Practices
The University insures that students are issued grades in a timely fashion and that grades are
determined in a manner that is accurate, fair, and consistently applied in accord with established
standards. At the conclusion of each term of study, students may check their grades in their unofficial
academic record in the Student Portal. Since the unofficial academic record is a permanent record of a
student’s academic performance, including course selections, grades, and credits earned toward a
degree, it must be correct at all times. Students who believe an error has been made on their academic
records should be in contact with the Office of Academic Affairs at
Students are encouraged to speak to their Course Instructors if they wish further clarification of their
grades, would like to discuss their assessments, or are considering requesting a grade change.
Students with further complaints regarding alleged unfair or improper grading at UoPeople and who
are unable to reach a resolution with their Course Instructor may request a Grade Appeal form from
the Office of Academic Affairs.

Individual courses are the building blocks of each degree program. Course requirements are
structured to ensure that student study encompasses a broad range of topics and approaches, with an
appropriate balance maintained among the three curricular components that comprise a liberal arts
General Education
Students pursuing an Associate of Science degree must complete the following 9 courses to fulfill the
General Education requirements. To see the full list of general education courses required, please visit
the catalog or the General Education Requirement, course catalog.
Major Courses Required
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Credits
UNIV 1001 Online Education Strategies None 3
MATH 1201 College Algebra (proctored course) None 3
MATH 1280 Introduction to Statistics (proctored None 3
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2 (proctored None 3
BUS 1101 Principles of Business Management None 3
BUS 1102 Basic Accounting BUS 1101 3
BUS 1103 Microeconomics BUS 1101 3
BUS 1104 Macroeconomics BUS 1101 3
BUS 1105 Business Communications None 3
BUS 2201 Principles of Marketing (proctored BUS 1101 3
BUS 2202 E-Commerce (proctored course) BUS 1101 3
BUS 2203 Principles of Finance 1 BUS 1102 3
BUS 2204 Personal Finance BUS 1101 3
BUS 2207 Multinational Management BUS 2201 3
General Education Requirements
Course Code Course Name Prerequisites Credits
Humanities None 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences None 3
Natural Science and Technology None 3
Civilization Studies, Culture and Belief None 3
Values and Ethical Reasoning None 3
Electives None 3
Regarding the General Education Requirements, each of the sections can be fulfilled by any course
that is closely related to the discipline. While the 3 credits required for the Elective section can be
fulfilled by summing courses from any discipline.
Students pursuing an associate of Science degree may choose additional elective courses beyond
those specified in the General Education requirements, and/or select introductory courses in other
majors and/or take additional courses in a student’s major that may not be required for the degree.

An Associate Degree in Business Administration can open doors to hundreds of new career
opportunities.  Business Administration majors go on to work in corporations, non-profit
organizations and as entrepreneurs – setting up and running their own businesses. 
This course of study will strengthen your organizational and analytical skills and will give you the
tools to navigate today's complex and changing business world. Studying accounting, marketing,
management and economics will qualify you for entry-level business administration and management
roles, and may lead to positions in sales, marketing departments, accounts payable/receivable,
supervisory positions in retail and food service, supply chain and logistics management, human
resources, operations management, administrative services and many more.
For those who are already in management positions or running their own businesses, getting your
Associate Degree will give you a new set of tools to manage and grow your business practice.
Earning an Associate Degree will do more than just help you land the career you want. According to
the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, professionals with an Associate Degree earn an average of
20% more per week than employees with only a high school diploma. 
So what are you waiting for? Jumpstart your career today with a degree in Business Administration
and move closer to achieving your goals.

Course Components

1. Organizational Behaviour
Course Description: This section will teach students about various forms of business operations,
management communications, and the ethics of the business world.
2. Marketing Management & Digital Marketing
Course Description: Students are introduced to marketing and learn the various methods and
software used in the marketing world. They will learn how to effectively market for a brand or
business, and the types of strategies effective for various business niches and objectives.
3. Economics
Course Description: This section will teach students various business economics and economic
strategies to maximize organizational profitability and growth.
4. Business Management
Course Description: This is a mandatory management project students prepare together.
5. Human Resources Management
Course Description: Students are introduced to the world of human resources and strategies to help
manage the HR department of a business.
6. Entrepreneurship
Course Description: Students learn how to start their own business and manage a start-up
7. Business Law
Course Description: This section will teach students about various legal obligations of businesses, as
well as important aspects of the legal system as it pertains to owning and operating a company.
8. Financial Accounting 1
Course Description: This section gives students the financial acumen and basic accounting
knowledge they will use once working in the management field. This course assists students in
understanding a general background of the fundamentals of accounting, as well as understanding
the daily transactions procedures that exist in business.
9. Financial Accounting 2
Course Description: Students develop the ability to prepare and analyze the financial statements of
public corporations. Topics include an overview of corporate financial reporting, transaction analysis,
merchandising and inventory, assets and current liabilities; financial reporting concepts, corporate
taxation and more.
10. Managerial Accounting
Course Description: This module teaches students how to prepare cost reports and manage the
spending of a business. Students develop the ability to collect, analyze, and communicate
quantitative and non-quantitative information to assist management in making more effective
planning and control decisions.
11. Microsoft Office
Course Description: This training will help students to effectively utilize all the features of Microsoft
Office products, and increase productivity. Students become well versed in the Microsoft Word,
Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook applications. This 4-week module helps students sharpen their
computer and Office skills and prepare for the main course modules.
Optional - Practicum
Course Description: Students will gain practical and hands-on experience to apply the knowledge
and skills learned in class to real-world experiences in a professional capacity during this optional 4-
week practicum placement.
Optional - Business Communication
Course Description: This course helps students explore and understand the role of communication in
professional business settings. Attention is given to workplace culture, interpersonal and team
communication, technology, professional presentations, research, meetings, and professional writing
grounded in communication and business theory.
Optional - Resume Writing & Professional Skills
Course Description: Students work with a professional career counsellor to develop and optimize a
professional resume to put forward for employers. Additional support in job searching, interview
techniques, and other career transition skills are offered to ensure students have the best possible
work prospects.

B usiness Administration Diploma Summary

A Business Administration Diploma from ABM College will provide students with the skills and
knowledge required to develop a business or entrepreneurial mindset. Students receive a firm
foundation of business principles, including modern management trends and theories, and then apply
them to real-world situations. Students graduate prepared for a wide variety of jobs in the business

Business Administration Diploma Description

The ABM College Business Administration Diploma Program prepares students in essential business
concepts, analytical tools, and the management techniques required to be successful within a large
assortment of modern business settings.

Through this program, students will learn skills from various business positions such as clerical
duties, management solutions, business communications and much more. The combination of various
skills will provide the students with a firm foundation on the daily operations in a business
environment. This program will help students develop the mindset needed to carry out business
administrative duties efficiently in any office setting.

Our program is designed to provide graduates with a strong foundation of business principles and the
right skills to help get a desirable job after graduation.

Career Opportunities

 Office Manager
 Business Administrator
 Managerial Support
 Private Business Owner
 Business Strategist

About the Course

One Diploma, Two Specialisation, Many Opportunities
The Diploma in Business Management is for you if you are keen to be part of the new generation of
entrepreneurs and business professionals in the digital age.
Be equipped with a diverse range of skills and make a difference in the business world. Pursue a dual
track in fields such as International Business, Marketing & Digital Communications and E-Commerce
& Retail Management, among others. You will learn fundamental business subjects and critical,
specialised skills such as digital marketing, business analytics and design thinking.

 Year 1
Core Modules
 Business Communication Essentials

Business Communication Essentials [60 hours]

Today’s workplace requires graduates who can communicate confidently in a variety of
circumstances. In this module, learners will develop essential 21st century skills on how to present
and write proficiently in various professional settings. This module aims to advance effective business
presentation and writing skills through a mastery of core business message design principles
necessary for fruitful communication in the workplace, adapted for varying communication purposes
to different business audiences. Learners will develop the capability to use and practice audience-
centred persuasive and professional language in presentations and writing including for new and
social media environments. In addition, learners will learn digital information skills to conduct
business research and effective oral communication principles to translate key messages and findings
in business documents into clear presentations.

 Business Software Applications

Business Software Applications [60 hours]

The ability to work with data is an increasingly important skill in the business world today. In this
module, learners will acquire the skills to manage and retrieve data using Microsoft Access. Learners
will also acquire the skills to calculate, report and analyse data using Microsoft Excel.

 Business Statistics

Business Statistics [60 hours]

In today’s business environment, individuals and businesses need to understand and apply data to
make optimal decisions. In this module, learners will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to
transform raw data into useful information and apply the insights obtained to make informed business
decisions. Specifically, the learners will be taught descriptive statistics, regression and correlation
analysis, discrete and continuous probability distributions, statistical estimation and hypothesis

 Business Communication for Innovation

Business Communication for Innovation [60 hours]

In the 21st-century workplace, communicating innovative ideas and concepts require new critical
business communication skills. In this module, learners will master concrete, practical communication
strategies, methods and techniques to become influential communicators. This module aims to
develop advanced business communication skills that drive innovation by framing a communication
plan to target key audiences through persuasive proposals and performative pitches. Learners will also
apply digital storytelling principles to achieve desired communication outcomes for online and in-
person presentations. Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills are also increasingly in
demand across all industries. Therefore, this module will help learners gain a differentiating edge by
honing interpersonal skills and negotiation skills for intercultural communication as well as personal
branding for employment communications.

 Design Thinking for Innovation

Design Thinking for Innovation [45 hours]

In a world that is becoming more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, employers value
graduates who can independently innovate and develop solutions that meet the needs of its users. In
this module, learners will acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively create and refine human-
centric solutions. There will be opportunities to practise and experience the key stages of Design
Thinking, such as problem-identification, need-finding, idea-generation and prototyping, as learners
apply the various tools and testing methods through collaborative learning.

 Financial Management

Financial Management [60 hours]

Financial Management encompasses the planning, execution, controlling and monitoring of resources
and business processes to achieve organisational objectives, particularly the goal of maximising
shareholders’ wealth. This module provides learners with an understanding of the financial statements
of companies, including analysis and interpretation, as well as strategies around Accounts Receivable,
Inventory and Working Capital management. It further utilizes the concepts of time value of money
and risk vis-à-vis returns to make learners aware of its impact on related topics such as capital
budgeting, short- and long-term financing decisions. Lastly, learners will be guided through the
budgeting and performance evaluation phase as well as relevant costing for decision making.  

 Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics [45 hours]

With the world economy changing at dynamic pace, individuals and businesses need to be able to
apply macroeconomic theories to analyse various changing economic issues in an economy. In this
module, the learners will be equipped with concepts and analytical tools to assess the impact of
related factors on a country’s national income, standard of living, employment levels, price levels and
international trade. These factors include changing business cycles, economic policies and trade
relations among trading countries. The learners will also be able to assess the effect on individuals
and businesses from these changing factors.

 Management & Organisational Behaviour

Management & Organisational Behaviour [45 hours]

In today’s volatile and dynamic business environment, one thing that remains relevant and essential is
the fundamental skills of management.  In this module, learners will acquire people management
skills to become effective and efficient managers. This module introduces the essential theories of
management as well as individual, group and organisational behaviour and their applications at the
workplace. Learners will learn topics like the managerial functions of planning, organising, co-
ordinating, leading and controlling.  Learners will also be introduced to areas such as personality,
attitudes and perceptions, decision-making and motivation, team building, organisational structure
and design.

 Microeconomics

Microeconomics [45 hours]

In today’s dynamic business environment, individuals and businesses need to maximise the use of
scarce resources to achieve optimal results. In this module, learners will be equipped with the
knowledge on how individuals and firms make decisions about consumption and production and the
role of government in influencing these decisions. Specifically, the learners will be taught
microeconomic principles and concepts on scarcity, choice and opportunity costs; theories of demand
and supply; production and cost theories and theories on market structures.

 Principles of Financial Accounting

Principles of Financial Accounting [60 hours]

In today’s business environment, employers are looking for graduates who have good understanding
of accounting principles and practices to properly account for business transactions and assess
business’ performances. In this module, learners will be introduced to the accounting concepts and
principles that guide the recording of business transactions and preparation of financial statements.
Learners will also learn how to classify and present various types of assets in the Statement of
Financial Position and understand the internal controls for safeguarding the assets. This will enable
learners to interpret financial statements and have insights into business’ performances. 

 Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing [45 hours]

Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and creative execution. Marketing
practices are continually refined in all industries to build strong brands and achieve profitable
customer relationships. In this module, learners will acquire fundamental marketing concepts and
techniques to develop value-driven market offerings. There will be opportunities to conduct market
research, glean market insights and make the best possible tactical and strategic decisions for brands
based on the company’s business objectives. Students will also design a customer-driven marketing
plan for a product launch by applying the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place and Promotions)

General Studies
To provide you an all-rounded education, NYP offers General Studies Modules (GSMs). So besides
taking modules related directly to your chosen diploma course, you will get exposed to areas beyond
your usual field of study. Through a combination of prescribed and elective inter-disciplinary GSMs,
you will gain interesting, practical knowledge that can be beneficial to you as you prepare for the
world of work and life after graduation.
Year 2
Core Modules
 Business Analytics

Business Analytics [60 hours]

Many organisations generate and own information and data that are usually underutilised for strategic
business planning. This module provides learners with the fundamental concepts of business analytics
to gain business insights through effective analyses and provides competitive solutions for business
decision making. Learners will learn data organisation, spreadsheet development and visualisation
tools for business functions to aid in better business decision making.

 Digital Marketing & Analytics

Digital Marketing & Analytics [ 45 hours]

New digital technologies have fundamentally reshaped marketing practices and brought about
changes in the ways companies engage consumers. In this digital age, businesses are constantly
evolving the way they measure, plan and implement digital marketing campaigns to keep ahead of
competition and capitalise on opportunities online. This module provides students with opportunities
to evaluate the changing digital marketing landscape and build a strong foundation in the core
concepts of digital marketing. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of how to effectively
strategise and implement powerful digital marketing campaigns. They will also glean meaningful
consumer insights through the use of different digital marketing platforms and analytics tools.

 Specialised modules relevant to chosen dual specialisation

Complementary Electives

General Studies
To provide you an all-rounded education, NYP offers General Studies Modules (GSMs). So besides
taking modules related directly to your chosen diploma course, you will get exposed to areas beyond
your usual field of study. Through a combination of prescribed and elective inter-disciplinary GSMs,
you will gain interesting, practical knowledge that can be beneficial to you as you prepare for the
world of work and life after graduation.
Year 3
Core Modules
 Business Continuity & Risk Management (IB)

Business Continuity & Risk Management (IB) [45 hours]

Hospitality and tourism properties, by the nature of the service that they provide, must be open,
friendly and easily accessible to guests and the general public which makes them vulnerable to
threats. Safety and security concerns have become critical and learners are taught about the
importance of having business continuity and risk management plans. They will learn how to manage
situations like disease outbreaks, acts of terrorism, fire, natural disasters, and the strategies needed to
prevent and mitigate losses.  The structure and roles of business continuity management teams within
a hospitality setting will also be taught.

 Business Law

Business Law [45 hours]

The success of a business depends on relationships between individuals and companies. Each party to
the business relationship brings to it a set of expectations with respect to what he or she will give and
get. Law is a useful tool for describing and defining these expectations of the parties to the
relationship. It establishes a measure of certainty. In this module, learners will understand how the
Singapore legal system works to resolve disputes in the business environment. Learners will also
learn about the various areas of the law, such as the law of contract, the law of agency, the law of sale
of goods and the law of intellectual property, which are essential in regulating business activities in

 Customer Experience & Relationship Management (ERM, HRM, SCM, EM, IB, MDC)

Customer Experience & Relationship Management (ERM,

HRM, SCM, EM, IB, MDC) [45 Hours]
In today’s business environment, organisations are looking at providing innovative and memorable
customer experiences to create competitive advantage. They need to employ graduates who not only
possess customer-centric mindsets, but also graduates who are familiar and are equipped with the
ability to plan and implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies, both in the
online and offline environment.  In this module, there will be opportunities for the learners to gain
good understanding of the practices of the organisational and strategic aspects of CRM, knowledge
and skills to plan, organise, develop, and implement effective CRM strategies and programmes.
Learners will be exposed to the different social media engagement strategies that will strengthen
customer relationships.  Learners will also gain insights into how to enhance customer interactions
and experience, through the designing of customer journey mapping, which will drive customer

 Entrepreneurship: New Venture Development

Entrepreneurship: New Venture Development [75 hours]

In today’s disruptive economy, entrepreneurial qualities become important assets for all individuals -
whether for aspiring entrepreneurs or for corporate employees who desire to be effective and
impactful contributors in the organisation and society at large.   Through this module, learners will
develop entrepreneurial qualities through fostering entrepreneurial attitudes, acquiring innovative and
enterprising (I&E) skills, and harnessing the benefits of collaboration practices and effective
communication. Conducted in a facilitation and consultative format, the module will deepen the
learners’ application of concepts such as innovative approach to problem solving, critical and
inventive thinking, pivot from failures by using methodologies such as Design Thinking and the Lean
Business Model Canvas.  By working in project teams, learners will also benefit from collaborative
learning and improve their information literacy and communications skills.

 Human Resource Management & Practices (CRSM, EM, IB, ERM, SCM)

Human Resource Management & Practices (CRSM, EM, IB,

ERM, SCM) [45 hours]
Human Resource Management plays a strategic role in the overall company direction and the
accomplishment of its goals and objectives. In this module, learners will be introduced the various
aspects of Human Resource practices such as recruitment, selection and placement, orientation,
human resource planning, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits administration, human
resource development and employee relations and trends in human resource management.

 International Business (CRSM, ERM, HRM, SCM, EM, MDC)

International Business (CRSM, ERM, HRM, SCM, EM, MDC)

[45 hours]
This module provides learners with a good understanding of the dynamic global business
environment, major trade and investment trends, and the organisations’ perspectives, as well as
management’s decision-making approach to doing international business. It centers on providing
students with the means to answer the fundamental questions of ‘Why venture abroad?’, ‘Where to
venture to?’, ‘Which industry/sector to venture into?’ and ‘How to enter the overseas markets?’.
learners will understand the macro and micro aspects of international business, from the analysis of a
country's environment, to industry analysis, timing of entry and mode of entry.

 Internship Programme

Internship Programme [12 or 24 weeks]

This is a 12-week internship attachment to a business, public or governmental organisation, either
locally or overseas. The attachment provides learners with real-life working experiences and develops
in them the right work attitude, a practice-oriented or hands-on mindset and the ability to work with
people in an organisation. The learners’ performance during their attachment is graded. Participating
organisations will provide a detailed training programme, which may include project assignments
and/or rotational on-the-job training. 

This is an internship attachment of up to six months (either locally or overseas) for selected learners.
The attachment develops a good work attitude and a practice-oriented mindset in learners, and gives
them real-life work experience in an actual working environment related to their field of study. In
addition, by applying what they have learnt in their studies to their internship at the host companies,
the learners’ learning process will be enhanced. Participating organisations are expected to provide a
detailed training programme, which may include project assignments and rotational on-the-job
training. The Internship Programme is a graded module. 

General Studies

Learners are to complete 30 hours of General Studies Modules in Year 3

 Teaching Enterprise Project

Teaching Enterprise Project [12 weeks]

This is a practical module where learners get to apply business concepts and theories in real business
situations. Learners are attached to in-campus business centres for 12 weeks where they are mentored
and guided by supervisors and lecturers with relevant industry experience. In these business centres,
they will serve real customers, undertake commissioned projects, manage multiple projects and run
business operations. Learners will also learn to work within diverse group settings, lead project teams,
cultivate entrepreneurial and enterprising mindsets and further deepen their repertoire of 21st century
skills. The in-campus business centres include retail outlets, customer experience analytic centre and
fitness centre, among others.

Complementary Electives
 General Studies


Customer Relationship & Service Management

Gain knowledge and skills to plan, organise and implement effective CRM programmes that will
help businesses deliver good service. You will also be trained to design and manage customer
experiences by applying insights from customer psychology and analyses of customers’ buying
behaviours and preferences.


E-Commerce & Retail Management

Get a good balance of core business and specialised retail modules, which address various e-
commerce and retail management issues and scenarios. Learn technical concepts and technology
applications for career options in retail buying, branding and marketing, as well as emerging areas
such as in omnichannel retail business and e-commerce.


Event Management

Develop a firm foundation in event management — from the conceptualisation of an event concept,
to project management and post-event services. This will enable you to innovate event concepts,
deliver effective presentations and successfully close event deals.


Human Resource Management

Gain insights and hone your abilities in human resource functions such as recruitment,
compensation and benefits, training and development and performance management.


International Business

Develop a good understanding of global affairs and knowledge in international business and trade.
You will also get plenty of networking opportunities and exposure in emerging markets through
study trips, overseas attachments and immersion programmes.


Marketing & Digital Communications

Learn how you can harness your creativity to develop integrated digital marketing and
communication campaigns that will benefit multinational corporations, SMEs as well as
organisations in the public sector.


Supply Chain Management

Learn to efficiently and effectively provide supply chain services to global consumers and
businesses. This includes planning, implementing and controlling the operations of the supply chain
to meet the needs of businesses and help them achieve cost-effective and superior customer service.


To find out more about DBM specialisation options and selection process, join us for the EAE
Seminar and Open House. 

Career Prospects

Look forward to exciting and rewarding careers as:

Customer Relationship & Service Management (CRSM)
 Business Development Executive
 Customer Care Specialist
 Customer Experience Officer
Event Management (EM)
 Event Executive
 Event Planner
 Project Manager
Human Resource Management (HRM)
 HR Executive
 Talent Attraction Executive
 Talent Management Executive
International Business (IB)
 Business Development Executive
 Channel Management Executive
 International Trade Operations Executive
E-Commerce & Retail Management (ERM)
 Assistant Buyer
 E-commerce Executive
 Retail Executive
 Visual Merchandiser
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
 Freight Executive
 Inventory Planner
 Supply Chain Specialist
Marketing & Digital Communications (MDC) *new
 Brand Management Executive
 Digital Marketing Executive
 Marketing Communications Executive
 Public Relations/ Corporate Communications Executive

Further Studies

Our Diploma in Business Management opens doors for you to further your education at reputable
local and overseas universities. Many of our graduates have also received advanced standing for
admission to degree programmes at well-known universities.

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