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Today almost 12 million of Filipinos derive their livelihood from agriculture

2. The number of landless agricultural Filipino families rose up from 5 million to 11 million, out of which
4.6 make a living on land they do not own
3. CARP was enacted on 1988 by the 8th Congress (President Aquino) to promote social justice and
industrialisation and alleviate poverty
4. CARP law was for farmers and landless workers who cultivate the land
5. The two departments responsible for the implementation are DAR and DENR
6. The program provides for: 1. Land distribution, 2. Support services and security
7. 898K farmers and workers were become recipients of land titles and support services during the
Aquino Administration, but despite this it only accomplished 22.5% of land distribution in 6 years,
because Aquino assigned 4 different DAR secretaries.
8. The major setback for CARP was Aquino’s Hacienda luisita’s Stock Distribution Option


1. CARP law (R.A. 6657) - redistribution of private and public agricultural lands to farmers regardless of
any tenurial agreements
2. It was signed into law by President Aquino (8th Congress) on June 10, 1988
3. R.A. No. 8532 which allocates budget for the program and extends the automatic appropriation of
recovered ill-gotten wealth until 2008.
4. Act 9700 CARP extension with reforms was enacted on August 7, 2009 by President Arroyo which
extends the implementation of CARP for another 5 years. It sets to be accomplished on June 30, 2014.
5. The lead implementing agencies are DAR and DENR. DAR is responsible for the land tenure
improvement (principal aspect of the program), program beneficiary development, and agrarian justice
1. Land Tenure Improvement - most integral aspect of the program; secures the tenurial state of the
farmers and farm workers; This component is implement by the DAR through land acquisition and
distribution or non-land transfer schemes - this involves the redistribution of private and public
agricultural land to landless farmers and farm workers.
1. Land acquisition (Sec 11 of R.A. 9700) - the DAR identifies lands that are eligible for
distribution under the CARP in accordance with the law; DAR acquires it by giving a notice with the
corresponding value (offer) to the landowner who accepts it.
2. Under sec 26 of R.A. 6657 as amended, the DAR distributes these lands to beneficiaries who pays
the same to the landbank of the Philippines or directly to the owner.
6. Under CARP, 10.3 million hectares of land was programmed to be redistributed for 10 years; From
1987 to 1992, the DAR has able to redistribute a total of 1.77 million hectares while DENR has able to
distribute a total of 1.88 million hectares
7. Leasehold operation was the alternative non-land transfer scheme that covers all tenanted agricultural
lands in retained areas and in yet to be acquired or distributed lands.
1. Under this component, the DAR mediates between the landowner and the tenants, so that their share
tenancy arrangement will be turned into a leasehold agreement where the beneficiaries will pay a fixed
fee based on their own historical production records, instead of paying a large percentage share of their
produce to the landowners.
8. Program Beneficiary Development

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