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Nafisa Chowdhury (1931663630)

The causes & impacts of drug addiction among street children in Dhaka city.

Non-industrial nation, Bangladesh plagues with 1,000 of issues. However the youngsters are for the
most part dependent on drug, yet it is extremely disturbing that recently the kids (for example road
kids) are additionally resolving to medicate. The road kids are mostly dependent on drugs because of
different reasons.On the off chance that this issue can't be eliminated, our general public will be
dropped to the edge of annihilation.

Most of the road kids in Dhaka city don't have the essential assets to keep up with solid lives. For
instance, they come up short on the monetary help to purchase respectable garments and food,
which is vital for their turn of events. Because of the expense of administrations, the greater part of
them can't go to class. School is free, yet notwithstanding that, numerous youngsters can't bear the
cost of regalia, shoes, and books. They additionally live in places that are undependable for them, for
instance, they rest at the bus stop, market, or in the city. During the stormy season and in winter,
they rest at train stations and dispatch terminals. They frequently change dozing places due to
sneaking risk and provocation around evening time watches or police. They likewise have no
admittance to sterilization and cleanliness offices, like latrines and a stock of spotless, safe water.
Henceforth, making them more inclined to medical conditions because of helpless cleanliness.

Mainly,There is nobody looking after the road kids and dealing with them, so it is simple for them to
become dependent on drugs. Social holding is a main consideration in associating among road kids.
Kids have a type of parental oversight when they are nearly nothing, anyway the management
vanishes when they become young people. They likewise need more offices to engage, play, and
invest energy with their folks. Subsequently, they bit by bit became dependent on drugs. Just few
road youngsters can invest energy with their folks among them no doubt invest time with guardians
not exactly an hour daily. Few road kids get an opportunity to play. Numerous road kids go out with
companions. In this way, once in a while terrible companions can likewise cause chronic drug use in
these kids.

So,The circumstance is somewhat unique for road young ladies. Be that as it may, they likewise use
drugs.the reasons for drug use by road young ladies are inappropriate behavior, family
obliviousness, disdain for society among others .Chronic drug use straightforwardly influences the
physical and socio-conduct issues of kids and influences the monetary and social parts of society in
the nation overall. The distinction from Bangladesh from other agricultural countries is that stick
sniffing has as of late been presented in Bangladesh. Subsequently, it is vital at this stage to research
and discover the circumstances and logical results of "Dandy" substance maltreatment among road
children to forestall further harm. Those are enormous numbers. The results of their substance
addiction will have ramifications for the entire nation if no means are taken.

In Bangladesh, the circumstance of road youngsters is risky and dubious. There is a lot of proof that
road youngsters live in outrageous neediness and their numbers are expanding. Notwithstanding, on
a positive note, these youngsters are prepared to start their examinations on the off chance that
they get the chance. Consequently, the public authority and the mindful specialists should step up as
quickly as time permits to save them from chronic drug use. Thusly, the kids can get schooling and
preparing dependent on their psychological capacity and wish.will assist them with fostering their
self-reliance and to re-incorporate into society with acknowledgment of their privileges as people.

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