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{{{​G​uide To Establishing Passive Income​}}} 

Welcome! I'm glad you got this E-Book. What I will be doing in this pdf file that you 
somehow stumbled upon, is teach you how you can create something called PASSIVE 
INCOME. This is the effect in which you create a steady stream of money to your bank 
account without really doing anything or little to no work! And before you ask, YES this 
is possible and easy to do at home, with just the following materials that I believe 
everyone has easy access to theoretically: 


Now let's get started on what you actually have to do. We will be working 
with URL Shortener websites. If you don't know what that is, to sum it up, 
is a website that you can sign up for free, and monetize your website links. 
What this does, is allow for advertisements to take place before viewing a 
website. Once that action is complete, you get paid in return a small 
portion of money for each click on your monetized link. And now you were 
wondering, probably, well how much does this exactly pay you?? Well, for 
each click you get paid a fraction of a penny. But what we are going to do 
in this method, is maximize our links to get the most amount of views 
possible, thus meaning more $$$. This is not a spam tutorial were we tell 
you to go to a bunch of forums and drop your link and ​H​ope someone clicks 
on me, but I'll get to that.  
The website that i will be sampling for example is S​H​ORTE ST. Visit this link 
and sign up for an account:

STEP 2:  
Now, what you will want to do is just find 3 random sites you would like to 
shorten. It won't matter which one, however it must be appropriate to 
view and you will see why later on. But for now, select 3 and what you will 
do is shorten those links and save them somewhere where you can copy 
and paste it later on. 

STEP 3: 
Visit this page and sign up for an account as well. After you sign up, visit 
the menu that says “applications” and download the one titled “App v5 - 
Console - Windows x64 (Beta - 5044)” or the application with the black text 
and a bot running. 

STEP 4: 
Also visit this page and sign up for an account, download the application 
needed for the website just as the previous one, and after that you will be 
set and ready to start earnin! 
STEP 5:  
Start up both of the bots you just downloaded to your pc. What you will do 
with this now, is these bots are going to be basically earnin you these 
things called “hits”. A hit is just another word for a click for your website. 
By earning these clicks, you will be spending them on your monetized links 
so that way you can get paid for it. And the best part of it all, is that all this 
is completely free! 

STEP 6: 
Copy and paste your 3 monetized links that you generated, to your ​H​itLeap 
and Otoits account so that way, once you assign the points to your link, 
people will automatically visit your website. Now, here comes the best 
part. Just leave your computer idle or runnin with the bot running, and 
you will be generating as many clicks as you want. Just keep adding em to 
your account and start to earn a passive income. If you monetize these 
links effectively, and even spend a little money to increase your clicks, you 
could make good amounts of profit for absolutely 0 effort! 


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