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Stationary and Dynamic Reference Frame

Comparison Based Microgrid Application


Mechatronics Laboratory (LMETR), Optics and Precision Mechanics Institute,
Ferhat Abbas University Sétif 1
19000 Setif, Algeria
{ilyas.bennia, a.harrag, yacine.daili}

Abstract— Control systems for voltage sources inverters (VSIs) Hierarchical control of MG was introduced in [2] to deal with
in distributed generators systems (DGs) and microgrids (MGs) control challenges of MG and to enrich smartness and
can be divided into two categories refers to their tasks, inner flexibility to MGs, the hierarchical control consist of three
loops (level zero) which allows local voltage and current control layers. The primary layer includes droop control method and
and outer control loops (primary control) for ensuring power- virtual impedance loop, this latter is responsible for providing
sharing control, inner loops are structured using voltage and
the voltage reference for inner loops which are often
current controllers tied to pulse-width-modulator (PWM) block.
The inner loops provide the voltage reference for the PWM stage, considered as level zero, inner loops are responsible for
Moreover, inner loops are crucial for an excellent performance of voltage and current regulating by a cascade of controllers, the
DGs and MG. The implementation of inner loops can be achieved secondary layer allows the compensation of the deviations
by employing PI controllers in the dq dynamic reference frame produced by the primary control and the tertiary layer carry
or stationary αβ reference frame using PRES controllers. This out the economic side by managing the power flow among the
paper presents a comprehensive comparison for voltage and MG and electrical distribution system[3].
current controllers implementation in both stationary and The inner loops are responsible for voltage and current
dynamic reference frame for a microgrid (MG) application. regulating by a direct interaction with the VSIs which are the
Diagrams of implementations are reviewed and analyzed, the
block stones and the significant components of a microgrid,
simulation results are presented to exhibit the performance of
each topology. inner loops consist of a cascaded control structure using a
voltage and current controllers followed by a PWM block.
A. Keywords—microgrid; inner loops; voltage controller; current Here, the control loops regulate inverter state variables by
controller ; stationary reference; dynamic reference. computing an output voltage reference, which is the
modulated signal by the PWM technic[4].
I. INTRODUCTION Inner loops can be implemented in a dq reference frame as
described in [5] [6]. using a conventional PI controller for a
Conventional power resources, such as gas, coal, and diesel, microgrid application, although it can be implemented in αβ
are the main energy sources of electrical energy produced by stationary reference frame as studied in [6] [7][8] using PRES
traditional power generators worldwide. However, the high resonant controller which is adopted in many literatures.
electricity demand leads to the augmentation in consumption This paper is organized as follow. Primary control is
of reserves of non-renewable resources, and generation of illustrated in section two, Inner loops were reviewed in section
electrical energy from non-renewable resources conducted to three for either stationary and dynamic reference frame with a
environmental pollution. Therefore, the development of a comprehensive comparison to each other, simulation results
distributed generation (DG) system using renewable resources exhibit in section four and the paper is concluded by section
such as solar and wind energy to produce electricity is five.
necessary [1].
These renewable resources face many issues to be integrated II. PRIMARY CONTROL
and exploited due to the stochastic behavior of their prime Implemented locally primary control focuses on power-
movers. A microgrid is an optimal solution to integrate and sharing, voltage and frequency regulation in both grid forming
control distributed generators and tied them to the main grid and grid feeding mode [6]. This hierarchical layer sends control
using low-voltage distribution system based on DG units, in intervals of various milliseconds to the VSIs to maintain the
energy storage devices, and load. Additionally, MG can MG stability, communication in this control layer is undesired
operate in stand-alone mode or connected to the classical [9], the primary control is divided in two: inner loops or level
system distribution [2]. Compared with a single DG unit, a zero responsible for adjusting the power converters’ voltage
and current output, and the outer loop is presented by droop
MG has high capacity and control flexibility to achieve power-
method and virtual impedance loop, it is in charge of ensuring
quality requirements [1].
reliable and correct power-sharing. Inner loops have been
widely studied in the literatures however this topic still subject (2)
to research for enhancing the robustness and the flexibility
against uncertainties, improving dynamic response, reducing
unbalances and harmonic mitigation, developing control Where Kpv and Kpi are the proportional gains and Kiv, Kii are
schemes plans capable of working either in grid-connected or the integral gains, and w0 represent the resonant frequency.
islanded modes and providing a smooth transition for MG The PRES controller shows an infinite gain at the resonant
between operations modes, outer loops are represented by the frequency, which is tuned at the MG frequency [13]. As PRES
well-known droop control technique and virtual impedance controller depends on the frequency, it should be carefully
loop, droop control has the ability to regulate the frequency and designed taking in account the frequency response, notice that
the voltage amplitude of the voltage reference depending on a small deviation of the fundamental frequency degrades his
the active and reactive powers, and ensuring P and Q flow performances. In that case, a frequency adaptive PR controller
which is lead for power-sharing among VSIs, virtual is developed in [14], where the idea based on estimating the
impedance loop is added to improve the current sharing by resonant frequency using a PLL. Moreover, a harmonic
fixing and normalizing the output impedance, figure (2) shows compensator is given in [7] by:
the primary control, more details are mentioned in [10].

It can be added in parallel with the PRES, where h denotes the

order of the harmonic to be attenuated. Which minimize the
total harmonic distortion; in this paper harmonic compensators
are not included. Figure (3) shows the block diagram of level
zero implementation for three-phase VSI in αβ reference

Figure 1. Primary control structure


The inner control loops are known as level -zero voltage and
current loops, it consists of two controllers for ensuring the
MG stability, where the voltage reference generated by the
droop control and virtual impedance is the input of the voltage
controller, which in turn generate the current reference for the Figure 2. Voltage and current controllers in αβ refrence frame
current controller, this latter provides the voltage reference for
the PWM block. In this section, level zero is reviewed in terms Notice that the power calculation in αβ frame using following
of the reference frame used [11] [7]. equations:
A. Based on αβ stationary reference frame (4)
Based on the abc/αβ transformation where a three-phase (5)
system is represented in two independent single-phase
systems. Generally, the controller adopted in this topology is a B. Based on dq dynamicreference frame
Proportional-resonant (PRES) controller, where generalized Synchronous or dq reference frame is a frame that rotates
integrators (GI) are used to perform zero steady-state error synchronously with the detected MG frequency, using Park
[12], transfer functions of voltage and current controllers transformation three-phase AC signals under control can be
expressed follow: transformed into DC components in an orthogonal dq frame.
In dq-control, traditional PI controllers has been broadly
(1) adopted in the control of three-phase converters considering
their feature of adjusting direct signals without steady-state
error [13]. The transfer functions of PI controller is based on a (2) for the αβ reference frame and figure (3) for the dq
gain to reduce the error and an integrator to eliminate it, they reference frame both of them attached to a resistive load by
are described as following: MTLAB-Simulink software without including virtual
(6) impedance, the parameters are described in TABLE I.
Figure (4) and (9) show the tracking capabilities for both
voltage controllers PRES resonators in αβ frame and PI in dq
(7) frame where they achieve a zero steady-state error with a
negligible overshoot for the topology using PR resonant
Where Kpv and Kpi represent the proportional gains and Kvi, controller and as we see in figure (9) the AC components
Kii are the integral gains, respectively. becoming dc components in the synchronous frame, figure (5)
In this reference frame, four independent controllers are shows the dynamic operation from the current compensator,
responsible for adjusting the direct/quadrature voltage and where the alpha component of current follows the reference
current components. In grid-forming converters case, the current, which confirms the good performances of the PRES
voltage reference is provided by the droop control method, in αβ frame, however, the transient response of the current
and the current references are generated by the voltage controller using PI in dq frame depicted in figure (9) is much
controllers, however, in this topology, the PI controllers slower compared to this latter. Figure (6) presents a fast
remain helpless to adjust the oscillations that happen in the dq dynamic and smooth response of the voltage curve which
signals under unbalanced conditions which means poor confirms the effectiveness of the PRES in αβ frame as
performance in this case [6], notice that the capacity of mentioned before and figure (11) presents the voltage curve
harmonic compensation using PI controllers is very low, using a PI controller in dq frame, the steady-state reached after
figure (4) shows the implementation of inner control loops in 0.1 s. The measured active power in stationary reference frame
dq reference frame using PI controllers including voltage and reached the nominal power which is more accurate than the
current feed forwards with cross-coupling network to enhance measured one in the dynamic reference frame notice that the
the performances of controllers , notice that the power technic of measurement is different in each topology as
calculation in dq frame as shown in the following equations: aforementioned. Total harmonic distortion presented in the
stationary frame using PRES regulator with a portion of
(8) 1.19% and 0.41% in the dynamic reference using PI

Parameter name Symbol Value Units

Nominal AC voltage V 220 rms volt
Nominal frequency f 50 Hertz
Load resistance R 145.2 ohm
Filter output inductance L1 0.003 H
Filter capacitance C 4.8162e-06 F
Filter inductance L2 0.001 H
Droop control parameters
Proportional frequency droop 0.0003
Kw W/rd
Proportional amplitude droop 0.004
Kv Var/V
αβ frame
Proportional gain PRES 0.2
Kp v A/V
voltage controller
Integralgain PRESvoltage 100
Ki v A/(Vs)
Proportional PRES gain 5
Kp i A −1
current controller
Integral gain PRES current 400
Ki i (As) −1
0.03 × ω
Cut-off frequency W0 rad/s
dq frame
Figure 3. Voltage and current controllers in dq refrence frame Proportional gain voltage 0.1
Kp v A/V
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Integral gain voltage 3
Ki v A/(Vs)
To compare the performances of the voltage and current Proportional gain current 20
Kp i A −1
controllers under αβ reference frame and dq reference frame a controller
simulation was done using the control loops depicted in figure Integral gain current 1000
Ki i (As) −1
500 350
400 Valpha

Voltage (V)

100 200

0 150



-400 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

Figure 4. voltage tracking loop (Valpha) Figure 9. Voltage tracking loop (Vd compenent)

25 35
Ialpha* Id*
20 Ialpha Id

10 25

Current (A)

Current (A)

-10 10


-25 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

Figure 5. Current tracking loop (Ialpha) Figure 10. Current tracking loop (Id compenent)

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100
Voltage (V)

0 0

-100 -100

-200 -200

-300 -300

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

Figure 6. Output voltage phase A (αβ framework) Figure 11. Output voltage phase A (dq framework)

9000 6000


6000 4000
Active Power (W)

Active Power (W)


3000 2000


0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

Figure 7. Active power curve (αβ framework) Figure 12. Active power curve (dq framework)

Fundamental (49.7Hz) = 311.1 , THD= 0.41%

Fundamental (49.6Hz) = 311.9 , THD= 1.19%

0.9 0.09

0.8 0.08
Mag (% of Fundamental)

0.7 0.07
Mag (% of Fundamental)

0.6 0.06

0.5 0.05

0.4 0.04

0.3 0.03

0.2 0.02

0.1 0.01

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Figure 8. Output voltage spectrum frequency in αβ framework Figure 13. Output voltage spectrum frequency in dq framework.
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