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Keyboard commands and shortcuts

Car controls Replay controls

LEFT MOUSE BTN accelerate 1 watch replay

RIGHT MOUSE BTN brake 2 save replay
Move mouse left/right steer F2 replay time slow down
S gear up F3 replay time speed up
X gear down
Q handbrake Chat input field
C clutch
B horn T talk
G flash lights F1-F8, CTRL+F1-F12, customizable messages
L pit limiter ALT+F1-F12
O traction control H message history
I ignition - block/unblock messages
7-8 direction indicators SHIFT+F8 network debug
9 hazard lights CTRL+C copy current text selection
0 lights off CTRL+V paste the current text selection
SPACE car reset CTRL+X cut and copy the current text selection
SHIFT+G switch automatic gears/manual gears UP/DOWN ARROW scroll up/down
SHIFT+H change horn
In-race car data
RIGHT MOUSE BTN change values in steps of 10
F9 tyre temperatures and loads
F10 damage Online N menu (N to show names)
F11 live settings
F12 pit Instructions SS send a setup
F forces view GREEN S save a setup sent to you
SHIFT+L suspension view T request taking over a car/hand over your car

Game controls Common

SHIFT+R vote restart race CTRL+RIGHT MOUSE BTN copy the value of any slider
SHIFT+X vote to end race SHIFT+RIGHT MOUSE BTN paste the copied slider value
SHIFT+Q vote to qualify RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (on any slider) directly enter a value
SHIFT+P enter pits
Shift+S spectate Misc
Shift+O options
P pause
Views SHIFT+F5 reload current language file (except english)

W left view Graphics

E right view
R rear view SHIFT+F4 switch to windowed mode
TAB next car in race order SHIFT+F9 640 x 480
SHIFT+TAB previous car in race order SHIFT+F10 800 x 600
CTRL+TAB toggle race results display SHIFT+F11 1024 x 768
HOME own car SHIFT+F12 1280 x 960
N names (off / connections / names only)
V view LFS World commands in-game
SHIFT+V view reverse
SHIFT+U free view/autox editor /w COMMAND USERNAME (eg. /w pb or /w pb johndoeracer)
SHIFT+F turn off all screen info /ws TRACK CAR COMMAND (eg. /ws bl1 mrt laps)
SHIFT+M mirror on/off pb personal best on this track with a car
SHIFT+F1 switch to default driver view hotlap (hl) hotlap on this track with a car
5 zoom in wr world record on this track with a car
6 zoom out laps (l) laps on this track with a car
tlaps (tl) total laps
Controller/Sound distance (ds) total distance
win (1) race wins
< less force second (2) race seconds
> more force third (3) race thirds
SHIFT+C reset controller drags (dr) total drag races / wins
SHIFT+N sound on/off help (?) command list and usage
SHIFT+W reinitialise sound /w msg USERNAME initiates sending an SMS to another LFS racer
SHIFT+K next track /w txt MESSAGE adds the text and sends it to the mobile phone
CTRL+C clip mouse to window

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