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Thermoelectric Effect

UK Physics-9841895036
Department of PHYSICS

1 Defination e.m.f. changes the sign with its magnitude remaining

It deals about the conversion of heat energy into the elec-
trical energy. It encompasses three separately identified Mechanism

1.1 Seebeck effect : or Thermoelectric As we know that the electron density in the differ-
effect ent metals are different. When one metal is brought into
intimate contact with another metal, the electrons tend
The phenomenon of conversion of heat energy into to diffuse so as to equalize the electron density.
electric energy when the junctions of a thermocouple
(dissimilar metals joined together) are kept at different The transfer of electrons at the hot junction will
temperature is called Seebeck effect. be easier than that at the cold junction. Due to this,
e.m.f. at the junctions will be different and hence the
The current so produced is called Thermoelectric current flow.
current, the pair of metal used is called thermocouple
and the e.m.f. produced is called thermo e.m.f. or Uses of thermoelectric effect:
Seebeck e.m.f.
1. It is used to make solid – state refrigerator de-
Its magnitude depends on the nature of metals vice.
and the temperature difference of their junctions 2. It is used to sense temperature difference.
3. It is used to convert thermal energy directly into
It is reversible process. As in the demonstrating electricity.

1.1.1 Variation of Thermoelectric e.m.f. with

Consider a case in which one junction is immersed in ice
and another junction is immersed in hot oil bath as in
the figure. It is found that the thermo e.m.f. for a given
pair of metals depends on;
i) the temperature of cold junction and
Figure 1: Demonstration for Seebeck effect ii) temperature difference between two junction.

figure shown below, it is observed that there is deflection Keeping cold junction fixed at 0°C, on gradually increas-
in the galvanometer from copper to iron in the hot ing the temperature of hot junction, the thermo e.m.f.
junction,(HotCoffee) also gradually increases and reaches maximum value at
θn called neutral temperature after which it begins to
If the hot and cold junction are interchanged, the decrease and becomes zero at θi called temperature of

The temperature of the hot junction at which the thermo
e.m.f. is zero and reverses the direction is called temper-
ature of inversion.

1.1.2 Relation between θc , θn

and θi
θi always exceed θn almost by the same amount as the
θn exceeds θc i.e.

θi − θn = θn − θc
Figure 2: To show Thermoelectric e.m.f. with Tempera-
ture or 2θn = θi + θc
θi + θc
orθn =

θi depends upon;
a)temperature of cold junction
b) nature of metal of thermocouple
θn is independent of a) but depends on b)

1.2 Peltire’s Effect

Figure 3: Variation of Thermoelectric e.m.f. with Tem-


inversion. On further increasing, the thermo e.m.f. is


Experiments show that e.m.f. is almost a parabolic

function of temperature as in the figure. Figure 4: Demonstration of Peltire’s Effect

The relation between thermo e.m.f. E and temper- It is the phenomenon of generation or absorption of
ature difference θ between hot and cold junctions can be heat at the two junctions of a thermocouple due to
expressed as; passing the electric current through it.
β 2
E = αθ + θ (1)
2 It is the conversion of Sebeck effect and it occures
Where α and β are thermoelectric coefficient or Seebeck only at the junction. It is reversible phenomenon.
coefficient, the values of which depend upon the pair of
metals constituting the thermocouple. As in the demonstrating figure 4, it is observed
that the junction at which the current enters from Cu
Note: to Fe is cooled and that at which currents enters from
iron to copper is heated.
Neutral temperature
The temperature of hot junction at which the thermo
e.m.f. becomes maximum is called neutral temperature. In this effect when current is passed in a thermo-
couple, one junction becomes cool and another junction
Temperature of inversion becomes hot.

Thermoelectric behaviour of metal is studied by taking
At the hot junction, the current is in the direction lead as the second element.
of Peltire’s e.m.f. . So the e.m.f. itself does work
and some energy is absorbed from the this junction. Mechanism
Consequently this junction becomes cool. At the cold
junction, current is against Peltire’s e.m.f. , work is It is explained on the basis of free electron theory
done and energy is liberated in the form of heat. The of metal. As we know that the electron density in
cold junction thus tends to be heated. a metal depends on temperature. There is different
electrons densities in different part of an unequally
1.3 Thomson’s Effect heated metal rod.

It is the phenomenon of absorption or evolution of heat The hotter portion have more energies, so elec-
energy due to the flow of current in an unequally heated trons move from hotter parts to colder parts. In this
single conductor. way at the region of low temperature the, the electron
density is more. Consequently, the potential of hotter
Explanation rgion is more.

Consider a thick copper rod with its ends at the Thus an e.m.f. acts from the colder portion to
same temperature and centre maintained at the much hotter portion called Thomson’s e.m.f.
higher temperature.
If no current flows, P and Q are at the same temperature When current is passed, the work is done either
due to thermal conduction alone. against or alomg the direction of electric intensity. This
produces absorption or evolution of energy.
If current is sent as in the figure 5, The temper-
Note :
The free electron theory does not explain the -ve
Thomson’s effect. It also does not explain almost zero
Thomson’s effect in case of Lead.

Figure 5: Demonstration of positive Thomson’s effect 2 Comparision among Joule’s,

ature at P is less that at Q. Means that heat energy
Peltire’s, Seebeck and Thom-
transformed from P to Q (i,e, along the direction of son’s effect
current). This is called +ve Thomson’s Effect. It is
observed in Cu, Cd, Zn, Ag and Sb. Joules’ effect

In the figure 6, under the similar condition, tem- 1. It is not reversible.

2. Heat is always evolved.
3. No such temperature difference is required.
4. It is independent of the direction of current.
5. Heat (evolved) α I 2

Peltier’s Effect

Figure 6: Demonstration of negative Thomson’s effect 1. If the junctions of thermocouple are at the dif-
ferent temperature and current is passed in circuit of
perature at P is larger than at Q, means that heat thermocouple heat is generated at one end and absorbed
energy is transformed from Q to P. This is called -ve at the other.
Thomson’s effect. It is observed in Fe, Pt, Bi, Co, Ni 2. This effect is inverse of Seebeck’s effect.
and Hg. 3. In this effect a thermocouple is required.
4. Production and absorption of heat takes place in the
If the direction of current in either of the above junction
cases is reversed, the Thomson’s effect is also reverse.
Seebeck’s Effect
In Lead, Thomson’s effect is zero. Due to this

1. Here the temperature difference produces the In Peltier’s effect, one junction evolves heat, whereas
current. the other junction absorbs heat.
2. It is a reversible process
3. one junction evolves heat, whereas the other junction Similarly, in Thomson’s effect, electrical energy is
absorbs heat. converted into heat energy.
4. It is the resultant of peltier’s effect and Thomson
3. Peltier’s effect is the converse of See-
Thomson’s Effect beck’s effect. Explain.
Peltier’s effect is the conversion of electrical energy to
1. It is reversible. heat energy while Seebeck’s effect is the conversion of
2. Heat is evolved or absorbed. heat energy to electrical energy. In Peltier’s effect, the
3. A temperature difference is required along the length
of the conductor.
4. It depends upon the direction of current.
5. Heat(evolved/absorbed) αI

3 Short Questions
1. Is it true that Seebeck’s effect is the
resultant of Peltier’s and Thomson’s
effect? Discuss.

Yes. Let us consider a Fe-Cu thermocouple as in the junction of thermocouple is placed at same temperature
figure, If one junction is kept at higher temperature, and if current is passed then there is generation of heat
both Peltier and Thomson’s effect will be present. at one junction and absorption in the the other. For
Cu-Fe thermocouple, the junction A gets hot while the
For Iron (Fe), the direction of Thomson e.m.f. junction B gets cooled.

In Seebeck’s effect, current flows in a circuit consisting

of two dissimilar metals kept at different temperatures.

This shows that, Peltier’s effect is converse of See-

becks effect.

4 Numerical
1. The thermo - e.m.f. E and the temperature of hot
(ETI) is from hot to cold junction. Similarly, in the junction θ satisfy the relation E = aθ + bθ2 , where
copper, the direction of Thomson e.m.f. (ETC) is from a = 4.1 × 10−5 V ◦ C −1 and b = −1.41 × 10−5 V ◦ C −2 . If
cold to hot junction. The electric field due to Peltier’s the cold junction temperature is θ ◦ C, find the neutral
effect at both the junctions are from Cu to Fe shown temperature.
in the figure. The resultant of these two e.m.f.s in the
closed circuit is the Seebeck’s e.m.f. Solution:
At neutral temperature E is maximum,
d(aθn +bθn )
so, dθn =0
2. Does the thermoelectric effect obey the
law of conservation of energy? This gives, θn = 500◦ C

Yes, it obeys the law of conservation of energy. 2. Temperature of two junction of a thermo couple are
maintained at 0◦ C and θ°C. The thermo e.m.f. gener-
In Seebeck’s effect, heat energy absorbed from ex- ated is given by the relation E = 10−5 θ − 0.01 × 10−5 θ2 .
ternal source is converted into electrical energy. Find the neutral temperature of the thermocouple and
the maximum value of thermo e.m.f.

At neutral temperature;

dθ |θn =0

or, 10−5 − (0.10 × 10−5 ) × 2 × θn = 0 . . . . (1)

This gives,

θn = 50◦ C

Emax is obtained by putting the value of θn = 50◦ C in

the equation (1). Finally, we will get, E = 0.25mV .

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