Sustainability and Urban Public Transportation: Kumares C. Sinha, F.ASCE

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Sustainability and Urban Public Transportation1

Kumares C. Sinha, F.ASCE2

Abstract: An analysis of data of the past few decades from cities around the world indicates that history is repeating itself. Although
there are significant differences in socioeconomic and technological characteristics among these cities, a remarkable similarity exists in
trends in urban transportation. The current growth in the use of automobiles in many cities of developing countries follows similar trends
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experienced in the United States and other developed countries several decades earlier. Even though there is much awareness and
knowledge about sustainability, private vehicle ownership, and use continue to grow at an increasing pace with rising personal incomes
and desires to experience faster and more reliable transportation technology. Urban density, expressed in number of people and/or jobs per
unit of land, is the key indicator of the level of automobile ownership and use, and of associated parameters of sustainability. As personal
incomes rise, choice of residential and job location increases, causing a decrease in urban density and affecting the relative use of private
transportation and public transit. There are policy options related to land use, pricing, and technological factors that can have far reaching
influence on the long-term sustainability of urban-transportation systems around the world. The basic implication of the analysis is that
urban-transportation sustainability can be greatly enhanced if there are profound changes in urban structures and activities that can slow
or reverse the growth in the use of private automobiles and can make transit and other modes attractive and viable.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-947X共2003兲129:4共331兲
CE Database subject headings: Urban transportation; Public transportation; Automobiles; Population growth; Infrastructure.

Introduction ment of the twentieth century after electrification, and interstate

highways were listed as the eleventh. Rankings were based on the
In the past 150 years, transportation infrastructure and services, impact of these engineering achievements on the quality of life
vehicles, and design technologies have experienced a vast change 共NAE 2000兲.
in response to the increasing and complex demands of society, as Indeed automobiles, along with interstate highways, have had
well as in response to the advent of other technologies. Surface
a profound impact on our lives, particularly in metropolitan areas.
urban passenger transportation has gone through several mile-
Automobile-oriented transportation systems have dramatically
stones, from horse-drawn street railways, steam, and cable pow-
changed the scale and nature of our communities and have domi-
ered lines to electric streetcars, underground heavy rail line, and
nated many aspects of daily living. While automobiles and all-
urban bus transit. The introduction of new public transportation
weather roads brought unprecedented freedom in our lifestyle,
technologies was primarily motivated by the desire of the user to
they also brought about serious adverse consequences, particu-
find faster and more reliable forms of transportation than those
that were available at the time, and this motivation eventually larly in terms of safety and the environment. In fact, trends
resulted in the predominance of the automobile. While this pro- around the world indicate that urban areas are becoming increas-
gression provided an unprecedented level of mobility and per- ingly automobile-dependent with a precipitous decline in public
sonal freedom, it paid little attention to social and environmental transit use. The deleterious effect of rapid motorization and atten-
sustainability along the way. It was not only the technology used, dant urbanization raises serious concern about the sustainability
but also socioeconomic factors, urban growth policies, and chang- of our transportation systems, particularly in the developing
ing consumer attitudes that made the private automobile the most world. Due to the inadequacy of road infrastructures, cities such
desirable mode of urban transportation. as Sao Paulo and Seoul are much more congested at lower rates
The importance of the automobile was recently underscored of automobile ownership than cities in highly industrialized coun-
by the U.S. National Academy of Engineering 共NAE兲 when it tries. At the same time, poorly maintained vehicles, in combina-
ranked the automobile as the second greatest engineering achieve- tion with slow-moving traffic, are making some cities highly pol-
luted, such as Bangkok, Thailand; Mexico City; and Teheran,
This paper is derived from the Twelfth Francis C. Turner Lecture Iran. Expanding urban boundaries are also making work trips,
presented at the Second International Conference on Urban Public particularly for some of the poor, excessively long and expensive
Transportation Systems, April 16, 2002, Alexandria, Va. 共World Bank 1996兲.
Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Distinguished Professor of Civil This presentation discusses the role of public transportation in
Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907. E-mail: achieving urban sustainability, and a review is made of worldwide motorization and urbanization trends. These discussions are sup-
Note. Discussion open until December 1, 2003. Separate discussions ported by a database of major cities around the world for the
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
period 1960–1990, which was also used for developing indicators
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- of urban-transport sustainability and for statistical analyses. The
sible publication on April 9, 2003; approved on April 9, 2003. This paper paper concludes with suggested approaches, policies, and mea-
is part of the Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 4, sures that can make public transportation relevant in the attain-
July 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-947X/2003/4-331–341/$18.00. ment of sustainability.


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

Table 1. Selected Travel Characteristics for the Dataset of 46 Cites in 1990 and Corresponding Percentage Growth Relative to 1960
Persons/hectare Cars/1,000 people Car-km of travel/capital/year Transit boardings/capita/year
City 1990 Change 共%兲 1990 Change 共%兲 1990 Chang 共%兲 1990 Change 共%兲
Adelaide, Australia 12 ⫺30 537 135 6,690 154 76 ⫺47
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 49 ⫺50 319 393 3,977 475 325 75
Bangkok, Thailand 149 ⫺11 199 472 2,664 NA 423 NA
Boston 12 ⫺34 521 91 10,280 150 114 9
Brisbane, Australia 10 ⫺53 463 141 6,467 148 69 ⫺70
Brussels, Belgium 75 ⫺25 428 172 4,864 171 260 ⫺22
Calgary, Canada 21 ⫺23 620 95 7,913 178 94 0
Canberrra, Australia 10 0 457 89 6,744 NA 89 23
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Chicago 17 ⫺31 547 78 9,525 133 96 ⫺34

Copenhagen, Denmark 29 ⫺29 283 220 4,558 261 164 ⫺15
Denver 13 ⫺31 753 57 10,011 70 30 ⫺30
Detroit 13 ⫺32 693 90 11,239 NA 24 ⫺50
Edmonton, Canada 30 NA 527 96 7,062 NA 109 10
Frankfurt, Germany 47 ⫺47 478 258 5,893 195 217 NA
Hamburg, Germany 40 ⫺42 410 329 5,061 224 228 ⫺32
Hong Kong 301 NA 43 276 493 NA 570 84
Houston 10 ⫺7 608 57 13,016 91 26 ⫺8
Jakarta, Indonesia 171 NA 75 NA 1,112 NA 238 NA
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 59 NA 170 270 4,032 NA 227 NA
London 42 ⫺35 348 122 3,892 190 325 ⫺25
Los Angeles 24 7 544 18 11,587 57 55 48
Manila, Philippines 198 NA 66 NA 732 NA 481 NA
Melbourne, Australia 15 ⫺27 518 131 6,436 117 101 ⫺55
Montreal 34 ⫺41 420 118 4,746 NA 222 NA
Munich, Germany 54 ⫺5 468 258 4,202 177 404 NA
New York 19 ⫺15 484 79 8,317 105 155 ⫺23
Ottawa 31 NA 510 82 5,883 68 135 17
Paris 46 ⫺33 360 136 3,459 175 295 0
Perth, Australia 11 ⫺32 523 119 7,203 119 54 ⫺60
Phoenix 11 22 644 75 11,608 61 15 6
Portland, Ore. 12 ⫺11 764 57 10,114 141 46 21
Sacramento, Calif. 13 ⫺2 563 36 13,178 NA 15 ⫺19
San Diego 13 12 559 45 13,026 NA 29 ⫺6
San Francisco 16 ⫺3 604 48 11,933 111 112 9
Seoul 245 NA 66 NA 1,483 NA 460 NA
Singapore 87 ⫺17 102 164 1,864 338 457 NA
Stockholm, Sweden 53 ⫺19 409 186 4,638 157 348 149
Surabaya, Indonesia 177 NA 40 NA 1,064 NA 174 NA
Sydney 17 ⫺21 449 109 5,886 92 160 ⫺37
Tokyo 71 ⫺17 225 1,315 2,103 267 461 3
Toronto 42 13 606 103 5,019 NA 350 127
Vancouver, Canada 21 ⫺16 565 98 8,361 NA 117 ⫺15
Vienna, Austria 68 ⫺25 363 288 3,964 NA 422 36
Washington, D.C. 14 ⫺33 620 114 11,182 NA 106 7
Winnipeg, Canada 21 ⫺32 412 51 6,871 67 98 ⫺34
Zurich, Switzerland 47 ⫺22 444 253 5,197 NA 515 46

Sustainability more recently Meadows et al. 共1974兲, worried about population

growth and the ability to accommodate the rising tide of people in
According to the definition adopted by the U.N. World Commis- terms of food and other needs. While some of the dire predictions
sion on Environment and Development 共UNWCED 1987兲, ‘‘a of these early concerns have not materialized, the issue of long-
sustainable condition for this planet is one in which there is sta- term habitability of the Earth remains to be serious in terms of
bility for both social and physical systems, achieved through environmental, as well as social and economic consequences.
meeting the need of the present without compromising the ability Transportation plays an important role in sustainable develop-
of future generations to meet their own needs.’’ ment. While some earlier transportation developments also caused
Throughout history, serious concerns about sustainability have land use changes and negative environmental effects, recent trans-
been raised from time to time. About 200 years ago, Malthus, and portation systems have more pervasive and long-term adverse


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

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Fig. 1. Trends in world population and motorization growth

consequences. For example, interconnected waterway systems af- phenomenon has resulted in the highest single-family housing and
fected fish populations, and the westward expansion of railroads auto ownership rates in the world, making it possible for millions
in the United States nearly caused the extinction of the American to realize the ‘‘American dream.’’
bison in the nineteenth century. However, the negative impact of From 1970 to 1990, the density of urban population in the
the motor-vehicle-oriented transportation system on land, water, United States decreased by 23%, and the vehicle-miles of travel
and air resources in recent years has been massive and unprec- almost doubled. The 1970 census revealed for the first time that
edented. within a metropolitan area more people lived outside a central
The notion of sustainability covers a wide range of issues. The city than inside. This emptying of central cities, in terms of both
World Bank 共1996兲 identified the following main dimensions of people and jobs, has continued, and in recent years a decreasing
sustainable transportation: economic and financial 共cost- proportion of the metropolitan population has economic or social
effectiveness of the system兲, environmental 共pollution, land use, ties within the central city. A low-density metropolitan area makes
energy consumption, and wildlife兲, and social 共safe and adequate the provision of urban infrastructure expensive; the per unit cost
service to all segments of society兲. There are several other defi- of constructing and maintaining roads, sewers, water lines, and
nitions of sustainable transportation 共Richardson 2000兲 as well. other municipal services increases when these facilities and ser-
Essentially, the sustainability of an urban transportation system vices must be delivered over a greater geographical area. For the
can be judged by how well it contributes to the quality of life in same reason, most urban transit systems in the United States
the community, whether its use of physical and natural resources
could not stay in business and over the past several decades had
ensures the ability of future generations in meeting their transpor-
to be publicly acquired to provide highly subsidized services.
tation and livability needs, how externalities are accounted for,
While the unprecedented pace of urban expansion in the past half
and how well current and future demands of diverse segments of
century has brought increased opportunity for many, it has also
society are satisfied.
been responsible for a myriad of adverse side effects. These in-
clude large infrastructure costs, high commuting time and cost,
excessive dependence on automobiles resulting in safety, conges-
Changing Urban Pattern
tion, air pollution, and other environmental problems. Many con-
Urban pattern is changing in cities around the world. This change sider these issues to be serious enough to threaten the nation’s
has been profound in cities of the United States and provides economic productivity, environmental sustainability, and social
important lessons. Up until World War II, cities in the United well-being 共APTA 1996兲.
States grew around an urban core, often in successive layers of Table 1 presents data on urban density, automobile ownership
high-density concentric rings. However, this pattern of urban and use, and transit ridership for selected cities around the world
growth changed dramatically in the 1950s. With all-weather roads for 1990 and how they have changed relative to 1960 共Newman
and housing programs encouraging single-family dwelling units, and Kenworthy 1999; Kenworthy and Laube 1999a兲. The cities
this traditional growth pattern gave away to a ‘‘leapfrogging’’ represent metropolitan regions and densities are defined for the
phenomenon in most American urban areas, creating urban urbanized area not including undeveloped space. From the 38
sprawls represented by uncoordinated ribbon developments along cities for which consistent data were available, only four of them
major highway corridors reaching deep into rural agricultural had an increase in their population densities: Los Angeles 7%,
areas. This automobile-oriented metropolitan expansion provided San Diego 12%, Toronto 13%, and Phoenix 22%. Despite popu-
an attractive way of life for millions of people who wanted space lation increases, these cities still rank among the least densely
and a less crowded environment. In the past five decades the populated at 24, 13, 42, and 11 persons per hectare, respectively.
suburbanization of America has rapidly progressed with suburbs Only Canberra, Australia, experienced no change during the 30-
giving rise to newer suburbs and so the process continues. This year period. The remaining cities had a decrease in population


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

density, primarily through loss of population from central cities to would be much different today if not for the advents in public
suburbs and by incorporating more areas into the boundaries of transportation, as the rapid rail and electric streetcar. For example,
urbanized areas. The main conclusion is that urban areas world- few American cities during the first quarter of the twentieth cen-
wide are sprawling. Although Asian cities still have the highest tury would have been able to grow as large or as rapidly without
population densities 共Hong Kong being the highest with about the help of the electric rail and would not have resulted in lower
300 persons per hectare兲, there is some evidence that they are automobile dependence a century later when compared to other
following the same pattern as European and North American cit- smaller cities 共e.g., Miami, Houston, Phoenix, etc.兲 that were later
ies, but at varying rates. The data clearly indicate a direct asso- shaped almost from scratch by automobiles and highways that
ciation between low urban densities and high private vehicle own- accommodated them. Electrical and other related technologies
ership and uses. In fact, the role of population density in made the United States lead the world in public transit use by
determining urban travel characteristics has been long established 1920 when Americans averaged about 250 transit trips per capita
共Levinson and Wynn 1962兲. on the nation’s 65,000 km of electric railway, about eight-fold the
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current rate 共TRB 2001兲.

It was another transportation advancement that would soon
Worldwide Motorization and Urbanization Trends induce a decline in transit demand levels. In the 1920s the auto-
mobile was transformed from a recreational vehicle into the na-
The rapid pace of motorization and urbanization is a worldwide tion’s most popular mode of transportation. Henry Ford’s Model
phenomenon. Fig. 1 shows population, motorization, and automo- T and the affordable automobile it spurred were welcomed enthu-
bile use trends and projections worldwide during the period siastically by many urban dwellers dissatisfied with what they
1960–2010 共World Bank 1996兲. It is clear that the urban popula- perceived as increasingly unresponsive and obsolete electric rail
tion is increasing at a much faster rate than the total population, service. Eventually, the automobile became the transport mode
while the growth in automobile use is soaring compared to the materializing the freedom of travel, while transit was relegated to
automobile fleet growth. Similar trends exist in the United States, a secondary means of transport left for those who did not have
but with much smaller rates; for example, vehicle-miles are grow- access to the use of automobiles. In fact, a similar phenomenon is
ing at an average annual rate of 2.5%, faster than the growth rate currently taking place in the developing world, where automobile
of 1.8% in vehicles, and twice the rate of population increase. dependency is increasing at a rapid pace. One reason for this
What is of concern is that in low- and moderate-income countries, trend in many cities in developing countries is the lack of a rapid
vehicle growth is increasing at a higher rate than the gross na- transit option as their transit fleet is made up of mostly buses that
tional product 共GNP兲 growth and at a much higher pace than the are often stuck in traffic 共Kenworthy and Laube 1999a兲. Hence,
annual growth in GNP per capita. those who have the income acquire motorized vehicles as soon as
Motorization goes hand in hand with urbanization. A recent possible to improve their travel speeds. For example, automobile
study estimated that during the next 15 years the average annual ownership in Seoul increased from 60,000 to 2 million during
urban population growth in the least developed countries will be 1975–1998, a 33-fold increase 共Chung and Lee 2002兲. Also, those
4.6%, compared to 0.6% estimated for cities in industrialized who have visited Beijing periodically over the past 20 years
countries 共UNCHS 2001兲. The explosion of urban population would be able to tell how the almost exclusively bicycle and
growth is creating an increasing number of megacities 共more than transit traffic in the early years has seen the increasing appearance
10 million inhabitants兲, mostly in the developing world. The num- of motorcycles and then automobiles in recent years.
ber of megacities is expected to increase from 19 to 21 during this As we start the twenty-first century, it seems that history could
decade, of which only Tokyo, New York, and Osaka, Japan, will be repeating itself since the same factors that resulted in the rise
maintain this status among cities in developed countries. The and decline of transit in cities in the United States and other
urban population in Lagos, Nigeria, and Dhaka, Bangladesh, is developed countries are currently being observed in cities of the
expected to increase by about 50% by the year 2010 to be ranked developing world: rapid urban population growth, rising personal
as the third and sixth most populated cities in the world, respec- incomes, a general willingness of the public to have travel
tively. While by now half of the world’s population is urban, it is choices, decreasing transit levels of service, and urban sprawl.
estimated that by 2030 over 60% of the world’s population of 8.1 Some countries and cities in both developed and developing
billion will be living in cities 共UNCHS 2001兲. countries have taken deliberate measures to curb the growth of
Therefore, it seems that the process of urbanization that started automobiles and their use through pricing and other means. Sin-
after the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century, when the gapore is the best example of these efforts. However, even in
population of cities around the world was less than 30 million, Singapore with centralized planning and strong government con-
will continue well into the twenty-first century. Rapid motoriza- trol, the ownership and use of automobiles continue to grow.
tion and attendant urbanization can bring many environmental It is clear that the attraction of private automobiles over public
risks and problems that can seriously jeopardize the sustainability transportation is so overwhelming that it is not an easy task to
of cities. In cities of developing countries, the risks and the prob- lure travelers to urban transit, unless land-use policies and eco-
lems are much greater because of the overwhelming scale and nomic measures are combined with dramatic improvement in the
speed of urbanization compared to the available resources, par- levels of transit service. Before we explore possible ways of pro-
ticularly in the emerging megacities. moting transit use, it will be worthwhile to examine the interre-
lationships between transit, land use, and automobiles and how
they affect transportation sustainability.
Automobile Dependency and Urban Transit Decline
Indicators of Urban Transportation Sustainability
With the combination of motorization and urbanization has come
the gradual decline of urban transit over the past several decades. Indicators can be developed to assess the sustainability of urban
However, the size and shape of several cities around the world transportation systems and can be used as a reference in the for-


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

Table 2. Pearson Coefficients for Key Land Use—Transportation Variables
Variables 1960 1970 1980 1990 1960–1990
Urban population density
Transit boardings per capita 0.76 0.66 0.66 0.69 0.67
Total energy consumption per capita ⫺0.51 ⫺0.54 ⫺0.64 ⫺0.69 ⫺0.58
Car kilometers of travel per car ⫺0.43 ⫺0.64 ⫺0.64 ⫺0.38 ⫺0.51
Cars per 1,000 people ⫺0.78 ⫺0.79 ⫺0.80 ⫺0.82 ⫺0.71
Parking spaces in CBD per 1,000 employees ⫺0.55 ⫺0.62 ⫺0.47 ⫺0.49 ⫺0.46
Road length per capita ⫺0.70 ⫺0.60 ⫺0.65 ⫺0.67 ⫺0.61
Energy consumption by private modes per capita ⫺0.63 ⫺0.56 ⫺0.65 ⫺0.69 ⫺0.60
Car kilometers of travel per capita ⫺0.76 ⫺0.70 ⫺0.72 ⫺0.71 ⫺0.64
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Car occupant kilometers of travel capita ⫺0.80 ⫺0.73 ⫺0.74 ⫺0.72 ⫺0.66
Boardings per transit kilometer of travel 0.76 0.77 0.43 0.45 0.48
Number of cars per 1,000 people
Energy consumption by private modes per capita 0.86 0.91 0.86 0.86 0.84
Transit boardings per capita ⫺0.83 ⫺0.84 ⫺0.75 ⫺0.71 ⫺0.65
Parking spaces in CBD per 1,000 employees 0.49 0.72 0.55 0.56 0.54
Energy consumption by cars 0.90 0.91 0.84 0.85 0.83
Passenger kilometers of travel using transit per capita ⫺0.75 ⫺0.66 ⫺0.60 ⫺0.63 ⫺0.54
Road length per capita 共m兲 0.51 0.69 0.72 0.72 0.57
Boardings per transit kilometer of travel ⫺0.61 ⫺0.70 ⫺0.49 ⫺0.54 ⫺0.55
Road length per capita
Energy consumption by private modes per capita 0.50 0.65 0.72 0.74 0.63
Car kilometers of travel per capita 0.59 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.61
Transit boardings per capita ⫺0.52 ⫺0.64 ⫺0.75 ⫺0.76 ⫺0.67
Boardings per transit kilometer of travel ⫺0.53 ⫺0.65 ⫺0.70 ⫺0.71 ⫺0.63
Parking spaces in CBD per 1,000 employees 0.71 0.67 0.70 0.66 0.66
Vehicles per 1,000 people 0.56 0.75 0.78 0.74 0.60
Energy consumption by all modes per capita 0.29 0.62 0.72 0.74 0.57
Transit boardings per capita per year
Parking spaces in CBD per 1,000 employees ⫺0.61 ⫺0.71 ⫺0.66 ⫺0.71 ⫺0.64
Car kilometers of travel per car ⫺0.36 ⫺0.61 ⫺0.64 ⫺0.49 ⫺0.52
Parking spaces in CBD per 1,000 employees
Boardings per transit kilometer of travel ⫺0.50 ⫺0.59 ⫺0.46 ⫺0.55 ⫺0.52
Job density
Transit boardings per capita 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.77
Car kilometers of travel per car —a ⫺0.62 ⫺0.65 ⫺0.40 ⫺0.49
Cars per 1,000 people ⫺0.74 ⫺0.65 ⫺0.78 ⫺0.79 ⫺0.65
Road length per capita ⫺0.57 ⫺0.56 ⫺0.70 ⫺0.69 ⫺0.62
Total energy consumption per capita —a ⫺0.61 ⫺0.69 ⫺0.70 ⫺0.62
Boardings per transit kilometer of travel 0.73 0.61 0.61 0.56 0.59
Not significant at 95% confidence level.

mulation of future policies. The main database used in the present correlation was considered as the measure of correlation and
analysis covered decennial data during the period 1960–1990 P-values were set at the 5% significance level to test the hypoth-
from 46 cities in the United States, Australia, Canada, Western esis that the statistic was zero. These pairwise correlations mea-
Europe, and Asia 共Kenworthy and Laube 1999a兲. The time period sure the strength of the linear relationship between two variables.
in the database includes years when automobiles started to pen- If an exact linear relationship exists, the correlation will be 1 or
etrate European cities, significantly lagging cities in the United ⫺1, depending on whether the slope of the relationship is positive
States by several decades, as well as the period in which cities in or negative. A correlation of 0 indicates that neither variable has
developing countries started the massive adoption of motorized any linear relationship with the other 共although they may have a
transport. This database was augmented by data on transport, en- nonlinear relationship兲. A similar procedure was used in previous
vironment, safety, and expenditure from 37 international cities for studies 共Kenworthy and Laube 1999b; Ingram and Liu 1999兲.
the year 1990 共Newman and Kenworthy 1999兲. Table 1 summa- However, the emphasis of the earlier studies was on the patterns
rizes some of the data from these databases. and costs of automobile dependence, without explicitly consider-
The analysis consisted of simple bivariate regressions to show ing the issue of sustainability or attempting to analyze the avail-
whether or not there existed certain basic relationships across the able panel data.
international sample and whether or not these relationships are Table 2 presents a partial list of the Pearson correlations for
consistent across time and across cities. Key sustainability indi- land use transportation variables for cross-sectional decennial
cators were regressed at each other and against main socioeco- data as well as for a four-point decennial panel data of world
nomic and demographic variables. The Pearson product-moment cities during the period 1960–1990. All values were statistically


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

Table 3. Regression Results and Elasticity Values for Major Cities Around the World

Elasticity Semielasticity 共A兲

Independent variable 共x兲 Dependent variable 共y兲 Equation R2 共at mean兲 Elasticity 共B兲
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Urban population Cars per 1,000 people y⫽627.58*e ⫺0.0106X 0.8378 ⫺0.0106X 共⫺0.57兲 共A兲 An increase of 10 persons/ hectare in population density
density decreases the number of cars per 1,000 people by 10.6%.
Urban population Transit boardings y⫽138.37Ln共X兲⫺273.54 0.7045 关Ln共X兲⫺1.9769] ⫺1 共A兲 A 10% increase in population density increases transit
density per capita/year 共0.50兲 boardings per capita per year by about 14.
Urban population Transportation energy y⫽277,345X ⫺0.6358 0.7973 ⫺0.636 共B兲 A 10% increase in population density decreases
density consumption by private transportation energy consumption by private modes per capita
共persons/ha兲 modes 共MJ/capita兲 per year by 6.4%.
Urban population Car kilometers of travel y⫽65,743X ⫺0.7351 0.8273 ⫺0.735 共B兲 A 10% increase in population density decreases car
density per capita per year kilometers of travel per capita per year by 7.4%.
Urban population Carbon dioxide emissions y⫽18,189X ⫺0.5992 0.8117 ⫺0.599 共B兲 A 10% increase in population density decreases carbon
density from transportation dioxide emissions from transportation per capita per year by 6%.
共persons/ha兲 共kg/cap/year兲
Urban population Transit cost y⫽0.2696Ln共X兲⫺0.3511 0.6219 关Ln共X兲⫺1.3023] ⫺1 共0.35兲 共A兲 A 10% increase in population density increases transit
density recovery factor recovery factor by 0.027.
Transit boardings per Transportation energy y⫽⫺17,130Ln共X兲⫹122,749 0.731 关Ln共X兲⫺7.1657] ⫺1 共A兲 A 10% increase in transit boardings per capita per year
capita/year consumption 共⫺0.54兲 decreases transportation energy consumption per capita per year
共MJ/ capita/year兲 by 1,713 MJ.
Cars per 1,000 people Transit boardings y⫽673.63e ⫺0.0036X 0.4985 ⫺0.0036X 共A兲 An increase of 10 in the number of cars per 1,000 people
per capita/year 共⫺1.551兲 decreases transit boardings per capita per year by 3.6%.
Car kilometers of travel Transit boardings y⫽642.17e ⫺0.0002X 0.7413 ⫺0.0002X 共A兲 An increase of 100 car kilometers of travel per capita per
per capita per year per capita/year 共⫺1.285兲 year decreases transit boardings per capita per year by 2.0%.
Journey to work Annual fatalities y⫽21.671X ⫺0.2331 0.2424 ⫺0.233 共B兲 A 10% increase in the share of work trips done by transit
by transit 共%兲 from crashes decreases annual fatalities from crashes per 100,000 people by
per 100,000 people 2.3%.
Journey to work CO2 emissions y⫽⫺1,291.8Ln共X兲⫹6,505.6 0.6367 关Ln共X兲⫺5.0361] ⫺1 共A兲 A 10% increase in the transit share of work trips decreases
by transit 共%兲 共kg/capita/year兲 共⫺0.60兲 CO2 emissions per capita per year by 130 kg.
Road length Cars per 1,000 y⫽165.78Ln共X兲⫹237.2 0.6996 关Ln共X兲 ⫹ 1.4308] ⫺1 共A兲 A 10% increase in road length per capita increases the
共m/capita兲 population 共0.34兲 number of cars per 1,000 people by 17.
Road length Car kilometers of travel y⫽2,262.1X 0.7031 0.7629 0.703 共B兲 A 10% increase in road length per capita increases car
共m/capita兲 per capita/year kilometers of travel per capita per year by 7%.
Parking spaces Transit boardings y⫽474.5e ⫺0.0036X 0.6622 ⫺0.0036X 共A兲 An increase of 10 parking spaces per 1,000 employees
per 1,000 employees per capita/year 共⫺1.27兲 decreases transit boardings per capita per year by 3.6%.
Road expenditures per Journey to work y⫽52.895e ⫺0.006X 0.3772 ⫺0.006X 共A兲 An increase of $10 in road expenditures per capita per year
capita/year 共$兲 by transit 共%兲 共⫺0.90兲 decreases the share of transit of work trips by 6%.
Extra private mode Journey to work y⫽74.537X⫹7.1046 0.3216 (1⫹0.09532X) ⫺1 共0.97兲 共B兲 At the mean, an increase of 10% in the additional travel cost
cost/km of travel 共$兲 by transit 共%兲 per kilometer by car as compared to transit fare per kilometer
results in an increase of 9.7% in the share of transit of work trips.

J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

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Fig. 2. Impact of urban population density on transit and private car demand

significant at the 95% confidence interval, except in two cases. urban areas. Urban activity density also significantly explained a
The main conclusion is that certain basic and systematic relation- large percentage of the variability in the amount of energy con-
ships exist and are consistent across time and across cities. Urban sumed by passenger car travel 共80%兲 and associated CO2 emis-
population density and job density were positively and signifi- sions 共81%兲, as well as in the need for more road capacity 共88%兲.
cantly correlated with transit boardings per capita per year, as The relationship between road provision and urban population
identified by Pearson coefficients of 0.67 and 0.77, respectively, density, as shown in Fig. 3, further illustrates the critical role of
during the 30-year period. On the contrary, per capita demand for low-density developments. The need for road infrastructure rose
transit was strongly and negatively correlated with the provision drastically even for a small decrease in density in already low-
of roads 共⫺0.67兲, number of parking spaces per employee in cen- density areas, adding to the need for increased travel. Literature
tral business district 共CBD兲 共⫺0.52兲, private vehicle ownership suggests the overall elasticities of vehicle-miles of travel with
共⫺0.65兲, and automobile use 共⫺0.52兲. As for the energy con- respect to lane-miles of capacity to be between 0.5 and 1.0, indi-
sumed per capita for transportation purposes, it was negatively cating that a 10% increase in capacity increases the demand for
correlated with the urban population density and job density travel by between 5 and 10% 共STTP 2001兲. The results of the
共⫺0.60兲, but positively correlated with the provision of roads present analysis indicate that road length per capita 共a proxy for
共0.57兲 and the demand for private vehicles 共0.84兲. As for emis- road capacity兲 explained 70 and 76% of the variability in auto-
sions and fatalities from passenger travel activity, available data mobile ownership and automobile use, respectively. Furthermore,
for the year 1990 showed a statistically significant negative cor- higher population densities resulted in higher transit recovery fac-
relation between the percentage of work trips made by transit tors, explaining 62% of their variation. Similarly, as the cost of
with carbon-dioxide emission by all modes 共⫺0.76兲 and number travel per kilometer by private modes of transport increased with
of fatalities per 100,000 population 共⫺0.33兲. Similarly, the share respect to that by transit, the share of work trips by transit in-
of work trips by transit was negatively correlated with invest- creased, explaining 32% of the variation.
ments in roads 共⫺0.54兲 and the price of gasoline 共⫺0.7兲. Elasticity values indicate the sensitivity of a dependent vari-
Table 3 shows the regression equations, corresponding coeffi- able due to a given rate of change in the independent variable.
cients of determination, and elasticity values obtained from bi- Table 3 gives the elasticity or semielasticity values associated
variate trend analyses for key variables for the most recent year with each of the regression equations. For example, a 10% in-
for which data were available for the sample of world cities crease in urban population density could decrease transportation
共1990兲. Although most of the coefficients of determination were energy consumption by private modes per capita per year by 6.4%
relatively high, urban population density explained the largest and CO2 emissions from transportation per capita per year by 6%.
amount of variation when regressed against other variables. Fig. 2 Similarly, a 10% increase in transit boardings per capita per year
shows the curves obtained when regressing urban population den- could decrease transportation energy consumption per capita per
sity against transit boardings per capita per year and car kilome- year by about 1,700 million joules or a 10% increase in the transit
ters of travel per capita per year. The sensitivity of these relation- share of work trips can decrease CO2 emissions per capita per
ships was most critical in cities with relatively low densities 共less year by about 130 kg. At the same time a 10% increase in parking
than 75 persons per hectare兲. Similar conclusions can be drawn spaces per 1,000 people could decrease transit boardings per
when urban activity density 共population and jobs兲 is regressed capita per year by about 3.6%.
against transit and private car demand variables, indicating the Figure 4 shows a plot of transit ridership elasticity against
importance of having a high level of mixed land uses within population density. Elasticities are much higher at low-density


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

Downloaded from by North Carolina State University on 12/30/12. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 3. Urban population density and road provision

levels and become asymptotic beyond about 100 persons/hectare. ties, and high transit use. Increased density can also be expected
Densities of most American cities were in the range of 12–15 to induce higher walking and other nonmotorized trips, contribut-
persons/hectare and Asian cities in the sample were in the range ing further to sustainability. All these contribute to less energy
of 100–300 persons/hectare, with the cities in Europe having 50– consumption, less air pollution, less use of land and other re-
100 persons/hectare. The implication is that even a small increase sources, and thus to the assurance of a sustainable and a livable
in the density in American cities can bring about a dramatic community. For example, the present analysis indicates that an
change in their transportation systems. additional person per hectare in Boston could potentially increase
transit boardings by 19 per capita per year. This would also re-
duce automobile ownership by six per 1,000 people and automo-
Can Transit Ensure Sustainability? bile use by 634 car-kilometers per capita per year. These changes
would mean reductions in transportation energy consumption by
The statistical analyses of the available data clearly indicate that 3,100 MJ per capita per year and transportation CO2 emissions by
increased transit use is indeed associated with overall sustainabil- 212 kg per capita per year, respectively.
ity. However, the fundamental variable that holds the key to in- The issue is then how can we arrest the progression of low-
creased transit use and transportation sustainability is urban popu- density urban sprawl. So far the response to congestion has been
lation density, or more specifically, the activity density to continue to invest in highways. Most critics of current land-use
共population and jobs兲. Increased density is associated with less trends in the United States believe that our investment policies
ownership and use of automobiles, less road and parking facili- should be redirected from highways to mass transit. Transit ori-

Fig. 4. Transit ridership elasticities as function of urban population density


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

ented developments 共TOD兲, some believe, is the key to reversing resulting from automobile use and urban sprawl. These poli-
the current trend of ‘‘boundless sprawl’’ and ‘‘dying cities’’ cies would give nonmotorized and transit modes a fair chance
共APTA 1996兲. In this concept, urban growth would be accommo- to compete, particularly at the local and neighborhood levels.
dated by the development of compact, pedestrian-scale communi- Measures should not be restricted to higher automobile and
ties centered on transit stations and linked with one another by a fuel taxes and higher parking costs, but they should also in-
regional transit system. This way transit systems could become clude charges for driving in certain areas and on certain times
the critical elements in metropolitan planning and design. What- of the day, charges for the extent of the use of the vehicle, and
ever the approach may be, the fact that traffic and the demand for higher impact fees for the choice of living in low density
travel may be controlled by deliberately guiding land use has areas. Additional revenues generated can be used for improv-
been seriously recognized only recently by public officials. Con- ing public transit and road safety, developing vehicle and fuel
sequently, urban transit lines, neotraditional development, transit technologies, and instituting emergency services and other
villages, and ‘‘smart growth’’ are becoming common themes in programs. It should be noted that the concept of congestion
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many communities in the United States today 共Sinha 2000兲. pricing appears to be within the realm of possible implemen-
While urban-transportation sustainability is directly linked tation with advances in information and communication tech-
with transit and transit’s viability depends on urban density, it is nologies. Singapore is leading the way with electronic road
essential that we pursue a combination of efforts to achieve sus- pricing and it will be interesting to see how other cities follow
tainable transportation systems. Mere marketing or even efforts to suit.
improve levels of service will not make much difference unless • Balanced Investments in Transportation Supply: Improve-
these initiatives are supported by other factors, mainly policies ments in transportation, whether physically or by means of
that encourage mixed land uses and higher population densities technological advances, should be based on the principle that
and that internalize the societal costs of private modes of trans- automobiles are only one part of the transportation system
portation and urban sprawl to influence household choices for rather than the focus. Discouraging the overreliance on pri-
travel mode and residential and job location. Following is a set of vately owned cars will not succeed unless people are given
possible actions that need to be addressed in order for transit to comparable fast and efficient transportation alternatives,
help ensure sustainable urban transportation systems. Not all of whether bus, light rail, subway, walking, or cycling.
these approaches are equally applicable in developed and devel- • Adequate Infrastructure for Nonmotorized Transportation:
oping countries and in cities of different income levels. Unless the needs of nonmotorized modes of travel are met, it
• Long-Range Land Use Transportation Policies: These should will not be possible to achieve any sustainable transportation
promote compact and mixed-use developments that balance system. If the infrastructure design does not meet the require-
work and housing locations and provide appropriate transpor- ments of walking and other nonmotorized modes, all modes of
tation infrastructure, including adequate transit systems to transport operate in suboptimal conditions. The role of nonmo-
allow residents in central cities to access jobs in suburbs and to torized transportation is particularly critical in many cities in
provide a viable alternative to suburbanites who commute to developing countries where a high percentage of trips is still
central cities or other areas in the suburbs. Markets would be made by walking and biking.
stimulated for flexible, short haul public transit services and • Use of Technology to Reorganize Urban Functions: Transit
private transportation options such as hybrid cars, station cars, agencies, local governments, and private corporations, work-
other alternative fuel vehicles, and even human-powered ve- ing together, can use information and communication tech-
hicles. In addition, developments should be planned to have as nologies to recenter urban areas and to spatially reorganize its
many activities as possible located within easy walking dis- functions in order to make public transit more effective and to
tance of transit stops. expand the transit options available to citizens.
• Smart Growth in Central Cities and Suburbs: Traditional
means of land-use control, mainly through local zoning, are
not effective in achieving livable communities. There is a need What is the Role of Technological Innovations?
for coordinated regional land-use policies based on the con-
cept of growth guidance rather than control. It is obvious that if transit has to compete with the use of private
• National, Regional, and Local Coordination: Sustainability is- automobiles under existing conditions of land use and other fac-
sues cross jurisdictional boundaries, making it difficult for any tors, its level of service has to be dramatically improved without
single community to address them. Coordination is necessary driving the cost astronomically high. Emerging information and
in instituting major transportation investments and policies communication technologies can play an important role to im-
among local, regional, and national authorities. A major prob- prove transit levels of service through increased operating effi-
lem for coordination has been the existence of many jurisdic- ciency, service reliability, and greater access to information on
tions with fragmented and often conflicting decision making. A systems operation in real time. There are several efforts underway
recent example of area-wide effort for sustainable transporta- in the United States and other parts of the world under the um-
tion is Atlanta where integrated transportation planning is brella of Advanced Public Transportation Systems 共APTS兲 tech-
being pursued at a regional level to deal with the issues of nologies that can reduce the resistance to transit use, make it user
urban growth, mobility, clean air, and the development of a friendly, and reduce both in-vehicle and access travel times. Al-
regional transportation system. The leverage of transportation though there is little information available from specific transit
funding has been effectively used to make suburban counties systems on impacts of the use of these technologies, estimated
join a regional bus system providing a significant boost for the benefits projected for all APTS technology deployment in the
Georgia Regional Transportation Agency in its efforts to man- United States that are currently operational, under implementa-
age traffic congestion by curbing automobile use 共Firestone tion, or planned over the period 2000–2009 would range from as
2002兲. low as $3.9 billion to as high as $9.6 billion in year 2000 dollars
• Pricing: Policies are needed to internalize the societal costs 共Goedell 2000兲. Although no corresponding figures for costs are


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

available, transit agencies that have deployed APTS technologies cycle, green vehicles, or transit, minimizing parking needs and
have concluded that the potential benefits of these technologies travel externally. Once a good part of our daily commuting and
outweigh the capital and operating expenses. other automobile trips can be eliminated, available arterial road
APTS deployments can lead to measurable improvements in capacity can be allocated for regional bus rapid transit to provide
transit service and access, but whether these improvements would a competitive level of service. Public transportation can thus be
appreciably change public perception about using transit is yet to economically viable by linking local neighborhood services with
be seen 共Casey and Labell 2000兲. A recent study revealed that regional rapid transit.
passengers value features that APTS technologies offer, but con-
cluded that expected ridership increase resulting from these tech-
nologies is moderate 共Peng et al. 2002兲. In fact, technology by Conclusions
itself will not be able to improve transit ridership, as there are
many reasons why people do not use transit, such as incompatible Sustainability, transit, land use, and technology are intrinsically
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land use patterns, free or inexpensive parking, lack of comfort related. Their strongest and most effective relationship is materi-
and privacy, affordability of driving, and unsuitability for trip- alized in the existence of seamless and intermodal transportation
chaining and carrying packages. Most of these factors cannot be systems, which is essential for the success of urban transit and for
overcome by APTS applications 共Casey and Labell 2000兲. the long-term viability of cities around the world. Countermea-
While the potential exists for improving transit service through sures to burgeoning problems of motorization will undoubtedly
technological innovations, it is debatable if the expected benefit in involve the use of technology to enhance the operation of the
terms of increased ridership would be justified for the cost of transportation network. Technological innovations have the po-
implementing these technologies. An important consideration tential to create sustainable transportation systems by promoting
from the users’ perspective is that transit ridership is intrinsically transit use and presenting it as a viable alternative to private
linked to land use, and time and cost of travel by private modes of modes of transport and a facilitator for livable communities. Pro-
transportation. In fact, recent emphasis on applications of Intelli- found changes are, however, needed in current policies and regu-
gent Transportation Systems 共ITS兲 technologies to improve the lations that promote urban sprawl and automobile use. This will
level of service of automobile travel may further widen the gap not be achieved unless there is political will and desire to com-
that exists between transit and private automobiles. Even if tech- promise on some conflicting interests. In this regard, there is a
nologies could dramatically improve the level of service of transit need to manage growth rather than controlling it and this should
and attract choice riders, cities in most developing countries will be done at both urban cores and suburbs. Concerted efforts must
not be able to bear the cost of these technologies and there are therefore be made to revitalize metropolitan areas as a collection
other innovative and cost-effective approaches to making transit of livable communities with transit integrated into a seamless
attractive. An example is the implementation of rapid bus transit transportation system connecting suburbs with suburbs and with
共busways兲 in Curitiba, Brazil. There are also successful innova- central cities.
tive experiences in the United States of achieving sustainability Specific efforts will obviously vary from city to city. However,
through viable and competitive transit systems by integrating land even the most robust land use and transportation policies and
use, transportation, and information and communication technolo- plans will not succeed unless these are complemented by mea-
gies. The Blue Line TeleVillage 共BLTV兲 project in California sures that can induce significant changes in the travelers’ choices
demonstrated how telecommunication networks can be employed and behaviors. Those who choose to own and use private vehicles
to create utilities that are normally found in a traditional village or for their transportation and those who opt to live in low-density
town center near a public transit station. Among these, the center suburbs should pay for the externalities of their decisions through
included a telework facility to allow telecommuting. an equitable and fair pricing mechanism. Recent campaigns to
The key to the innovation is the use of information and com- raise awareness regarding the consequences of the increasing
munication technologies to provide a seamless intermodal trans- popularity of sport utility vehicles in the United States indicate
portation so that transit can play a significant role in metropolitan that public opinions about limitless growth of automotive con-
transportation by being competitive and this can slow down the sumption may be shifting.
growth in automobile ownership. A recent study concluded that To think that the process of urbanization or continued depen-
the existence of a seamless intermodal system is necessary, not dence on private modes of travel can be stopped or reversed is a
only to avoid shifting from transit to automobiles, but also to faulty assumption. The most one can expect is to slow and guide
prevent increases in multivehicle households 共Karlaftis and the process sufficiently. Similarly, to rely solely on transit and
Golias 2002兲. technology in achieving sustainable transportation systems is not
The growing popularity of telecommuting and use of the In- realistic. We must think in terms of a comprehensive approach
ternet for shopping and business may, in the long run, have a involving land use, transportation planning, pricing, technology
negative effect by encouraging further dispersion of urban activi- and management innovations that can help in making the playing
ties, making provision of transit service more difficult. However, field even for all competing transportation modes and thus even-
with integrated planning of land use and transportation systems, tually in fulfilling the goals of sustainability.
supported with appropriate pricing policies, it can indeed be pos-
sible to harness potentials of emerging technologies to create liv-
able communities with sustainable transportation. With a fully Acknowledgments
functioning information-technology oriented society, new urban
developments and even existing cities can be a collection of thriv- I gratefully acknowledge the effort of my graduate student, Ashad
ing neighborhoods where automobiles will exist, but not as an Hamideh, whose help has been invaluable. I am also thankful to
absolute necessity 共Sinha 2000兲. Neighborhoods can include ge- Chris T. Hendrickson and Herbert S. Levinson for their thoughtful
neric workstations as well as facilities for most shopping and comments. In addition, I thank my secretary, Jaclyn Whiteley, for
entertainment needs. Transportation can mostly be by foot, bi- her skillful assistance.


J. Transp. Eng. 2003.129:331-341.

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