Transcription and Translation From Maguindanaon Dialect To English

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Transcription and Transaltion from Maguindanaon Dialect to English

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent,

Interviewer: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, good morning, I am Nasser B. Aplal and thank
you so much for agreeing to speak with me. On behalf of my company, pedsukuran
nami seka sabap sa kanu kina participate nengka, kinaayun nengka sa mainterview
nami seka apiya yanin kaaden i schedule nengka samana na busy ka, busy kami bun.
Metuba sa nakaenggay nami anto sa kanu nona antu ah pinabatya nami sa manga
lukes nengka a inisent nami sa manga lukes nengka endu inipailay nami bun salka.
Sekami na second year student kami nu Master of arts in teaching English from Sultan
Kudarat State University. Saguna na ehh pedsukur kami kanu manga pakaenggay
nengka a manga information endu background sa kanu sabapan u kapegkapasang
nengka sa kanu kapembatya nengka, su manga prublima, su manga sabapan nu
entuba u ngintu ka gkapasangan ka pembatya atawa ka bagintindi sa kanu pembatyan
nengka. Su nganin-nganin siya a information a maka enggay nengka sa lekami,
madtalu nengka sa lekami nana ehh entuba na dala into pakataw lun yabu di tabiya na
saki endu su pedsulat bu sa kanu niyaba a record sabap sa niyaba bityala ta ba niya na
metuba sa nadtalu ku bantu kagina sa iberecord nami I niyaba uged na upama ka aden
siya manga idsa a di nengka gkalinyan a pedsawal na mapakay kabun sa di nengka
den pedsumpatan into. Upaman menem ka gkalinyan nengka a ibag stop su record na
enggay kabu sa sign kagina entu na kawagib nengka intu sa lekami. Metuba sa bityala
ko antu na langun langun na mambityala ta na di nami den patuntayan u enten i niyaba
nakambityala nami. Yabu pakakineg sa niyaba a record na saki bu endu su pedsulat sa
kanu niya a record. Ehhh salta mambun na papedsabutan nami salka i mapasadi
niyaba a keberecord ba niya, na upaman ka mapasad nami su research nami na
automatically na i delete nami bun i niya ka asal na dala makakineg lun upama ka aden
siya mga issues a dikena ged mapiya a bakikinegen. Pagampaganayan na upaman ka
ngintu aden pakaidsa nengka muna sa laki upama aden dala nengka ged kasabuti lu
sa consent anto a inenggay nami?
Translation: In the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Beneficent, good morning,
I am Nasser B. Aplal, and thank you so much for agreeing to speak with me. On behalf
of my company, we thank you because your participation, for allowing us to interview
you despite of your busy schedule and ours. Like what we have given before which has
been read by your parents (letter of Consent) and which we have also shown to you.
We are second year students taking Master of Arts in Teaching English at Sultan
Kudarat State University. Now, we thank you for what information you can give and a
background about causes of your reading problems, causes of those why you are
suffering from those reading problems or problems on comprehension. Whatever
information you share and with us will be confidential and no one will know but only me
and the one who will transcribe the record. This conversation of us will be recorded but
if you wish to stop, just give me a sign because that is your right and we really
acknowledge it. We would like also to remind you that after we finish this research, we
will automatically delete the record so that no one could hear it. Firstly, before we start
formally the interview, if you have quarries about the consent just let me know.
Interviewee: Daren sa meton napakaidsa ko.
Translation: I don’t have questions anymore.
Interviewer: So mapakay taden lemudso?
Translation: So, can we start?
Interviewee: Uway lemudso ta.
Translation: Yes, let’s start.
Interviewer: Metuba sa bityala ko endaw i kinaludso ko edtalo wata na kuwana iniludso
ko den su kina record ko sa metuna.
Translation: Like what I said a while ago, as I started talking, I also started recording.
Interviewer: Pagampaganayan siya a idsa na ngimba i pinaka mapulu a napasad u
lukes nengka duwa lukes nengka? Pagampaganayan na si ama nengka temundug na si
ina nengka.
Translation: First question is that, what is the higher educational attainment of you
parents? Starting from your father then your mother.
Interviewee: Si ama na dala napasad nin. Dala sekanin makapangagi sa elementary,
high school dala dala sekanin makapangagi ka yanin pinangagiyan na reading qur-an.
Tuba i pinangagiyan nin. Uged na dala sekanin makapasad sabap sa nakagkaluma
sekanin endu ya sikat sa kanu entu a timpu, su timpu nuhhh, timpu nilan santu na
kapedtambay bu na dinin bun gkadtulan su lekanin a kabangagi. Si ina meneman na
yanin dala kapangagi na apiya sawalu na dala napangagiyan nin. Manot pan silan na
minatay su ina nilan na bali nakagkaluma su ama nin. Na su nakagkaluma na ama nin
antu na dinin pedtiyakapan su manga wata nin, siya ina na dinin pedtiyakapan endu
timbang a inumbalin siyan sa manga ulipen niyan na tuden ba nalasay silan endu
nakabpipitas silan a edsusuled.
Translation: My father has finished nothing. He didn’t study elementary, high school,
nothing. He didn’t study because he has only studied reading qur-an. That’s what he
has studied. But, he didn’t graduate because the popular during their time was loitering
somewhere so he could not pay attention to his study. And my mother, she didn’t attend
school even once because she was young, her mother died so her father got married to
another girl. Her step mother did not take care her children including my mother and my
mother was treated like a slave. Because of that, their family was broken.
Interviewer: To make it clear na yanengka meton pedtalun na si ina nengka endu si
ama nengka na dala makapangagi sa English?
Translation: To make it clear, you are telling that your mother and father didn’t attend
secular education?
Interviewee: Dala da silan makapangagi.
Translation: Nothing, they attended nothing.
Interviewer: Eeehhh if you don’t mind si ama nengka na ngintu makabatya bun sa
English upamanin?
Translation: Eeehh if you don’t mind, can your father read English?
Interviewee: Makabatya, tagalog bu I mabatya nin uged na peru-peru.
Translation: He can but only Filipino but little by little.
Interviewer: Makagaga semulat, makagaga matya?
Translation: Can he write, read?
Interviewee: Makagaga bun semulat uged na malugad bu.
Translation: He can write but slowly.
Interviewer: Filipino bu ennn?
Translation: Only Filipino right?
Interviewee: Emmmmm.
Translation: Emmmmm.
Interviewer: Shukran, ikaduwa siya a idsa na na, sabap pidtalu nengka antu si ama
nengka sa metun na makabatya sa pedu-pedu na ngintu pendtabangan kanin bun sa
ehhh kabangagi nengka upama kapembatya nengka, aden bun pakadtabang nin salka?
Transaltion: Thank you, second question here is that, since you said that your father is
able to read little, is he helping you in your study like reading? Has he a contribution to
Interviewee: Siya sa kapembatya na di ako nin bun gkapamandu. Di ako nin
gkapamandu siya kanu kapembatya gkanga busy silan ka penggalbek silan.
Transaltion: In reading he does not teach me. He cannot teach me reading because he
is so busy in working.
Interviewee: Emmmmm shukran. Ikatelu siya a idsa na pantag sa kanu bamandu salka
ka, su mistra nengka sa English. Sabap sa isa ka sa meton na sa kanu manga wata
anto gkapasangan ged sa kanu kapembatya endu kapeg comprehend , kapedtuntay sa
kanu pembatyan nengka. Ngintu aden remedial class a ibagenggay nin salkanu?
Translation: Emmmm thank you. The third question here is about how your English
teacher teaches you. Since you’re one of the struggling students in reading and
comprehension, does your teacher provide remedial class for you?
Interviewee: Dala sa metuna na pakaenggay nilan a remedial class sabap sa marakel
kami na dibun ged mamakabatya uged na advice bu I paka enggay nilan sa lekami sa
yanilan pedtalun na mamatya-matya kami ren kunka aden bun gay a gkataw kami bun.
Aden ini provide na administration a program sa langun u gkapasangan pembatya na
bagenggan sa special class every Saturday asal na gkatabangan kami.
Translation: No remedial class for us. It is because of the number of struggling students
but she gives an advice only. She said, we just keep on reading because time will come
we will learn too. The administration provided a program which requires all struggling
reader to take a special class every Saturday just to help us cope up with the problem.
Interviewee: Uged na entuba manga advice bantu na ngintu mambu ehhh penggulan
bun intuba atawa ka dibun penggulan? Endu ngintu beludep kabun luba sa special
class nu ah?
Translation: But, do you take her advice? And do you also attend that special class?
Interviewee: penggulan bun ka ya nami bun gkapapangilay na panun i kagkataw nami.
Translation: We do, because we are looking forward on how we learn.
Interviewer: Uway, shukran. Ikapat idsa sa metun na sabap sa isa ka sa kanu manga
wata antu a gkapasangan ged sa kanu kapedtuntay sa kanu pembatyan, endu
gkapasangan bun sa kapembatya, na ngin ba i gka-encounter nengka sa maya sa niya
kabangagi sa sabap sa kapembatya nengka. Ngin I gka-encounter nengka sa
kabangagi nengka.
Translation: Yes, thank you. Fourth question, since you’re one of the struggling
students who hardly comprehend and read, what problems do you encounter in your
Interviewee: Gka-encounter?
Translation? Encounter?
Interviewer: Ahh manga prublima sabap sa entubay a sabapan bantu a dika ged
Translation: Problems because you do not read well.
Interviewee: Siya sa kabangagi na di ako ged pakatuntay sa nani English ah.
Gkapasangan ako pedsabut. Apiya tagalog ah di ako pon ged mataw. Bangagiyan ko
pan i tagalog sa panun i kagkataw ku edtalu na abpeg a English na sa meton na
duwatiman den na pakadsimbul den. Tuba i gkapasangan ako ged. Ka yaku nalayaman
na Maguindanaon ka lu sa lekami a na manga Maguindanaon i tao lu, dala pedtagalog
na dala baginglish.
Translation: In class, I do not understand English. I hardly comprehend. Even Filipino, I
am still practicing on how I speak it and the English too which makes me confuse
because they are mixed. That’s where I struggle. I always speak Maguindanaon since
in our community majority are Maguindanaon and no one speaks Filipino and English.
Interviewer: In other words, na upama ka su kaped antu a subject let’s say
Mathematics, MAPEH, Science na English intu i penggamiten enn? Na ngin I betad na
manga grades nengka luba?
Translation: In other words, in other subjects like Mathematics, MAPEH, Science, is the
medium of instruction English? How are your grades there?
Interviewee: Manga mapiya bun menem uged na manga mababa buba.
Translation: So far, they’re good but low.
Interviewer: Uged na pasado bun meneman?
Translation: But still passing?
Interviewee: Emmmmm ipebpass ko bun meneman apiya di ako bun ged paka answer
ipebpass ko bun asal na pakakuwa kubun sa grade.
Translation: Emmmmm I do everything to pass them even I do not answer well just to
have grades.
Interviewee: Ngintu sabap bun intuba sa dibun ged gkasabutan intuba sabap sa English
mambu sekanin? Tubun ba i kapegkailay nengka a sabapan na kababa na grades
Translation: Is it still because you do not comprehend well because of its medium of
instruction? Is that the reason of getting low grades?
Interviewee: Uway metuba sa metun ah ka diko ged gkatuntayan.
Translation: Yes, that’s it because I do not comprehend well.
Interviewer: Okey shukran. Ahhh last siya a idsa sa metun na, na upama ka siya sa
discussion sa during classes specially kanu face to face pan antu, kanu grade seven
nengka pan, na panun i kapegkatuntay nengka sa discussion siya sa classroom upama
ka English i bangagiyan nu?
Translation; Okey thank you. Last question here is that, during discussion in class
specially during face to face, when you were still in grade seven, so how do you
understand during discussion in the class if your teacher uses English as medium of
Interviewee: Bagidsa kubu siya sa manga tagapeda ku a manga tegel, bagidsan ko
silan sa ishare nengka kuna sa laki atawa ka ma’nay kakun ah sa laki nani, manga
miyay-miyay ka endu ku gkatuntayan na pedtalun nilan mambu sa laki. Metuba I
kapegkasabut ko lun.
Translation: I only ask my excelling classmates, I ask them to share or explain this and
that so that I understand too and they explain it to me. That’s how I learn.
Interviewer: Uged ngintu dika bun bagidsa lu sa room sa maya upaman na diretsu ka
bagidsa lu sa kanu teacher nengka?
Translation? But, don’t you ask directly to you teacher?
Interviewee: Sa metuna na di ako ged pakatika bagidsa ka kayan aku, maya ako kasi a
istudyanti di ako makatika midsa siya sa room uged na siya sa liw na lu aku ba
Translation: I am ashamed to ask my teacher, I am a shy student. I cannot dare to ask
in the room but outside, I can.
Interviewer: Ahhh siya mangingidsa sa liw? Sametuna na aden antu na tubu ba tanan a
makaidsa nami limatiman bu, uged na upama ka aden siya gkaliniyan nengka ped
share sa lekami a dala nami den magos midsa na pwedi nami bun pakikinegen seka,
pwedi nengka bun ped share sa lekami upama ka aden.
Translation: Ahhh only outside? That could be all but if you want to share with us, we
will listen to you. You can share if you have.
Interviewee; Daren.
Translation: No more.
Interviewee: Ngintu aden maka enggay nengka advice upaman nin sa asal na
makauman nami sa niya a research? Aden antu ka ka aden san da nengka malabit a
manga ped pan a sabapan dikanu ged atawa ka kapegkapasang sa lekanu pembatya.
Translation: Can you give an advice like an additional information which can help this
research? Maybe you have still untold causes of reading problems.
Interviewee: Dala makaenggay ko a advice ka yaku gkaliniyan na saki pan i advisan.
Translation: I can give nothing because I wanted to be advised instead.
Interviewer: Uway na mapiya bun man intuba. Uged na ngintu okey bun salka upama ka
aden siya manga follow up a idsa nami na ngintu okey bun salka I ebpawangan ko seka
siya ba?
Translation: Yes, that’s good. But is it okey if we will go here again for follow-up
questions when there is?
Interviewee: Okey bun, gkapakay bun a semiya kanu.
Translation: Yes, it’s okey to come here.
Interviewer: Upamanin menem ka mapasad nami i niya In Sha Allah na mapasad ko
semulat na manga two weeks, 1 to 2 weeks na enggay ko salka kapasad u niya ba a
bityala ta ka upaman ka aden lu manga kulang na mapakay ka a edtalu sa lekami
atawaka aden lu midsusubla a makasulat ko a da nengka den madtalu na mapakay bun
a edtalun nengka sa lekami upama ka okey bun salka intu.
Translation: If we finish this by the will of Allah, if I finish to write it for 1 to 2 weeks, I will
give you a copy so that if there is omitted or added information which you did not say,
just let we know if it is okey.
Interviewee: Okey bun into.
Translation; That’s okey.
Interviewer: As a reminder, metuba sa nona antu a kinadtalu, niya very confidential I
niya ba a record. Niyaba a kinambityala na confidential, sekreto iniya. Papedsabutan
nami salka i dala i niya makakineg lun yabu di tabiya na saki bu endu su pedsulat sa
kanu niya. Mapasad nami su niya ba a record na automatically na idelete nami bu
amengka mapasad nami su project nami. Shukran kanu kinadtabang nengka sa lekami.
Su niya ba a tabang nengka sa lekami na gka appreciate a benal seka. Kanu ingala nu
manga tagapeda nami, na pedsukuran nami seka, pedsukuran nami su lukes nengka
sa kanu kina participate nengka.
Translation: As a reminder, like what I have said, this is very confidential record. This
conversation is confidential, this is secret. We would like to inform you that no one can
hear it but only me and the one who will transcribe it. If we finish this record, we will
automatically delete this when we finish this research. Thank you so much for helping
us. We really appreciate your help. On behalf our group, we thank you and your parents
for participating.

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